Monday, 25 August 2014

12.10-Go home and cry to your mommy!

Heather: “Oops.”

Heather: “I saw nothing!”
Skye: “Yeah right. Scram!”
*stomach rumbling*
Skye: “you’re hungry, aren’t you?”
Heather: “No, I’m fine.”
Skye: “Don’t lie. You’re too skinny to diet anyway. No go away and eat or something! By the way, 2 lies are used up already.”


Time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What colour hair does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Blonde
D: Red

Q3: In Mission 5, in what order was the Mole eliminated in musical chairs?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: The Mole was not eliminated

Q4: In Mission 5, did the Mole sit down within 3 seconds in musical chairs?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 5, who left before the Mole?
A: Vince Da Leon
B: Cynthia Tigress
C: Jo Lin
D: Eugene Sassy
E: Skye Lowe
F: Honey Pearl Thurman
G: Heather Long
H: Nobody

Q6: In Mission 5, where was the Mole seated from camera view for dog and bone?
A: Left
B: Right

Q7: In Mission 5, in dog and bone, what was the Mole’s number?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
Q8: In Mission 5, did the Mole touch the book?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 5, how many times did the Mole touch the book?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Vince Da Leon
B: Cynthia Tigress
C: Jo Lin
D: Eugene Sassy
E: Skye Lowe
F: Honey Pearl Thurman
G: Heather Long
H: Dominic Kaliton


“Welcome to yet another execution ceremony. Tonight, one of you will be leaving again. Today it’s a 3-way tie. Let’s see who’s not tied.”

“Heather Long.”
Heather: “For once!”

“Cynthia Tigress.”

“And Eugene Sassy.”

“Honey Pearl Thurman, Vince Da Leon and Skye Lowe, you guys have tied for the lowest. Your fate will rest on the hands of the others.”
Skye: “I’m a goner.”
“Make your moving speech.”

Vince: “I can help you fix your toilets and be your slave if you keep me around. Don’t you think I should stay if everyone thinks I’m crazy yet I’m so good at this? This shows creative thinking!”

Honey: “All of you are children! You need a nanny, a teacher to guide you. I survived once. You’ve given Heather two chances. So I’m sure you’ll give me two as well. Make the right choice, unless you want to be constantly tormented by Skye. Now’s your chance!”

Skye: “Geee, thanks for that backstab. I’ve no fancy words and I know I’m not a fun guy to be with, but I promise I’ll change if you decide to give me another chance. Don’t I need it the most?”

“With a vote of 0-2-3, 

Skye Lowe.”
Skye: “Yeah yeah I know they hate me and want me out. Whatever.”
“You are safe.”
Skye: “Really? All right! Take that, suckers!”

“Vince Da Leon, you may go.”
Vince: “Chihuahuas in chimney tracks!”

“That means that Honey Pearl Thurman, you are the next to be executed. Sorry. What are you feeling at this moment?”
Honey: “I’m still shocked I guess. Really? They voted for me? 3 of them? What have I ever done to offend them? Nevermind. In the context of this game, I can forgive them. But if one of them is Eugene I say he’s pretty immature. Of course I’m infuriated too but I try not to let it show.”
“What would be the fatal flaw?”
Honey: “Pride comes before a fall, I guess. I was confident of my suspect and that the others would vote Skye or Vince out, not me. I guess they want surprise and perhaps I got a bit desperate when I attacked Skye in my speech. I’m also thinking I was led by the nose and the Mole I’ve been choosing all this while is wrong.”
“What would be the craziest moment here?”
Honey: “Craziest? Hmm…meeting this motley crew of contestants. I don’t see that in school surprisingly.”
“Thank you for your time Honey.”


Heather: “Congratulations Skye! You’re saved! Will you really turn over a new leaf?”
Skye: “No.”
Heather: “But…”
Skye: “Guess what? I lied.”
Jo: “What? If I had known I would have voted for you!”
Heather: “Half the lies are used up already!”
Skye: “I don’t care about you b*****s or that stupid pact!”

Heather: “How could you?”
Skye: “Disappointed in me? Then scram!”
Heather: “I’m sure I can change you Skye. I’ll find out more about you and your past. One day, you’ll open up to me.”
Skye: “Go home and cry to your mommy! Useless wimp.”


Here are the votes.

Eugene: “I have to make sure that annoying Skye is gone. He insulted my pink pants!”

Dominic: “My vote is for Skye Lowe. He’s lowdown and dirty. He’s got a very bad attitude and I feel that he has to go.”

Heather: “I choose Honey Pearl to go. Sorry Pearl, but I think the men are far more interesting than you are, even if you and I get along the best.”

Cynthia: “I’m voting for Pearl. Although Vince and Skye have bad attributes, the way Skye phrased it made it sound as if I’m a bad person if I deny him that chance. So Pearl, because you were the lowest once. And we don’t need another teacher around here.”

Jo: “I’m not voting for artistic Vince, I think I can forgive Skye if he really learns his lesson and repents, so my vote will go to Honey Pearl Thurman.”

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