Previously on the Smole, 8 contestants took part in their very first mission of the season: to arrange items. After a poor attempt and Belinda's self-preservation attempt, the veterans' pot only has 0/100 points in the pot and they are already down one contestant. Can the newbies do better?
What's that? Newbies? That's right; this season's twist is newbies vs. veterans! Neither group is aware of the other half's existence yet (other than the Moles of each group), but if they survive long enough things will come to light. For now, this means there are two Mole candidates, one per group. Who could be the Mole among the newbies?
Is it Gavin Pinkerton, 42, paramedic?
Is it Colbert Carrara, 35, unemployed?
Is it Stuart Larger, 25, unemployed?
Is it Toby Earlgrey, 23, fast food worker?
Is it Ruth Ferfordium, 32, chemist?
Is it April Grey, 26, soccer player?
Is it Bobo Fishdragon, 27, clown?
Or is it Matilda Smart, 21, beverage consultant?
Like the veterans, the newbies this season are headed to Hidden Springs, a mystical flourishing green suburb. After a brief introduction to one another, they will be participating in their very first mission which is worth 110 points.
The contestants will have to form sentences comprising a minimum number of words. The first of each sentence will earn them points, while the more sentences they form thereafter, the more bonus points they can earn. They get words from the claw machines around Hidden Springs. However, there are also specific words that must appear in each sentence in a specific position. These words are only obtained when the contestants get a townie to say the word out. They have 4 hours.
Stuart: "There were 10 mandatory sentences to be done. We split it up among the 8 of us and my pair got the easiest ones. The first sentence needed a minimum of 3 words and would be worth 2 points. The first word had to be 'I' which sounds easy enough to get a townie to say. But of course, this is only the beginning. It's the Smole; things are only going to get harder."
Matilda: "We went around in pairs. I was with Stuart, Toby was with Ruth, Gavin was with April and Colbert was with Bobo. Our plan was to scatter around Hidden Springs. Stuart and I took the area closest to our lodging but when I saw an art gallery across the street I just knew I had to take a look."
Stuart: "Come on, come on...hey, where are you going?"
Matilda: "There's an art gallery over there with my name on it."
Stuart: "Shucks, she made me lose concentration! Aaand she's gone. The whole reason we paired up was to stick together..."
Colbert: "Bobo and I went to the central part of town. It was the biggest part of town and I had to cover it alone...with Bobo. I don't want to be a judgmental prick but she gives off weird vibes."
Colbert: "So, err, Bobo, just...take a look around for townies or claw machines."
Bobo: "I found one, yip-yip-yuppah!"
Colbert: "I see someone over there."
Colbert: "And a green-skinned woman? Why is everyone here so weird? If only Bobo was here to talk to her."
Simon: "Who's there?"
Colbert: "I'm Colbert. I was just wondering, what is 1 + 1?"
Simon: "2?"
Colbert: "Are you sure?"
Simon: "Yes."
Colbert: "I could have sworn it was 13."
Simon: "Am I on a prank show? Am I being filmed?"
Colbert: "No...but yes to the second part."
Colbert: "I don't consent to being filmed."
Simon: "Damn it this is harder than I thought. I just needed him to call me stupid so I could use the word in a sentence."
Colbert: "But there's someone else there."
Ian: "A clown! Can you give me a balloon?"
Bobo: "Oh I would love to! Sadly I don't have any with me right now."
Ian: "What kind of clown are you if you don't even have a balloon?"
Bobo: "I'm headed to the claw machine. I could give you something from there."
Ian: "No I don't want a stupid claw machine prize. I want a balloon!"
Bobo: "I'm so sorry. Let me see what I can do."
April: "Why are we here in the middle of nowhere? There's nobody here."
Gavin: "And you would know? There could be someone upstairs."
April: "Sounds to me like you just want to slack off."
Gavin: "No I don't. Maybe you're the slacker."
April: "Ha! I train the hardest in the whole team, my coach gave me a 'player of the month' award for 3 months in a row until the rest of the team complained about unfairness!"
Toby: "There's no one here."
Ruth: "Yes I can see that. Where do you think we should go next? We need three townies to give us words."
Toby: "Let's get some pre-brunch. I'm hungry. And food places are always a safe bet."
Ruth: "Yes, lead the way."
Stuart: "Got another word! I now have: 'have', 'everything' and 'almonds'. This should be enough. I should go and find Matilda now. I don't like leaving her alone."
Matilda: "Harry will love this place."
April: "I told you there won't be anyone here. It's too far out."
Gavin: "It was worth a shot."
Gavin: "Was that always there?"
April: "How did we miss it?"
Gavin: "I told you we were at the right place. Let's go get some words."
April: "Hang on. You can get some words. I'm not hanging around here watching you play with a claw machine."
Gavin: "You can do it then. I don't have steady hands."
April: "Um, no I won't? I'm not meant to stay still."
April: "Hang on, did you say you don't have steady hands? What kind of doctor doesn't have steady hands?"
Gavin: "Well, you see, I mean, I'm not good with claw machines. Don't read too much into it."
April: "How about this? You collect as many words as possible with your good steady hands of yours and I'll look around trying to get others to say the words 'requiem' and 'Mole'. I'll then come back here."
Gavin: "Do you even know how to use the first word?"
April: "Don't underestimate me."
Gavin: "Come on, Dr. Pinkerton. You didn't get to work with the stars by luck."
Gavin: "There's someone over there. Excuse me! You, the one in grey!"
Colbert: "What the hell? Where's Bobo?"
Colbert: "Whew. Better not run. Don't want to get another heart attack."
Colbert: "I better start collecting words. What 6 words can I use to form with 'stupid'?"
Toby: "That was a good lunch."
April: "But I couldn't get anyone to say 'original' and you couldn't get anyone to say 'calm' or 'going'."
Ruth: "May I suggest we don't split the work up like that?"
Toby: "No. Dude, I got it all planned out. I think we should look for claw machines now and keep getting as many words as we can. Sound good brah?"
Ruth: "If you say so."
Toby: "Yo, ain't that Bobo the clown? What's she doing here?"
Ruth: "Technically this is their turf. They're covering the central area."
Toby: "Then where's her buddy? We were supposed to have a buddy system."
Ruth: "Maybe plans changed?"
Toby: "Nuh-uh they can't. I'm gonna talk to her."
Toby: "Yo Bobo, dude, what are you doing here and where's the other guy?"
Bobo: "Colbert? I'm not sure actually. I came here because that poor guy wanted a clown to give him a balloon but I didn't have one, so we've been going around searching for balloons to give him."
Ian: "I'm still waiting!"
April: "Is that another claw machine? Dammit, Gavin should have come with me. Nevermind, he can keep his stuffy ass far away from me."
April: "Aha, jackpot."
April: "Do you need a spotter?"
Jenny: "No."
April: "Alright. I'm on a show called the Smole. Know what it's about?"
Jenny: "It's about a saboteur, right?"
April: "Yep, keep going. What's the saboteur called?"
Jenny: "The Mole?"
April: "Yes! She said 'Mole'!"
Stuart: "Don't go running away like that in the future, got it?"
Matilda: "Gotcha dad."
Stuart: "Dad? I'm only 25!"
Matilda: "That makes you halfway to 50."
Matilda: "Why is this town so dead? I only saw one Sim so far."
Stuart: "You didn't tell me. Did you manage to get him/her to say a required word?"
Matilda: "Sure did. He said 'I'. Piece of cake."
Stuart: "Awesome. I collected a few words. We could form 'I have everything' or 'I have almonds'."
Matilda: "Let's go with almonds. That's a harder word to use."
Stuart: "Now you're thinking. Then that's our first sentence."
Matilda: "See? We're doing an awesome job together by dividing and conquering."
Stuart: "I guess we make a pretty rad team."
Colbert: "Come on..."
Colbert: "Woohoo! I got 'bunny'. Not sure if I'll use that word ever but it's good to have more words in the arsenal."
Toby: "Yo Colbert! Bro, I brought Bobo back for you."
Colbert: "Huh? Oh thanks."
Ruth: "There's a crowd at the theatre. Should we go there?"
Toby: "No. We said to use a claw machine. Bobo brought us to one."
Ruth: "But there are so many there. And words are useless unless we include the specified ones. And the claw machine is occupied."
Toby: "Then we can go find another one."
Ruth: "Toby and I decided to focus on forming different sentences. When we bumped into Bobo, she told us that was her and Colbert's plan too. But unlike Colbert and Bobo, Toby refuses to do anything else but stick to his plan. We went around town searching for a claw machine and wasted so much time. And we don't even have a single required word."
Gavin: "I collected 4 words in addition to 'Mole' from that man. I can't keep sitting around here waiting for April."
April: "A club. That's gotta be where everyone is."
Stuart: "If nobody is here we're gonna head downtown and cross over into other territory."
Matilda: "Completely fine by me. There are bound to be more clubs downtown anyway."
Stuart: "What do you know? Sims! Hey there, I'm Stuart. What are your names, ladies?"
Carly: "I'm Carly and she's Alisha."
Stuart: "Are you two alone?"
Carly: "We came with two more friends but they threw up all over themselves on the way here so they're inside cleaning up."
Matilda: "Did you hear that? She said 'themselves'!"
Stuart: "You're right! Now how do we put 'themselves' in the third spot?"
Matilda: "We can think of that later while we enjoy the music. Come on now Stuart. You know you want to."
Stuart: "Oh what the heck. Sure. We can chill for a while."
Gavin: "Less than an hour and not a single sentence formed by my pair. It was frustrating to say the least."
Gavin: "'The Mole ate giraffe...' No that isn't grammatical. I never thought forming a 9-word sentence with 'Mole' being the second word would be so difficult."
Gavin: "And I still can't see April anywhere. That Mole."
April: "He's not at his post. If he's not inside waiting I'm gonna skin him alive when I find him."
Bobo: "Hello I'm Bobo! What is your name?"
Ella: "Ella. Nice to meet you too!"
Colbert: "I'm...oops, let's do it over. You know, to start again?"
Lonnie: "Yeah I know what that means and I know you're trying to get in my dress. The answer is no, creep."
Colbert: "Dammit why is it so hard to get them to say a word I want?"
Toby: "'Apology'. Got another one!"
Ruth: "Is that enough?"
Toby: "No. We need 14 words before we move on."
Ruth: "We don't have to do things sequentially."
Toby: "Shh. I'm in the zone."
Gavin: "'The Mole cried on that giraffe and ate food slowly'. Yes, that's 10 words, more than enough...but that's the maximum amount. If I submit this sentence, I'll lose all plausible doubt."
Gavin: "Oops. I dropped the word 'and' and let it be gone with the wind. Guess we can't form a 9-word sentence now. If April's going to sabotage, I can't do well in spite of it."
Stuart: "We shouldn't have spent all that time partying."
Matilda: "We still have a chance. I got another word! 'Too'."
Stuart: "That could be useful."
Stuart: "I got it! 'They loved themselves too!' Matilda, just get a 'they' and we're done!"
Matilda: "On it!"
Matilda: "Noo!"
Stuart: "What happened?"
Matilda: "The stupid claw dropped the word."
Stuart: "Try again. We're almost out of time!"
Matilda: "Come on..."
Stuart: "Easy does it, easy does it..."
Stuart: "Yes! 'They loved themselves too!'"
Matilda: "Woo! 2 out of 3 sentences. That ain't too bad."
April: "We ran out of time. We sucked so so hard. Only 2 sentences were formed, and they were worth the least."
Toby: "Did I talk about the house yet? The woods and nature are nice but I'd love to get a coastal view. Kinda like last season. Man, if only I was part of last season. Isla Paradiso is one of my dream destinations to visit. But here we are in a cabin in the woods. Eh, it could be worse though. This boy ain't complaining. He's worked in retail long enough to know how it feels."
Toby: "Damn you already took the top bunk bro?"
Stuart: "You snooze, you lose."
Toby: "You're good bro. Took the top bunk and all the sentences of the mission that earned money."
Stuart: "I was just doing my part. I didn't think the rest of you would do so badly."
Toby: "Ruth and I had a plan and she didn't stick to it."
Stuart: "It was a mad rush for me and Matilda too. She kept wanting to party and do everything else but the mission...why am I telling you this?"
Toby: "Good point. Guess we're in a coalition now?"
Stuart: "Hmm, guess so bro."
Gavin: "No, not my pocket square!"
April: "Gavin Pinkerton, open up right now!"
Gavin: "What is it?"
Gavin: "Could you not wait or use the toilet in the other cabin?"
April: "I came looking for you. You were supposed to wait for me to return."
Gavin: "You took forever to return. I had to take things into my own hands."
April: "And look at what happened. It failed in your hands. I had 'Mole'. If you had listened we could have had a 20-point sentence."
Gavin: "You had it too?"
April: "No, I was just testing you."
Gavin: "Nobody made you the leader of the pair."
April: "Get your stuffy city ass back where it came from. You clearly can't work in a group."
Gavin: "You have to be kidding yourself if you think this is anything but an individual game."
April: "I'm onto you, Pinkerton."

Gavin: "I wish you best of luck in the upcoming quiz."
Bobo: "Hey Ruth, are you my roomie?"
Ruth: "I suppose so."
Bobo: "Yip-yip-yuppah! We're going to have a lot of fun."
Ruth: "I love your enthusiasm."
Ruth: "And your dedication to your craft too."
Bobo: "I love my job even if it doesn't make a lot of money because it brings a smile to everyone's faces."
Ruth: "Sigh."
Bobo: "What's the matter?"
Ruth: "You talked about money and I was reminded of the disaster that was the first mission."
Bobo: "Oh no. How did it go on your side?"
Ruth: "Toby took charge. He made bad decisions."
Bobo: "You didn't do anything?"
Ruth: "I was too afraid of upsetting him. He seemed really confident."
Ruth: "How about your end?"
Bobo: "Oh, I got distracted trying to cheer someone up and left Colbert alone for a long time until you found me. Then I tried the claw machine for a while but kept dropping words. Then we tried to find some townies to get the required words but failed."
Ruth: "How was Colbert?"
Bobo: "He seemed really hardworking. He collected a lot of words and also ran everywhere."
Ruth: "I see. Thanks for telling me."
Bobo: "I trust you Ruth."
Matilda: "A-1, a-2, a-1-2-3-4!"
Colbert: "You play a mean drum."
Matilda: "Thanks. This house is so boring. I'm glad I brought my own drum kit."
Colbert: "Where are you from?"
Matilda: "Bridgeport."
Colbert: "Yeah, you look like a city gal."
Matilda: "Hey, I can appreciate the beauty in Hidden Springs."
Matilda: "How about you? Where are you from and what do you do?"
Colbert: "I'm from Moonlight Falls and I'm unemployed."
Matilda: "I imagine it's hard to find a job in this economy and in a small town like Moonlight Falls."
Colbert: "Actually, it's more like I physically can't get a job. I had a lot of medical issues, including chronic TMJ and a heart attack. The doctor helped me pinpoint the cause."
Matilda: "Work?"
Colbert: "You got it."
Matilda: "Lucky you."
Colbert: "Not lucky. I had to suffer a whole host of health issues and that diagnosis cost me my savings so now I need money. So it would really really suck if I went home first. Or at all."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 21
B: 23
C: 25
D: 26
E: 27
F: 32
G: 35
H: 42
Q3: Where is the Mole from?
A: Bridgeport
B: Appaloosa Plains
C: Moonlight Falls
D: None of the above
Q4: In Mission 1, who was the Mole paired up with?
A: Stuart Larger
B: Matilda Smart
C: Toby Earlgrey
D: Ruth Ferfordium
E: Gavin Pinkerton
F: April Grey
G: Colbert Carrara
H: Bobo Fishdragon
Q5: In Mission 1, where did the Mole visit first?
A: Fairyfolk Park
B: Subalpine Square
C: Silver Zephyr Poolside Retreat
D: Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge
Q6: In Mission 1, how many mandatory sentences did the Mole's pair take?
A: 2
B: 3
Q7: Which specified word did the Mole's pair have to use in a sentence in Mission 1?
A: I
B: Original
C: Stupid
D: Mole
Q8: Did the Mole succeed in making a townie say a specified word in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: In Mission 1, what was the minimum number of letters the Mole's pair needed to have in a sentence?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 7
D: 8
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Stuart Larger
B: Matilda Smart
C: Toby Earlgrey
D: Ruth Ferfordium
E: Gavin Pinkerton
F: April Grey
G: Colbert Carrara
H: Bobo Fishdragon
"Contestants, welcome to your very first execution ceremony. Earlier today you had to talk to townies and play with claw machines to earn points. Apart from Matilda and Stuart's pair, none of you succeeded in forming a single sentence, starting the pot off with a measly 6/110 points. Hopefully you can recoup your losses but one of you won't get a chance to do that. The first contestant to be executed this season is..."
"...Colbert Carrara. Please pack your bags and leave."
Colbert: "Fuck."
Stuart: "He seemed like a chill dude. Very mature-looking too. He seemed like he had things in the bag."
Colbert: "I'm Colbert. I was just wondering, what is 1 + 1?"
Simon: "2?"
Colbert: "Are you sure?"
Simon: "Yes."
Colbert: "I could have sworn it was 13."
Bobo: "I partnered with Colbert. He really gave it his all in the mission. I could tell he wasn't the Mole. He was someone who was willing to work hard."
Matilda: "He was a driven man. I had a chat with him as he was making dinner. He told me he was here for one thing and one thing only: to win the money."
Colbert: "Not lucky. I had to suffer a whole host of health issues and that diagnosis cost me my savings so now I need money. So it would really really suck if I went home first. Or at all."
Colbert: "I tried to follow the money as it's a safe tactic to use. I think the issue is that this season, and in this first mission, that could lead me to 5 other Sims and I just gambled on the wrong ones. It really really sucks. But what can I do about it now? C'est la'vie."
"Thank you for joining Colbert. We hope to see you again."
The medically unemployed Colbert has been executed first! Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?
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