Sydney: "You need to loosen up and learn to have fun. And so does Philo."
Sue: "What does Philo have to do with this?"
Sydney: "He's more interested in talking to the techies than socialising with us. It's like they gave him something to make him stay with them. Is he even interested in playing the game at all?"
Sue: "Don't let one bad rat ruin the whole pot. There are so many wonderful Sims. I'm sure you've encountered many of them in your career, or even acted as them."
Philo: "That's true...but why do you care?"
Sue: "Because I think you're an amazing man, Philo Nickelworth. It would be such a pity to quit the industry because of one Sim. At the very least, you should shoot a final movie about the future. I'm sure you have a lot of knowledge about it."
Philo: "That's not a bad idea. I've never tried directing before. I always wanted to give it a go. And my experiences with the crew will definitely help me create a believable situation."
Sue: "The best part is that it's your future. Your world. You can take away all the nasty bits you don't like about Oasis Landing and shape the future world the way you want it."
Lloyd: "You surely didn't come just to try the instrument."
Noel: "You got me. We didn't exactly leave things on a high note...and then you left, so we never got to fix that. But now you're back, and I guess all I want to say is...I'm sorry?"
Noel: "Some things just can't be left hanging. It's like a snowball. It will only get bigger and bigger and then you'll regret it when it hits you in the face."
Claves: "You seem confident."
Sydney: "I am."
Sydney: "I'm not the one going home."
Claves: "You think I will?"
Emit: "Well, you can take this instead. It's a prototype. Doesn't have many features but it's a fun toy."
Philo: "I get to keep it? For real?"
Emit: "I don't need it anyway. I know you'll love it."
Philo: "Thanks Emit. I'll take good care of it."
"Sydney Wellington, you have unfortunately been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sydney: "No! This can't be happening! I had the Mole! I had the fucking Mole!"
Claves: "There's something in the mail...don't kid yourself. Joaquin's not going to write to you. He doesn't even know you're in the future right now."
Claves: "Even if he did, he wouldn't want to. Not after I betrayed him and the PRF."
Claves: "Are these snorkels? Is there even a place to go snorkelling here?"
The wastelands used to be teeming with ocean life. Now, it has neither the ocean nor life. Fortunately, the residents of Oasis Landing had foresight to build a dam, preserving and treasuring what's left of their past.
Thanks to them, today the contestants can enjoy the waters. They will be paired up for this mission which is worth 48 points.
Contestants will try to convey a message underwater to their partner, who has 5 minutes to try and decode it. Every correct answer earns 12 points for the pot.
Lloyd, being the only one without a partner, gets a special role in this mission. He can double the amount by choosing one other contestant to guess his phrase. Of course, this also means he can lose everything they earned in the mission.
Claves and Noel are the first pair to perform the mission.
Noel: "Be careful not to hit anything."
Noel: "You're going first, right? Be sure not to mumble."
Claves: "Vrrflrrl fl fl fflnrr."
Noel: "...What the hell did you just say."
Claves: "Vrrflrrl fl fl fflnrr."
Noel: "Look Claves, I don't speak alien. Can you speak more clearly?"
Claves: "Vrrflrrl fl fl fflnrr."
Noel: "Yeah, I'm not getting this."
"Time is up. Noel, what is your answer?"
Noel: "Err...vrifill fly fly flinner?"
"That is incorrect. The correct phrase was: Welcome to the future."
Noel: "Oh."
Philo: "This looks harder than it seems."
Sue: "I believe in you, Philo."
It is now Noel's turn to say a phrase. His phrase is: 30 seconds to countdown.
Noel: "Dnnnn SSssnn n huunoon."
Claves: "And you complained about me."
Noel: "Nnghhy."
Claves: "Naughty?"
Noel: "Nnghhy."
Claves: "Noisy?"
Claves: "Twenty?"
Noel: "Mm! Mm! DDNNNNYY!"
Claves: "Is it 'twenty'?"
Noel: "Ngh."
"Time is up. Claves, what is your answer?"
Claves: "I figured out the first word is 'thirty'. Is it 30 Seconds To Mars?"
"Incorrect. The phase was: 30 seconds to countdown."
Claves: "That doesn't make sense."
Noel: "Oh come on. You were so close, Claves. '30 seconds to Mars'? We're in the future, not on a different planet. So close, man."
Sue: "Good try guys."
Lloyd: "Where did Claves go?"
Claves: "I'm here."
Noel: "How are you just walking on water? Are you Jesus?"
Claves: "Keep up."
Noel: "Yuck. There's so much water in my snorkel."
Sue: "It's our turn. Wish us luck!"
Lloyd: "Good luck!"
Philo will go first. His phrase is: I am going back in time.
Philo: "Hi ham hone ha he hi...MM."
Sue: "I got 'Hi ham' out of it."
Philo: "Mm mm mm! Mm mm flrruohi hea hee hiMM."
Sue: "You completely changed the first few words!"
Philo: "Mm mm flrrr..."
Sue: "Okay, stop. Let's take this one word at a time. What is the first word?"
"Time is up. Sue, what is the phrase?"
Sue: "Already? I only got 'Hi Sam honey' out of the phrase 'Hi send honey home in kind'?"
"That is incorrect. The correct phrase was: I am going back in time."
Sue: "I was close. I just didn't time it well. Or maybe Philo was trying to slow me down."
The last chance to earn points. Sue's phrase is: The Butterfly Effect.
Sue: "Huhuhu heblegh."
Philo: "Excuse me? What did you just say?"
Sue: "Blur Huhuhu heblegh."
Philo: "I must be hearing things. This is a family-friendly show."
Sue: "Hehe hablur lee."
Philo: "That's completely different from what you just said."
Sue: "Blur."
Philo: "Blur."
Sue: "BLUR!"
Philo: "BLUR!"
Sue: "Buherfllll!"
Philo: "BUHERFLLL! Sorry, I still don't get what you're trying to say. Are you speaking gibberish on purpose?"
Sue: "The gall of him to accuse me of speaking gibberish. He's the one who couldn't form proper words. All he did was imitate me."
"Time is up. Philo, what is the phrase?"
Philo: "Err...Bloverfish?"
"Incorrect. The phrase was: The Butterfly Effect."
Philo: "I should have gotten that right."
Lloyd: "That was painful to watch. I'm kind of glad I didn't have to do it."
Claves: "Now you guys know how hard it is."
Noel: "At least we're all losers. Let's commiserate together."
"The mission has ended. No points have been earned at all from this mission."
"Lloyd, you can still choose to participate and choose a contestant to guess your phrase, but as 0x2 is still 0, you will earn nothing."
Lloyd: "Nah. I don't want to lose a few brain cells. My phrase was: Double the money, by the way."
Claves: "The mission was a disaster but it was a short disaster. I learned nothing new from this, but considering I survived the execution against Sydney, I don't think I need to know anything more."
The mission was a complete failure for the group, who kept the pot at 633/1020 points. Will Claves be able to escape another round of execution or will we bid farewell to someone else for good?
Pot: 633/1020
Philo: "You guys can take me for a fool or a loon, I don't care. None of you will matter by the time I'm done."
Lloyd: "Woah. This is strong."
Lloyd: "What are you doing?"
Sue: "I'm tired too, if I'm being honest. You don't mind, do you?"
Sue: "Do what feels right. Do what your heart tells you to do."
Lloyd: "I'm feeling so confused. Everything's just rushing in at once."
Claves: "I'm not worth loving."
Philo: "I...wait."
Philo: "I thought you would support me back there."
Philo: "Why did you lie to me? Why did you try to get close to me?"
Philo: "All of you would rather see me miserable. You don't know what I've been through. You don't know how I feel."
Claves: "Are you going to kill her?"
Philo: "If it comes down to it."
Noel: "You're running away from your problems."
Philo: "I'm fixing them."
Philo: "I'm going back in time, and none of you will stop me."
Philo: "AAAAH!"
Claves: "PHILO!"
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