Wednesday, 5 February 2020

50.12-Do you believe in fate?


Noel: "There. You now know my life story. Go ahead and laugh if you want."

Philo: "Why would I do that?"

Noel: "I know I would. Sometimes you just gotta laugh in the face of the world, and at all your problems and screw-ups."

Philo: "I'm glad things turned out okay for you in the end."
Noel: "Me too. I know things will turn out okay for you too, as long as you don't drown yourself in vodka."


Sue: "Hey everyone. Missed me?"

Noel: "Sue! You're back!"

Sue: "Sorry it took so long."
Noel: "I thought you were never gonna make it back."
Claves: "Does that mean Sydney didn't make it?"

Sydney: "Is Sue badmouthing me?"
Brianna: "Both of you made it back?"

Lloyd: "Don't forget about me."


Claves: "We decided to split up to speed up. It took a while before we realised we had to work together if we wanted to get things done in time. It was impossible to fill in the legend with only 9 letters."


Claves: "What nine-letter words can you think of?"
Noel: "Nine...nineteen...nineteens?"

Claves: "Nevermind. This won't work."


Lloyd: "The hardest part is making a mental note of which images represent what. If we could record them things would be a lot easier."


Sydney: "Need help?"
Brianna: "Do you know what this could be?"
Sydney: "I solved something similar in Season 31. I should be able to do it again."


Sue: "Do you guys need help?"
Claves: "Perfect timing. Help Philo. I'll see if I can solve more words."


"Your time is up. Altogether, 39 words have been locked in, so 78/110 points have been earned. Sydney locked in the most words, so she earns an exemption."


Sue: "It's nice to know that things are largely as I left them."

Sue: "I know where my strategy went wrong, but because of the execution, I also know where I went right. It's a blessing in disguise. I'll have everything all under control soon enough."

Sue: "Lloyd! Fancy meeting you here."

Lloyd: "Oh, is that your room?"
Sue: "It is."

Sue: "One would almost call it fate that we keep running into each other."

Sue: "Do you believe in fate?"
Lloyd: "I only believe in controlling our fate."

Sue: "I do too. But it's becoming harder to not believe in fate. We worked well as a coalition. We got executed one after the other. We returned to the season together. We run into each other here."

Sue: "Tell me. It can't merely be a string of coincidences, can it?"
Lloyd: "Sue..."

Sue: "Why are you afraid to look at me?"
Lloyd: "I have a girlfriend, Sue. I hope you'll remember that."

Sue: "Sorry if I came across that way, but I have no other intentions. Honest."

Sue: "I'm just saying that we'll probably be very good friends."
Lloyd: "Oh. That's good to hear."


Sue: "Lloyd trusts me, but I need more allies in the house. What I saw during my execution was a cut of the events that happened. Lloyd also got executed. So I need to hear what really happened from someone who stayed."


Sydney: "Ugh, I was so bored. You guys got all the fun and I could only watch."

Sydney: "There was nobody to joke around with. At least now that I'm back we can joke together about Sue."

Noel: "It's like your fates are intertwined. You guys just can't get rid of each other."
Sydney: "Mate, you don't know half of it. She's just a wannabe who's following me around."

Noel: "Ever since Chris was executed my life has become lonelier."
Sydney: "Don't be so dramatic."
Noel: "I'm trying not to spook myself out but we all saw what happened to the last coalition in this house. So, what do you say we work together?"

Sydney: "Well...I can't."

Noel: "I get it. I'm too old for you. You had your fun and now you just want to toss me aside."
Sydney: "No, that's not it. I just don't really want a coalition, mate."

Noel: "It's cool. I won't mind. I definitely won't hang myself...okay, bad joke. Just pretend I said nothing. I really won't hang myself."


Claves: "Brianna, can I talk to you for a second?"
Brianna: "Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

Claves: "I'm curious if Chris said anything to you before he left."
Brianna: "He didn't. Why?"

Claves: "Nothing important. He just doesn't seem to like me, and I thought maybe you would know why."

Brianna: "I can't help you there, but he's gone now anyway...for now at least. Don't think so much about it."

Claves: "Can I ask you another question? What is your impression of me?"

Brianna: "You're a badass. It's like nothing can stand in your way. Not every spy has the gall to sign up for a reality TV show, openly declarre you're working against the government and then get a job in said government."

Claves: "Oh."

Brianna: "You sound disappointed."
Claves: "I'm not. I expected an answer like that."

Brianna: "What answer were you hoping to hear?"
Claves: "It's not important."


Claves: "What answer was I hoping to hear? That I'm a basic girl. That I watch too many K-dramas and TV shows. Or that I'm right to jump the ship. Or that I'm wrong. Something to guide me. Because I don't know any more. I keep telling myself that I had to save myself first, and I'm still alive with a decent life, all things considered. So why don't I believe that? It's just hard to be convinced I made the right choice because all I did was to move from one snake den to another. I know they're out to get me. Both sides. Even if they don't say it. I find it funny how I got involved in this for my brother, and now we don't even speak to each other. I'm not a badass. I'm just bad at what I do."




Philo: "You know the guy with blue hair walking around? He's the Time Keeper, or in other words a time technician. He's one of the personnel involved in making sure the time continuum doesn't blow up and things like that. Trying to understand the concept of time and relativity is hurting my brain. I'm not sure how Einstein could handle it. But Emit Relevart, the Time Keeper, knows all about time and how to bend it to your will. So I decided to try and build up a relationship with him. Hopefully he'll help me when I need it."


Philo: "Mr. Emit, is everything fine in the time continuum today?"
Emit: "Yep. Don't you worry. I have it all under control."

Philo: "Quite literally. I notice you occasionally do something to the time portal. I'm curious as to what you were doing."

Emit: "I have to maintain the time portal. It's like any machine. It needs to be regularly maintained to function."

Philo: "How does the controller you use ensure it is maintained?"
Emit: "Sometimes the timelines shift a little and I have to re-calibrate to make sure they line up. Don't want the universe ripping a hole apart."

Philo: "This is all so interesting. I tried to read up about this future myself, but a lot of it is so confusing. I still don't quite comprehend how synthesised food can fill our stomach."

Emit: "It's a complex theory. The gist of it is that the atoms are specially crafted to replicate the taste and function of food. Also, they release a chemical that alters your neural sensors to make us feel full and satisfied."

Philo: "I see. I have a quiz to study for, but can I come to you if I have any more future-related questions?"
Emit: "Of course. I love to meet an enthusiast such as yourself."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed. Chris can return if he scores sufficiently high.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Did the Mole return after being executed in Season 50?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole has not been executed

Q3: In which order was the Mole executed this season?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: The Mole has not been executed

Q4: What did the Mole eat before Mission 6?
A: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
B: Apple Pie
C: None of the above
D: The Mole has been executed

Q5: What did the Mole wear before Mission 6?
A: Everyday wear
B: Sleepwear
C: The Mole has been executed

Q6: In Mission 6, which word did the Mole lock in?
A: Blackjack
B: Different
C: Perchance
D: Education
E: Innocence
F: Gladiator
G: Pineapple
H: The Mole has been executed

Q7: In Mission 6, did the Mole get an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole has been executed

Q8: What kind of exemption has the Mole received this season?
A: Green
B: Golden
C: Silver
D: None

Q9: Using the pictures in Mission 6, which picture represents the first letter of the Mole's name?
A: Telescope
B: Square
C: Sun
D: Heart
E: Diamond
F: Cloud

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Chris Winters
B: Sue May
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Sydney Wellington
E: Philo Nickelworth
F: Clavés Vann
G: Brianna McWinner
H: Noel McAllister


"Contestants, it has been a while since we had such a full house. Three of you returned at Chris's expense. Tonight, one of you must leave."

"Sue May."

Sue: "I'm back for good."

"Clavés Vann."

"Lloyd Smart."

"Noel McAllister."

"Unfortunately, Noel McAllister, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Noel: "Dammit. I was really hoping for a second win. The feeling is really different watching someone get a red screen and receiving it yourself. At least I got something out of this. I got to explore the cool future. I've been feeling so inspired to write a next play. Between this and my vacation, I'm brimming with ideas. Remember to catch my next play when it comes out!"

Sue: "Noel's execution is a shock. He was a quirky, funny man who was open to sharing. It's really refreshing."
Lloyd: "Yeah. Apart from the loss of an information source the house will also be duller without him."
Philo: "Noel and I clashed before. He gave me some tough love and was concerned for me. I appreciate his concern because I know he understands my position."
Claves: "Noel's sense of humour will be missed, but I'm sure he will return just like everyone else."

Sydney: "Noel asked to form a coalition with me. I rejected him. Now I feel a lil bad. Especially when I was closest to him before my execution."
Brianna: "He treated us like family. His paternal instinct kicked in so many times when he cared for us. I appreciate him asking if we've eaten or even if we've taken a shit today. He will be missed."


"Thank you for joining, Noel. We hope to see you again."
Noel: "That's my name. Don't wear it out."

The quirky playwright has been executed! When will he and Chris return, if at all? Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?

Pot: 403/702


That's one way to start

Sue: "I wonder what this envelope is about."


Brianna: "I can't deal with your mouth, decide if you have a mouth."


Sydney: "Lloyd, help us out. You're our resident musician, mate."
Lloyd: "I'm drawing a blank here."


Philo: "Happiness is bad."


Sydney: "This is such a dramatic reading I'm laughing my ass off."
Claves: "Let's not get distracted."
Lloyd: "I'm not too sure what this song is."


Sydney: "Heck huh, la la la."


Sydney: "We're not playing guessing games. We need an actual song title."


"Lloyd, what was in your envelope?"


Lloyd: "What's the worst that could happen?"


Philo: "I thought it was too good to be true."

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