Previously on the Smole,
The contestants will have to form sentences comprising a minimum number of words.
Stuart: "Come on, come on...hey, where are you going?"
Matilda: "There's an art gallery over there with my name on it."
Colbert: "What the hell? Where's Bobo?"
Ruth: "May I suggest we don't split the work up like that?"
Toby: "No. Dude, I got it all planned out."
April: "Yes! She said 'Mole'!"
Gavin: "I can't keep sitting around here waiting for April."
Matilda: "We can think of that later while we enjoy the music. Come on now Stuart. You know you want to."
Stuart: "Oh what the heck. Sure. We can chill for a while."
Gavin: "If I submit this sentence, I'll lose all plausible doubt."
Matilda: "Come on..."
Stuart: "Easy does it, easy does it..."
Stuart: "Yes! 'They loved themselves too!'"
Matilda: "Woo! 2 out of 3 sentences. That ain't too bad."
Toby: "Guess we're in a coalition now?"
Stuart: "Hmm, guess so bro."
April: " I had 'Mole'. If you had listened we could have had a 20-point sentence."
Gavin: "You had it too?"
April: "No, I was just testing you."
Colbert: "I had to suffer a whole host of health issues and that diagnosis cost me my savings so now I need money. So it would really really suck if I went home first. Or at all."
"...Colbert Carrara. Please pack your bags and leave."
Colbert: "Fuck."
The newbies' group lost Colbert after losing the first mission to the Mole, with only 6/110 points in the pot. Will the remaining 7 be able to do better or will the Mole keep up the savagery? Who is the Mole?

"Good morning contestants. Today I need three actors, two critics and an audience of two."
Matilda: "I would love to act or critique."
April: "I'm not artsy at all so I think I'll be the audience."
Toby: "Me too."
Ruth: "I'll act. I don't think I'll be a good critic."
Stuart: "I will act too."
Gavin: "I'll critique. Would that be fine with all of you?"
Matilda: "Fine with me."
Bobo: "Me too!"

Gavin: "I was trying to find out where the best position would be for me. I think an exemption could be up for grabs for the critics so I went for it."

For this mission, Ruth, Bobo and Stuart will be acting scenes from famous movies.
April and Toby must identify these scenes to earn 10 points per scene. They can earn up to 100 points in total and start off with 15 minutes for the mission.
Matilda and Gavin will be cozying up at home binge-watching movies...the CinemaSins versions of them. They have to guess how many sins each movies received. If they are correct (within a 5% error margin), the number of sins will be the number of seconds added to the time the other group has; if wrong, the number of sins becomes the number of seconds removed from the time limit.
Matilda: "The first move is The Simpsons Movie. How many sins do you think that is?"
Gavin: "I never heard of CinemaSins so I have no idea. Let us go with whatever you suggest."
Matilda: "Do you live under a rock? How can you not have heard of it? Ugh, fine. Maybe 150 sins. I'm not too sure myself."
Bobo: "We had to act out scenes for Toby and April. We could not watch the scenes so it was a bit challenging. Luckily for me I happen to like watching a lot of movies."
Stuart: "They have to get this one. It's a classic."
April: "The Titanic scene. It's from Titanic."
Toby: "I think so too sis but maybe we should wait till their performance is over."
April: "It doesn't look like they're continuing."
Toby: "Bro, y'all just gonna stand there posing?"
Stuart: "How can they not get this?"
Ruth: "Near, far, wherever you are~"
April: "They're singing Celine Dion! It's definitely Titanic. Final answer."
"That is correct."
Toby: "Chyeah bro...sis!"
Matilda: "Who in the right mind will remember these things? We're going to be blasted really badly for this although Gavin seems nonplussed. Gavin was very unhelpful too."
Matilda: "Oh. It was 120 sins."
Gavin: "Now we have a ballpark estimate."
Matilda: "Not all of them are the same."
Gavin: "Our next movie is Rush Hour. What do you say? 120 sins?"
Matilda: "Go for it."
Bobo: "Doo doo doo, scrubba lub dub..."
April: "I have no idea."
Toby: "I don't know about any iconic shower scenes."
April: "Ow! That was loud."
Toby: "Feels like a horror movie...I think Terminator had a scene like this?"
April: "We'll go with that. We are wasting too much time on one movie."
"That is incorrect. This scene is from Psycho."
Toby: "Terminator, Psycho, tomato, tomato."
Stuart: "OH EE OH EEH OH!"
Bobo: "He needs to take off his underwear. They don't seem to be getting it."
Ruth: "I wouldn't dare to do that either if I was him."
Toby: "I'm thinking of King Kong."
April: "I think it's Tarzan."
Toby: "No bro, it's King Kong."
April: "No, it's Tarzan."
Stuart: "Ooh ooh ah ah!"
Ruth: "He's really giving it his all."
Toby: "Come on. He's a monkey now."
April: "Tarzan has monkeys too! Well, gorillas, but my point still stands!"
Toby: "Trust me bro."
April: "Fine. But if you're wrong you owe me one."
"The correct answer is indeed King Kong."
Matilda: "Oh no. We exceeded 120 sins."
Gavin: "This is entertaining. But yes, maybe we should raise it higher for the next movie."
Gavin: "Sonic the Hedgehog. 131 sins?"
Matilda: "Feels very sinnable. Maybe we should increase it a little."
Gavin: "135?"
Matilda: "Sounds good."
Ruth: "What? We suddenly only have over 4 minutes. I don't we took that long."
Bobo: "Gavin and Matilda are getting it wrong. Now let's hurry and not waste time."
Bobo: "Add some lines so they know it's Up!"
Stuart: "But the opening scene doesn't have any lines."
Toby: "I don't know what this is. I don't watch silent films."
April: "Neither am I. Oh now Ruth is crying. Wow, she can cry on demand. She's rubbing her belly."
April: "Time is extremely important in this mission but the actors weren't keeping track of it. We only have a limited amount of time and they took too long for each scene, especially the Up one which was 4 minutes long. And we still didn't get that one."
Matilda: "I don't know how many seconds we cost the others already."
Gavin: "At least we now know the average is around 100 seconds."
Bobo: "Why so serious?"
Ruth: "I hope they get The Joker from Bobo even though the Joker is male."
April: "Sounds real familiar."
Toby: "Chyeah. Nic Cage said it."
April: "I'm suddenly blanking on his movies. Is it Charlie Chaplin? Wait no, I meant Willy Wonka."
Gavin: "111 sins. We finally got it with Home Alone and even hit the nail on the head."
Matilda: "But we lost so much more time. I hope we can make up for it."
Stuart: "We really had to improvise. We were given some time to prepare beforehand but the constantly changing time meant we needed to react. Like we wanted to use Ruth and me for most scenes unless there were specific scenes where Bobo's distinct appearance would work, but then we ran out of time so I told Bobo to stay for the next scene after the Batman one to remove the switching time. It must have really confused Ruth."
Astrid: "When will you be done? This is a public space."
Ruth: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I'm not in charge here. We'll be done soon I promise."
Ruth: "I missed my cue!"
Stuart: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what...Ruth, what are you doing?"
Ruth: "I'm so sorry! That lady was talking to me and..."
Stuart: "I got Bobo to cover for you."
April: "What's going on? Is this part of the scene?"
Toby: "What movie has a love triangle?"
April: "Almost every romance movie ever."
Toby: "What are the most famous romance movies?"
April: "I don't know. The Notebook?"
Matilda: "Oh. Pulp Fiction only has 84 sins?"
Gavin: "At least it's only 84 seconds lost."
Bobo: "Oh no! We only have 26 seconds left! I need to signal this to them!"
Toby: "I can't see what's on the sketchbook."
Ruth: "I think you need to stand up. I don't think they can see it."
Bobo: "There's no time left! Move on to the next scene!...Or not. I don't think there's time to prepare for the next scene even if I get the spaghetti out."
Matilda: "Yes! Another 104 seconds! Going with 100 really worked well with A Star Is Born."
Gavin: "The next one is Groundhog Day. I think we can keep it at 100."
Bobo: "Oh, we suddenly have time. I better go get the spaghetti."
Stuart: "Bobo, what's this?"
Bobo: "I'm sorry. The spaghetti I left inside disappeared. This was the quickest and closest thing I could find."
Stuart: "How are we supposed to do the spaghetti slurp with this?"
Bobo: "Maybe you can just skip straight to the kiss?"
Stuart: "Just...just stick as planned."
Bobo: "Alright then. Enjoy your meal. Oui oui."
April: "A French that Ratatouille?"
Toby: "No, that's lasagna bro. The kind Garfield likes to eat."
April: "I don't think it's A Garfield Movie. I'm damned sure it's Ratatouille. The one with a rat. There's a scene where he has to serve lasagna to two guests and he's hidden in the chef's hat."
Toby: "That actually makes sense. Let's go with that."
"Unfortunately, the answer is Lady and The Tramp."
Toby: "What? Bros, they eat spaghetti, not lasagna!"
Toby: "April totally made that up man. There ain't no lasagna serving scene in Ratatouille. I watched that movie! But I just let her have her way with it 'cause I didn't know any better."
Matilda: "104 sins as well. That's another 104 seconds added."
Gavin: "Let's keep with 100 for the next one shall we? It seems to be working well for us."
Stuart: "There weren't mahjong tiles so I hope domino tiles will suffice."
Bobo: "I don't remember how the scene goes."
Ruth: "Neither do I. Let's just make things up as we go."
Bobo: "Future mother-in-law, you think you're very great."
Bobo: "But I let you win this game."
Bobo: "Erm...North South East West 5 Dragons are the best?"
Ruth: "What? I mean...what? I guess I have to give you my blessings to marry Nick Young."
April: "Who now? I don't understand this scene."
Toby: "I don't either bro."
Matilda: "Oh. Turning Red was 116 sins. We should have raised it."
"That means the time has run out. The other group managed to get 2/10 movies correct, so 20/100 points have been earned to make it 26/210 points."
Matilda: "As expected, we suuucked. At least Gavin and I got to binge the movies that were sinned for the afternoon until the others came back."
Ruth: "We have a very aggressive Mole. He or she just won't let us off and is determined to slash the pot to its minimum."
Ruth: "What do you think of the last mission?"
Bobo: "It was really fun! I thought we would do better though."
April: "It's all Toby's fault, not mine."
Ruth: "Oh? How so?"
April: "He kept insisting on the wrong movies. For example, he insisted that King Kong was Tarzan and I had to restrain myself from physically attacking him to convince him that Stuart was King Kong."
Bobo: "How interesting! Ruth, you were talking about how Toby was suspicious too yesterday."
April: "How come I didn't hear about this?"
Ruth: "That was before we decided to form this coalition. But we were just bouncing ideas off one another. I'm not fully convinced it's anyone yet."
Ruth: "Who did you suspect April?"
April: "I went all in on Toby in the first quiz and survived."
Bobo: "Really? That was a bold move!"
April: "Go big or go home, am I right?"
Ruth: "You could be lucky."
April: "I'm never lucky. I'm just skilled."
April: "Anyway, the two of you gotta assert your presence more. Especially you Ruth. I could tell Stuart was just commandeering everything like you were just his puppet. Maybe we can make you more suspicious to fool him. Sabotage on purpose. What do you say?"
Ruth: "Me? I don't think I can do it."
April: "Fine. Bobo you in?"
Bobo: "I could try. It could be fun."
April: "That's what I'm talking about."
Toby: "Wassup gurl? Whatchu doing out here?"
Ruth: "I just needed some fresh air. I'm really nervous for the next execution. Everything is so confusing."
Toby: "Chill out girl. You got this."
Ruth: "I don't got this. Did you know I overheard April saying you deliberately messed up the mission?"
Toby: "Me? Oh hell no. Don't believe a word she says."
Ruth: "Maybe you can share your side of the story."
Toby: "Of course. She kept trying to rush things and wanted to pressure me into giving any old answer. She tried to claim Stuart was Tarzan when he was King Kong and then also claimed that Bobo was that chef from Ratatouille controlled by Remy."
Toby: "What did she tell you?"
Ruth: "Apparently a bunch of lies. It doesn't matter now. Thanks for clearing that up. I feel better talking to you now."
Toby: "Any time. If you need any help just let me know bro. You look like you could use it. Don't wanna see you get swaddled in lies and go home because of that."
Stuart: "I'm not sure I can trust anyone right now to not be the Mole."
Toby: "Really? Not even Bobo? Or Ruth?"
Stuart: "No. Bobo did some really strange things in the mission. Like substituting lasagna for spaghetti."
Toby: "Well it def can't be Ruth bro. I bumped into her just now and she seemed like a doe in the headlights."
Stuart: "It could all just be a trick."
Toby: "Brah, you have serious issues. Why don't you trust anyone?"
Stuart: "It's a long story."
Toby: "Come on brah. We gotta work through them together."
Stuart: "Well, I'm kinda an orphan. I was adopted a few times but always kept being moved from family to family like some kind of furniture that they didn't want after a while. Also, I got dumped by my ex a few weeks back."
Toby: "Oh bro, I'm so sorry to hear that."
Toby: "You know what cheers me up?"
Stuart: "I don't really need cheering up. I'm over it."
Toby: "Okay, but you know what cheers me up? Gymming. Or surfing."
Stuart: "We don't have any of those right now."
Toby: "Well you can always hit me up once we're outta here. You gotta try the waves at this beach near my house. It's incredible."

Stuart: "So...I'm in a coalition with Toby, my bunkmate. I didn't really want to be in one because I don't trust him, or anyone really. But I thought it would be weirder if I didn't accept it. Let's just...let's just say I have trust issues, which for once I hope may actually aid me in this game."
Matilda: "Sushi? You have good taste."
Gavin: "I know how to enjoy life."
Matilda: "Must be really boring for you here then."
Gavin: "Ouch!"
Matilda: "What happened?"
Gavin: "It's fine. I accidentally cut myself."
Matilda: "Sorry. Shouldn't have distracted you."
Gavin: "I'm fine. You were talking about finding this place boring?"
Matilda: "Me? Not really. I mean, this ain't no Bridgeport, that's for sure, but I can appreciate the beauty of Hidden Springs. I was referring more to you."
Gavin: "I'm okay with Hidden Springs so far too. I'm actually used to a more relaxed lifestyle. I reside in Appaloosa Plains right now."
Matilda: "Oh. That's a surprise. Why did you relocate?"
Gavin: "Clients were getting too finnicky."
Matilda: "Must be stressful."
Gavin: "At times, but I'm used to it."
Matilda: "Do you miss the city?"
Gavin: "Sometimes, but in Appaloosa Plains I'm a big fish in a small pond. I feel of use here."
Matilda: "Does plastic surgery pay as well in the countryside?"
Gavin: "I'm no longer a plastic surgeon. I decided to expand laterally. Try something different since I was in a new town."
Matilda: "Fair enough."
Gavin: "Besides, Hidden Springs has a good mix of the celebrity life and the relaxed suburban life. It's like a combination of my two worlds."
Matilda: "I hope I get to meet a celebrity here while here. And I hope they won't be too snobby."
Matilda: "Can I try the sushi by the way?"
Gavin: "Of course. Let me know how it tastes."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole wear headgear every day?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: Does the Mole wear more than one layer of clothes every day?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Before Mission 2, did the Mole wear everyday wear or sleepwear?
A: Everyday wear
B: Sleepwear
Q5: In Mission 2, which car did the Mole take?
A: Yellow car
B: Grey car
C: Neither
Q6: What was the Mole's role in Mission 2?
A: Actor
B: Audience
C: Critic
Q7: In Mission 2, which movie was relevant to the Mole?
A: Titanic
B: Turning Red
Q8: In Mission 2, how many scenes did the Mole act in?
A: 0
B: 5
C: 7
Q9: How many movies did the Mole get correct in Mission 2?
A: 0
B: 2
C: 3
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Stuart Larger
B: Matilda Smart
C: Toby Earlgrey
D: Ruth Ferfordium
E: Gavin Pinkerton
F: April Grey
G: Bobo Fishdragon
"Contestants, you have said goodbye to Colbert. Tonight, you have to say goodbye to another one of your fellow competitors. The one who will be executed this time is..."
"...Gavin Pinkerton. Please pack your bags and leave."
Gavin: "Oh."
Ruth: "This is a complete surprise to me. Gavin was very steady and always made sure he had a plan."
Gavin: "'The Mole cried on that giraffe and ate food slowly'. Yes, that's 10 words, more than enough...but that's the maximum amount. If I submit this sentence, I'll lose all plausible doubt."
Bobo: "I agree. He was very smart who knew what he was doing."
Matilda: "Oh. It was 120 sins."
Gavin: "Now we have a ballpark estimate."
Matilda: "As his roommate, I can say I enjoyed my nights spent with him. He's a down-to-earth man who can appreciate the finer things in life as well as the less finer things in life. He could cook too. It's going to be so lonely now that both my roommates are gone."
Gavin: "I'm okay with Hidden Springs so far too. I'm actually used to a more relaxed lifestyle. I reside in Appaloosa Plains right now."
Gavin: "I had a plan but it went awry somewhere. I just didn't know enough. Thank you for having me here regardless."
"And thank you for joining Gavin. We hope to see you soon."
The city-to-country doctor has been executed! was he outsmarted by the Mole or did he overthink things?
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