Tuesday, 4 March 2025

60.03-Shocking revelation

The season started in a field in Riverview with a game of tag. Lewis-Charlie, Trenton and Gino were the survivors of the game, giving the latter two exemptions. It was Rita who needed it in the end as she was the first to be executed. Who will her shadow be? Will the shadow do better? Will the group do better in the next mission?


Kearney: "I just had a shocking revelation: I did not pass my quiz. I know that because I was unable to stamp that square. If not for the twist this season, I would have been a fool for much longer. At least I know who it is not now. This is the first step to victory!"


"Good morning contestants. You survived your first night here on the Smole. You shall enjoy another day without Rita."

"However, someone has been watching the season thus far. This someone has been lurking in the shadows but is ready to step into the light and get revenge for her fallen comrade. Are you ready to find out who it is?"

"Welcome Virginia Supine, 31-year-old book club moderator from Roaring Heights!"


Virginia: "I'm so grateful to be here. I thought Rita would pick Mark...perhaps she sensed he wouldn't enjoy it."


"It is worth mentioning now that even if a contestant quits, this season that contestant will still go through an execution ceremony and be executed. This means that there is also the possibility that Rita is the Mole who quit and now gave her role to Virginia."

"There's no time to waste today as there's a booking at The Water Hole Juice Bar. I need two contestants who feel like singing karaoke."

Trenton: "That sounds fun. I want to do it."
Lewis-Charlie: "I volunteer with you."

Darleen: "Oh okay. I am good with that."
"If there are no objections, Trenton, Lewis-Charlie, please make your way to The Water Hole Juice Bar."


Darleen: "I wanted to sing karaoke but Trenton and Lewis immediately volunteered, so I gave the chance to them."


"Trenton and Lewis-Charlie will sing karaoke. However, what they hear will be incorrect lyrics because of copyright claims, so we got one of our executives' teenage children to rewrite the lyrics. But a wrong lyric is a wrong lyric. The more of the song they sing incorrectly, the more penalty points they get. They have 3 songs, each worth -30 points."

"You can help. Among the rest of you, three of you will play a penalty shot against an athlete. You will hear the singers sing. Every time you score, the singers will see a correct line instead of a wrong one."

"The other five of you will play golf. You will attempt to land a golf ball in designated spots pertaining to different trivia questions. Your job is to answer the trivia questions, trying to get the most obscure answer possible. The fewer penalty points you rack up, the better. There are 10 questions, each worth -10 points. The penalty points gained each question is the lowest score among the five of you for that question. You have until the karaoke session is over."

Gino: "I have been playing soccer since I was a young boy! I am playing soccer. I think Maru and Angelica should join me."
Kearney: "Angelica is more of endurance rather than strength. You got to have good lower body strength for that kick."
Gino: "And agility to adapt to the goalkeeper."
Kearney: "I'm a better fit."

Angelica: "I have my own rights to decide if I want to, and I don't want to. My legs are aching. I'll play golf instead."

Virginia: "Whoever plays soccer must have a wide musical repertoire."
Darleen: "I know a musician. I think I would have good knowledge."
Kearney: "I don't think you can kick to save your life."
Darleen: "That's true."

Maru: "If he wants it then let him."

Kara: "So Gino, Maru and Kearney to play soccer and the rest of us go golfing?"


Kara: "Another physical mission? It feels like my legs are about to fall off. I'm so sore!"


Lewis-Charlie begins the first song: Havana by Camilla Cabello.

Kearney: "I will show everyone how it is done with this first song."
Lewis-Charlie: "Heaven and earth na-na~"
Kearney: "I have never heard of this tune in my life."

Lewis-Charlie: "I like to watch bananas in pyjamas, ya~"

Kearney: "I'll just kick."

Viktor: "Oof!"

Kearney: "Score!"

Lewis-Charlie: "Havana ooh-na-na~"

Lewis-Charlie: "I am not doing a Spanish accent~"

Gino: "Just score as many penalties as you can!"
Maru: "Does that sound like a Spanish accent to you, Mitch?"
Gino: "My name is Gino."
Maru: "You're right, he did say he wasn't doing a Spanish accent."

Kearney: "Blusters!"

Lewis-Charlie: "Pass me the mayo~"


Kara: "Here it goes! What did I get?"
"Name a song that includes whistling."

Angelica: "I Ain't Worried by OneRepublic."
"That scores you -3.8 points."
Darleen: "Whistle by Flo Rida."
"That scores you 5.9 points."
Angelica: "You're supposed to go for the most obscure ones."
Darleen: "It was the first that came to mind."

Kara: "I say Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John."
"That scores you -2.7 points."
Virginia: "Nothing stirs in the quiet corners of my mind. Whistle...Whistle, As We Go?"
"That is unfortunately not a song, so that scores you the full -10 points."
Kara: "What the hell?"

Francisca: "There is still hope. We just need to get the lowest one possible. How about The Lazy Song?"
"That scores you -4.2 points."

"This means you get -2.7 points for this question."
Kara: "That's -2.7 too much."


Lewis: "I like it when you call my senior Rita~
This song is Copacabana~"


Darleen: "I missed!"
Virginia: "Golf is such a man's sport. How would I have been able to play?"
Francisca: "I missed the question too."

Angelica: "Don't be too reckless! We have a limited number of golf balls."

Darleen: "You did it, Angelica!"
"It is another music question. Name a song from a fictional band."

Virginia: "We can just make it up, can't we? I pick Bazawoonka then."
"That is not a correct answer, so it scores you -10 points."

Kara: "Aye...."
Virginia: "I'd like to see you try, then. We shall see what comes of it."
Kara: "Kidnap My Heart by The Click 5."
"The Click 5 is a real band, so it scores you -10 points."

Angelica: "I can only think of That Thing You Do."
"That is a song performed by a fictional band The Wonders. That scores you -0.8 points."
Angelica: "Yes!"

Francisca: "That's hard to beat. I can only think of 3 Small Worlds by Josie and the Pussycats."
"That scores you -0.5 points."
Darleen: "Good job! I really can't think of anything so I'll pass."
"That means you will score -10 points. Francisca has the most obscure answer so you earn -0.5 points for this question."


Angelica: "The difficulty lay more in us trying to land a golf ball in the spots where we could get a question. Obviously each question would only count once so you would be wasting a shot if you landed a swing in a question previously answered. We needed to work on our golf more than our trivia."


Kearney: "Blusters! How is this man so good?"


Lewis-Charlie: "Cha cha cha cha cha cha~"

"That is the end of the first song. You have earned -29 points in the first song."
Trenton: "What?"
Lewis-Charlie: "How? It seems so arbitrary. Are we judging based on our singing skills?"


Trenton: "We did not know how we were earning negative points. I thought Lewis was doing something sneaky in front of me to have scored so lowly."


Trenton starts the second song: Wonderwall by Oasis.

Trenton: "Bombay, moonlight chardonnay, a Brazilian cockatoo~"

Gino: "I'm just going to score as many goals as possible."

Trenton: "Good day, I say good day to you, and your giant kangaroo~"

Trenton: "I don't know of anybody who loves the way I do~"

Trenton: "I got you now~"

Gino: "Gigi Buffon will be disappointed in me."


Francisca: "Oh dear."

Francisca: "I broke the club. Could I get a new one?"

Darleen: "Come on Angelica, you can do it!"

Kara: "I got a question!"
"Name a winner of the Pulitzer prize for fiction from 1990 to 1999."
Kara: "The Great Gatsby!"
"That is incorrect. That scores you -10 points."
Kara: "Really? I was so certain."

Francisca: "The Stone Diaries. It had that little circle on the cover when I picked it up at the bookstore."
"That is correct. Nobody in the general public who was asked this question gave this as an answer, so it scores you 0 points."
Virginia: "Fantastic choice. I am partial to Rabbit At Rest by John Updike myself."
"That is also a correct answer which scores you 0 points."

Darleen: "We got the best possible result! We don't have to answer any more."
Angelica: "Thank goodness for them."


Trenton: "I know I am sounding whiny and repetitive~"

Trenton: "You're a fat cow~"

Kearney: "I thought he played this as a child."
Maru: "Hahahahahahahaha!"


Virginia: "This place—chaos, a battlefield. No more shall I surrender, no longer play in their game."

Virginia: "Coming through—stay clear, don’t strike!"
Kara: "Where did it go?"

Kara: "Oh. That's embarrassing."

Francisca: "It didn't land far enough."

Angelica: "Finally."
"Name a capital city of Europe."

Francisca: "My first answer was Bern, then my second answer was Stockholm. Neither feel obscure enough. I should go for the Middle East, maybe. Like Turkey. I'll go with Ankara."
"That is the capital of Turkey and scores you -0.1 points."
Darleen: "Excellent! We can't get any better than that. Let's try Prague."
"That is the capital of the Czech Republic. It scores you -2.7 points."
Darleen: "Nice."
Angelica: "I'll go with Oslo, Norway."
"That is the capital of Norway and scores you -3.9 points."

Kara: "My answer will be Vaduz."
"That is the capital of Liechenstein and will score you -0.2 points."
Virginia: "Nothing comes just to mind."
Kara: "Hurry up, Virginia. We don't have all day."
Virginia: "If an answer is demanded, Madrid it shall be."
"Madrid is the capital of Spain and will score you -6.5 points. This means you will earn -0.1 points in this question."


Trenton: "Don't expect any coherence in the words I'm singing too, you're a fat cow~"

Maru: "Mitch says you should time your shots with the music."
Kearney: "Hurry up. The song is almost ending."

Gino: "Fottere!"
Maru: "Mitch disapproves of your performance."
Gino: "Shut the hell up about Mitch."


"The song is over. You have earned -29 points with this song."
Trenton: "Again? What is going on?"


The last song is a duet: Hips Don't Lie by Shakira and Wyclef Jean. It is the last chance for the duo to reduce the penalties.

Lewis-Charlie: "I'll take the male part and you'll take the female part."


Kearney: "Hurry up!"

Maru: "I shall march to the beat of Mitch's own drum. What lyric will they struggle with?"


Francisca: "I have another question."
"Name a football/soccer team with 'United' at the end. The team must either be in The Premier League, Championship League, League one or League Two."
Darleen: "I don't play soccer. I am hoping Manchester United is an answer."
"That is correct. It scores you -6.4 points."
Francisca: "That was going to be my answer. I'm hoping The United Allies is a football team."
"That is not a valid team. It will score you -10 points."

Virginia: "I haven't the foggiest. United...Balls?"
"That is not a valid team. It will score you -10 points."
Kara: "Sims United."
"That is not a valid team. It will score you -10 points."

Angelica: "I cannot think of anything else. Maybe I'll be surprised: Liverpool United."
"The team ypu are thinking of does not end with United. That will score you -10 points. With the most obscure answer of Manchester United, you earn -6.4 points with this question."


Lewis-Charlie: "Your hips they really really cannot lie~"

Maru: "Now!"

Lewis-Charlie: "She makes a man become Spanish~"

Maru: "You are not supposed to catch it!"
Kearney: "He absolutely is."

Lewis-Charlie: "Are you a llama~"
Trenton: "D~"
Lewis-Charlie: "Bonita~"
Trenton: "E~"


Kara: "We need to speed up. Every question not answered is an automatic -10 points."
Virginia: "You have succeeded yet again."
"Name someone famous who is known by their 2-letter initials and their surname."
Virginia: "E.B. White."
"That is correct. Nobody answered that, so it scores you 0 points."
Kara: "Let's not answer any more. Let's all just pass since we have the perfect score."


Trenton: "Oh baby when you move like that~"
Maru: "You make a woman go mad!"
Trenton: "You make my nana go mad~"


"Name a nationality that ends with '-ian'."
Angelica: "Argentinian."
"That gives you a score of -0.2 points."

Francisca: "I think this is something we can afford to spend time on to do better. I will go with Malaysian."
"That scores you -0.5 points."

Darleen: "I think we can't get any better."
Kara: "We'll give it one last try. If we can't do better than Virginia then we'll just pass the question and we get -0.2 points."
Darleen: "Alright. I will go with...Mozambiquian?"
"Mozambiquian is not a valid word. That scores you -10."
Darleen: "Sorry! I was stressed."


Trenton: "Oh chomp di chomp di chomp hips don't lie and chomp di chomp di chomp~"
Maru: "This song is so fast and you are so fast."


Virginia: "I believe in you, ladies."
Kara: "Maybe try helping out then."
Virginia: "I am best used on the sidelines."


Trenton: "Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira~"
Lewis-Charlie: "No fight club~ No fight club~"

"That's the end of the last song. You also get -29 points for this song. Ultimately, you earn -87 points."
Lewis-Charlie: "What a disaster."


"Ladies, your time is up. You have answered 7 questions, so the remaining 3 questions will earn you -30 points. You have earned -39.9 points in total, rounded up to -40."
Angelica: "That's a hefty penalty."

It's been a disastrous penalty day for the contestants, with an empty pot now going into the negative of -127/50 points. Will they recoup their losses?

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