Tuesday, 25 February 2025

60.01-I'm the one with the power

Joy: "Name?"

Lewis-Charlie: "Lewis-Charlie Darwin."
Joy: "Lewis-Charlie Darwin...got it."

Joy: "Please pick a number from 1 - 10 and cross out the number you have chosen."
Lewis-Charlie: "9 please."

Joy: "Here is the key to Locker #9."


Francisca: "Good afternoon. I was told to come here?"
Joy: "Good afternoon. Do you have an appointment?"
Francisca: "Presumably. I'm filming a TV show called the Smole. My name is Francisca Vandenburg."

Joy: "Please pick a number from 1 - 10 and cross out the number you have chosen."
Francisca: "Hmm...6."
Joy: "Here is the key to Locker #6."
Francisca: "What's inside?"

Joy: "All the information is inside your locker."


Trenton: "Here is Locker #2. Let's see what's inside."


Darleen: "#4 please."


Maru: "'Please change into your workout gear.'."


Gino: "There's Locker #3."


Angelica: "There is also a bingo card in my locker. I wonder what that's about."

Joy: "Please pick a number from 1 - 10 and cross out the number you have chosen."
Kearney: "1 because I'm #1."


Kara: "There are only 5 and 7 left...I shall pick 7."


Joy: "Please head upstairs, ma'am."



"Welcome to the Smole Season 60! To celebrate its 60th anniversary, we have specially found contestants from all over the world to take part. After rigorous selection, the 10 of you have emerged as the celebrants of the season."

"Lewis-Charlie Darwin, 49-year-old vice president from Barnacle Bay."

"Francisca Vanderburg, 24-year-old anonymous source handler from Hidden Springs."

"Trenton Alto, 41-year-old unemployed from Lunar Lakes."

"Darleen Matlapin, 21-year-old fan from Lucky Palms."

"Maru Mango, 32-year-old grunt from Sunlit Tides."

"Gino Ferrari, 49-year-old chef de cuisine from Monte Vista."

"Angelica Diamond, 30-year-old unemployed from Aurora Skies."

"Kearney O'Shea, 24-year-old squad leader from Dragon Valley."

"Kara Carter, 22-year-old pastry chef from Midnight Hollow."

"And Rita Davis-Welles, 30-year-old unemployed from Roaring Heights."

"We would have loved to have more contestants playing, so this season, more contestants can play. Each of you has chosen a Sim, let's call them shadows. Your shadow will observe the game as you play them and they will take your place if you are executed. All of you can also quit at any time and let your shadow take your place, including the Mole."

"Beyond that, each of you have received a bingo card. Throughout the season starting from now, you may perform activities and complete a square. If you are able to get 5 in a line, or all 4 corners, you may claim from a set pool of prizes. You have already been briefed on the conditions to complete certain activities. For example, any square about suspects refer to the contestant you put down as the Mole in the latest quiz. You may also notice some blank squares: you can collect them throughout the season and use one to fill the blank. The cards are also not tradeable, but your shadow will inherit your card should you be out of the game."

"Finally, all of you were tasked to complete a fitness test prior to this season. We have assessed your athletic ability."

"The fittest among you is Angelica."

Kearney: "What?"
"Kearney is the second fittest, followed by Maru."
Kearney: "I don't accept second best."

"Francisca is the next fittest, then Gino."

"Then Trenton, then Rita."

"Then Kara."

"Then Darleen. Lewis-Charlie is the most unfit of the lot."

"But that's good news for you, because today is about the survival of the unfittest, and as the most unfit, only you can earn the first 50 points, all or nothing. The ten of you will play a game of tag for 30 minutes. If you are tagged by anyone more unfit than you, you are eliminated. At the end of 30 minutes, the survivors will earn an exemption except for the most unfit since he can never be eliminated."
Lewis-Charlie: "That's not good news to me."

"It's up to you to decide to start the season off with the group or for yourself, because only Lewis-Charlie may survive to earn the points. Your time starts now."


Angelica: "I was the fittest so it was all about trying to avoid everyone else for me. It was so unempowering."


Darleen: "I'll go after Rita."

Lewis-Charlie: "Tag! You're out."
Rita: "How rotten."

Darleen: "I see you got her out already."
Rita: "The two of you are ganging up against me! Whatever. It is so absolutely disgusting to play in muddy fields in the rain."

Darleen: "Oh no, I'm next!"

Gino: "You should be afraid of me."
Kearney: "I'm afraid of no man."
Gino: "I can eliminate you but you can't eliminate me."

Gino: "How about we work together to get a common enemy out?"

Kearney: "...I'll get rid of her first."

Francisca: "They're coming closer! I hope they don't see me."

Kara: "This is so fun!"

Maru: "Tag!"

Kara: "I think you're confused. I'm the one with the power. Tag! Teehee."
Maru: "I feel like a little lamb. It's so fun!"

Kearney: "Come back here like a man!"

Kearney: "I won't lose to a woman!"

Kara: "So many juicy targets..."

Darleen: "Whew! I'm wiped out already."

Trenton: "I don't feel like running. I'll just wait for the rest to kill each other."

Lewis-Charlie: "I'm going to play this strategically. Why should I tire myself out chasing after them? They can handle it themselves."

Gino: "Damn it!"

Kara: "AFTER HER!"


Lewis-Charlie: "The host said we could find bingo squares throughout the season. Maybe there were hidden squares in the playing field or a hidden exemption! I pivoted to focus on the meta-game and search for advantages."


Lewis-Charlie: "Found one! 'Be the only one to get an exemption in a mission'. Well that's no use to me."

Lewis-Charlie: "This idiot doesn't even realise he's exposed."

Kara: "Huff...so tired..."

Lewis-Charlie: "Any last words?"
Trenton: "Aah! Wait, let's work together!"

Lewis-Charlie: "You got my attention."
Trenton: "We keep each other till the end."
Lewis-Charlie: "That doesn't benefit me at all."
Trenton: "We can work together as a coalition. You give me an out today, I'll repay the favour tomorrow."

Gino: "She's surprisingly agile."
Kearney: "Don't you dare betray me now. I detest disloyalty."

Gino: "We can go for a far easier target."

Gino: "She's oblivious."
Kearney: "I'm not giving up until I eliminate that woman."

Gino: "Tag."
Francisca: "Oh no! How did I not hear you?"

Darleen: "I found my chance! Tag, you're out!"
Kara: "No...what good does it do to not let me have an exemption?"

Darleen: "It's about the money. I don't want to be the selfish one."
Kara: "Look at everyone else...they're being selfish already. You will probably be selfish too."
Darleen: "I'll let Lewis-Charlie tag me when everyone else is eliminated."

Kara: "You think you can eliminate them? Look at their stamina. They've been going at it like mad dogs for the past 15 minutes."

Kearney: "How is that woman having so much stamina? I'm impressed."

Kearney: "I hear footsteps."

Kearney: "You're not catching me!"
Darleen: "How did you hear me?"

"5 minutes left."
Angelica: "I just need to hang on a little while longer...I can't tell if this is sweat or rain."

Darleen: "You can tag me out. I'm tired anyway."
Lewis-Charlie: "Uh....sure. Tag."

Gino: "Finally running out of stamina, are we?"
Kearney: "Don't waste time talking!"

Kearney: "I got you now!"
Angelica: "Damn it! I ran the wrong way."
Kearney: "Good game."

Gino: "Tag."
Gino: "The agreement was until Angelica was eliminated."
Kearney: "TRAITOR!"

Lewis-Charlie: "I think everyone has been eliminated."
Trenton: "Are you thinking of going back on your word?"

Trenton: "It's only 50 points, Lewis. Don't do it or you will suffer negative reputational consequences for the rest of the season."
Lewis-Charlie: "It's a big dilemma."

Trenton: "Let's shake on it."
Lewis-Charlie: "Let's shaka-brah instead."
Trenton: "What?"

Lewis-Charlie: "It's how Sims from Riverview do it. Just follow me."
Trenton: "Like this?"
Lewis-Charlie: "Exactly. I hope that counts."
Trenton: "Why won't it count?"
Lewis-Charlie: "Oh, nothing."


Lewis-Charlie: "What Trenton didn't know is that I could get a square if I earned nothing for 2 missions. This is a gimme if I let him survive. But I didn't want him to know that yet. I'm playing the long game here."


"Time is up. Clearly Lewis-Charlie is not the only one standing, so no points have been earned."

"Trenton gets an exemption for surviving."

"Gino also gets an exemption for surviving."
Lewis-Charlie: "What? We missed someone?"

The group of new contestants have proven to play for themselves in the first mission, netting 0/50 points in the process. Is this a bad start?

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