Monday, 4 November 2024

59.21-Why is there a random piece of road?

 Previously on the Smole, Sienna, Jordana and Mary could revolt and destroy Sheila's exemption. After an emotional discussion, everyone decided to let Sheila keep her exemption, making her the first finalist of the season. The remaining women had a fierce fight in the quiz and it was Sienna who lost out and became the final victim. Only one more mission and quiz stand in their way before all is known. Who is the winner? Who is the Mole?


Jordana: "In honour of Sienna, I decided that I'm going to take off my gloves. I'm taking it one step at a time. I'm not a brittle girl. I made it to the end hehe! So maybe I don't need all these any more. At least not all at once."


Sheila: "I was right. Someone in our coalition has been lying the whole time. That nasty Mole. But I caught onto you despite all your misdirections. In all honesty I wasn't sure if it was you or subtle Sienna but now I have confirmation. It's time to prove myself and win this."


"Finalists, the pot stands at 435/840 points. Today, you can add 160 points to it or even more. The Jura used to be the centre of gem-cutting in Europe. While today, very few artisans or lapidaires remain, the three of you will get to revisit that part of history by collecting gems for one such artisan. Some gems are worth a lot, others not so much, while others may even be worth double. You have 4 hours to scour Champs Les Sims for the gems and bring them to the artisan."


Jordana: "It's time to conquer one of my fears and start riding a bicycle again. I hope I can do it without the gloves."


Sheila: "Gemstones must be far far away into the countryside."


Mary: "I am going to have to dig through the dirt for gems."

Mary: "Found one."


Jordana: "There are two of them hehe!"

Jordana: "Lucky me."


Sheila: "Excuse me, do you know where I can collect gemstones?"


Jordana: "This is so can do it haven't fallen yet hehe. Why is there a random piece of road?"


Mary: "I'm more likely to find gemstones here."

Mary: "There's one over there."


Jordana: "Am I allowed to take this? Hehe. I should ask the management first."


Sheila: "How are they so hard to find?"

Sheila: "Is this a rock or a gem? Nevermind, I'll just take it with me."


Jordana: "I'm doing it! I'm doing it! Look ma! No hands! I mean no gloves!"


Mary: "This is a gold mine. Wait, not literally. What I mean to say is that there are so many gemstones here."


Jordana: "Found one! Hehe."


Sheila: "I should head back before time is up."

Jordana: "Hi Sheila! Hehe look at me!"
Sheila: "Good job Jordana."

Sheila: "Why isn't Mary here yet?"

Jordana: "Mary, you've arrived! Hehe."
Mary: "This season has been so tiring."

"Finalists, I hope you collected loads of gems...or not. The French have high standards, and not all gems are diamonds in the rough. One of your collections must be designated to be worth negative points."


Mary: "I thought the mission was too simplistic. Then we were hit with the twist when we got to the meeting point. One of our collected gems would be entirely designated as negative points and take points out of the pot. We did not know how many points each of us had collected except our own. What we could do was to take some gems out of our collection to convince the others that we weren't lying, but this would mean the gems revealed would no longer be worth anything."


Mary: "I collected a lot of gems. I believe that I found the most gems out of all of you."
Sheila: "I collected many gems too."

Jordana: "Prove it."

Mary: "I'm not that stupid to take my gems out and waste them. One of them is a doubler."
Jordana: "I don't think she's telling the truth. If you have a lot of gems, taking one to show us won't hurt. Or did you not collect any at all, Mary? Hehe."

Mary: "How about we state how many points we gathered?"
Sheila: "You start first."
Mary: "No, I want to hear what you guys collected."
Jordana: "So you can anchor and lie about the value of yours?"

Mary: "I arrived last because I was busy collecting gems. I found a treasure trove near the abandoned nectary."

Sheila: "How about you?"
Jordana: "You keep wanting to go last. That's suspicious hehe."

Sheila: "No, I just want to hear what you have to say. I'll prove I collected a lot. 50 points, in fact. I went to the other side of Champs Les Sims where it was more rural.  I even asked locals where I could find lots of gemstones and they pointed me in the right direction. In fact, I was closer to this location but we arrived at the same time, so that means you couldn't have collected as many as we did."

Jordana: "Hehe that's not true. For all I know the two of you could have been sipping coffee while passing time, hence being so late. I was very mindful of the time because I wanted to be able to cash in my gems. I found several by the road and even one in the museum hehe. I collected 68 points' worth in total."

Mary: "The museum? That's an odd place."
Jordana: "So it can't be a lie. It must be worth a lot. I asked politely and they let me have it."
Sheila: "If it's worth a lot I don't think that they would let you take it."
Jordana: "They know we're filming and will return it."

Jordana: "I think Sheila is lying. 50 is a nice number that doesn't sound believable."
Sheila: "By your logic I'm very believable too."
Mary: "I had 45 points and a gem worth double, so I have 90 points in total."
Sheila: "That's actually very convenient of you to say."
Mary: "It's your loss if you vote for me."

Mary: "I highly doubt Jordana collected the most. She's so afraid of falling and injuring herself that she must have been riding extremely slowly."
Jordana: "I'm careful but I took all the high value gems. I can prove it."

Jordana: "I found an amethyst by the road. This is worth 11 points. It's not about the quantity but the value and I have high-value items."

Mary: "None of us are expert appraisers so we don't know if you're telling the truth."
Sheila: "I think the most objective way right now is for us to each take out one gem."


Mary: "I have a sepatarian nodule worth 9 points."
Sheila: "I was told my geode is worth 3 points."
Jordana: "That's not very convincing, Sheila hehe."

Sheila: "Because I'm not going to sacrifice my points to prove something to you two."
Mary: "Jordana's is allegedly worth the most, so I expect the value of her remaining gems to fall greatly."
Jordana: "I have a lot more where that came from hehe."

Sheila: "I think I believe Mary right now. She's the only one to claim she found a doubler. I don't want to risk it. I know I put in effort like I always do, so I would vote for Jordana."
Mary: "It's the most logical choice."
Jordana: "All of us need to agree. I certainly don't."

Sheila: "Come on Jordana. Don't fight it."
Mary: "It's the best course of action. I found plenty of amethysts as well."

Jordana: "Fine but don't blame me if I don't have the lowest value hehe."

"You have designated Jordana's collection of gems to be worth negative points. In total, the three of you collected 151 points' worth of gems. However, three of them have been taken out of the collection. Please destroy them."


"Mary's septarian nodule is worth 7 points."

"Jordana's amethyst is worth 10 points."

"Sheila's geode is worth 3 points."


"The net result is that 88/160 points have been earned. Contestants, I hope you are satisfied with the pot of 523/1000 points. I hope even more that you know the Mole like the back of your hand, because it's time to take the final quiz."
Sheila: "What? So fast?"

"The final quiz awaits you at the Champs Les Sims Castle. You must find your own way there. You may only speak and receive answers in French. Your time starts now."


Jordana: "Oh I'm going to be at a huge disadvantage."

The contestants rush to find directions.


Sheila: "The city centre should have many locals who might be able to help."

Jordana: "Ding dong hehe."

Mary: "I'm very tired from cycling."


Sheila: "Excuse me! Bonjour!"

Sheila: "How rude."


Mary: "Excuse me. Please move."
Alain: "Un autre touriste."

Mary: "I would like to buy a Simlish-French pocket dictionary."


Sheila: "There's a kid over there. I hope he can undesrtand my Frenlish."

Sheila: "Bonjour. Champs Les"
Alain: "Champs Les Sims Chateau?"
Sheila: "Ya! I mean, oui oui!"
Alain: "C'est en haut des montagnes."
Sheila: "...C'est la vie?"
Alain: "Je ne te comprends pas."
Sheila: "...I don't understand a word you're saying."


Jordana: "Bonjour."
Andre: "Bonjour! Entrez et savourez une tasse de thé!"
Jordana: "Chateau? Champs Les Sims Cheateau?"
Andre: "Ah, tu veux visiter le château des Champs Les Sims? Laisse-moi prendre mes affaires et je t'y emmène."

Jordana: "Does he want me to enter his home? I don't think I should enter a stranger's house. Oh he's coming back out...with car keys? How do I explain to him that I shouldn't take his ride?"


Mary: "Bonjour."
Jules: "S'il te plaît, ne me parle pas."
Mary: "That means please...something."

Mary: "Oh le château?"
Jules: "Hein?"
Mary: "Oh est château?"
Jules: "Le château de Champs Les Sims?"
Mary: "Oui."
Jules: "Vous devez traverser le pont. Tournez une fois à gauche et continuez jusqu'à voir le château."

Mary: "Hang on, let me translate that."


Sheila: "He's a strange man but he's my best shot."

Sheila: "Bonjour! Chateau Champs Les Sims? La?"

Charles: "La haut."

Sheila: "Oh. How did I never notice that?"


The finalists are headed to the castle. Who will arrive first?


Mary: "Hi Sheila!"
Sheila: "Mary! Where did you come from?"

Jordana: "Hehe I'm first!"

Jordana: "What's this? Ooh, I can search the castle for clues to the Mole's identity. Hehe I don't need that. That's a time-waster."

Jordana: "Time to begin the quiz! I hope I have all the answers in my head hehe."


Sheila: "No way am I doing that. I don't need any clues."
Mary: "Neither do I."

Mary: "Ugh, I should have signed up for gym lessons first."

Sheila: "Jordana's already at it."

Mary: "The stairs are so steep."

Mary: "I'm the last. I need to make up for it."


It is time for the final quiz: 30 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The highest scorer, or fastest in the event of a tie, will be the winner.

Q1: How old is the Mole?
A: 26
B: 35

Q2: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Management consultant
B: Magician
C: Environmental scientist

Q3: In which month was the Mole born?
A: March
B: July
C: December

Q4: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: Red
B: Navy blue
C: Pink

Q5: What is the Mole's favourite food?
A: Sushi
B: Fish and chips
C: Fruit parfait

Q6: Which of the following is a favourite song of the Mole?
A: Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
B: Let Her Go by Passenger
C: Rewrite the Stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya

Q7: Which of the following is a favourite movie of the Mole?
A: The Fault In Our Stars
B: Gone Girl
C: The Prestige

Q8: Which of the following has the Mole said in her life?
A: I want to be the greatest magician.
B: Did you know that penguins mate for life?
C: Meeting dismissed.

Q9: Which of the following does the Mole know about another contestant?
A: Ted sews his own clothes
B: Seamus proposed on a Wednesday
C: One of Ramona's ex-lovers is named Josh

Q10: Which is the Mole's favourite season?
A: Season 50
B: Season 53
C: Season 55

Q11: Who is the Mole's favourite Mole?
A: Shirley DeSota
B: Bonita Perez
C: Toby Earlgrey

Q12: What is the Mole's relationship status?
A: Single
B: Engaged
C: Divorced

Q13: Who are the Mole's parents? (Both options must be correct)
A: David
B: Eleanor
C: Evelyn
D: Linda
E: Marcus
F: Robert

Q14: What is the Mole's strongest skill?
A: Photography
B: Magic
C: Charisma

Q15: What are the Mole's hobbies?
A: Birdwatching, photography
B: Yoga, reading
C: Magic, reading

Q16: What is the Mole's hair colour?
A: Red
B: Brown
C: Blonde

Q17: Which Sim is associated with the Mole?
A: Tyler
B: Seamus
C: Clyde

Q18: What is the Mole's greatest accomplishment?
A: Leading a major corporate restructuring that saved the company millions of Simoleons
B: Winning a local magic competition early in her career
C: Going two years without breaking a bone

Q19: What is the Mole's biggest wish?
A: To become the world's greatest magician
B: Safety and health for her friends and family
C: Revenge on her ex

Q20: Which of the following is the Mole's secret?
A: The Mole once was tempted to cheat but stayed loyal in the relationship
B: The Mole doubts her abilities
C: The Mole is a good liar

Q21: In Mission 11, what did the Mole wear?
A: A helmet
B: A visor
C: None of the above

Q22: In Mission 11, what colour was the seat of the Mole's bicycle?
A: Black
B: Blue
C: Grey

Q23: In Mission 11, how many points did the Mole collect?
A: 28
B: 33
C: 90

Q24: In Mission 11, which gemstone did the Mole destroy?
A: Amethyst
B: Geode
C: Septarian Nodule

Q25: In Mission 11, how many points did the Mole remove from her collection?
A: 3
B: 7
C: 10

Q26: In Mission 11, in which order did the Mole arrive at the castle?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd

Q27: Who did the Mole speak to in Mission 11?
A: Andre Lefebvre
B: Gaston Dutiel
C: Charles Roberspierre

Q28: Where did the Mole go first in the second half of Mission 11?
A: Town square
B: Bookstore
C: A local's house

Q29: What is the name of the statue the Mole is sitting in front of right now?
A: Phillippe of Aznac
B: Alexia Full of Hair
C: Gloria

Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Sheila Rammstein
B: Mary Shelby
C: Jordana Hammond


Sheila: "For a smart woman, Mary didn't show it in the first mission when she lost at ENGLISH chess against a CHINESE local."


Jordana: "Sheila barely tried in the first mission. Apparently she painted a red rectangle."


Mary: "The reason we didn't do well in the second mission was because we didn't have enough time. The reason we didn't have enough time was because of Jordana who was constantly slowing us down."


Jordana: "Mary knew the fireworks were not in the right place but outright told Ted to place it at that position anyway, thereby preventing at least 10 points through that action alone."


Sheila: "Mary was the one who sang My Heart Will Go On first in the third mission. It's such an obvious song that it's almost expected that someone else would sing it and end the mission."


Mary: "Sheila was not helpful at all in the third mission. If she had succeeded we might have known that the Titanic song had been sung."


Sheila: "It's hard to ignore Jordana's arrest in the fourth mission. It was too much of a coincidence."


Jordana: "Mary and Sheila were together in the fourth mission and they accomplished only one task."


Mary: "There was zero trust among us in the fifth mission, but Jordana broke the audience's trust by literally breaking one of her items. If I was watching, I would not dare to by from her in case she broke it."


Jordana: "I don't know who created the toxic environment in the fifth mission but it wasn't me, and it wasn't Sheila."


Mary: "Jordana may have charmed the snake but it was so late that it barely mattered at all. A Mole knows how to look busy doing nothing."


Jordana: "Sheila kept getting it wrong in the sixth mission and guaranteed that she was not going to make it to the end in time."


Jordana: "Sheila was gone for the entirety of the seventh mission. She deliberately separated herself from the group and could mess around freely."


Sheila: "Mary was the only one who didn't get an exemption in the seventh mission. She left with no points earned nor with an exemption, neither of which a Mole would care about."


Jordana: "Mary gave the weirdest answer in the eighth mission. That wasn't even a phrase hehe!"


Mary: "Sheila and Sienna had the strategy to halve the potential winnings when they were cycling. It sounds like they're going for certainty, but it could also be a sabotage."


Sheila: "Jordana was the only one to earn 0 points in the ninth mission."


Jordana: "Sheila earned 10 points but kept out 20 points. That's still a win in the Mole's book."


Mary: "The moment there were bonus points to be announced Jordana changed her tune immediately and wanted to vote against Sheila. Perhaps it was a subtle way to push all of us to commit to what we claimed to vote towards and empty the pot."


Jordana: "The tenth mission could only happen if the final exemption was still present. The best way to guarantee that would be for the Mole to take that."


Mary: "Jordana kept pushing for us to reveal gems in the final mission, knowing that doing so will disqualify those from being eligible for points."


Jordana: "Mary claimed she found a gemstone that could double the points. First of all, how could she have found so many more gemstones than the rest of us, and secondly, how come she was the only one to find it? For all we know she could be lying, and even if she was telling the truth, it's possible that she wanted to play a big move by taking out lots of points at once after failing to do so in the previous mission."


The quiz has been taken. Everything is set in stone. The only thing left is the reveal.

Who won? Who is the Mole? Find out in the next episode!

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