Thursday, 13 February 2020

50.15-That song is so 2007


Lloyd: "You don't think it's Noel?"

Sue: "No. Because I chose Chris as the Mole before I made it back."


Sue: "I really trust you, Lloyd. You're the only one who sees me beneath the surface."
Lloyd: "I trust you too Sue. I know what it's like to be repressed by society."


Philo: "My God. Does that mean you've watched Gratuitous Woohoo too?"

Claves: "No."
Philo: "Thank goodness."

Claves: "Why? Were you the lead?"
Philo: "No, thank goodness. That was one of the few times I was glad I didn't get the main role. That show felt like the director's fantasies."

Claves: "That's not Twilight?"
Philo: "No. I actually liked my role in Twilight. Too bad it got overshadowed by that vampire-werewolf movie."

Philo: "Wow. I never realised exactly how many shows and movies I've acted in. I still remember my very first role. I had barely three scenes."


Brianna: "My senses are tingling. I feel that Sue is up to no good."
Sydney: "What did that fake Barbie do?"

Brianna: "I'm not sure, but one thing's gonna lead to another."
Sydney: "Well, it's their choice. They're both adults."

Brianna: "I thought you would be on my side. I thought you disliked Sue."

Sydney: "Dislike? Nah. She's just fun to tease. And she's Asian. They're just so funny. They look funny. I mean, have you seen their eyes?"


"Brianna McWinner, unfortunately, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."


"Contestants, only five of you here. But Claves's envelope in the mission has ensured that one of Brianna, Noel and Chris will be coming back. Who comes back depends on their performance tonight. The rest of you can have an easy rest. See you tomorrow."



Sydney: "I'm really hoping that Noel returns, not gonna lie. He's the most chill. If he comes back, I'm throwing him a welcome party."



Owing to Claves, one of the executed contestants can return, even if they did not score high enough in the latest quiz.

They are shown pictures of the eight contestants' descendants, and must identify who the ancestor is.

The one with the most correct answers will return to Season 50.


Brianna: "Let me try and find my own descendants first."



Brianna: "This lady looks like me. She must be my descendant."



Brianna: "This one too."



Brianna: "This one...nah, looks more like Sue."




Chris: "A chubby young boy."

Chris: "Hmm, I'm not sure who it could be. Philo's the chubbiest, but the kid doesn't look like Philo."

Chris: "I'll pass for now."


Philo: "Big mouth...Sydney? But the hair and skin colour remind me of Philo, although Noel is a possibility."



Chris: "That' A future me. I actually have descendants...but he looks old and alone, just like me."



Noel: "I have no idea who you are."



Noel: "Oh my mama, you look like a hippo. This has the likeness of Sydney. It's literally all over his face."



Noel: "This kid reminds me of Noah so much. It has got to be my descendant."



Noel: "Woah."

Noel: "Is that Chris? He must've been quit the looker in his days."




Brianna: "Philo? Are you Philo's descendant?"



Brianna: "This one has a big nose. I feel that you're either Chris's or Lloyd's."

Brianna: "Oh, this one is easy."



Brianna: "Clearly it's Claves's descendants. She somehow inherited her pink hair."



Chris: "He looks just like me. Boy, was I quite the charmer."



Chris: "You remind me of Sydney. She also happens to be the only blonde one apart from Claves, and she doesn't look like Claves. Sydney has fuller cheeks."



Chris: "This should be Lloyd."



Chris: "White hair? But you can't be me. You don't quite look like me. Unless Jenny got married and this is their offspring."

Chris: "You are most probably Philo's descendant."


Chris: "Unless the skin colour is here to trick me."




Noel: "You look like a Sydney and Sue sandwich."



Noel: "This is a gender-bent Sydney."



Noel: "This is an old gender-bent Sydney."

Noel: "This is a gender-bent Sue."



Noel: "This is a gender-bent Philo...or it could be Brianna's."



Noel: "This is a"

Noel: "I am so glad I'm not a woman."




Brianna: "You look like Sue."



Brianna: "You also look like Sue."



Brianna: "Chris?"



Brianna: "I don't know who you are."





Brianna: "I don't know who any of you are...I hope I can make it."


Philo: "Who do you think is coming back?"
Claves: "I would guess that there is a mission involved. Without knowing what kind of mission there is, it's hard to say."

Philo: "Why did you pick that song anyway?"
Claves: "I didn't know."
Sue: "Hey guys. Are we discussing our returnee?"
Philo: "Who do you think it'll be?"

Sue: "Brianna's a fighter. If I had to bet on someone, it would be her."
Philo: "But she was only just executed. I would have predicted Noel myself."

Sydney: "Guys! Look who's back, y'all!"

Noel: "Can't get rid of me that easily. I'm like a cockroach."

Claves: "You have your answer."

Lloyd: "Noel, welcome back."

Noel: "Can't believe the house got fuller while I was gone. But hey, it's a three-for-one deal. Sounds good to me."

Philo: "What did you have to do to return?"

Noel: "Well, it's a long story. Gather around, guys."

Noel: "It was a dark and stormy night, and I had to do a mission that involved intrusive thoughts about who how whatever I was shown came into existence..."




Noel: "I think he's my descendant. It would be embarrassing if I couldn't identify my own blood. Whew, looking good, future me, I'd do me."


Noel: "I was trapped in a dark room while horrific images kept replaying over and over and over again."

Philo: "Oh my goodness. It sounds like a nightmare."

Claves: "What kind of pictures were they?"
Sue: "Claves! Don't ask! And don't stand behind me, please."

Noel: "I'm glad you asked. I had to see..."


Noel: "Yucks! Look at the size of that pimple!"


Lloyd: "...Really?"
Philo: "I feel duped."
Claves: "Truly horrific."
Sydney: "OMG. Was that sarcasm, Claves?"

Noel: "Ahem. Storytelling in session. So as I was saying, when I was done identifying descendants, suddenly everything shut off, and I was trapped in darkness for a solid 10 minutes. Then suddenly, a voice spoke out."


"Noel, congratulations. You have the most correct answers and will be returning to the Smole."
Noel: "I did it? I mean, I did it!"


Noel: "It was a nightmare-turned-dream-come-true. The clock struck 12, and suddenly I found myself back here, renewed, inspired, ready to take on the world."

Claves: "What answers did you get correct?"
Noel: "I no know. I wish I could tell you but they didn't tell us either. All I know is that I scored 14, Chris scored 13 and Brianna scored 11."

"Contestants, it is good to see that you have learned about Noel's return. Today, you will be split into two groups in an attempt to get green exemptions, as well as up to 150 points."

"The future can be an unfamiliar experience. You have tasted their food, heard their music, studied their clothing, drove their cars, but there is still so much to explore. You have seen their faces but know not their names."

"And in this mission, you still won't."
Noel: "Anticlimactic much."


After the infiltration back at the Secret Hackers Society, the villains of the future have taken even more precautions to ensure that identities won't be revealed again. The SHS is holding a recruitment exercise. At the exercise are 16 future Sims. 6 of them are potential black hat hackers, 5 of them are white hat hackers trying to undermine the exercise, and one of them is a space rogue. The last four happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Depending on which team they are on, contestants have to either determine the black hat hackers or the white hat hackers based on their aliases retrieved from a database. 

There will be three rounds of exercises. In the first round, Lloyd and Sue have information on who each future Sim is. They must, via one-word clues, convey this to their teammates. Every time one side identifies their ally, 5 points will be earned, up to a maximum of 50 points per round. However, if the rogue is summoned, all points for that round are lost. After all 3 rounds, the team with the most wins get exemptions.


Phil: "Go back to your own timeline!"
Sydney: "Rude. Some Sims are just so xenophobic."

Noel: "This park is bustling."

Noel: "Look at all that action going on."


These are the aliases in the first wave. Bold aliases are from the black hat faction; italicised aliases are from the white hat faction; underlined aliases are the rogues.









Lloyd: "As a black hat this time, I'll go first. Hair: 2."

Claves: "2 of our allies have something to do with hair."
Sydney: "So, not the bots?"
Claves: "We can't say for sure."

Sydney: "I would think of a comb for hair."
Claves: "I would think of hat too, since the hat goes on the head."

Sydney: "I think mine is stronger. Let's look for the guy called Comb."

Sydney: "And whaddya know. He's right there in front of us."

Sydney: "Are"
Connell: "I am."
Sydney: "Congratulations. You've been accepted into the Secret Hackers Society."

Connell: "That's just what I wanted."

Sydney: "Got it in one. High-five!"
Claves: "Okay."

Sydney: "As for the other one, I was thinking it could be Chicken. Because chicken feathers are like hair to chickens."
Claves: "I disagree. I listened to you, so I think it's only right you listen to me for this one."

Sydney: "If we're wrong it's your fault."
Claves: "I will take responsibility."

Claves: "Hat."
ROB-E: "You must be a black hat member."

ROB-E: "So am I."


Sue: "What is a glockenspiel?"
Lloyd: "It's like a xylophone, but metallic."

Sue: "I see. I think I'll go with Games: 2."

Noel: "2 games. What do you think, Philo?"
Philo: "I think it's Dice and Tennis."
Noel: "I think so too. Come on, let's locate them."

Noel: "Hey there. Got any Dice?"
Philo: "I'll look for Tennis."

Valerie: "Only the white hats know this must be a fellow white hat."
Noel: "Always have been."

Philo: "Tennis, are you a white hat hacker?"

Nathaniel: "I am."


Lloyd: "Not bad, Sue. I'm running out of ideas now. How about Joke: 2."


Claves: "Joke?"
Sydney: "I knew it was Chicken. It must be that anti-joke."

Claves: "How about Court? Courtly gossip and jokes are a thing, I presume."
Sydney: "Why not Palace?"

Sydney: "Or maybe it's Glockenspiel. It's a funny word."
Claves: "It could be Fall too."

Sydney: "Let's just go find that Chicken first."

Vroombo: "Yes. I am Chicken, a black hat member."

Claves: "It's hard to determine who the other one could be. This is a very cryptic clue."
Sydney: "I say it's Glockenspiel. Unless you have a better idea?"
Claves: "I don't. Glockenspiel will have to do."

Sydney: "You're Glockenspiel, right? A black hat hacker?"

Thaddeus: "Excuse me? I am a white hat hacker."

Sydney: "Lloyd's a cunt."


Sue: "Thanks Lloyd and team. Hot: 1."


Noel: "It's gotta be volcano. There's no other answer."

Noel: "Volcano?"
Takk0: "Shh, not so loud. We white hats are on a mission."
Noel: "So am I."


Lloyd: "Shit. I have 3 more names to go through while you only have 1. Damn it. I guess you win this round. Kingdom: 1."


Claves: "It was Palace."
Sydney: "Sor-ree."
Claves: "No matter. We should go and find Palace."

Claves: "Palace."

Kristy: "Black hat hacker at your service."


Philo: "Clothes: 1. That must be Jeans."
Noel: "Over there!"

Noel: "You do the honours, Philo."

Philo: "Jeans? Are you a white hat hacker?"

Brandon: "What?"
Philo: "You? White?"

Brandon: "I thought we got rid of racists in the future."
Philo: "Huh?"

Brandon: "Take your black superiority elsewhere, freak."
Philo: "Ow!"

Brandon: "Weirdo."

Philo: "I guess that must not be it then."
Noel: "What else could it be?"


Lloyd: "Why did you do that?"
Sue: "To help you."


Sydney: "Repulsion? Lloyd is getting fancy with his vocabulary."
Claves: "Magnets can attract and repel."

Claves: "Magnet."

Marcos: "Am I accepted into the black hat society? I always wanted to be."


Sue: "It's been fun, Lloyd, but I think it's time to end this."

Sue: "Season: 1."


Noel: "I would say Fall, but that has nothing to do with Clothes."
Philo: "I'm not sure we can trust Sue."

Noel: "We don't really have a choice, unless we go rogue and randomly summon Sims."

Noel: "Hey, Fall, right? You white?"

Gilon: "As in white hat? That I am."


"The first round is over. All white hat hackers have been identified first. 50 points have been earned."


It is now late afternoon. The second recruitment exercise will begin shortly. Philo and Sydney will give clues to their teammates.


Sydney: "I go first. Lipstick: 2."

Lloyd: "Lipstick: 2. Claves, you wear makeup more than I. Any ideas?"
Claves: "I can only see gloss as a possible answer."

Lloyd: "That was what I was thinking too. As well as maybe cherry. As in cherry lipstick."

Claves: "Yes, that is possible. Let's split up and search."
Lloyd: "Why? There's no time limit."

Claves: "I just thought we could speed things up. It's fine if you want to work together as well."


Lloyd: "Hello. Gloss?"
8635790: "Yes. I'm overseeing the recruitment exercise."

Lloyd: "That must mean you're a black hat hacker."
8635790: "I thought that was obvious. This is a black hat event."


Lloyd: "Mon Cherry?"
Brigitte: "Pardon me?"

Lloyd: "Uh-oh."

Claves: "Cherry. That's you."

Brigitte: "Oh. Yes, it is. Are you guys black hat hackers too?"


Philo: "This is hard. I can't say 'snow', so the next best is Christmas. But that would activate the rogue."

Philo: "I could try and choose a different alias for now. Leaves and forests are very related, and leaves are veiny. I'll say Leaf: 2."


Noel: "It's clearly Forest."
Sue: "I don't know. Why would he say Leaf instead of Tree?"
Noel: "I know I'm right. I'm not going to waste time delaying the inevitable."

Noel: "Run, Forest, run!"

Al: "Why? Is someone after me?"

Noel: "Nah. I just wanted to say that."
Al: "Oh phew. I thought someone found out my identity."
Noel: "We have. You're a white hat, aren't you?"

Al: "...You know?"

Al: "Then I really need to run."
Noel: "You know, that guy is Chris's descendant. I had to identify him before coming here."
Sue: "No wonder he looks so much like Chris. I never thought Chris would be a hacker."

Sue: "Alright, who's our next guy?"
Noel: "Teacup. Tea leaves?"

Sue: "I was thinking Snowflake."
Noel: "Admittedly I'm not too confident about my answer but after hearing yours, mine has to be right. So let's go find Teacup."


Sasha: "LA LA LA!"
Lexi: "Eek!"

Lexi: "Okay, I get it, you like to sing."


Noel: "Are you Teacup?"
Dot: "I am. Are you here for the recruitment exercise?"

Sue: "No. We're white hat hackers."

Dot: "You lot must be pranksters. Get outta here. I don't have time for you."


Sydney: "Thanks Philo! Now I have one less to worry about."

Philo: "How is Teacup even related?"

Sydney: "Don't ask me, mate. Butt: 1."


Lloyd: "It's plug."
Claves: "How does that even make sense? What do butts have to do with plugs?"

Lloyd: "Don't question it."

Lloyd: "Hi. Are you Butt, I mean Plug?"

Number Eight: "That is me, fellow black hatter."


Philo: "Hand: 1."


Sue: "What do you think?"
Noel: "Something you can use to carry with your hand, like an umbrella. I'm not too sure though."

Sue: "I can't think of anything hat has to do with hand. I suppose you're right."

Sue: "Excuse me. You are...Umbrella, right?"

Sasha: "Ella, Ella, eh, eh, under my umbrella~"

Noel: "That song is so 2007. How did it survive centuries?"

Sue: "She's ignoring us."
Noel: "Rihanna isn't our ally."


Lloyd: "Season: 1."
Claves: "Spring."
Lloyd: "Over there."

Claves: "You're Spring."

Tina: "Hey, you must be a black hat hacker too if you know my alias."


Noel: "Winter could be Snowflake, Santa or Holiday."
Sue: "Given that we only need one ally, I would pick Snowflake. Santa and Holiday are more Christmas than Winter."
Noel: "Fair enough. Let's go."

Sue: "Excuse me, are you Snowflake?"
Lexi: "You are?"

Sue: "A white hat hacker."

Lexi: "Just like me."


Claves: "Traitor: 1?"
Lloyd: "Isn't it obvious? It has to be Mole."

Claves: "...Of course. I think that's Mole."

Lloyd: "You're the Mole!"

Andrew: "I'm a black hat hacker."


"The second round is over. All black hat hackers have been identified first. 40 points have been earned."


Dusk has fallen. It is time for the last recruitment exercise. 











Noel: "It's so exciting because we're tied. It's now between me and Claves to earn the exemptions for our team."


Claves: "Round: 2."


Lloyd: "Apples are round. That's got to be it."
Sydney: "I think that one's Apple."

Sydney: "Hey there. I'm Sydney. This is Lloyd. You're Apple, am I right?"
Brox: "I am, but who are you? I've never seen you guys before."

Sydney: "Of course. You must be new. We're honorary members of the SHS."
Brox: "So black hat hackers?"

Lloyd: "Don't tell me you're a white hat hacker."

Brox: "Was it that obvious?"

Sydney: "Crap. We hit the wrong one."
Lloyd: "Then we must be very careful about who our ally is."
Sydney: "Claves gave a bad clue."

Lloyd: "Binoculars are round."
Sydney: "So are volleyballs."
Lloyd: "Volleyball is a sport."
Sydney: "It can also be a ball."

Lloyd: "I think she was referring to binoculars. She would have went with Sport if it was Volleyball."
Sydney: "If you say so."

Viktor: "Where are the cookies? I was promised cookies!"
Diane: "Cuckoolander."

Lloyd: "Are you Binoculars?"
Viktor: "Are you black hat recruits? Let me tell you, you should stay away from these folks. They're not good guys."

Sydney: "Are you a white hat hacker?"

Viktor: "Yes. Join our side. We have cookies."

Sydney: "I told you it was Volleyball!"


Noel: "That was a total win. For me at least. If you wanted to help, Claves, you could have just said so. I would have let you."

Claves: "Apples are not perfectly round. Binoculars aren't round either."

Noel: "It's over now. What is the swiftest way to victory...Dateline: 2."


Sue: "Dateline? That's a very weird clue. Nothing really fits, except for maybe Almanac, whatever that is."
Philo: "It's like a calendar. Emit Relevart the Time Keeper has an Almanac of Time."
Sue: "Calendars have dates, so that should be it. Let's find Almanac."

Sue: "Excuse me, Almanac. Are you a white hat hacker?"

Samuel: "How did you know?"

Sue: "Lucky guess."

Philo: "We have Almanac. Who's the last one?"

Sue: "We hang socks on a clothesline to dry. Could that be it?"
Philo: "Eh, that sounds strange to me."

Sue: "Okay, how about beeswax? Noel likes puns. It could be a pun on the phrase 'making a beeline for it'."
Philo: "What do dates have to do with this?"

Sue: "Date could refer to the Almanac. But if we want to combine them, it could also be Businessman. I'm sure businessmen have a lot of deadlines."
Philo: "But that's deadline, not dateline."

Sue: "Do you have a better idea?"

Philo: ""

Sue: "Then I say we give Businessman a shot. It's the best fit."

Sue: "Mr. Businessman, are you a white hat hacker?"

Nick: "I am. Is someone looking for me?"
Sue: "Just us."


Noel: "Yes! They understand me. You should have been more open and social, Claves. Now you're feeling the pain."

Claves: "It's too late for that. Pterodactyl: 2."


Sydney: "That's clearly Dinosaur."
Lloyd: "What's the other one?"

Sydney: "We'll think about it later. Let's go find Dinosaur first."

Sydney: "Dinosaur, right? Please tell me you're a black hat hacker."

Trixie: "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Sydney: "Phew."

Lloyd: "That's one down. There must be a reason Claves chose that dinosaur of all."
Sydney: "What kind of dinosaur is it?"
Lloyd: "A flying one. I think she's cluing us on Hummingbird. They both fly."

Sydney: "Are we very sure? We listened to you and was wrong. I think we should choose Volleyball. It also flies in a sense, and I'm definite that's correct."
Lloyd: "Volleyball isn't as relevant."

Sydney: "It was previously."
Lloyd: "Fine. I guess Volleyball is a possible ally."


Sydney: "Hey, Volleyball, right? Are you a black hat hacker?"

Cora: "Duh. Do I look white to you?"

Sydney: "See? Told you, mate."


Claves: "That was not what I meant but just as well."

Noel: "Any last words before I finish you off?"
Claves: "None."

Noel: "Okay then. Spiky: 1."


Sue: "Porcupine is our best bet. Over there. That looks like Porcupine."

Philo: "Hey, er...Porcupine, right? Are you a white hat hacker?"

Zed: "How dare you accuse me of being a white hat hacker!"

Philo: "Please don't slap me. It's just a question."

Zed: "I'm just messing with ya. Yes, I'm a white hat hacker."


"The third round is over. All white hat hackers have been identified first. 40 points have been earned in this round. With a 2-1 victory, the white hat hackers succeed once again. Sue, Philo and Noel earn exemptions for themselves."

130/150 points have been earned in the mission, but Claves, Lloyd and Sydney have something else to worry about. Who among them will be executed?

Pot: 633/972


The screen is green

"Lloyd, you have chosen to use your silver exemption, meaning that you will not be executed today."


Claves: "This means it's between me and Sydney."


Philo: "I've been thinking. After this season, I may officially announce my retirement to whoever cares. Face it. I'm never gonna land any good gigs any more."

Sue: "That's defeatist talk. I believe in you, Philo. You should believe in yourself too."

Philo: "I don't know who or what to believe in any more. Not after my previous season."


Lloyd: "What's your motive?"
Noel: "Huh?"

Lloyd: "You surely didn't come just to try the instrument."


Philo: "Can I hold it?"
Emit: "Uhm, sorry about that. This is my baby. The last time I lent it to someone he broke it within three seconds. I spent days repairing it."
Philo: "Oh...I always wanted one of these as my own..."

Emit: "Well, you can take this instead. It's a prototype. Doesn't have many features but it's a fun toy."


Claves: "I took a gamble. I hope it paid off."


Sydney: "The competition's only going to get more intense from here on out, mate."

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