Prissy: “Why do I smell smoke..OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG the house is
on fire!”
Jonathan: “How did this happen?”
Ellie: “I’m willing to sacrifice myself to stop the fire.”
Jonathan: “No Ellie don’t be stupid!”
Ellie: “Don’t miss me.”
Prissy: “ELLIE! Don’t do that!”
Jonathan: “No!”
Dominica: “I’ve got the extinguisher!”
Ellie: “Dory! Don’t run through the fire! You may burn
Prissy: “Someone call the fire brigade!”
“We aren’t allowed to access the outside world.”
Prissy: “Are you f*****g kidding me? This is an emergency!”
“So is finding the Mole.”
Dominica: “Stop yelling behind me!”
Ellie: “Dory, that was dangerous!”
Prissy: “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! I’m too pretty to die!”
Dominica: “For goodness gracious, Pris!”
Dory: “That’s why I always carry an extinguisher in case
there’s fire.”
Ellie: “It’s got me.”
Dominica: “Run!”
Ellie: “It’s too late…goodbye world…”
Dominica: “She’s more melodramatic than you Pris! Just go
put yourself out!”
Jonathan: “What happened?”
Ellie: “This happened!”
Dominica: “Oh great, is it out already?”
Prissy: “Oh no we’ll all die!”
Ellie: “I smell anyway.”
Dory: “Phew. It’s out.”
Ellie: “Conditions look terrible.”
Prissy: “That was so scary. I thought I was going to die!”
Dominica: “Sure you would, when you were hiding behind me.
If you died, I’d become roast beef!”
Dory: “Oh Nemo, are you okay?”
Jonathan: “There. The fire’s put out.”
“Good. Now that that’s over, it’s time to take the quiz.”
Ellie, Dory and Prissy use their exemption.
Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which room does
the Mole sleep in?
A: Brown room
B: Red room
C: Blue Room
D: Yellow room
Q3: In Mission 8,
which taxi did the Mole take?
A: Silver taxi
B: Yellow taxi
Q4: In Mission 8, in
which order did the Mole enter the warehouse?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
Q5: In Mission 8,
what was the first thing the Mole did after entering the warehouse?
A: Talk
B: Climb a ladder
C: Explore
D: Look at an arrow
Q6: In Mission 8, did
the Mole climb a ladder or slide down a pole more?
A: Climb
B: Slide
Q7: In Mission 8, did
the Mole get trapped?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 8, did
the Mole find the star?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: In Mission 8, in
what order did the Mole find the star?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The Mole did not
find it
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Dominica Kaliton
B: Jonathan Chauver
C: Prissy Chrissy
D: Ellie Phante
E: Dory Neo
Prissy: “Yay! All of us automatically used our exemptions!
I’m glad I chose to use it instead of saving it for later, because there might
not be a later! I’m starting to think Ellie’s the Mole. She chose not to use
her exemption for so long and survived! But let’s talk about who’s leaving.
It’s either Dominica or Jonnie. Dominica is very sure of herself so I can say
for certain that Jonnie is leaving us. Goodbye Jonnie! The last guy on the
Smole! Am I glad I survived long enough to realise it’s not you! Unless
Dominica leaves…which means that Jonnie IS the Mole.”
“Dominica Kaliton, Jonathan Chauver.”
“One of you will be going home tonight.”
Dominica: “I’m safe….”
Jonathan: “Oh I just knew it.”
“I’m sorry Jonathan, but you have been executed. Please pack
your bags and head inside.”
“How do you feel about being executed?”
Jonathan: “I was kind of scared, but I deserve it. I didn’t
really bother much about my quizzes until now. But I knew it was too late since
I had a 50% chance of leaving.”
“What cost you?”
Jonathan: “Not paying attention and looking for the Mole.
But I knew Dominica would choose Dory, so I put most of my answers as her. It
still didn’t work though as I was fooled by Ellie too, I guess.”
“You were only 2 marks behind Dominica, if that’s of any
Jonathan: “Really? That means it was quite successful! But
at least half of my answers were Ellie…so Dominica isn’t as good as everyone
thought she is.”
“Who would you miss the most?”
Jonathan: “I don’t know…perhaps Ellie because she seemed as
though she genuinely cared for me. I would miss Lora if she was still around,
and Hax because he helped stand up for me.”
“Thank you for your time, Jonathan.”
Dory: “This is so hard…must revise more.”
Dominica: “That was so close. This just confirms my
suspicions. Now, it’s an all-girls’ game.”
And the last male leaves! We’re that close to the end! Who
is the Mole?
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