Dominic: “Jo, there you are! I’m wondering if you could
perform a Sing-o-gram for me.”
Jo: “What? No! You know how humiliating that is! I hate it!”
Jo: “Very well.”
“Quiz time!”
Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Is the Mole a
A: Yes
Q3: What does the
Mole work as?
A: Celebrity
B: Actress
C: Reporter
D: Unemployed
Q4: Before Mission 8,
where did the Mole sit during breakfast from camera view?
A: Left nearest
B: Left furthest
C: Right nearest
D: Right furthest
E: Right middle
Q5: In Mission 8,
which instrument did the Mole pick?
A: Piano
B: Keyboard
C: Guitar
D: Bass
E: Drums
Q6: What skill did the
Mole learn in Mission 8?
A: Guitar
B: Piano
Q7: In Mission 8, in
what order did the Mole gain a skill point?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The Mole did not
gain a skill point in time
Q8: Did the Mole have
any prior experience with the instruments they chose in Mission 8?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: In what order did
the Mole stop playing in Mission 8?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Jo Lin
B: Eugene Sassy
C: Skye Lowe
D: Heather Long
Eugene: “Don’t you love it when the quizzes always ask you
an extremely specific question? This season the quizzes have been trolling with
that the whole time! And they require a lot of knowledge of the Mole. I think
I’m doomed. I don’t know who the Mole is now that Cynthia is gone. Maybe it’s
not a woman.”


“Welcome to another execution. It’s going to be a tough one,
and you have all done well. Alas, one of you must sacrifice yourself. Who shall
it be?”
“Heather Long.”
Heather: “So, I’m safe right?”
“One of you three is going home. Guess what? You’re tied.
Either you all scored really high or really low. It’s hard to tell at this
stage. As always, it’s time for speeches.”
Dominic: “I’m such a pretty face, like a painting. I think
this is my 3rd time but I feel I shouldn’t leave. You should never
kick a celebrity out. That’s bad. I really don’t know what to say. I think it’s
worth it if you keep me. I’m still a bit undecided so I may not win and that
makes it easier for you guys.”

Eugene: “I’ve always been scoring quite well so I believe
I’ve got the hang of it even though I think I’m doomed now. Still, I’ve giving
it my all and played really hard and tried my best. This spirit should keep me
in. And even though I may not be on the best terms with some of you like Skye,
I really hope you’ll give me a chance to prove that this sassinator’s got

Jo: “I feel sad that we have to resort to popularity. Wasn’t
this show about skill and knowledge and everything but popularity? I don’t like
the twist this season because this happens way too often. I have the skill, I’m sure. And I have my
Mole. If you would keep me, I would feel happy and be filled with gratitude.”
“One of you guys will be going out the door for good.”
Dominic: “Is there a tie?”
“Nope. They voted for the same Sim. Otherwise the slower
quiz taker leaves.”
Eugene: “Darn. I’m doomed!”
“Dominic Kaliton.”
“Eugene Sassy, unfortunately to say you are the next
executed. What are your thoughts?”
Eugene: “I have a lot. I don’t really hate any of them as
this is just a game and I had a feeling I was fighting a losing battle. I
expected Skye to vote for me but not Heather because we just formed a
coalition. I think she was bewitched by Skye or is more than meets the eye.”
“What strategy made you lose?”
Eugene: “I’m not sure. I’ve always done well until recently
when I chose Cynthia and she was out. I was at a loss and at such a stage that
would be fatal, to get the wrong Mole. I think perhaps it’s not a female Mole
this season.”
“Would you start a showmance with any of the remaining
Eugene: “Sorry dude, but most prob not. I’m not that loose.
But if I had to choose, I’d probably have a fling with Heather because I think
Jo is a bit old. I forgot. Is she 30? And she’s got Dominic. I’m not a
cradle-snatcher. Funny question though.”

Skye: “Finally. Another one off my back. I think I’m
unstoppable now. Should I get rid of Heather? Maybe I should, to mislead her.”
Dominic: “Right now I’m like Eugene. I just knew he wasn’t
the Mole! But Jo thought he was and was bent on it. Is she misleading me or are
we both lucky? We were saved, but we’re going to have a difficult time finding
out who the Mole is like this. Why did he leave only now?”


Skye: “How does it feel to backdoor your ally?”
Heather: “I feel a bit guilty.”
Skye: “Don’t be. We’ve proven that he’s not the Mole.”
Heather: “So you are?”
Skye: “So you still suspect me even though I tried to help
you see the truth that it is definitely not Eugene…”
Heather: “No, I didn’t mean it like that. Do you think it
could be Dominic? I mean, unless the Kalitons are really that good, he should
be gone by now.”

Heather: “Well, goodnight. We’ll discuss this tomorrow.”
Skye: “Night.”
Heather: “I vote for Eugene because Skye and I have come up
with a plan to backdoor him, even if he is in my coalition. He seems to be the
popular target and if we get him out I’d like to see the faces of everyone when
they see he’s not the Mole.”

Skye: “I hate this. It’s so annoying. I don’t know. I think
I’ll get rid of Eugene because he’s so annoying and hates me anyway. I still
haven’t seen how he would stand up to me yet.
I think he’s chickened out.”
It’s the final 4! Who will win? Who is the Mole?
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