Sunday, 9 March 2025

60.05-Why is this school so mazy?


Last time on the Smole, the contestants welcomed their first shadow into their second mission which failed horribly. The contestants failed to stop the penalties from rolling in, resulting in -127/50 points for the pot. Without an exemption to save him, Gino was the second contestant removed from the game. Who will be the third? Who is the Mole?


Virginia: "How on earth did I survive the execution? I suspected Gino, of course. Perhaps my heart knows the truth—those who hide something are the ones to suspect. Or perhaps the technology has made a mistake. Not that you should feel compelled to investigate if so."


Lewis-Charlie: "I can't be the only one feeling like the conditions to stamp a square are arbitrary, right? How is earning penalty points not the same as earning nothing? I know, technically negative points aren't nothing, but in substance they are! I can't be expected to remember every term and condition to the letter too."


Kara: "I regret not getting cooking tips from Gino before he left. I wanted to learn his recipes and more importantly my famous goopy carbonara! It's to die for." 
Darleen: "You should make it for us one day."
Kara: "The wrong ingredients are stocked in the fridge."

Kara: "Speaking of which, why are there no apples?"


Kearney: "We need to work harder than ever now. I will not let the dastardly Mole win."

Kearney: "Who are you?"

Luis: "Buongiorno."
"Contestants, let us welcome Gino's shadow: Luis Toldeo, a 60-year-old retired sous chef from Monte Vista!"


Luis: "Gino disappoints me. He needs an old man to clean up his shit? But it's not like I have anything better to do."


"Contestants, today we are going to school. Both the teacher and the substitute teacher for a class of freshmen have fallen ill from food poisoning and they need one of you to fill the role and teach the class. In addition, I also need four contestants who are thirsty for knowledge."

Luis: "What are we teaching? Cooking?"
 Darleen: "I don't think he'll tell us."

Kara: "Teaching sounds fun."
Angelica: "Does anyone have experience teaching?"
Luis: "I taught Gino everything he knows to run a restaurant!"

Darleen: "Do you want to teach?"
Luis: "I don't think we're going to culinary school."

Kearney: "I will be the best teacher students have seen! I will teach them how to tame dragons!"
Trenton: "We're in Riverview. I don't think there are dragons."

Lewis-Charlie: "If it's about science I can do it. Schools are more likely to teach science than cooking."
Trenton: "I think you're the best suited, Lewis."
Kearney: "Fine. But if you need to teach a dragon taming class don't come crying to me."

Angelica: "Now for the four thirsty for knowledge. I'm quite thirsty for knowledge."
Virginia: "Those with their noses in books must be thirsty. I am one of them, as is Francisca."
Francisca: "I don't mind. We need one more."

Maru: "Pick me!"
Angelica: "Is there anyone else who would like to volunteer? Kara? Trenton?"
Trenton: "No thank you."
Kara: "I'm not here for knowledge."

Trenton: "Darleen! Now's your chance to speak your mind. Do you want to join the group?"
Darleen: "I don't know what the last group will do. I am fine with either."

Angelica: "Who votes for Maru?"

Angelica: "And who votes for Darleen?"

Angelica: "Majority rules."


Francisca: "I'm not used to wearing such long skirts or school uniform."
Darleen: "Francisca, your arms aren't touching the steering wheel."

Luis: "Is that futuristic looking man going to be alright in the trunk?"
Kara: "Yeah. I do it all the time."
Maru: "There's nothing to worry about."


Truelong Community School has a strong emphasis on holistic cross-disciplinary education. The students will be tested and stretched. The contestants too. If successful, they can earn 100 points, all or nothing.

Lewis-Charlie: "Good morning class. I'm your substitute teacher. You may call me Mr. Darwin."
Student: "Why are you wearing a pirate costume?"

Lewis-Charlie will teach a class of freshmen for one period lasting 45 minutes. Afterwards, the freshmen must take an exam. There is another class of seniors who will take the same exam. If the freshmen score higher than the seniors on average, the points will be earned. However, he has no idea what he's teaching or what will come out for the exam.

Lewis-Charlie: "Aha! Found something. Class, if you would turn your attention to the screen projector, we will learn about...General Knowledge. Around the World in 45 Minutes."

Here are the lesson slides ued!

Lewis-Charlie: "We're going to start off with a place you know and love. Riverview! As you know, Riverview was founded nearly 300 years ago. This town was built on...err...can anyone tell me what river this is?"


The teacher had prepared some material but it is incomplete. Earlier on, Kearney, Kara, Maru, Trenton and Luis helped to complete the material. Some classrooms have been marked with the subject that might be involved. The contestants must attempt to solve the question in the classrooms once entered, and depending on their answer Lewis-Charlie would later receive a different set of information to teach the class. Multiple contestants could enter the same room but only the last attempt would be counted. Each contestant could only attempt each room once.

Trenton: "This is the cafeteria. It's so old-school. It's not marked though, so I can't enter it."
Kearney: "Why is this school so mazy?"

Kara: "Music Science. What is that about?"

Kara: "Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the ballerina. What? What ballerina?"

Kara: "There's a music box here."

Kara: "Ooh!"

Kara: "Oh I love this melody!"


Maru: "Geographical literature. I suck at both. Let's go!"

Maru: "Match the right words to the correct countries:

Maru: "What do you say, Mitch? Give it a spin and just mark random words on where it stops? Great idea!"

Maru: "This looks right."


Kearney: "Mathematical Physical Education. That's for me."

Kearney: "Calculate the angle needed to make a successful hoop from the marked line for your height, then try it."

Kearney: "Why do I need to calculate anything? Just throw. 70 degrees, whatever."

Kearney: "Missed?"


Lewis-Charlie: "Next up: Barnacle Bay. Barnacle Bay was founded by a group of pirates: the Inkbeards and the Goldbeards."


Kara: "I'm bad with math. Surely there's something to help me out...oh!"

Kara: "Nobody's here. Good."


Kara: "Guess what I found! A bingo square! This one reads: Score exactly 7/10 in a quiz. This will be really hard to achieve but I'll take the risk."


Luis: "Art math. Two things that don't gel. What the hell."

Luis: "Draw a sinusoidal wave. What the hell is that?"

Luis: "I'll just go with this."


Trenton: "A question mark. This will be good."

Trenton: "Detention?! I should have known. I have to stay here for 10 minutes."


Lewis-Charlie: "Note the underlines and blanks, kids. Those are going to come out for the exam...hey, isn't that Francisca? She's a princess?"


Maru: "Mathematical science. Sounds fancy."

Maru: "Here are results of an experiment determining whether a plant is part of the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii species.  The field is divided into 4 quadrants, each with 100 plants. Based on previous observations, the probability that a plant is a member of the species of interest is 0.3. If I randomly selects 5 plants from the field without replacement to observe their species, what is the probability that exactly 2 of the selected plants belong to the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii species? Woah, too many words man."

Maru: "If I do a differential here, then carry the 1 here, then inverse...what's that, Mitch? Oh, you're right! I should multiply by 10 first. My answer is 0.3087."


Kearney: "Astronomy History. I'll get this one right. Identify from the following all philosophers who made discoveries pertaining to astronomy.


Kearney: "Galileo, definitely. He found the moon. Plato and Aristotle too. Pythagoras as well. Copernicus...he wasn't a philosopher, was he?"


Luis: "What the hell? Who said riga is an Australian word? And bier is definitely German."

Luis: "It's a good thing this is erasable."


Kara: "Art history needs me to paint in the style of Dali and Picasso? What is Dali's style?"


Luis: "Were you the idiot to say riga was an Australian word?"
Maru: "Nah that was Mitch. Anyway I just finished the task in that room so don't enter it."
Luis: "Suit yourself. I'll go upstairs then. Seems like that's all for this level."
Maru: "I haven't tried this room yet. Is it solved?"
Luis: "I drew a random graph. No idea what I had to do."

Maru: "A sinusoidal wave. The only wave I know is this. I hope that's right."


Kearney: "Art science means making all the colours of the rainbows in 7 test tubes. I have no idea what any of these chemicals are."


Kara: "I'm feeling so inspired. I know this is right."


Trenton: "Finally out of detention. It was a good nap. But I should get going."

Trenton: "What do I need to do for mathematical sciences?"


Luis: "Geographical science? Isn't that just earth science?"

Luis: "Identify the rocks in front. Okay. That's coal, that's gold, that's palladium and that blue lustre is clearly lapis lazuli. Easy. When you're retired you have time to study rocks."


Maru: "Pooey. I'm in detention. At least I have you."


Lewis-Charlie: "I just want to say that I did not do any of these slides or animations. I had no idea what I was going to be presenting. I do not have poor taste and powerpoint-making skills."


Luis: "Music history. This old man could be useful for once."

Luis: "Name 10 historical events in Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire. I know there was communism in China, there was the development of the hydrogen bomb, the split between North and South Korea, the development of the polio vaccine, 'Rock Around the Clock' got famous too. Oh James Dean died. Disneyland was in progress, Peter Pan premiered, Grace Kelly married the Prince of Monaco, and there was the Bay of Pigs invasion."


Trenton: "Draw a sinusoidal wave. That looks right. I'll just redraw it and make it look nicer."


Kearney: "I give up. I only got 5 of the colours. I have better things to do than child's play."

Kearney: "This next room is art literature. I'm supposed to identify books from the drawn covers. I don't see any book covers."

Kearney: "Oh, this is a two-Sim task. One of us needs to draw the covers first. That shall be me."


Luis: "Geography history. Another thing up this old man's alley."

Luis: "Arrange the four events in chronological order:
Ice Age
Haiti Earthquake
Mount Vesuvius Eruption that destroyed Pompeii
Indian Ocean Tsunami"

Luis: "The Ice Age is very old so it's first. Pompeii was destroyed ages ago so it's second. The earthquake came next then the tsunami. Final answer."


Lewis-Charlie: "Oh this is an easy blank to fill in. Lots of words here but remember: hot air is lighter than cold air."


Trenton: "The ballerina takes 6 seconds to complete a rotation. The radius of her path is 15cm. This makes her centripetal acceleration...approximately 0.164 m/s, to the 3rd significant figure."


Trenton: "One good thing about us future Sims is that we tend to be good at math. It's in our central processing chips. Who has time to manually work out numbers?"


Kara: "Perfect! The left side is Picasso, inspired by the painting here, and the right side is Dali. How much time did I spend already? I better get moving."


Kara: "Picasso can be summarised in two words: abstract cubism. What's the most abstract form of a cube? A circle! I then added two eyes and a mouth to breathe some life into art. Oh I'm such a genius!"


Luis: "I have to draw book covers for someone else to guess."
Kearney: "Already on it!"
Luis: "Who's there?"

Kearney: "I'm over here! Give me a moment. I'm almost done."


Kara: "That's clearly gold. So that's silver. And I think that's aquamarine. Oh I nearly missed the first one. That looks like opal or quartz. I'm going with quartz. No wait, I remember now! That's a dust diamond!"


Trenton: "Art literature, art science, astronomy history or mathematical physical education...definitely not the last."

Kara: "Trenton! You made it up here already?"
Trenton: "Yes. Have you went into these rooms?"
Kara: "Not yet. I believe I saw Kearney starting from here."
Trenton: "I didn't see him downstairs. He must still be in one of these rooms."

Kara: "I've completed the geography science and art history."
Trenton: "I did the music math one."
Kara: "Impressive. I couldn't do it. I gave a random answer."

Trenton: "I think I'll do the astronomy one. I excel at this."
Kara: "You can check Kearney's work if he's already been there. Have you tried these rooms?"
Trenton: "Not yet."

Kara: "Okie! This dark corner is for music math. Math is not my strong suit at all. Oh well. Someone's got to do it."


Kearney: "This is such an easy win."
Luis: "Is it now?"

Luis: "Who is this midget here? He's wearing a helmet and riding a horse...The Spanish Inquisition?"

Luis: "A boy flying a kite. I don't know what this book is. Kite Boy?"

Luis: "The only book I know about large whales is Moby Dick."

Luis: "What the hell is this? Monster in the Tree."

Luis: "Ah, this is easy. To Kill A Mockingbird."

Kearney: "That was not even close. I drew it so perfectly! Don Quixote is a legend!"
Luis: "Can't say I didn't try."


Kara: "This feels like 120 bpm. I'm not sure if that's the right tempo of the song, but I'm going to take a risk. Thankfully it's not real math."


Kearney: "Luis is sabotaging!"

Kearney: "This is the correct order."


Kara: "Hi Maru. Why do you look so angry?"
Maru: "I was forced into detention."
Kara: "There's a detention room?"
Maru: "Downstairs wedged between the lockers. Go there if you feel like taking a break."
Kara: "Thanks for the warning."


Maru: "I don't know what I'm doing but if I just keep mixing I'll eventually get all 7 colours."

Trenton: "Hi Maru. I didn't realise you were in here. What do we have to do?"
Maru: "Keep mixing until we get all the colours of the rainbow."
Trenton: "What colours do you have now?"
Maru: "Green and brown and black."

Trenton: "I know just what to do."
Maru: "Let's work together."


Kara: "I might have a shot with this room. Let's see now."

Kara: "I spotted so many words in clearly the wrong countries. I hope whoever is after me can correct even more mistakes."


Luis: "I need to match these words:

with their origin meanings:
40 days
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Salt money"

Luis: "Kangaroo means 'I don't know'. The closest seems to be ignorance. Salary is probably salt money since that's the only one about money. I know quarantine is 40 days. Avocado is testicles, surely. They do look like testicles. Oh, but surely kangaroo must mean nice means ignorance?"


Trenton: "Science literature. Science is an important part of the Lunar Lakes community. I'll try this one."

Trenton: "I need to match four animals to their biological names: the human, the giraffe, the swordfish, and the llama."


Maru: "Here we go with a 50."

Maru: "Score!"

Maru: "Woo! Just in time too."


The four women who were thirsty for knowledge had been studying everything they could for the exam during Lewis-Charlie's class.

Francisca: "I have no idea what to study."
Angelica: "Me too. I'm just taking a random textbook."

Virginia: "The material is droll. Similar to pancakes."
Darleen: "Some of this is familiar."

Darleen: "We should form a study group."
Angelica: "Good idea. We'll quiz each other so that we don't forget."
Francisca: "This library is too large for us to self-study and absorb everything."
Virginia: "Shh! Silence is golden in the library."

Francisca: "Hey, what's this?"
Angelica: "Hm?"
Francisca: "A bingo card. Fail an exam, it says."

Virginia: "Will you follow?"
Francisca: "I'm not sure. There might be more around."


Angelica: "Francisca found a bingo card in the library. We got distracted by that and spent a lot of time searching for more cards."


It is time for the exam. Not everything that was covered may be on the exam, and some material that was not covered may be on the exam. The students have 20 minutes.

Q1: What is the name of the river Riverview is found on? _____

Q2: Which of the following Sims live in Midnight Hollow?
A: Catarina Vanderburg
B: Roderick Plinton
C: Odessa Winchester
D: Constance Shelley

Q3: Which of the following places is most likely to have been a monarchy at one point in time?
A: Barnacle Bay
B: Hidden Springs
C: Sunlit Tides
D: Midnight Hollow

Q4: True or False: The Inkbeards are richer than the Goldbeards. ____ 

Q5: Why did the firefighters and firefighting equipment relocate from Riverview? ______ 

Q6: Name a feature of Victorian houses.

Q7: Which of the following Tree of Prosperity fruits are shaped like a blue cuboid?
A: Fruit of Harvest
B: Fruit of Mind 
C: Fruit of Body
D: Fruit of Soul

Q8:How many commercial lots are located in Regalia Court?
A: 7
B: 8
C: 9
D: 10

Q9: True or False: Aurora Skies is a Nordic coastal town. ___ 

Q10: What is the fuel source for hot air balloons in Aurora Skies? _____ 

Q11: Fill in the blank: At least ___ Sims died in Pirate's Hideaway.

Q12: What colour do the citizens of Roaring Heights wear to exercise? ____ 

Q13:How much energy can an onshore wind turbine generate each year? ____

Q14: What kind of events do Sunlit Tides residents go barefoot in? 
A: Wedding ceremonies
B: Casual get-togethers
C: Happy hours
D: Gym sessions

Q15: Which of the following pizza varieties are popular in Monte Vista?
A: Hawaiian Pizza
B: Greek Pizza
C: Napoletana Pizza
D: Pepperoni Pizza 

Q16: What is the King of Hidden Spring's favourite food?
A: Mac and cheese
B: Sushi
C: Lobster thermidor
D: Cheesesteak

Q17: Who founded Lunar Lakes? _____ (Anthony Cross)

Q18: What is the address of the old petrol station in Lucky Palms?
A: 125 Lakeside Drive
B: 124 Lakeside Drive
C: 126 Lakeside Drive
D: 127 Lakeside Drive

Q19: True or False: Sunlit Tides experiences a temperate climate. ____

Q20: Which of the following is not a dragonling colour?
A: Red
B: Black
C: Purple
D: Gold 


"Contestants, we hope you had a period of enlightenment. The class of freshmen had to take an exam based on the material taught by Mr. Darwin. On average, they need to score better than a class of seniors to earn 100 points."

"Lewis-Charlie, you can choose any of Francisca, Angelica, Darleen and/or Virginia to add to the average at the cost of 5 points per contestant added."

Lewis-Charlie: "I trust the students I taught. I don't need additional help."
"Very well. Let us reveal how the students did."

"Fern Everests scored 15/20."

"Bronwyn Mcallister scored 1/20."

"Chad Collins scored 19/20."

"Glen Thompson scored 13/20."

"Felicia Freeman scored 13/20."

"Dominic Matthew scored 8/20."

"Francis Britty scored 0/20."

"Frederic Nova scored 12/20. The average is 10.125."

"The class of seniors scored 6.625. Congratulations for earning your first 100 points of the season."

"As reference, Francisca scored 13/20, Darleen scored 9/20, Virginia scored 3/20 and Angelica scored 3/20."

The pot is now at -27/150 points. Will the group continue earning money or is it short-lived? Whose journey is short-lived?

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