Friday, 15 August 2014

12.02-Moose cakes!

Skye: “Okay, who peed right outside the toilet? Who was here just now….Heather.”

Heather: “Oh, I see! Thanks for the juicy piece of info!”
Dominic: “Nothing’s better than revealing my sister’s deepest secrets.”

Mona: “Join the coalition with you and Lisa? Okay.”
Vince: “Excellent! Spaghetti!”
Mona: “What?”
Vince: “Moose cakes!”
Mona: “Are you insane?”
Vince: “Just eccentric and random.”

Mona: “Above me is a picture frame. Scrawled in very small letters is my name. Isn’t it wonderful? Yes, I contributed the painting. And I think it would be great to exchange pointers with my artsy group members.”


Skye: “Your clothing style is horrendous! I’m not interested in fashion, but unless you’re planning on joining a circus and being a freakshow, get rid of your hideosity!”
Vince: “There’s no such word!”
Skye: “Do I look like I care?”


“Quiz time.”

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How is the Mole’s command of Simlish?
A: Incomprehensible
B: Poor
C: Average
D: Good
E: Perfect

Q3: In Mission 1, in what order did the Mole interview?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th

Q4: In Mission 1, did the Mole sit on the left or the right couch (camera view)?
A: Left
B: Right

Q5: In Mission 1, did the Mole earn points?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 1, in what order did the Mole get interviewed?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th

Q7: In Mission 1, did the Mole answer all questions in time?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: Is the Mole Dominic Kaliton?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 1, who did the Mole pair up with?
A: Vince Da Leon
B: Cynthia Tigress
C: Jo Lin
D: Eugene Sassy
E: Skye Lowe
F: Mona Panting
G: Lisa I. Upp
H: Honey Pearl Thurman
I: Flynn Moto
J: Heather Long
K: Dominic Kaliton
L: Calvin Hobus

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Vince Da Leon
B: Cynthia Tigress
C: Jo Lin
D: Eugene Sassy
E: Skye Lowe
F: Mona Panting
G: Lisa I. Upp
H: Honey Pearl Thurman
I: Flynn Moto
J: Heather Long
K: Dominic Kaliton
L: Calvin Hobus


“Welcome to your first elimination ceremony. Due to small space, we only called 6 of you. This does not mean that you are the lowest 6. In fact, one of you scored the highest here. However, there is also one of you who got a big fat 0 for your quiz. It’s probably the first zero in history! Well, not really 'in history', but one of you will be leaving anyway.”

“Heather Long.”
Heather: “You mean my intuition was wrong?”
“No, you are safe. When I call your name you are safe.  Please leave the room.”

“Vince Da Leon.”

“Honey Pearl Thurman.”

“Looks like a guy will be going home tonight.”

“Eugene Sassy.”
Eugene: “I’m safe, right?”
“Yes you are.”
Eugene: “All right!”

“Skye Lowe, Calvin Hobus, one of you will be leaving the house. Who will it be?”

“Skye Lowe, please leave the room.”
Skye: “…”
“You are safe.”

Skye: “How dare they keep me in such suspense!”

“I’m sorry Calvin, but that means you are the first to be executed. Share with us your thoughts on being the first to go.”
Calvin: “I’m disappointed, duh. Did not see that coming. I got a 0? I set a record? This isn’t good.”
“Your biggest mistake was?”
Calvin: “Probably being misled by the quiz questions. First off, they were tricky and require careful reading. Secondly, I was choosing Honey until I came to Q8, where Dominic’s name popped up out of the blue. Subsequent questions were answered with him in mind.”
“I see. Share with us a secret.”
Calvin: “I’m a bus enthusiast. I don’t want to let anybody know, but yeah. It’s an odd hobby, I know. Don’t judge.”

“Thank you Calvin for joining us.”


Eugene: “You don’t know how scary it was to be down there!”
Heather: “To have your name called first!”
Eugene: “I found it weird that your name was on the quiz, Dominic.”
Dominic: “Maybe it’s because I will win, just like Dominica. Honestly, we need a male winner anyway. Females are overrated.”
Honey: “Excuse me?”
Heather: “Hmph! Coming from a celebrity some more!”
Eugene: “Sigh…you need to watch your words Dominic.”

Calvin is the first to leave, by bus perhaps. Who will follow him out the door?

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