Friday, 7 February 2020

50.13-That's one way to start


Sue: "Why are you afraid to look at me?"
Lloyd: "I have a girlfriend, Sue. I hope you'll remember that."

Sue: "Sorry if I came across that way, but I have no other intentions. Honest."


Noel: "Ever since Chris was executed my life has become lonelier."
Sydney: "Don't be so dramatic."
Noel: "I'm trying not to spook myself out but we all saw what happened to the last coalition in this house. So, what do you say we work together?"

Sydney: "Well...I can't."


Claves: "Can I ask you another question? What is your impression of me?"

Brianna: "You're a badass. It's like nothing can stand in your way. Not every spy has the gall to sign up for a reality TV show, openly declarre you're working against the government and then get a job in said government."

Claves: "Oh."


Philo: "I see. I have a quiz to study for, but can I come to you if I have any more future-related questions?"
Emit: "Of course. I love to meet an enthusiast such as yourself."


"Thank you for joining, Noel. We hope to see you again."
Noel: "That's my name. Don't wear it out."



Claves: "Brianna and I are the only two to have not been executed yet. Without the twist we would already be in the finale by now, but I believe that some of the executed contestants didn't only get here by luck. I'm not sure how I can convince them to share what they did for the quizzes they were executed. They are quite tight-lipped about it."



Contestants will be visiting Loel's Lounge for their next mission. This mission is worth 120 points.

Contestants will take turns reading a translated song. The listeners had to determine what song the translated lyrics are from to earn 20 points.


Brianna: "Some of these songs have envelopes. Let me take one of them and see what's inside."


Brianna: "We could choose from a selection of songs what we wanted to read. What was interesting was that some songs had envelopes as well. I decided to take one of those songs. Mine said that I could read the song twice to give the rest more time to decide."


Brianna: "I'm dying a lot."

Lloyd: "That's one way to start."


Brianna: "I can't deal with your mouth, decide if you have a mouth."

Philo: "This is one weird song."
Claves: "I don't understand this song."


Brianna: "Yes, we will start again."

Claves: "It looks like we have to now guess what song it is."
Sydney: "Wait, she's starting again."

Brianna: "I'm dying a lot."

Sue: "She's repeating it."

Lloyd: "The places she pauses sounds familiar but the lyrics are so outlandish it's distracting."

Sue: "It has a pop beat."
Lloyd: "It does, doesn't it?"


Brianna: "Yes, we will start again."
Philo: "She's finished for good this time. We have 2 minutes to finalise an answer. What's our answer?"
Claves: "We don't have an answer."

Sydney: "Lloyd, help us out. You're our resident musician, mate."
Lloyd: "I'm drawing a blank here."

"Time is up. No answer has been given. The song was No Tears Left To Cry by Ariana Grande."

Lloyd: "That's not it. I know that song, and those were definitely not the lyrics."
Sue: "They're translated."
Lloyd: "Those lyrics are nothing close to the original."
Claves: "At least we know what to expect now."


Sue: "I wonder what this envelope is about."


Sue: "We found Spain near China, is there confusion?"

Claves: "Geographically, yes."


Sue: "I'm biscuits, huh?"

Philo: "I can't get used to the lyrics."


Sue: "I want to be worried about the weather."

Sydney: "Is this Billie Ellish's Bad Guy?"
Lloyd: "I think you're right."


Sue: "I'm biscuits, I'm bad art, huh?"

Sydney: "Yep, the chorus and the words confirms it."

Philo: "We're not getting an encore?"
Brianna: "That was only in my envelope."
Lloyd: "Envelope?"
Brianna: "Some songs have envelopes."

Sydney: "Good to know. Anyway, the answer is Bad Guy by Billie Elish."
"That is correct."


Lloyd: "I see what Brianna means. I'm sure Sue also took an envelope. I think I should too. What's the worst that could happen?"


Lloyd: "I love me."

Philo: "Perfect by Ed Sheeran."
Sydney: "Not bad, mate."
Sue: "You got it right from the first line."

Philo: "It's nothing, really. He was dragging out the word 'love'. Anyone would have gotten it."

Claves: "I would not have guessed it."
Philo: "Oh."
Claves: "Which makes your answer more impressive."


Lloyd: "Good night."
Claves: "That must be 'tonight' translated."

Philo: "We believe this song is Perfect by Ed Sheeran."
"That is correct."


Philo: "He was very angry, the darkness is a kitten."

Sydney: "This is such a dramatic reading I'm laughing my ass off."
Claves: "Let's not get distracted."
Lloyd: "I'm not too sure what this song is."


Philo: "Because it's fun, great joy."

Lloyd: "That's MJ's Thriller."
Claves: "Yes, I think you are right."

Sue: "You're really good at this, Lloyd."
Lloyd: "I am a musician, after all."


Philo: "Happiness is bad."

Lloyd: "This is Thriller by Michael Jackson."
"That is correct."

Brianna: "We're on a roll."


Sydney: "I want to serve the Senate. I guess the Viking can be very close."

Philo: "If these were written by songwriters they must have been very drunk."


Sydney: "Heck huh, la la la."

Brianna: "Which songs have a lot of 'la la la's?"
Philo: "La La Land?"

Sue: "Senorita? I think there's a part that goes 'la la la', but the rest doesn't fit."
Lloyd: "It's the best we can go on right now."


Sydney: "Heck huh, la la la."


Sydney: "Oh, you're still asleep."

Claves: "The song is over."
Philo: "I would pick a song from La La Land."

Lloyd: "I'm more inclined to believe it's Senorita as Sue said."
Brianna: "I think so too."

Claves: "An actual song will work better than listing any song from a movie. Let us go with Senorita."

Sue: "Is it Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello?"
"That is correct."


Claves: "Unity. Chuck, he's on my side. Himself alone."

Lloyd: "Unity...togetherness? Altogether? One?'


Claves: "And I do not talk to him. And I'm aware of it, but he helpful blank."

Sydney: "Blank? Is there a word she can't read?"
Brianna: "Shh!"


Claves: "The streets of novel and crowded. I like him. However, we studying that I daily, through my life, I just have seen."

Philo: "This sounds familiar but I can't remember."
Sue: "Same."


Claves: "I likes him. Like him. In just yourself."

Brianna: "This is giving me Les Miserables vibes."
Sue: "Yes, that's it. Thank you for reminding me. It must be a Les Miserables song."

Sydney: "We're not playing guessing games. We need an actual song title."

Philo: "It's been so long since I watched that. Wasn't there a song about loving the guy?"
Lloyd: "Which love song doesn't have that?"

Philo: "I think it's coming through. Erm...on...on..."

Sue: "On My Own from Les Miserables?"

Philo: "Yes! That's it."
"That is correct."


"Contestants, you have identified 5 songs correctly, leading to 100/120 points. Some of you have chosen to take songs with envelopes."

"Brianna, what was in your envelope?"
Brianna: "The chance to repeat the reading."

"Sue, what was in your envelope?"
Sue: "A bronze exemption if my song was identified."
"You have received it."

"Lloyd, what was in your envelope?"
Lloyd: "A silver exemption if my song was identified."
"You have received it."

"Sydney, what was in your envelope?"
Sydney: "Two silver exemptions if my song was not identified. Thanks a lot, cunts."

"Clavés, what was in your envelope?"
Claves: "My envelope had a note. If I read it, it meant that one contestant would return no matter what."

Philo: "I'm the only one who didn't take a song with an envelope. I thought it was too good to be true."

Brianna: "Am I the only one with a useless envelope?"

The group proved that they knew songs no matter how many barriers of language stood in the way. Will they discover the Mole regardless of the number of obstacles in their way? And who will return to the game?

Pot: 503/822


Brianna: "It's not in my place to care..."

Brianna: "But I don't trust Sue one bit."


Sue: "As a friend, I have to warn you. It's not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket."


Sydney: "Oh my gosh. Are you in love with him?"


Claves: "Some things are just worth risking everything for, you know?"


Claves: "Those were the days, when everything was simpler and all I worried about was when the next episode would be uploaded."
Philo: "Those were the days indeed."


"Lloyd Smart, you had a silver exemption, but you chose not to use it. Is that correct?"
Lloyd: "Yes."

"Lloyd Smart, please step forward."

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