In the last episode, the final four had to decide on whether or not to sacrifice Sheila's exemption along with the whole pot for a fair chance to be in the finale. After a heated discussion, Sheila decided to spoil Mary's vote. Ultimately it did not matter as all three chose not to revolt and maintained the pot at 385 points, but with an additional 50 bonus points to make it 435/840 points. Was it a mistake? Who will be the last woman to be executed this season? Who is the Mole?
Sheila: "When both Sienna and Jordana appeared without my exemption, I was so relieved. I'm in the finale! I'm in the freaking finale! I'll do all of you proud!"
Jordana: "Aah!"
Jordana: "Oh my gosh I nearly tripped. I don't want to twist an ankle after bruising my knees."
Jordana: "Hey, my knees don't hurt any more. I completely forgot about them. In fact, they don't seem bruised at all."
Jordana: "Maybe I'm not as fragile as a bird after all, hehe."
Jordana: "Congratulations Sheila again! Hehe!"
Sheila: "Thank you."
Jordana: "I'm very surprised you voted the same way as us, Mary. Did you have a change of heart?"
Mary: "I told you that it was because the Mole was going to sabotage in secret, so I had to bring it up so that we could have a chance to stop it. It turned out well. I don't think anyone dared to vote otherwise after Sheila's outburst."
Sheila: "I feel used."
Jordana: "You made Sheila mad on purpose?"
Mary: "Not on purpose, but the end result was the same."
Sheila: "I never want to work with any of you again."
Jordana: "Hehe! So you want to be like a kakapo?"
Sheila: "What?"
Jordana: "They're solitary birds hehe."
Mary: "I think I'll miss this. Jordana's bird facts, Sheila's magic tricks, even Sienna's health advice."
Sienna: "I hope we can all put down any animosity. We are all here to play the game and we played it competitively because we want to win. I'm sure Mary's actually a very nice woman when she's not in game-mode."
Mary: "Thanks Sienna. It's a pity that we didn't work together with you."
Jordana: "We didn't need to hehe. We all got here anyway."
Sheila: "Imagine how awesome it would be if we were in a coalition and all of us made it together. Oh but it would mean one of us would be the Mole."
Sienna: "One of us already is."
Mary: "It's crazy to think the final four, no, final five are all women. Which execution shocked you the most?"
Sienna: "I think Samantha's execution shocked a lot of us. I remember Ramona gasping distinctly."
Jordana: "That execution was so memorable. It was a double execution and Seamus could have had a chance to save himself but didn't. Rooney caught him hehe."
Mary: "I was half-expecting Rooney to exempt his way into the finale."
Sheila: "Maybe if he had survived his last execution."
Sheila: "I think the most surprising for me was also that execution, but it was because of Seamus. It's no surprise that we worked together so I thought we were on the right track."
Jordana: "You suspected Samantha?"
Sheila: "Yeah she was one of our suspects but it's no secret any more. I think I really took him for granted now that I look back."
Jordana: "He took it so well hehe."
Mary: "I think I'm alone in this but I was surprised by Sanaa's execution. If she was able to make it into the game halfway with so much information not available, she must have known who the Mole was. But apparently she may not, or may not have known it that well."
Jordana: "Maybe not the most surprising but it was the most difficult for me. Ted and I connected so well and then suddenly he's gone. Executions never got easier but I think his hit the hardest."
Sienna: "What was your favourite part of the season?"
Sheila: "I am really liking France. I've never been to France before so I'm glad to check it off my bucket list. They make muffins so differently here."
Jordana: "Not every muffin gives you an exemption to the finale hehe."
Mary: "I enjoyed the deductive missions."
Sienna: "So the meta-game?"
Mary: "Yes, that, but also those that really needed me to think. So the season started off on a great foot with the chess and the dynasties."
Sienna: "Jordana?"
Jordana: "For me, it was about putting myself out there. There were so many dangerous things that I did in hindsight that I don't think I would have done before joining. But something gave me the confidence to go for it. Maybe it was all these protective gear, but maybe it was also the group mentality that influenced me."
Sienna: "I enjoyed the cultural exchange. Talking to Zhang, Sanaa and the other locals we met on the way. Oh, and the scenery. It's so magnificent."
Jordana: "What would you have done differently?"
Sheila: "I would have trusted Seamus more. I think we could have brought each other much further but there was too much distrust from my side."
Mary: "It's the Smole. It's hard to fully trust anyone, even those close to you."
Sienna: "Speaking of trust, I would have been more honest with everyone. I hate to think that I've disappointed everyone and broke their trust."
Jordana: "You have a lot of work with that."
Sienna: "I know."
Jordana: "For me, I think I would have liked to have had a clearer plan. I know we tried but sometimes in the heat of the moment we get too excited."
Sienna: "We can plan all we want but reality will never be as planned."
Jordana: "Would you have done anything differently, Mary?"
Mary: "No. I'm quite satisfied overall."
Sheila: "I'm very curious: if you won, what would you do with the money?"
Mary: "Invest."
Sienna: "Stable and safe. I might do something predictable too. After all, my son is only so young. I could set aside a college fund for him."
Jordana: "I think I'll take my family on a tour across the world. We'll revisit all the places we visited on the Smole so that they can share in the experience. But this time we will set aside time to visit a bird park."
Mary: "You and your birds."
Jordana: "And you, Sheila? Wait, let me guess hehe. You're going to upskill or use it for your magician career."
Sheila: "Good guess and maybe some of it will go to that, but I think the bulk will be for our wedding fund. We've been putting it off for so long and I feel guilty about it. After his execution, without him by my side, I realised a lot of things about myself and about him. Seamus has been my rock. I may regret it if I don't end up becoming a world-renowned magician, but I know I definitely will regret losing Seamus for good."
Mary: "Have you learned nothing from me?"
Sheila: "I don't share your sad views on love. I sincerely hope that you can let go of the past and open your heart up to love again."
Sienna: "It's okay to be vulnerable. I know it's scary to get hurt again but we actually indirectly hurt ourselves even more by closing ourselves off."
Jordana: "I know that I'll miss whoever leaves tonight. Maybe even you, Sienna."
Sheila: "Maybe even you, Mary."
Mary: "Hi Sheila."
Sheila: "What is it?"
Mary: "I just wanted to formally apologise. I should be accountable for my mistakes."
Sheila: "What are you talking about?"
Mary: "The last mission. I didn't mean to make you so agitated."
Sheila: "You said that already. It wasn't your intention but you saw an opportunity to lure the Mole out and took it."
Mary: "I should have considered your feelings."
Sheila: "You said they were secondary."
Mary: "At the time because time was running out, but that doesn't mean they're unimportant."
Mary: "You sincerely hoped that I could let it go. I don't think I can, but I sincerely hope you and Seamus reconcile. I don't want you to become an old spinster or unloved like me."
Sheila: "You really should try to let go. He probably knows by now."
Mary: "I can still exact a revenge plan before this airs. I just have a hard deadline now."

Mary: "I take it that you won't help me."
Sheila: "Sorry."
Mary: "It's alright. I was half expecting you to have a motive when you suddenly changed your tune the other day. But I can still try to help."
Sheila: "Really?"
Mary: "Really. I think you have the drive. You just need opportunity."
Mary: "For the record, I don't think your relationship is doomed. Seamus isn't that petty. Maybe Seamus has long forgiven and forgotten about it and you're just making a mountain out of a molehill."
Jordana: "Why did you want to meet me here?"
Sienna: "I should return this to you."
Jordana: "These..."
Sienna: "Are the rest of your medication. I didn't return everything to you previously."
Jordana: "I didn't even realise hehe. In fact hehe, I barely touched them these few days."
Sienna: "That's good to hear."
Jordana: "Hehe, maybe I've been taking them as prevention."
Sienna: "That's not how you should take most medication. Did your doctor advise you that?"
Jordana: "Well, he said to take it whenever necessary. And I felt it was always necessary hehe. But maybe I was wrong."
Jordana: "I'm sorry for being so rude to you Sienna. I think you were right."
Sienna: "I'm just glad you're not actively harming yourself any more. I'm proud of you."
Sienna: "So do you still want these?"
Jordana: "Of course! I paid good money for them. But maybe I'll just be keeping them as backup from now on hehe."
Sienna: "But don't keep them for too long. Throw them away if they're expired."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer may be executed.
Q1: What kind of hat does the Mole wear?
A: Top hat
B: Non la
C: Helmet
D: The Mole does not wear a hat
Q2: What was the Mole's strategy before the season?
A: Be herself
B: Form coalitions
C: Take a step back and observe
Q3: Did the Mole dye her hair?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: What is the Mole's hair colour?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Blonde
D: Red
Q5: Before Mission 10, who sat opposite the Mole at breakfast?
A: Sienna Justine Piers
B: Sheila Rammstein
C: Mary Shelby
D: Jordana Hammond
Q6: In Mission 10, did the Mole have an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: In Mission 10, who sat opposite the Mole?
A: Sienna Justine Piers
B: Mary Shelby
C: Nobody
Q8: In Mission 10, which room did the Mole enter?
A: The room with the door closest to the stairs
B: The room with green lamps
C: The room with green tiles
D: The gem cutter room
Q9: In Mission 10, was the Mole locked in?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Sienna Justine Piers
B: Sheila Rammstein
C: Mary Shelby
D: Jordana Hammond
"Contestants, you are one step closer to the finale. Sheila has both feet in the finale, while the rest of you only have one foot in. Sadly, one of you must be executed tonight. Who will it be?"
"Sienna Justine Piers."
Sheila: "Sienna was being very vague throughout the discussion. She didn't want any of us to know how she was going to vote."
"Unfortunately, Sienna Justine Piers, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Mary: "Sienna was very calm and collected. She always knew what she was doing and had things under control."
Sheila: "I admire her. She's managed to walk a fine line and balance both motherhood and her career. And I will never forget that moment when she announced 'go get your exemption'. It's partly thanks to her that I'm in the finale."
Jordana: "Sienna was always so caring and concerned for our well-being, especially mine and especially in Egypt. She taught me to be more confident in myself."
Sienna: "We need to walk alone across this stretch of houses. What do you say?"
Jordana: "Hehe! That's easy!"
Sienna: "We're women here. It's unsafe for us to walk alone."
Jordana: "Not if we walk fast enough hehe."
Sienna: "I was prepared for the worst. I did my best and I have no regrets as to how I played this season. I'm really grateful for the chance to travel around the world with three wonderful women and I wish them all the best in the final quiz and mission."
"Thank you Sienna for joining. We hope to see you soon."
"The finalists are known: Sheila Rammstein, Jordana Hammond, Mary Shelby. Three strong women who defeated countless other competitors to sit here tonight. But one of these women is the Mole. Who is the Mole?"
Which one is the Mole? Which one will win? Find out soon!
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