Brianna: "We could choose from a selection of songs what we wanted to read. What was interesting was that some songs had envelopes as well. I decided to take one of those songs. Mine said that I could read the song twice to give the rest more time to decide."
"Time is up. No answer has been given. The song was No Tears Left To Cry by Ariana Grande."
Lloyd: "That's not it. I know that song, and those were definitely not the lyrics."
Sue: "They're translated."
Lloyd: "Those lyrics are nothing close to the original."
Claves: "At least we know what to expect now."
Sue: "I want to be worried about the weather."
Sydney: "Is this Billie Ellish's Bad Guy?"
Lloyd: "I think you're right."
Philo: "Perfect by Ed Sheeran."
Sydney: "Not bad, mate."
Sue: "You got it right from the first line."
Brianna: "We're on a roll."
Sue: "Is it Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello?"
"That is correct."
Claves: "I likes him. Like him. In just yourself."
Brianna: "This is giving me Les Miserables vibes."
Sue: "Yes, that's it. Thank you for reminding me. It must be a Les Miserables song."
"Brianna, what was in your envelope?"
Brianna: "The chance to repeat the reading."
"Sue, what was in your envelope?"
Sue: "A bronze exemption if my song was identified."
"You have received it."
"Lloyd, what was in your envelope?"
Lloyd: "A silver exemption if my song was identified."
"You have received it."
"Sydney, what was in your envelope?"
Sydney: "Two silver exemptions if my song was not identified. Thanks a lot, cunts."
"Clavés, what was in your envelope?"
Claves: "My envelope had a note. If I read it, it meant that one contestant would return no matter what."
Philo: "I'm the only one who didn't take a song with an envelope. I thought it was too good to be true."
Sue: "Thanks for lending me your bathroom. I have no idea which crew member decided to borrow my toilet without permission."
Sue: "What have you got over there?"
Lloyd: "Hey! No peeking."
Sue: "I thought we were in a coalition."
Lloyd: "That doesn't give you the right to snoop in my journals and invade my privacy."
Sue: "Okay, then how about I ask you? Do you still think it's Noel?"
Lloyd: "I think so. I chose him and suddenly I'm here."
Sue: "As a friend, I have to warn you. It's not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket."
Lloyd: "You don't think it's Noel?"
Sue: "No. Because I chose Chris as the Mole before I made it back."
Lloyd: "Then that's strange."
Sue: "You don't trust me? I thought we got over that stage."
Lloyd: "No, it's not that. I think a possible answer is that we both didn't fully go for our suspects. So somewhere the answers converged with the correct one and landed us here."
Sue: "Regardless, it must be one of those two."
Lloyd: "Yeah, I agree.Thanks for telling me, Sue."
Sue: "No problem. We don't want to be the next coalition leaving."
Brianna: "Is that Lloyd and Sue in Lloyd's bedroom?"
Brianna: "It's not in my place to care..."
Brianna: "But I don't trust Sue one bit. I don't know why Lloyd trusts her so readily. She's pulling another Ezekiel!"
Brianna: "Good thing I still have the jetpack with me. I'm going to have to find out if I need to interfere."
Brianna: "Everything looks alright from here, but it's hard to tell."
Brianna: "I need to get closer without them seeing me."
Sue: "Thank you Lloyd, for believing in me. After my season my reputation was crushed. Nobody would give me a chance. And as much as I want to ignore them, Sydney's remarks hurt."
Lloyd: "Everyone deserves a chance to be who they really are. You're not a slut or a hoe. Don't let them define you."
Brianna: "Yikes! I'm gonna crash into the window!"
Brianna: "Phew. That was a close one."
Brianna: "...I think I went a little too high. AAAH!"
Sue: "I really trust you, Lloyd. You're the only one who sees me beneath the surface."
Lloyd: "I trust you too Sue. I know what it's like to be repressed by society."
Brianna: "Oof...what is this, quicksand? Materials in the future sure a weird. But in a good way. At least I'm not getting any broken bones."
Claves: "Oh, is this A Midnight Kiss?"
Philo: "You watched my shows before?"
Claves: "There was a time when I was bored with nothing to do at home, so I watched streamed movies and Simtube videos. You can say I was a media buff. It was so long ago..."
Philo: "It really is. I looked younger and so much different back then. Too bad it was a box office flop."
Claves: "This is one of my favourite scenes. Emanette sneaking out to find Antonio despite knowing she would put herself in danger. It really captures their love for each other."
Philo: "You're one of the very few who liked this scene. I remember it being heavily criticised for being illogical. Emanette risked her life and Antonio's by meeting up despite being heavily watched."
Claves: "Some call it stupidity, I call it bravery. If she obeyed every order by Mr. Phillip and his goons, they would never have met again. At least they got to see each other one last time."
Claves: "Some things are just worth risking everything for, you know?"
Philo: "Believe me when I say I do now."
Philo: "I remember that this was Gloria DeVonne's, Emanette's actress, debut. Helping her with her role helped me gain better clarity of mine. This was my second movie. I remember crying when it showed in cinemas and thinking how many star-crossed lovers like Antonio and Emanette there were, and how unfair it was that so many things stand in the way of love."
Claves: "I had forgotten about this movie. Time passes way too fast."
Philo: "You don't have to comfort me, you know. I bet you don't actually like A Midnight Kiss. I'm not a baby. You don't have to worry about me. I've sorted out my thinking. I may never reach the level of fame as the past, but at least I can reminisce on my past successes."
Claves: "It's good to hear you think that way, but I'm being honest with you about A Midnight Kiss. If this was you, then does that mean you were Mr. Finkelsnatcher in Hijinks 2?"
Philo: "I was."
Claves: "That means you were Jasper Matthews in Sons of Lost Prodigies, the gas station owner in A Road Trip To Where, and Elfendi in The Robot Chronicles."
Philo: "My God. Does that mean you've watched Gratuitous Woohoo too?"
Claves: "No."
Philo: "Thank goodness."
Claves: "Why? Were you the lead?"
Philo: "No, thank goodness. That was one of the few times I was glad I didn't get the main role. That show felt like the director's fantasies."
Claves: "That's not Twilight?"
Philo: "No. I actually liked my role in Twilight. Too bad it got overshadowed by that vampire-werewolf movie."
Philo: "Wow. I never realised exactly how many shows and movies I've acted in. I still remember my very first role. I had barely three scenes."
Claves: "Those were the days, when everything was simpler and all I worried about was when the next episode would be uploaded."
Philo: "Those were the days indeed."
Sydney: "You're gonna get all pruney if you don't snap out of that daze."
Brianna: "Huh? Oh. How long have you been there?"
Sydney: "A couple minutes. What are you thinking about?"
Brianna: "Do you think I should help Lloyd?"
Sydney: "Oh my gosh. Are you in love with him?"
Brianna: "What? Don't be ridiculous, Sydney. He has a girlfriend."
Sydney: "Then why else are you thinking about him so deeply?"
Brianna: "My senses are tingling. I feel that Sue is up to no good."
Sydney: "What did that fake Barbie knockoff do?"
Brianna: "I'm not sure, but one thing's gonna lead to another."
Sydney: "Well, it's their choice. They're both adults."
Brianna: "I thought you would be on my side. I thought you disliked Sue."
Sydney: "Dislike? Nah. She's just fun to tease. And she's Asian. They're just so funny. They look funny. I mean, have you seen their eyes?"
Brianna: "Yes. You brought attention to it countless times."
Sydney: "You're lying. I haven't seen an Asian with eyes before."
Sydney: "Come on, laugh a little. Admit it. It's funny."
Brianna: "It's racist."
Sydney: "You're no fun."
Brianna: "I'm not here for fun."
Sydney: "Sheesh. Touchy. I'm not here to make friends either but that doesn't mean I want to be enemies with everyone."
Brianna: "But Sue's making an enemy out of you."
Sydney: "Then that's her problem. She's a cunt who can't take a joke."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed. Either Chris or Noel will return to replace the newly executed player.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which contestant was on the same season as the Mole?
A: Vlad Pire
B: Gretchen Hertfordshire
C: Justin Huez
D: Angie Reese
E: Shirley DeSota
F: Hans Dixon
G: Bloom Phine
H: Derrick Wyland
Q3: In the Mole's previous season, how many Simoleons did that Mole win?
A: 240,000
B: 513,000
C: 574,000
D: 687,000
E: 910,000
F: 1,075,000
G: 1,200,000
H: There was no Mole that season
Q4: How much of the pot did the Mole win in the Mole's winning season?
A: 0%
B: 32.8%
C: 39.3%
D: 42.6%
E: 48.7%
F: 54.2%
G: 55.3%
H: 76%
Q5: Who did the Mole ride with in the car in Mission 7?
A: Lloyd Smart
B: Clavés Vann
C: Brianna McWinner
D: Sydney Wellington
E: Philo Nickelworth
F: Sue May
G: The Mole has been executed
Q6: Which car did the Mole take in Mission 7?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: Green
D: The Mole has been executed
Q7: What song did the Mole choose in Mission 7?
A: No Tears Left to Cry
B: Bad Guy
C: Perfect
D: Thriller
E: Senorita
F: On My Own
G: The Mole has been executed
Q8: Did the Mole take an envelope in Mission 7?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole has been executed
Q9: In Mission 7, what was in the Mole's envelope?
A: A silver exemption
B: Two silver exemptions
C: A chance to re-read
D: A chance for executed contestants to return
E: A bronze exemption
F: The Mole did not have an envelope
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Chris Winters
B: Sue May
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Sydney Wellington
E: Philo Nickelworth
F: Clavés Vann
G: Brianna McWinner
H: Noel McAllister
"Contestants, four of you have dealt with a red screen this season, and must dread seeing it for the second and final time. For two, they still have a second chance, but that depends on how willing the lowest-scoring player is in giving second chances."
"Lloyd Smart, you had a silver exemption, but you chose not to use it. Is that correct?"
Lloyd: "Yes."
"Lloyd Smart, please step forward."
"Sydney Wellington."
"Sue May, you have a bronze exemption. However, it will only protect you in the event of a tie. You can still be the only lowest scoring contestant and be executed."
Sue: "Then let's find out."
"Clavés Vann."
"Brianna McWinner, Philo Nickelworth, one of you will be executed tonight. If Philo is executed, he will be executed for good."
"Brianna McWinner."
Brianna: "Shit."
Brianna: "I don't have a good feeling about this."
"Brianna McWinner, unfortunately, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Brianna: "Knew it. I did make it through 2 weeks, so I did a good job. I kept a steady pace. But nobody expected a sprint to become a marathon. I would have really wanted the win, but I'm up against winners. I can still make a comeback though, and I have only just used up my first life. Watch your backs."
"Thank you for joining, Brianna. We hope to see you again."
"Contestants, only five of you here. But Claves's envelope in the mission has ensured that one of Brianna, Noel and Chris will be coming back. Who comes back depends on their performance tonight. The rest of you can have an easy rest. See you tomorrow."
Brianna McWinner has been executed. Is Claves in a rocky position or will one of the rest finally break the chain and be executed for good? Among Brianna, Noel and Chris, who will return?
Pot: 503/822
That song is so 2007
Philo: "Who do you think is coming back?"
Claves: "I would guess that there is a mission involved. Without knowing what kind of mission there is, it's hard to say."
Sydney: "Guys! Look who's back, y'all!"
Lloyd: "You're the Mole!"
Lloyd: "Shit. I have 3 more names to go through while you only have 1."
Lloyd: "Uh-oh."
Claves: "It's too late for that."
Sue: "Thanks Lloyd and team."
Philo: "You? White?"
Brandon: "I thought we got rid of racists in the future."
Claves: "Let's split up and search."
Lloyd: "Why? There's no time limit."
Sue: "It's been fun, Lloyd, but I think it's time to end this."
Lloyd: "Isn't it obvious? It has to be Mole."
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