Sunday 31 August 2014

12.17-I should have paid more attention to my waffles

Last time on the Smole, the final 5 went to play instruments in hope of gaining a skill point by 5pm and thus earning 10 points. However, only Skye and Dominic did so, so 20/50 points are earned, making the pot 855/2050 points. Skye also earned an exemption for being the first to gain a skill point. It was another tie between Dominic, Eugene and Jo though, and with a unanimous vote Eugene was the next to be executed. Who will be the last to go? Who will win? Who is the Mole?

Dominic: “Yes! I can smell victory…as long as Jo doesn’t mislead me anymore. I’m sure it’s not her fault, but you’ll never know with women. We both want to win this for our family and reputation. I hope I win. Then I can finally prove that I’m not just the younger brother of Dominica Kaliton who sucks on his thumb and follows her like a dog. One day, they’ll be calling me “THE Dominic” and Dominica “Dominic’s sister”. I can’t wait for that day.”


Dominic: “Must delete any entries with Eugene in it. Who could be the Mole?”

Jo: “Hi Dominic. Up to eat your veggies?”
Dominic: “Very funny. You landed me into trouble!”

Jo: “If you’re talking about Eugene, you can’t blame me! I’m a victim too! I genuinely thought Eugene was the Mole! We were that lucky! And I still believe he is. I’m sure the producers will find a way to get him back. Then we’ll see.”
Dominic: “We’ll see all right.”

Jo: “And what do you mean I landed you into trouble? There are 2 of us in this coalition, you know! I’m beginning to see the flaws in you, Dominic.”

Dominic: “I hope you’re right and I really misunderstood you.”

Heather: “Hey guys! Any interesting news? I’ll be sure to credit you accordingly should it be published.”

Skye: “News? Heather’s been gathering news to write? She’s such a workaholic…oh no.”

Skye: “Great. I should have paid more attention to my waffles.”


Skye: “’Heather’s Articles’? Interesting. I’ll see what she likes to report next.”

Skye: “She’s written quite a lot. She has a strong sense of justice and loathes criminals…there are articles on finance…anti-vampirism? Then Heather should have scrambled away long ago!”


Heather: “’The truth about the Organisation finally revealed’. Oh, I can’t wait to send it to the main editor!”


Skye: “I have a bad feeling about this…oh no.”


Heather: “And sent!”

Skye: “What do you think you’re doing?”

Heather: “Calm down, Skye. It’s bad for your health.”
Skye: “It looked like you were writing an article. Aren’t you a reporter?”
Heather: “Specifically, a journalist.”
Skye: “You lied about your job.”
Heather: “Correction: It’s equivocated.”
Skye: “Don’t use your fancy terms on me! You effing used me!”

Skye: “I was effing used! By the one I trusted the most! I treated her like a friend, and then she betrays me and stabs me in the back? I should have known better. I was naïve to think Heather really wanted a friend. She just wanted to use me to learn more about the Organisation and reveal it to everyone! I’ll get hounded and butchered! Does she not know the stupid consequences of her actions? I can’t believe her! What I learnt in the Organisation was true after all. You really can’t trust anyone other than yourself, and never let your guard down or soften. I was duped. I’m going to get revenge. I’ll see to it.”


Jo: “It’s so good to not have my agents clamouring for towels or fans and paparazzi outside my door. I can feel nature at last!”

The final 4 are going to the art gallery to paint. The most valuable picture earns the artist an exemption. Any finished painting earns 5 points. This is worth 20 points.

Aurora: “I was betrayed and you bring me here to see unloaded paintings?”


They seem focused.

Or maybe not.
Skye: “I’m going to the toilet. I don’t f*****g care about this mission anyway.”

Down to these 3 to earn points.

Skye: “I think I’ve got a plan. I’ll make her pay. If need be I’ll sacrifice her to the Leader.”


They’re still painting.

Skye: “I’m sure they won’t mind me stealing a few items from here as keepsake and compensation. Wait, who am I to worry about the Organisation? I work alone even if I joined them. It’ll just be for keepsake. And that girl…”


Jo: “Finished!”
Wow, she can paint with her eyes closed.

Heather and Dominic are done too.

Dominic’s painting is worth 2 Simoleons, while Skye’s does not need to be mentioned.

Heather’s painting is worth 2 Simoleons too.

Jo’s is worth 12 Simoleons. Jo wins the exemption!

Jo: “Wow. I don’t come on here a lot. I’m here to say I’m glad I made it to the finale. Zoe, I’ll win this for you. For us. Maybe I can retire early if I win the grand prize. No need to worry about acting or singing anymore and not be bothered by my past.”

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