Friday, 7 March 2025

60.04-Do you guys mind not sweating all over the floor?

 In the second mission of the Smole, the contestants had to reduce penalties, either by karaoke or sports. With the help of Kearney, Gino and Maru, Lewis-Charlie and Trenton earned -87 points, while the ladies earned -40 points. The pot has hit an all-time historic low of -127/50 points. Can they come back from this? Who will leave and never come back?


Lewis-Charlie: "So that's why we kept getting negative points."
Trenton: "Lewis and I were racking our brains trying all sorts of things to earn points. We had absolutely no control over it."

Lewis-Charlie: "We never thought that we had to sing the correct lyrics over the presented ones."

Angelica: "The boys scored double of us."
Maru: "We were kicking our asses off."

Gino: "Kearney and I were kicking our asses off. You weren't."
Maru: "I was being strategic. I knew all the songs by heart and just had to find the right lyrics that the two of them couldn't get."
Trenton: "That barely happened."

Darleen: "I should have sung karaoke. I knew all the songs."
Gino: "Then why didn't you say anything?"
Darleen: "Trenton and Lewis already volunteered."

Lewis-Charlie: "Are you blaming us now?"
Gino: "I don't think that's what she meant."
Trenton: "Let's not get upset now. At least we know where the problem lies now."
Gino: "Exactly. It's with Maru."

Maru: "Mitch told me to do it!"
Gino: "Oh yeah, he kept going on about this Mitch guy."
Trenton: "I think we're all just hungry. You're a chef, aren't you? Why not cook something up for us?"

Gino: "Who has the time for that? I have a gym session with Kearney later on and a quiz to prepare for."
Trenton: "There isn't a gym in this house."
Gino: "When there's a will there's a way."


Virginia: "A kindred spirit. I hope you do not mind me intruding."
Francisca: "Oh no, not at all. The company is refreshing."

Virginia: "Can you believe it? A single, shoddy bookshelf—of all things—sits there, incongruously, in this grand mansion. How utterly disappointing. One would have imagined more, wouldn't one? More than this haphazard, meagre offering to a place that ought to echo with the weight of history, of thought."

Francisca: "I assume you like books."
Virginia: "Like books? I don't just like them. I am a writer!"
Francisca: "What did you write about?"
Virginia: "My most recent work is Predator."
Francisca: "I've read about it. It's about a child's apathetic retelling of childhood sexual abuse."

Francisca: "That is very impressive. I wondered how someone could get into such a frame of mind to write something like that. You're not at all who I imagined the writer to be."

Francisca: "I can't believe I'm sitting next to a prolific writer."
Virginia: "Let us focus on reading again."

Virginia: "Say, have you noticed how...unnatural...the complexions of Kara and Kearney are?"
Francisca: "It's not the weirdest I've seen from where I'm from."
Virginia: "Where do you live?"
Francisca: "...Hidden Springs."
Virginia: "Which part?"

Francisca: "...I prefer to keep it private."
Virginia: "I understand. We all have secrets to keep."


Kearney: "The music is bad."
Gino: "Don't diss my workout playlist."
Kearney: "Where are the lutes and lyres?"

Gino: "Who the hell listens to lutes and lyres to exercise?"
Kearney: "I don't listen to music to exercise at all, but if I had to, it would be that."

Kearney: "I can do more pushups than you."
Gino: "Keep your form."
Kearney: "I can do more pushups than you while still keeping form!"

Gino: "Of course you can."
Kearney: "What? You're giving up that easily?"
Gino: "You're younger and fitter than me."

Kearney: "You are just afraid of losing to me."
Gino: "It's a workout, not a race."

Gino: "I thought I was your sworn enemy."
Kearney: "Not any more."

Kearney: "I know you're not the Mole."
Gino: "How do you know that?"
Kearney: "My bingo card told me."

Gino: "That darn bingo card is gonna kill me sooner or later."

Gino: "But I've got to say, hanging out with you is like a breath of fresh air."
Kearney: "Why?"
Gino: "You don't treat me as a celebrity. Back at Monte Vista I'm a household name. I've barely got time to do what I like between all the photoshoots and girlfriend duties."
Kearney: "Girlfriend duties?"
Gino: "It ain't easy being the boyfriend of a 2-star celebrity."

Gino: "In honesty I think she'll knock these two missions out of the park. She's fitter than me and a musical genius and a socialite. If she joined she'll go on to win the season."

Kearney: "And you're satisfied with that?"

Gino: "Why wouldn't I be?"
Kearney: "Gross. You're settling. Not like me. I aim to be the best of the best."

Darleen: "Do you guys mind not sweating all over the floor?"


Lewis-Charlie: "About your proposal, I discussed it with Trenton and we agree."
Kara: "What proposal?"
Lewis-Charlie: "To form a coalition."
Kara: "Oh, I don't need that any more. I found one with Maru."

Lewis-Charlie: "Maru? That guy is weird."
Kara: "I don't like judgy Sims."
Lewis-Charlie: "That's not what I meant."
Kara: "That's exactly what you meant."

Lewis-Charlie: "One more won't hurt, right? We can keep it a secret."
Kara: "Can you keep a secret?"
Lewis-Charlie: "Of course."
Kara: "Can Trenton?"

Kara: "Nevermind. I'll find him personally to find out."
Lewis-Charlie: "So it's a no?"
Kara: "Most likely, judge-head."


Trenton: "It's upsetting that nobody seems to recognise or care about me. Does the Alto name mean nothing to all these Sims? Trenton Alto? They better not know Eleanor but not me. I feel like a fish out of water here but at the same time, maybe it's a new start for me. I can carve my own name for myself and not just be the wife of Eleanor."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer may be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have a romantic relationship?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Does the Mole have a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: What did the Mole wear by the pool before Mission 2?
A: Everyday wear
B: Swimwear
C: Athletic wear

Q5: What did the Mole do in Mission 2?
A: Sing karaoke
B: Play soccer
C: Play golf

Q6: Which song was the Mole most involved in in Mission 2?
A: Havana
B: Wonderwall
C: Hips Don't Lie
D: None of the above

Q7: In Mission 2, how many questions did the Mole managed to earn?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 3

Q8: Rank the Mole's number of unsuccessful attempts in scoring goals in Mission 2 in descending order.
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole did not play soccer

Q9: In Mission 2, how many times was the Mole the one with the lowest penalty score for the question?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lewis-Charlie Darwin
B: Francisca Vanderburg
C: Trenton Alto
D: Darleen Matlapin
E: Maru Mango
F: Gino Ferrari
G: Angelica Diamond
H: Kearney O'Shea
I: Kara Carter
J: Virginia Supine


"Contestants, good evening and welcome to another execution ceremony. For the newcomers, you will be given a lighter and a candle to light. If your candle turns green, you are safe. If it is red, you are out of the game. It is worth noting that there is a three-way-tie tonight, so the slowest contestant will be executed - unless another contestant quits. Not that we'll tell you."

"Let's make sure you understand everything. We'll start with you, Virginia Supine."
Virginia: "What a horrid idea."

Kara: "Virginia just straight up stopped trying halfway into the mission. That's very weird, and that's coming from me."

Virginia: "Green, which means I'm safe."

"Maru Mango."

Gino: "Like I said, Maru was the only one not trying to score goals at every instant. We didn't have a limit on the number of balls and there was no foul in just constantly trying. His actions didn't make sense."

Maru: "Ouch I burned my finger. But at least I'm safe."

"Angelica Diamond."

Virginia: "Angelica tried so very hard, but I don't think she ever quite reached the most obscure answer."

Angelica: "I am safe as well."

"Gino Ferrari."
Gino: "I pray that I survive an execution without an exemption."

Trenton: "Gino openly told everyone how Maru sabotaged the mission. You wouldn't go around telling others that as a contestant. Is he trying to deflect?"

"Gino Ferrari, unfortunately you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Gino: "Hmph."

Maru: "As an old man-"
Lewis-Charlie: "Hey! That's directly insulting me."
Maru: "-Gino worked very hard in the missions. And he clearly loved shooting balls."


Gino: "I'm just going to score as many goals as possible."


Gino: "I'm definitely disappointed but I'm not completely shocked. I tried to spread but I think I leaned too heavily towards one contestant."


Trenton: "I agree with Maru. He was clearly trying and capable too. Although he was in the Top 5 and was constantly running around, he managed to avoid being tagged out in the first mission when almost everyone else was. We should clap for him for that achievement."


Lewis-Charlie: "What? We missed someone?"


Gino: "I had fun. All those times spent in the gym instead of enjoying life paid off in the first two missions. I could keep up despite being one of the older ones. I don't regret it. I only hope my shadow can keep up with the pace of the season."


Kearney: "I hate that he betrayed me in the first mission but I knew clearly he was not the Mole I was searching for. This is bad news for me that he is executed. Alas, I felt some sort of strange bond towards him. It is always sad to see a worthy competitor leave."


Gino: "I thought I was your sworn enemy."
Kearney: "Not any more."


"Thank you for joining, Gino. We hope to see you again."


The famous Italian chef has left the scene! Is it because of the tie, or other reasons? Who will the shadow taking his place be? Will the shadow be the Mole?

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