Tuesday, 25 February 2020

50.21-Crazy enough to win


Noel: "I'm just trying to enjoy the moment. We can't do anything about it, so why not just laugh?"


Claves: "I can't help but think I'm responsible."

Noel: "Look here. You did your best. You did what you thought was right. I scolded him, cajoled him and tried every trick in the book to wake him to his senses. He still drank. Sometimes things are beyond our control. As long as we tried, that is what matters."


Sue: "Can you really bear to let us go?"

Lloyd: "You were using me. You were trying to fish information out of me. How do I know what's true and what's not?"

Sue: "You believe in second chances. You said it yourself. Not forgiving me is going against what you stand for."

Lloyd: "Not everyone deserves a second chance."


Claves: "I do it because I have to. Do you?"
Sue: "Yes."

Claves: "Cross your heart and tell me that's really true."


Sue: "Ugh. What am I supposed to do?"

Claves: "Wait it out. Hopefully the furore will die down."



Noel: "Where have you been all my life?"
Lloyd: "That's what I said!"


"Sue May, you have unfortunately been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."


Sue: "A big part of winning is knowing how to lose. I'm not a sore loser. Good luck to the rest of you! Ta-ta!"



Lloyd: "If Chris and Brianna don't return, that means I'm officially in the finale. It's an honour to be a finalist among winners, especially considering my execution. I led Sue confuse me along the way but the fact that I'm sitting here and not her means I broke free of her grasp. It's going to be hard to win but I'm going to try."


Noel: "Maybe it's because the season is closing soon but I feel relaxed. Looking back, it's kind of weird that I've been constantly running to and from things. I ran from parenthood and returned to be a father. I ran from the zombies but tried to get back onto the train. I ran from the issues surrounding my family and me but drove back to their house. I ran from their death but faced up to reality eventually. I guess that makes up for years of lost cardio. Hopefully there will be no more running from here on out. Okay, maybe one exception: the dash to the finale."


Claves: "I don't think Chris or Brianna will come back but anything can happen on the Smole. This season, I tried to stay away from trouble but the Smole never makes things dull. If I'm going to be honest, I don't want to win. My last winning was taken by the PRF. If I win, the money will be taken by Witos when it can benefit others so much more. Maybe I'll donate to charity before returning to Poland. Come what may, but the money won't be recoverable by then."



Lloyd: "This is it guys."
Claves: "Or not. We may still find Chris or Brianna in the maze."

Noel: "What are we waiting for? The suspense is killing me."
Claves: "Something doesn't feel right to me. What are we supposed to do?"

Noel: "What the..."

Claves: "There's a screen."

"Contestants, welcome to your final mission. In this mission, you must deactivate the bomb within 1 hour to earn 100 points."

"There are 4 mechanisms you need to deactivate in order to deactivate the bomb. In this maze, you will be able to deactivate all four. Once you have done so, the mission ends and you get the points."

"Your one hour begins now."

Lloyd: "That's it?"
Noel: "There's a timer and everything."
Claves: "We need to devise a plan."

Lloyd: "We should stick together. We don't want to accidentally ruin everything."
Claves: "Okay. We can stick together and scout. Let's get going."


Claves: "There are wires we must cut."

Noel: "There must be a certain sequence to cut these wires."

Lloyd: "We don't have wire cutters."
Noel: "Can we just jump over them?"
Claves: "I doubt we can circumvent the problem like that."

Lloyd: "Let's go and explore. There must be something that will help us."


Claves: "Noel, what did you find?"
Noel: "My name..."

Noah: "Hey Dad! I know you're going to rock it there. You're just crazy enough to win. Mom and I believe in you. We can go on another road trip when you return. Someone watching must know where Grandpa and Grandma are, and then they'll tell us. You can waltz right to their door and brag about your two wins under your belt. I know they'll be proud of you just like we are. Break a leg! Love you."

Claves: "Is that..."
Noel: "My son. I didn't know he recorded a message for me."

Lloyd: "Why did you guys take off so quickly?"

Lloyd: "What's that?"
Noel: "The motivation for me to take on the world. I'm sure we'll run into one for the both of you too."
Claves: "Maybe."

Lloyd: "Alright, if it's of not much importance, let's keep moving."


Lloyd: "Lasers!"

Lloyd: "Stand back. I don't want to know what happens if we get hit by the lasers."

Claves: "There are shooting lasers over there."
Noel: "That must be where we go to deactivate the bomb."
Lloyd: "First, we need to find another way. We can't get past these lasers."


Noel: "Hey Lloyd, it's a message from home to you."

Lisette: "Lloyd! Guess who? I'm rooting for you, Lloyd. You're the smartest, coolest guy I know. You won Season 26. You can win Season 50 too. I believe in you. I know we argued before we left, but if it really bothers you, maybe you can win and then we can start a new band together, just the two of us. So now you have to win. I'm counting on you, Lloyd."

Lloyd: "Lisette..."

Noel: "Now all that's left is finding yours, Claves."
Claves: "I don't expect one. Who would leave a message for me?"

Claves: "We're wasting time. I'm going to find a way to get past the barricades."
Noel: "Hey, wait up!"

Noel: "Damn she's faster than a gazelle. Where did she run off to?"

Lloyd: "Where the hell did they both go? Now is not the time for sabotage."

Claves: "This is here for a reason."

Claves: "Maybe I can try and move it aside. It must be blocking something."

Claves: "Ugh..."


Lloyd: "A floor switch."

Lloyd: "Obviously I have to stand on it."

Lloyd: "Okay...now what?"

Lloyd: "Nothing's happening."

Noel: "Oh, the lasers turned off. Claves and Lloyd must have made it through."


Lloyd: "What the...when did this statue appear?"

Lloyd: "Why is it moving?"

Claves: "It's me."
Lloyd: "Oh. Need help?"
Claves: "I can handle it. I haven't found out what I have to do with this statue though."
Lloyd: "I may have an idea. Follow me."


Claves: "Okay, it's on the floor switch."
Lloyd: "I'm guessing that this is some kind of weight mechanism. The statue should be enough weight. But I don't know what it does. Do you think it deactivated the first mechanism."

Claves: "It is possible. Let's continue looking around."


Noel: "Claves? Lloyd?"

Noel: "Wait, what's that?"

Noel: "You'd think I'd know better than to stick my appendages into random holes."

Noel: "I hit the spot."

Noel: "I heard a click."

Noel: "I think I deactivated the first mechanism."


Lloyd: "The lasers are gone."
Claves: "It must be the floor switch. Noel must have already gone through."

Lloyd: "He better not ruin things."

Lloyd: "Where the hell is he? I want to keep him on a leash."
Claves: "The focus is on deactivating the bomb."

Noel: "Oh Lloyd, you kinky beast."

Lloyd: "Where the hell did you go?"
Noel: "I should be asking you guys that. I couldn't find any of you. I thought you already got past the lasers."

Claves: "We can settle this later. What did you find?"

Noel: "Let me think...you guys...oh, also a hole in the wall. I stuck my hand through it and something clicked. I think I deactivated the first mechanism."

Lloyd: "Oh. But don't run away next time."

Lloyd: "That goes to you too, Cl..."

Lloyd: "What's that?"
Claves: "A computer. Some kind of security system I fathom."

Lloyd: "There are two keystones."
Noel: "We should each take one. You'll never know when it might come in handy."

Claves: "I'll try to hack the system."
Lloyd: "You know how to hack?"
Claves: "As long as the systems aren't too fortified. I don't know how much security has improved in the future."

Lloyd: "Okay. We have another problem."

Lloyd: "So...bad news. I think I triggered a trap by taking a keystone."

Noel: "I'll take the other one. Maybe it'll counteract."

Lloyd: "It didn't."
Noel: "Why can't they just create a manual containing the dos and don'ts?"
Lloyd: "There must be a way to deactivate the trap. Let's look around, Noel."


Lloyd: "Oof! Why did you stop?"
Noel: "I spy with my little eye something red and deadly."

Lloyd: "I'll go first. I think I can slip past it if I am fast enough."
Noel: "Famous last words."

Lloyd: "Here goes nothing."

Lloyd: "Close one."

Lloyd: "I can hide here."

Lloyd: "Darn. Noel needs to be here, not me."

Noel: "I'm like a reverse kitty right now, avoiding the laser at all cost."

Noel: "Woah!"

Noel: "Too close."

Lloyd: "Noel, you need to be here. You have the crescent keystone."

Noel: "This is so heavy."
Lloyd: "Stop wasting time."

Noel: "Easy for you to say, Mr. Bufflord."

Noel: "I should be blind by now."

Lloyd: "That should hopefully disable something."

Lloyd: "Or not."

Lloyd: "Is that the hole you were talking about?"

Noel: "Probably, if I can see. My vision needs to re-adjust after being temporarily blinded."

Noel: "Yeah, it looks like it, except it's on the floor."

Noel: "Ow! What was that for?"

Lloyd: "Gross!"

Lloyd: "My whole arm is infested!"

Lloyd: "Yuck yuck yuck!"

Lloyd: "I think one may have crawled inside my mouth."

Noel: "I should have invested in eye-patches, not glasses."

Noel: "To be safe I'm going to avoid looking at you in case you poke my eye again."
Lloyd: "Sorry."

Lloyd: "A click."


Claves: "This is too advanced for me to crack."

Noel: "Still at it?"
Claves: "Give me time."

Noel: "Those were the lasers we saw."
Lloyd: "Three switches. I'll go get Claves."

Lloyd: "Claves, we need you."
Claves: "I'm busy."

Lloyd: "I think it's a red herring. We are wasting too much time."
Claves: "Fine. I will come back to it later."

Lloyd: "We need to step on them."

Claves: "Like this?"

Lloyd: "The lasers should stop."

Claves: "Let's move forward."

Lloyd: "This should disable the electricity trap...hopefully."

Noel: "Only one way to find out."


Claves: "It's clear."

Claves: "What...It must be from Witos."
Regina: "Hey Claves. It's me, Regina. I hope you aren't surprised to hear me, but I heard you're on the Smole now. I'm glad you're fine and well. You're an amazing girl who has triumphed over the world time and time again. The Smole is a walk in the park to you. But more than your win, I hope you and Joaquin will be able to meet up and make peace. The two of you are siblings. The two of you need each other. Don't let each other go, please. Lastly, know that I'll always be there for both of you. Now knock them out."

Claves: "She should hate me right now, but she left a message."
Lloyd: "She said it herself. She wants the two of you to make peace. From the sounds of it she knows where your brother is."

Claves: "I chose a side. I can't just turn my back on a whole government."
Noel: "You can't turn your back on family either."

Lloyd: "She's your bridge. I think you're overcomplicating things."

Claves: "You're oversimplifying them. Joaquin also took a side. Even if he was the only resistance member remaining, he would still fight till the end."

Lloyd: "So even if she dies, neither of you are willing to budge? She just implied she knew where Joaquin is on national TV. One side is going to get to her first. She's already put herself in danger."

Noel: "When we thought Philo died, you regretted not doing more. Are you going to sit and wait for regret to come knocking again?"

Claves: "This isn't the time to be discussing this."
Lloyd: "There is no right time to discuss this."

Claves: "I know what to do. But this has to wait until the Smole is over."

Lloyd: "I trust you will do the right thing. Life isn't worth it if the only thing you can look forward to is still being alive tomorrow."


The group is down to 5 minutes.


Lloyd: "There's no other way than to jump."
Noel: "That's too dangerous."

Lloyd: "A little risk makes life more exciting."

Lloyd: "ARGH!"

Lloyd: "Ow!"

Noel: "Lloyd, are you okay?"

Lloyd: "I'm fine. Ugh, the wire was sharp though."

Noel: "Can we get a medic?"


Claves: "Come on..."

Claves: "No, I still can't get in. This is a very sophisticated firewall."

Noel: "Claves, you're our only hope."

Noel: "Lloyd hurt himself trying to jump over the barbed wires."
Claves: "Is he okay?"
Noel: "The medic attended to him. He'll be fine as long as he avoids overexerting himself or running."

Noel: "And, err, not to stress you out, but I went back to the starting point and we have less than 2 minutes. No pressure."

Claves: "Noel, look around for something that can help me. There must be a manual we're missing."


Noel: "When was this here?"

Noel: "The kitty laser was preventing us from getting here."

Noel: "Get out of the way, Rocky."

Noel: "Nnnnffff!"

Noel: "My poor fingers. This is too hard to pull."


"Time is up. The bomb has detonated. The mission is over."

The final mission was an explosive one for the finalists. With 713/1200 points in the pot, who will be the one to take it home, and who will bring back the rest?

Pot: 713/1200


The end


Lloyd: "Goodbye, Oasis Landing. You were amazing. I hope to visit again soon."


"Ladies and gentlemen, somewhere among you is the 50th winner of the Smole."


Noel: "Cheers to the good years."


"Only one of them is the Mole."


Claves: "It's time for us to leave."


It is time for the final quiz.





The quiz has been taken. All that is left...


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