Previously on the Smole, 10 new contestants took part in their first mission where they had to tag out everyone who was fitter than them. After 30 minutes, Gino and Trenton survived along with the most unfit contestant Lewis-Charlie, netting the former two exemptions and the pot nothing. As the contestants prepare for their first quiz, who will be eliminated first?
Kearney: "Blasted! I can no longer stamp the middle square in the top row. That treacherous Gino Ferrari...I will never forgive him. I keep my friends close and my enemies closer."
Lewis-Charlie: "What do you mean the shaka-brah doesn't count? I didn't know Trenton beforehand so he's a stranger to me. So what if we met 25 minutes ago? This game is rigged."
Lewis-Charlie: "I want the top bunk."
Kearney: "The top bunk is for kings. You are a weak loser."
Gino: "It's fine. You can take my bunk."
Lewis-Charlie: "Thanks Gino."
Kearney: "You backstabbing devil."
Lewis-Charlie: "It's just a bunk."
Kearney: "Do you know what he did yesterday? He attacked me while I was busy with Angelica!"
Gino: "The terms of the agreement were fair and square. We work together to get her out. After that it's every man for himself."
Lewis-Charlie: "I think that's fair."
Kearney: "...It's my loss for misjudging a character."
Darleen: "The bright side is that I got a square stamped."
Kara: "Me too. Is it the one about not earning points?"
Darleen: "You have it too?"
Kara: "Let's show each other our cards."
Kara: "Wait, let's form a coalition first. This is confidential information. I don't want others hearing about my card."
Darleen: "Deal if you keep mine a secret too."
Kara: "We were given the cards before the season to strategise. I think mine is fairly easy. I just need to form loads of coalitions and play each quiz differently. Who will say no to more info?"
Kara: "Do you want a coalition?"
Lewis-Charlie: "I already formed one with Trenton. I should discuss it with him first."
Kara: "It can be a secret one. Can you resist not having info?"
Lewis-Charlie: "What info can you possibly provide me?"
Kara: "Maybe not now, but later on. More eyes is always good."
Lewis-Charlie: "Let me speak to Trenton on this first."
Angelica: "Hi Maru."
Maru: "Angelica! Hey! You're just in time for my new creation."
Angelica: "Are you a chef?"
Maru: "Never cooked a day in my life."
Angelica: "...Then I'll pass. Thanks for the offer."
Maru: "No problem."
Maru: "I heard you were amazing in the mission. Everyone was so impressed by how you managed to outrun so many other contestants. Where did you learn to get so fit?"
Angelica: "I love the great outdoors so I regularly go hiking."
Maru: "Damn girl. The military could really use someone like you."
Angelica: "I wouldn't join the military. Too many rules."
Maru: "Ehh, most nobody else does. They accepted me because nobody else applied for the job."
Angelica: "That's...not very comforting to hear."
Maru: "It's cool. I get free food and lodging. Nobody attacks beautiful Sunlit Tides. It's paradise!"
Maru: "So what other hobbies do you have?"
Angelica: "I try everything. I like to enrich myself and live life to the fullest."
Maru: "Is that why you're on the Smole?"
Angelica: "It certainly is another adventure."
Maru: "Done! Would you like to be my first guest?"
Angelica: "I'll pass. You just spread butter over raw hot dogs."
Maru: "Don't knock it till you try it."
Angelica: "Please cook them first. I don't want you to fall sick."
Rita: "What on earth is that man doing?"
Trenton: "That contraption is so primitive! Yet so efficient! I've never seen anything like it."
Rita: "You've never seen an umbrella before?"
Trenton: "Is that what it's called? I've never heard of it before. I come from the future after all."
Rita: "And I come from the past."
Trenton: "You did?"
Rita: "It was a joke."
Rita: "They should have provided it to us earlier. Playing in the rain is a horrible idea. What if we fall sick?"
Trenton: "We wouldn't want that. Hey, what is that you're drinking?"
Rita: "Just something to help me wind down and relax. Do you want to try?"
Trenton: "Sure."
Rita: "Go and make yourself a glass, you dirty boy."
Trenton: "But I don't know how."
Rita: "Just open the bottle and pour a glass."
Rita: "Have a sip."
Trenton: "Blegh."
Rita: "You can't appreciate fine wine."
Lewis-Charlie: "Hi Trenton, hi Rita."
Rita: "Good evening, Mr. Darwin."
Lewis-Charlie: "Just call me Lewis."
Trenton: "Have you tried wine?"
Lewis-Charlie: "...Yes?"
Trenton: "I noticed she's been flitting around like a butterfly."
Lewis-Charlie: "She's probably going around talking to everyone to get 10 secret coalitions."
Trenton: "I don't mind though. She can have lots of info to give to us."
Lewis-Charlie: "You trust her?"
Trenton: "The more the merrier."
Rita: "This sounds like something that should be discussed in the privacy of your own room."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer may be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What life stage is the Mole in?
A: Young Adult
B: Adult
Q3: Does the Mole wear a headdress?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Which bingo card does the Mole have?
A: Card #1
B: Card #2
C: Card #3
D: Card #4
E: Card #5
F: Card #6
G: Card #7
H: Card #8
I: Card #9
J: Card #10
Q5: How many athletic skill points does the Mole have?
A: 0
B: 2
C: 5
D: 10
Q6: How many contestants were fitter than the Mole in Mission 1?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5
G: 6
H: 7
I: 8
J: 9
Q7: In Mission 1, with the barn as the East and numbering the hay bales horizontally incrementally, treating there to be 4 rows of hay bales, which hay bale did the Mole start at?
A: Hay Bale #2
B: Hay Bale #5
C: Hay Bale #6
D: Hay Bale #7
E: Hay Bale #8
F: Hay Bale #9
G: Hay Bale #10
H: Hay Bale #12
I: Hay Bale #14
J: Hay Bale #15
Q8: Was the Mole eliminated in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Was the Mole eliminated before someone fitter than the Mole in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was not eliminated
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lewis-Charlie Darwin
B: Francisca Vanderburg
C: Trenton Alto
D: Darleen Matlapin
E: Maru Mango
F: Gino Ferrari
G: Angelica Diamond
H: Kearney O'Shea
I: Kara Carter
J: Rita Davis-Welles
"Good evening contestants. Tonight marks your first execution ceremony. Trenton and Gino do not have to worry about it for they are exempt, but for one of you, it's lights out."
"Each of you has been given a lighter and a respective candle to light. If the candle turns green, you are safe. If it turns red, you are the first to be executed this season."
"Let's start with Lewis-Charlie Darwin."
Rita: "Mr. Darwin and Mr. Alto behaved strangely in the mission. Especially Mr. Darwin. He barely put in any effort to eliminate the others."
Lewis-Charlie: "Phew."
"Francisca Vanderburg."
Gino: "Francisca spent most of the time hiding when she could have helped eliminate the three fittest contestants."
Francisca: "It's green, thankfully."
"Darleen Matlapin."
Lewis-Charlie: "Darleen eliminated herself with 5 minutes left. It's not like I could have tagged both Trenton and Gino out in that time."
Darleen: "Yes! I'm safe!"
"Maru Mango."
Kara: "If I had to suspect a man, it would be Maru. I'm not one to judge but he claims he didn't understand what 'survival of the unfittest' meant?"
Maru: "I feel the green aura."
"Angelica Diamond."
Trenton: "Angelica Diamond is one to watch out for. Why is she running away from everyone when she's such a big target and bound to be tagged out? She's wasting her time."
Angelica: "That's good. I would hate to leave first."
"Kearney O'Shea."
Francisca: "Kearney was insistent on eliminating Angelica but himself did not want to be eliminated. That is a big contradiction."
Kearney: "I will not fall that easily."
"It means that either Kara Carter or Rita Davis-Welles will be executed first."
"That is not good news at all."
"Kara Carter."
Kearney: "Kara is weird. She ran towards the weaker contestants so many times."
Kara: "OMG! I'm safe! I thought I was a goner!"
"Rita Davis-Welles, would you like to light your candle?"
Rita: "It's red."
"Rita Davis-Welles, you are unfortunately the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Lewis-Charlie: "I know it's just a game but seeing it for the first time is always hard. She was the first Sim I eliminated too."
Rita: "I barely participated. It's like I wasn't even here. Regardless, it was an honour to have participated in such a prestigious show."
Darleen: "She was an easy target because she was so close to us. I thought she exuded such class and dignity. I was looking forward to ladies' night every night in our room."
Rita: "I definitely did not enjoy the first mission and I will not lie about it. It would have been much better had it not been raining and had it not involved so much running. I would've been excited to see what was in store. Alas. I will leave with my head held high, for I tried."
Trenton: "She was so different and so unique. She introduced me to so many inventions that I had never heard of, like umbrellas or wine."
Trenton: "Hey, what is that you're drinking?"
Rita: "Just something to help me wind down and relax. Do you want to try?"
"Thank you for joining, Rita. We hope to see you again."
The graceful Roaring Heights lady is this season's first victim! Who will be the next? Who will replace her as her shadow?
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