UPDATE: Blogger glitched and I lost the entire post. I still have the pictures so I can reupload them but I don't have the motivation to rewrite everything any more. I'm sorry that this happened and Blogger should really work on improving it. I'll try my best to give a description of what happened in each picture to the best of my memory. There are some recap scenes that I am able to copy over but those are few.
Stuart decides to form a coalition with April to keep his enemies close, April agrees.
April: "Oh I don't have a coalition. I'd be happy to form one with you."
Stuart: "That was easier than I expected."

Stuart: "I decided to form a coalition with April on the side 'cause why not? I don't trust anyone, especially not her, so it might be good to keep her close by my side and observe her. Let's just say I have some trust issues that I think I can use to my advantage."
"Good morning contestants. Today I need five liars."
Stuart: "I think I can lie."
April: "I can't lie."
Toby: "That's a lie."
Matilda: "I think we can all lie, or we wouldn't have been chosen to join this season."
April: "How about we vote for the worst liar? I vote for Toby."
Matilda: "I'll pick Ruth."
Stuart: "If I had to pick a worst liar I would choose Ruth."
Bobo: "My vote goes for Ruth too then."
Toby: "Chyeah. Ruth for me too."
Matilda: "Guess that settles it."
Ruth: "Thank you...I think."
I forgot who Ruth voted for
Stuart: "We had to divide points among three of us liars. To decide, the five of us decided to have practice rounds. It's very useful to me to see how everyone lies and performs."
Today, Ruth will be the interrogator and can get an exemption. There are 90 points that have been given to three of the liars. This mission has 3 rounds. In each round, one contestant with the points for that round and two liars will be called forward and interrogated by Ruth for 15 minutes. At the end, if Ruth can identify all the contestants with points, she gets an exemption. On the other hand, if a contestant with points is not correctly identified, those points will be added to the pot.
Ruth: "I'd like to call upon the contestant with 20 points."
Ruth: "Three of you have 20 points?"
Toby: "Chyeah."
Ruth: "I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do now."
Matilda: "Are you gunning for an exemption?"
Ruth: "I'm not sure. It would be nice."
Bobo: "Then pick me. I have the 20 points."
Toby: "No I have the 20 points."
Ruth: "Can all of you tell me your Mole suspects?"
Matilda: "What? Of course not."
Toby: "Nice try bro."
Ruth: "You're right. That's too sensitive."
In front of Ruth are 4 clues to the liar's identity. Nobody knows it but these clues have been unwittingly provided by the veterans in their previous mission. At any time, Ruth may choose to reveal one clue.
Ruth: "It looks like I'll have to use a clue. The first clue says that the Mole's favourite colour is white."
Ruth: "That can't be Toby then, which means it's either Bobo or Matilda."
Toby: "Nah brah. I like white."
Ruth: "I'm pretty sure you like orange."
Toby: "I can like more than one colour."
Toby: "I like white too. Really. It's my favourite colour brah."
Bobo: "My favourite colour is white too Ruth."
Ruth: "That's a bit hard to believe. You once commented that my hair looks really bland and so white. That must leave Matilda."
Matilda: "I like purple, not white."
Ruth: "You're wearing a white jacket."
Matilda: "It's called accessorisation. I'm also wearing a purple dress underneath. My favourite colour is purple, not white."
Matilda: "Why not go for points and pick Toby? You're certain it's not him."
Toby: "Chyeah actually I don't have the points brah."
Bobo: "I don't have the points either."
Ruth: "If I go for points I still need to know who the liar is so that I don't pick them."
Ruth: "I think I'll use another clue to be certain. This clue says that the Mole lives with two roommates back in their hometown. Tell me your roommates' names."
Bobo: "Tom and Jerry."
Toby: "Larry and Barry."
Matilda: "Alexy and Harry."
Ruth: "Hmm, what..."
"Time is up."
Ruth: "Oh okay then. Thank you for your time. May I call forward the contestant with 30 points please?"
Ruth: "Matilda again?"
Matilda: "That's right."
Ruth: "I'll just use the first clue. It says the Mole has a poster of 1 Direction on their bedroom wall at home."
Ruth: "Stuart, can you name the members of 1 Direction?"
Stuart: "Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Liam Neeson, Calvin Harris and...erm..."
Ruth: "A 1D fan would surely know all their names."
(This is the wrong photo. I think this was a deleted photo)
Stuart: "The poster was a gift to me from my ex. She loved 1D, not me. I only listened to a few of their songs."
Ruth: "That's reasonable. April, can you tell me why you like 1D?"
April: "I don't. I never heard of their songs before and don't even know what 1D is."
Ruth: "They're a boy band."
April: "Yeah I know that now." (Technically this wasn't the actual conversation between Ruth and April but I don't remember the exact words she said)
Ruth: "Fair enough. Matilda, which song do you like best from 1D?"
Matilda: "Ooh, it's hard to pick. I would choose...'Greatest Song Ever'."
Ruth: "That's not a song by them."
Ruth: "Yes it is. You just don't know it because you're not a fan."
Ruth: "I think the song is called 'Best Song Ever'."
Matilda: "Oh. See? I was right! It is a song. You're just trying to play tricks on me."
Ruth: "Stuart, what song did you and your ex like the most?"
Stuart: "'Best Song Ever'."
Ruth: "Other than that?"
Stuart: "I don't remember. She's my ex after all. I'm trying to forget all about her and move on. I only know that she was obsessed with that song."
Ruth: "We had to choose 5 liars but all of a sudden when they needed to lie, they all became bad liars. For example, Stuart said he had the poster of 1D in his room because of his ex but later claimed he was trying to get over her. If he was trying to get over her, he wouldn't still keep that poster that reminds him of her in his room. The question now is just whether I should take that chance or go for the pot."
"May I call the contestant with 40 points to the stand please?"
Ruth: "I shall use my last clue. It says the Mole one scored an F- in school."
Ruth: "Which subject did each of you get an F- in and why?"
Toby: "Chem. Organic chem is hard brah."
April: "Math because my teacher was biased."
Stuart: "English literature. I rather not talk about it."
Ruth: "Oh, I see, but could you really not provide me with any more information, Stuart?"
Stuart: "Well, fine. I was a problem child at school. I was an orphan and frequently changed foster families. It felt like I was just being tossed around. School was the least of my worries."
Ruth: "I'm so sorry to hear that. I shouldn't have asked."
Stuart: "It's cool. I'm over it now."
Ruth asks April something which I forgot.
April lies about it and says her teacher was having an affair. Ruth questions the teacher's gender as April said "she" but later "he". April tries to lie her way out and doubles down, calling Ruth homophobic.
Ruth asks how each of them pulled their grades up. Toby says it's because he had a good teacher and eventually got a C-. April says it's because she was so awesome and important to the soccer team that she convinced the principal that her grade was an error. I forgot what Stuart replied but he pulled it up to a D+.
Ruth: "What did you get after that then?"
April: "A+."
Ruth: "Really? From F- to A+?"
April: "Don't question me."
"Time is up."
Ruth: "Thank you."
"Ruth, in front of you are three contestants with points and two liars. As a reminder, if you can pick out all three with the points, you will receive an exemption."
"Ruth, who do you think has the 20 points?"
Ruth: "Matilda."
"Who do you think has the 30 points?"
Ruth: "April."
"Who do you think has the 40 points?"
Ruth: "This was a hard one. It's between Toby and Stuart but I think Stuart has it."
"Matilda, April, Stuart, you have been singled out by Ruth to have the points. If you have the points for that round, you will not be able to keep it for the pot. It's time to find out whether you have been lying all along."
"Matilda, do you have 20 points?"
Matilda: "I do unfortunately."
"April, do you have 30 points?"
April: "No I don't."
"You do. Please take them out and place them in front of you."
April: "Damn it."
"Stuart, do you have 40 points?"
Stuart: "Afraid not. Sorry Ruth. No exemption for you."
"Stuart doesn't have the points. He has been lying to you. Who has 40 points?"
Toby: "I have the points."
"This means that thanks to Toby, 40/90 points have been added to the pot. Unfortunately for Ruth, this means she walks away without an exemption."
Toby: "Chyeah! Good thing I insisted on taking those 40 points. The others wanted to give it to Stuart but I insisted I should have it because there's no way Ruth would suspect me. And I was right."
Toby and Matilda dancing in the rain and Toby expresses his love of water and the fact that he has a promise ring to his girlfriend. Matilda questions his decision to not move to better jobs. Toby replies he likes his job. He also has a plan of being the manager of the fast food place he works at.
Matilda: "You really miss the beach don't you?"
Toby: "Chyeah. Grew up by it. It's my brah, you know? If I could I'd marry the ocean."
Matilda: "You're silly."
Toby: "See this ring?"
Matilda: "You can't be serious."
Toby: "Nah, I'm just joking with you brah. This is a promise ring to my girlfriend."
April laments about the rain. Stuart asks about April's tattoo and she lies about it. She wants to change the topic to which Stuart decides to have their first coalition meeting. April questions when they were in a coalition and this leads to a confrontation and Stuart being upset about her lack of commitment to her words.
Stuart: "Okay then let's begin our very first coalition meeting."
April: "Coalition? Who said anything about being in a coalition?"
Stuart: "You did. You agreed to form a coalition with me when we went jogging."
April: "Oh. I change my mind."
Ruth is sad that she didn't get the exemption and Bobo notices. Bobo wants to do something to help her and Ruth acts coy about her request before revealing she wants to know every detail that happened among the 5 of them in the mission. Bobo agrees as they were already in a coalition.
Bobo: "Are you upset?"
Ruth: "The rest probably see me as a pushover. They're just waiting for the time when I go home."
Bobo: "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Ruth: "There is one thing, but I'm not sure if it's too much to ask..."
Bobo: "Just ask. I'll help you if I can."
Ruth: "Could you tell me what the thought process was? Before we regrouped we were separated and I want to know every detail of what went down."
Bobo: "Of course! We're in a coalition. I would've told you anyway."
The quiz happens. The pictures are the same as usual. Unfortunately I don't have the quiz questions either.
Execution ceremony
"Stuart Larger. Unfortunately you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Stuart: "Welp. Guess it's over."
Bobo, Matilda and Toby pay tribute to Stuart. Matilda talks about working together with him in the first mission. Toby talks about being in a coalition and room with him. I forgot what Bobo said.
Once again I'm sorry that this happened. Blogger's autosave feature sucks very badly and autosaves when it shouldn't. It's a big shame because this episode was text-heavy and had a lot of plot points.
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