Thursday, 20 February 2020

50.19-Am I still in the future?


Noel: "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Lloyd: "Noel! When did you get here?"


Sue: "Lloyd..."
Noel: "Sue is a witch. Mark my words. The moment one of you is executed she'll dump you faster than a dumpster fire." 


Philo: "...Okay. Then tell me. What was the iconic quote from The World As Told From The Lenses of A Fish?"
Sue: "I can't remember. It was too long ago."

Philo: "That show doesn't exist. I made it up."

Sue: "No wonder I can't remember..."
Philo: "Just fucking stop."


Philo: "Who else is in on this?"
Sue: "What?"

Philo: "Is it Lloyd? Were you two conspiring against me? Or Noel? Were you guys playing 'good cop, bad cop'? Or was Claves going to be your backup?"

Sue: "Nobody was involved in this. It was my idea."
Philo: "Stop. Just fucking, stop. I won't believe a word you say. I won't believe a word any of you says any more."


Lloyd: "I...may be feelings for Sue. But I still have feelings for Lisette too. But Sue could also have been manipulating me the whole time."
Claves: "I wouldn't trust Sue if I were you."


Claves: "I turned my very own brother away from me. My only kin. The one who took care of me when my parents died. I was fighting alongside him, and now I'm fighting against him."

Claves: "All I ever wanted was to lead a normal life. All I wanted was to be able to go out at night to parties, go shopping, gossip with friends...All I wanted was for Joaquin to be with me again, like when we were children. I hated him for caring more about some stupid rebellion group more than his own sister. So I joined him to spend more time with him. But somehow we drifted further apart. I guess I don't have the right to hate him any more."


Lloyd: "Oasis Landing is definitely much more different from whatever it used to be. Things will sort itself out. If anything, you could just resign. Then you're free to find your brother again."

Claves: "It's not that simple. I want to stop fighting, but I can't. I told you. Everyone is out to get me. At least now we can pretend to smile around one another, but the moment I leave, there's nothing holding them back."


Claves: "What is going on here?"
Noel: "Philo wants to go back in time."


Claves: "At what cost?"
Philo: "Claves, I thought you would understand. I'm bringing justice back. I'm making the world a better place."


Claves: "Philo, you don't want to do it. Being a murderer is far worse than whatever you're going through."
Philo: "Is it now? I'm doing the world a favour here. Shirley won't be able to manipulate anyone any more. Autumn wouldn't get stabbed, Damien wouldn't get played, and Ivy wouldn't have gone berserk."

Noel: "You want her dead so badly? Then let me tell you that she's already dead."


Philo: "What the hell?"

Philo: "AAAAH!"

Claves: "PHILO!"

Sue: "Is he..."


Lloyd: "Guys! A little help here? He weighs a ton!"


Philo: "All I wanted to do was to undo all my mistakes."
Claves: "You can't correct a mistake by making another."


Philo: "I could've lost my life."

Philo: "I'm not going to tempt myself."


Philo: "Will I be going back to my own timeline?"
"Yes. The time portal has been re-calibrated. It may not be a smooth ride, however."
"Philo: "This ride has never been smooth for me. But I deserve it for trying to mess with the portal. Sorry for everything."

"Thank you for joining, Philo. We hope to see you soon."


Noel: "So much has happened so fast. I don't even know how to process it."

Noel: "...Mom, Dad...I'm sorry."

Noel: "I was young and stupid."

Noel: "But I came back for you guys. I realised my mistake. I want to make things right again."

Noel: "...But you guys are long gone."

Noel: "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry I waited so long."

Noel: "I have so many things to say to you. Won't you come back for me? I'd do anything if you guys came back. So please, please...I miss you."


Noel: "I've been living in denial. So much has happened to me, and I never let myself have the time to properly grieve...I know where my parents are. And I know they're never coming back. They're dead. My mother died of a heart attack shortly after I moved out, and my father died a few years ago from old age. I was an unfilial son. My parents disowned me, and I let my stubbornness prevent me from contacting them. If I did, I would have been able to...I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to them. The real reason I came back to the show was to busy myself. I didn't want to think about my screw-ups. I've been trying to run away from the truth like a coward. But I know I have to face it eventually. Paige, Noah, I'm sorry you had to find out like this, but my parents...they didn't move away. I didn't cherish the time I could have spent with them, and now they're dead."



Claves: "What is going on?"

Claves: "What is that?"

Claves: "Why are you guys coming after me?"

Claves: "I was granted leave. I didn't do anything to undermine you, I swear!"

Claves: "I swear I'm telling the truth! I'm not plotting against you!"

Claves: "What are you doing?"

Claves: "No, let me go!"

Claves: "Why can't I move?"

Claves: "LET ME GO!"





Claves: " was just a dream."

Claves: "Joaquin, Joaquin where are you? I dreamt that Witos had abducted me, and nobody was there to save me."

Claves: "...Not even you."



Sue: "I really, really didn't expect Philo to act out. I didn't expect things to turn out that way. All I wanted was to try and fish for more information, but nobody in the house believes me."


Noel: "Why the hell were you watching while the rest of us were frantically trying to coax him out of it?"
Lloyd: "I wasn't good at conflict management. The three of you were already at it."
Clavse: "It's a good thing he wasn't with us. He was the one who saved Philo, not us."

Sue: "You're a hero, Lloyd."

Lloyd: "Save it."
Sue: "Lloyd..."

Lloyd: "Save. It. I don't want to know what games you have but I'm not interested in playing any of them."

Sue: "Why is everyone treating me like the enemy?"

Noel: "Maybe it's because of what you did? You quite literally drove Philo over the edge."
Sue: "It was an accident!"

Noel: "Accident or not, you caused it."
Sue: "It's my fault that he was unstable?"

Lloyd: "Sue, stop it."
Sue: "Why won't any of you believe me? Fine, it was wrong of me to try and trick him into giving me information, but this is the Smole! Tons of other contestants have done it before. Why is it wrong if I do it?"

Claves: "Philo is gone. There's no point in pointing fingers."


Contestants will be making use of a mode of transport from the past: the LLAMA. They have to dial various numbers to try and teleport from place to place. However, all of them must be in the same place by 2 hours and 45 minutes to earn 80 points, all or nothing.


Lloyd: "Teleporting phone booths? Who would have known?"

Lloyd: "Do I literally enter any 7 digit number?"


Claves: "There are too many possibilities. I have to start with 7654321."


Sue: "I don't even know what the number to get to this LLAMA is."


Noel: "Am I still in the future?"


Noel: "7848663. I need to record this number."


Claves: "I will never ceased to be amazed by the technology of the future."

Claves: "Sims die in the future?"


Noel: "What the hell is happening? Is Superman coming?"

Noel: "Oh. No Superman, just Sue."

Noel: "I see the hooker I called arrived."
Sue: "Shut up."

Sue: "Get out of my way."
Noel: "Your wish is my command."

Sue: "Hey, where are you going? We're supposed to stick together!"

Sue: "Ugh. I should get moving too. I need to re-prove my worth to the group."


Lloyd: "It's deserted. I  better keep moving."


Noel: "Nice! I got something on the first try."



Claves: "Some numbers would lead to a dead line. Others would actually cause various fumes to be emitted."


Claves: "What in the world was that?"

Claves: "The whole booth filled with green. What does that mean?"

Claves: "What...what am I wearing?"

Claves: "I need to find a mirror."


Sue: "I should explore the place."


Noel: "Is that a headstone?"

Noel: "Am I in a cemetery?"

Noel: "Real funny, guys."

Noel: "What the future am I wearing?"

Noel: "I hope nobody saw my magnum dong."


Claves: "Who did this to me? How did this even happen?"

Claves: "I need to get back into the booth."

Claves: "Ack! I stepped on something sticky."

Claves: "Was Philo one of the mission designers?"


Lloyd: "My...ttt...ttt..tteethhh...won'ttttt...stttttop chattttttttttering..."

Lloyd: "Make itttt...stttttt...ttt...op..."

Lloyd: "Nn...nobodddy here..."

Sue: "I don't see anyone else. I should get moving then."


Claves: "It's ringing? Hello?"

Sue: "Claves? How did I contact you?"

Claves: "I think when we dial a valid number, the phone booth on the other side rings. If nobody is there to pick it up, we will get transported. What is your number?"

Sue: "7733897. I'm in an emporium of sorts."

Claves: "Stay there. Pick up any phones that ring. I'll try and direct the others to you."



Noel: "I somehow ended up at the cemetery, so I decided to take a look at the records to see if I could find my parents. I did, and I spent quite some time there talking to them. It was oddly cathartic talking to a bunch of floating holographs."


Noel: "Thank the inventor of waterproof makeup. At least nobody can tell my eyes are red under all this makeup."

Noel: "Bye Mom and Dad. RIP."

Noel: "I hope you're proud of what your son has become. I know if you could see me, and your grandson, you'll be proud."

Noel: "Righty-o, back to the mission. I feel like Mr. Bean in that movie. Okay, what number have I not tried...7765305."

7665305: "You know, the wastelands are a bunch of nothing. One's naturally going to drive in it a while until one finds a way out."
Noel: "What? Hello? Who's that? Why do you sound like a robot? Hey! Don't hang up on me!"


Claves: "Nobody is here."


Lloyd: "This is 7981210. I'm not sure how many more LLAMAs exist."


Noel: "7665205 leads me to the hospital...was that robot from here?"


Claves: "Still nobody."


Noel: "What is this place? This is cool."


Lloyd: "Hello? Who is this?"

Claves: "Lloyd, at last. This is Claves. Dial 7733897. Sue and I will meet you there."


Claves: "She feels...familiar."

Claves: "Blonde hair dyed she one of the descendants Noel previously mentioned?"

Claves: "Are descendant?"

Felisha: "Excuse me?"

Claves: "Sorry, that must have been weird. My name is Claves Vann."
Felisha: "Vann?"

Felisha: "Why do you look like me?"
Claves: "This may sound crazy but I'm your ancestor."

Felisha: "My...ancestor?"

Claves: "I came to the future through a time portal. From Poland."

Claves: "What is your name?"
Felisha: "Felisha Vann."

Felisha: "I can't believe it. My ancestor is living and breathing in front of me."

Felisha: "I always wanted to know more about my ancestors. This is the best day of my life!"

Claves: " that what your fashion was back then?"
Claves: " a long story."


Claves: "I met my descendant by chance today. Her name was Felisha Vann. Apparently, she's not my only descendant. She has a younger brother called Dion. Their cousins Jacklyn and Joss Dietz live with them too. I can't possible exist as their ancestor if I'm here in their timeline, which means Joaquin must have survived. at the very least, presently he's alive. That gives me hope."



Lloyd: "Claves? Sue?"

Lloyd: "They're not here?"

Sue: "Why is glitter still a thing in the future? I can't get it off."



Lloyd: "We were nearly out of time and there was no sign of Claves and Noel. Sue and I were very confused."


Lloyd: "Are you sure you haven't lied to me?"
Sue: "You personally got the call from Claves."

Lloyd: "Standing around isn't doing anything for us."
Sue: "Listen to Claves. I'm sure she has a plan."

Lloyd: "I don't know what ploy this is but I am not spending time alone in the same room as you."

Claves: "Sorry it took so long. I was trying to locate Noel."

Lloyd: "What are you wearing?"
Sue: "It's hideous."

Claves: "I'll explain later. Where's Noel?"

Noel: "We're going to find him."

Claves: "No you aren't. We're staying here."

Lloyd: "Claves, what the hell? Are you trying to lose us points?"
Claves: "Letting you leave and run amok will lose us points. Nobody is going anywhere."

Claves: "We'll just watch for him to arrive. If he doesn't, it becomes pretty clear who's sabotaging."
Sue: "I agree."
Lloyd: "You're making a mistake. It's already clear to me who's sabotaging right now. Just move aside, Claves. I will find Noel."
Claves: "Nobody is leaving."


Sue: "0. Time is up."
Lloyd: "Claves..."

Sue: "He really didn't come."
Lloyd: "I told you to let me handle it. Now we gave 80 points to the Mole. What the hell were you thinking?"

"Contestants, the time is up. All of you are at the same location, so the 80 points have been earned."
Sue: "Huh? Is there a mistake?"
Lloyd: "But we were here the whole time and he wasn't here."

Noel: "The mission is over already? I still haven't been able to wash off this makeup. I'm not even sure it is makeup at this point. I'm gonna be in here a while."


Although the contrstants didn't realise, they were actually all at the gallery, thus earning 80/80 points. However, someone must be executed next. Who will it be? And who is the Mole?

Pot: 713/1100


Shoes aren't made for walking

Noel: Sometimes things are beyond our control. As long as we tried, that is what matters."


Sue: "You believe in second chances. You said it yourself. Not forgiving me is going against what you stand for."


Sue: "My world is crumbling apart."


Lloyd: "Is it possible to stay in the future forever?"


Sue: "Claves, you have to help me."
Claves: "I don't think I can help you."
Sue: "You're the only one who can help."


Noel: "Is Ice Queen Claves caring about someone?"


Claves: "I've gone down a one-way path to hell."


Noel: "I...will...get...revenge..."

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