Monday, 4 April 2016

25.06-The Smole is serious business

Previously, the contestants has to negotiate to keep points out of any points. 4 cups did, namely all except Martin and Viru, Eunice and Rupert and Madeleine and Stephen. 30 points were added to the group pot, bringing it to 230/540 points while the other 30 went to Martin and Madeleine. 80 points were lost. Eunice and Rupert earned a hidden exemption each for both picking the pot.


Stephen: "I can't believe Madeleine was using reverse psychology on me and I can't believe it worked."

Quentin: "You can only blame yourself for it."
Quentin: "I shouldn't have been led by the nose. She's not that stupid to reveal herself if she's the Non-Mole."

Youdina: "I discovered that Adelyn had studied in Japan before and found her love for cosplay there. I don't know if she's supposed to look like a...what is that again? Amine...anime, yes. I don't watch so I have no idea. Do these people speak in rhyme?"


Jose: *cracks knuckles*

Rupert: "Don't do that. It's like you're going to beat me up."
Jose: "Relax, kiddo."

Jose: "Anyway, I brought you to this private corner to ask you if you wanted to form a coalition."

Jose: "You really couldn't harm a fly, much less be a Non-Mole."

Rupert: "I'm afraid to say no."
Jose: "It's a yes then. Great. You shall tell me everything you know so far."

Eunice: "Your face will stick of you keep that up. It'll look like this."
Madeleine: "Is that supposed to be a joke?"
Eunice: "It's only a joke if you laugh."

Madeleine: "Well, I don't find it very funny."
Eunice: "Yes, you're right. The Smole is serious business."
Madeleine: "Are you mocking me?"
Eunice: "It's only mockery if you feel offended."


Quentin: "I want chicken chop. Is that too much to ask for?"
Eunice: "We're all cannibals."
Quentin: "Huh? I think you mean carnivores."
Eunice: "Well now we know who doesn't eat his veggies."

Quiz time.

Q1: Is the Non-Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How many points does the Non-Mole have in the personal pot before Mission 3?
A: 0
B: 20

Q3: In Mission 3, in what order did the Non-Mole enter the room?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th
N: 14th

Q4: Did the Non-Mole reach an agreement in Mission 3?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: Who was the Non-Mole's partner in Mission 3?
A: Jose Phine
B: Youdina Sunplaak
C: Nicole Ferrier
D: Jordan Buchester
E: Angela Duschwitz
F: Viru Alvira
G: Tony Fagan
H: Quentin Caballero
I: Adelyn Kokop
J: Martin Abernathy
K: Stephen Queen
L: Eunice Trope
M: Madeleine Lewis
N: Rupert Horrowitz

Q6: In Mission 3, what did the Non-Mole vote for?
A: Pot
B: Self
C: The Non-Mole did not vote

Q7: In Mission 3, was the Non-Mole the first in his/her pair to vote?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Non-Mole did not vote

Q8: What did the Non-Mole's partner in Mission 3 vote for?
A: Pot
B: Self
C: The Non-Mole's partner did not vote

Q9: How many points did the Non-Mole earn in Mission 3?
A: 0
B: 10
C: 20

Q10: Who is the Non-Mole?
A: Jose Phine
B: Youdina Sunplaak
C: Nicole Ferrier
D: Jordan Buchester
E: Angela Duschwitz
F: Viru Alvira
G: Tony Fagan
H: Quentin Caballero
I: Adelyn Kokop
J: Martin Abernathy
K: Stephen Queen
L: Eunice Trope
M: Madeleine Lewis
N: Rupert Horrowitz


"Fourier has left. Tonight, who will join him?"

"Youdina Sunplaak."

"Angela Dushcwitz."

"Martin Abernathy."

"Stephen Queen."

"Jordan Buchester."

Jordan: "I'm not surprised."
Viru: "I am."
"I'm sorry Jordan, but you have been the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Jordan: "Should have known. Of course. I suck at everything. If I'm not out the first round I'll be out the second. At least it's been fun and I'm glad I got to spend time here."

"Viru Alvira."
Viru: "Huh? Why are we continuing? Isn't Jordan executed already?"

"I'm sorry Viru. You have also been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Viru: "This is a surprise. The Non-Mole must be mocking me right now. I'm so pathetic. Three missions in and I have nothing! I bet the Non-Mole was deliberate in choosing Martin to give the points to instead of me. I'm leaving with a big fat egg in my pot! How embarrassing. It's like I didn't even come at all."

Eunice: "Such a pity. I'm glad it's over though."
"No it's not. Nicole Ferrier."
Nicole: "What?"
Rupert: "I would faint if I was in that situation without an exemption. Thanks a lot Eunice."
Angela: "This is a joke."

Nicole: "Woo! Not out!"

"Madeleine Lewis."

"Quentin Caballero."

"Adelyn Kokop, Jose Phine, Tony Fagan, one of you will be leaving with Jordan and Viru in tonight's surprise triple execution. Makes you wish you worked harder in negotiating, or sabotaging negotiations, don't you? Jose Phine?"

Jose: "Yes!"

Tony: "I would be gutted if my journey ended now."
Adelyn: "As do I. Why, host, why?"

"Tony Fagan."

"I'm sorry but you have also been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Tony: "Brother."

Martin: "Good riddance. He was an eyesore."
Jose: "I didn't think Tony would be the one to go."

Tony: "I really thought I'd survive. Maybe I shouldn't have banked so early. I definitely wouldn't have if I knew it was a triple execution! I want to play on more. I really don't know what to say. Goodbye, I guess? I'll be a good sport about this."

Adelyn: "Is it finally over? If not, I need a four leaf clover."
"Yes, it's over. The rest of you may go and rest now."

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