And we’re back on the Smole! Previously 8 contestants joined
for a shot at the money and fame. They have been slowly eliminated until only 3
are left, with the pot standing at 495/710 points. Who will win? Who is the
Mole? All this will be revealed now!

As the finale approaches…

…Some start to ponder life outside the Smole…

…Some decide to rock out…

…And of course, some decide to revise their journals.

Imogen: “All I want to do is to succeed in life, to lead a
simple, happy, peaceful life away from the discerning eyes of society and those
around. Is that so hard for a girl like me to ask for? I have to win the Smole
at all costs, if not all my efforts will come to naught!”

Kay: “I’ve been giving tips and advice on how to win the
game and how I won the game. One of it included looking your best. It just so
happens that this is related to one of the missions.”

“Your final mission is to go to the salon. Each of you will
be assigned to makeover another finalist. This is worth 90 points, 30 for every
successful makeover which the receiving finalist likes. Good luck.”
Tom: “Hop on.”
Imogen: “Me?”
Tom: “Don’t say I’m being unfair to you.”

Tom: “Strange. Lights aren’t working.”
Charlie: “Come on Imogen. I’m supposed to style you.”

Tom: “Hey you’re the stylist right?”
Harley: “Yup. Why?”
Tom: “Well you should get these stupid lights fixed. It’s so

Imogen: “Do a good job. It will affect my image.”

Charlie: “Take off your clothes.”
Imogen: “What? You pervert!”
Charlie: “You’re wearing so many layers! How am I supposed
to make accurate measurements?”
Imogen: “Just estimate!”
Imogen: “This is so not my style.”
Charlie: “At least try to like it for the sake of the
Imogen: “I shall not suppress myself.”

Imogen: “I know the perfect look for you.”

Tom: “Meh.”

Tom: “Your turn. Don’t try to sneak last minute revisions.
It won’t work.”

Tom: “You look so feminine.”
Charlie: “You think so? Then give me a new look so that my
wife will start swooning over me again.”

Charlie: “Ooh, I look so refined and elegant!”
Tom: “Wait till I give you high heels.”
Results: Imogen doesn’t like her outfit, so 60/90 points are
added. 555/800 points are the final points.
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