After a few intense weeks, we finally have our final three. With 200/200 points in the final mission, the season is concluded with 716/1500 points in the pot. Who will be the one to take it home? More importantly, who is the Mole? Is it the reserved Brittany, the lovable Jerome or the deceptive Clifford? Only time will tell. The time is now.
As the finale approaches, some rest...
...some freshen up...
...and some prepare for the final quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 26
B: 37
C: 51
Q3: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Firefighter
B: Plastic surgeon
C: Unemployed
Q4: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: Blue
B: Orange
C: Red
Q5: What is the Mole's favourite music genre?
A: Indie
B: Rock
C: Pop
Q6: What is the Mole's favourite food?
A: Shrimp cocktail
B: Chicken noodles
C: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Q7: Who would the Mole invite to join?
A: The Mole's mother
B: The Mole's nephew
C: The Mole's brother
Q8: Which of these does the Mole like?
A: Children
B: Watching TV
C: Reading
Q9: Which of these does the Mole dislike?
A: Noise pollution
B: Hot dogs
C: Exercise
Q10: Which of the following has the Mole said before?
A: I made it to the final eight. I'm proud. I hope you are.
B: Think nothing of it. I was just stating facts.
C: Just pick yourself up and carry on.
Q11: Which execution pod has the Mole entered the most, from the perspective of the entrance and excluding Episode 20?
A: Leftmost pod
B: Pod directly right of elevator
C: Rightmost pod
Q12: Which pod has the Mole never entered before?
A: Rightmost pod
B: Leftmost pod
C: The Mole has entered all pods before
Q13: How many executions has the Mole attended?
A: 7
B: 6
C: 5
Q14: Before Mission 10, what did the Mole eat?
A: Cookies
B: Autumn salad
C: Stuffed turkey
Q15: In Mission 10, which instrument did the Mole play?
A: Guitar
B: Drums
C: The Mole did not play an instrument
Q16: How many points did the Mole win in skee-ball in Mission 10?
A: 11,000
B: 14,000
C: The Mole did not play skee-ball
Q17: Which dictionary was the first one the Mole picked up in Mission 10?
A: Polish
B: Malay
B: Malay
C: The Mole did not take a dictionary
Q18: In Mission 10, what was the first foreign word the Mole said?
A: Wiadomość
B: Mani
C: Музыка
Q19: In Mission 10, which of the following languages did the Mole read out?
A: French
B: German
C: The Mole did not read out a foreign word
C: The Mole did not read out a foreign word
Q20: Who is the Mole?
A: Brittany Power
B: Clifford Sanchez
C: Jerome Losanji
Jerome: "Cliff had a decent amount of correct answers in the first mission but he chose to sacrifice them for a question. The usefulness of it is questionable, as seen from the many contestants who asked a question but soon got executed."
"Clifford, you had 17 names correct. You could have earned 17 points, but now you will not earn any points. However, you may now ask a question."
Clifford: "Damn it. I didn't know I was so lucky."
Clifford: "Brittany did not give the right answer in Mission 8, even though her question was a simple one."
Brittany: "I'll just take a random one. I don't have time."
Brittany: "Jerome did not identify his phrase correctly in Mission 5, causing 10 points to not be earned."
Jerome: "Two fun key spice lattes, random list. Whatever that is."
Jerome: "In Mission 7, Brittany was the first to be eliminated. Her elimination meant one less contestant to make it to the end and disable the camera."
"Brittany is eliminated."
Clifford: "Jerome only identified 4 movies correctly when I arrived in Mission 9. Getting to the art gallery from my starting point took a considerable amount of time, so there was definitely plenty of time for Jerome to yell random movie names for every single art on display."
Jerome: "Liver ketchup? That rings a bell."
"Jerome, you have managed to identify 4 movies correctly. You have earned 40 points but cannot join Clifford."
Jerome: "He's here already? And I just remembered where this came from too...I thought I had more than 4 movies though."
Brittany: "In Mission 4, Cliff decided to split up from Duncan. And then there was radio silence. Then suddenly, conveniently, he was arrested. That was one less contestant able to earn points."
Regina: "Cliff, did you hear me? I said to go with Duncan."
This season shall end where it began. Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 39. All will be revealed soon, but first, we should invite the other contestants back.
"Let us welcome Christina Euca!"
Christina: "It's been so long."
"Let's also invite her executed partner Trent Shipley!"
Trent: "Woah."
Trent: "Sick!"
Trent: "Woah! I'm not used to ground all of a sudden."
Trent: "How does it feel to be back?"
Christina: "It feels so good to be back. I felt like I missed out on so much."
Trent: "I know how you feel. It was such a bummer that we were the two first boots. But on the bright side, 'cause we're so far from the Smole, coming back feels like joining for the first time. I'm still so struck by everything here, man. It's like being mystified all over again."
Trent: "So, whatchu've been doing?"
Christina: "The usual. I stopped daydreaming and started sending out applications again, trying to get a job. Haven't heard back from any of them yet though, and as usual I'm still dreading the interviews. How about you?"
Trent: "I got back to making music. There was so much inspiration flowing in me I had to get it all out. Still pissed that I wasted my first question. Maybe if I got an answer I could have made it past number 20 on the ranking."
"Let us invite back Ray Beyan!"
Ray: "I'm impressed with the futuristic technology."
"As well as Marc Kopolo!"
Marc: "Yikes! How do you use this thing?"
Ray: "Should have gotten a picture."
Marc: "Just rub it in."
Marc: "I'm so happy to see you again, and everyone here."
Ray: "Likewise. However, coming here saddens me a little because it reminds me of my disappointment. I miscalculated. I could have made it further and should have."
Marc: "I remember. You told me you suspected me. I'm glad to have brought you down with me. Seriously though, I wasn't upset by my execution. I just resumed life as per normal."
"Let us welcome Olesya Rickson!"
Olesya: "Woo!"
"Let us also welcome Lexi Washington!"
Lexi: "Where are they? Oh. How embarrassing."
Lexi: "I can't believe I'm stuck in a cell with you."
Olesya: "Now now, I won't bite."
Olesya: "I'm really excited to be here. I want to know which bastard executed me."
Lexi: "For once, I share the same sentiment."
"Here comes Eileen Adorra!"
Eileen: "This feels so funny."
"As well as Duncan Lilly!"
Duncan: "I won't fall right?"
Duncan: "Were you disappointed that you weren't in the finale?"
Eileen: "I think that it is the dream of all of us here to be on the Smole, and for me, that is more than enough. Getting into the finale will be a bonus. I am happy for the three finalists. They all deserve to be there in their own way. They were amazing players."
Duncan: "Honestly, I'm quite disappointed. I went home thinking, 'what went wrong?' For the next few nights I couldn't sleep. I still imagined myself to be on the Smole. It was a very intense, memorable experience that I didn't want to end so early. I'm waiting for answers tonight."
"Let us give a warm round of applause to Venice Venezuela!"
Venice: "I'm back."
"And also to Anne Elizabethian!"
Anne: "It's not necessary."
Venice: "Isn't it great to be back?"
Anne: "Not really. In fact, I submitted my counter-proposal to the school board, refuting claims made by Ms. Harley. I hope nobody else from my school joins the Smole."
Venice: "What? Why would you do that? It's their choice. You can't ban your teachers or students from joining the show."
Anne: "It's my school, and I do what I want. It is with their best interests in mind that I do this. The students need to focus on their studies and the teachers must set good examples to follow."
Venice: "It just sounds like you're a sore loser."
Anne: "And you aren't? You were cursing like a sailor the whole ride back to the hotel."
"Who's that? It's Sheldon Gaius Devinche!"
Sheldon: "Good evening."
"Following him is Carol Losantos!"
Carol: "Hi!"
Carol: "It's nice that we were all invited back."
Sheldon: "I want to know who the Mole is."
Carol:"So do I. My parents understood the confidentiality agreement and didn't want to spoil the surprise so they didn't ask me how well I did. Of course, I didn't and couldn't share with them my experiences on the show. I'm just so proud that Jerome actually made it to the final three."
Sheldon: "Maybe Jerome is the Mole."
Carol: "Maybe. But I won't hold it against him if he was, because that was his job and he did it well enough to fool me."
"Here is Regina Natalia Seix!"
Regina: "'Sup."
"Here is also Elvin Benavidez!"
Elvin: "Hello."
Regina: "I'm going to be biased when translating this season in all the different languages, but it's my mission that everyone can enjoy good content in spite of the language barrier. How are things with your wife, Elvin?"
Elvin: "Fine. I shouldn't have taken off like that, but Megan understands. We're getting through this together and slowly recovering. One day..."
"Let us welcome back Flora Flowerina!"
Flora: "Hi again."
"We shall also welcome back Sabrina Vandegroot!"
Sabrina: "I'm back on the Smole!"
Sabrina: "Do you ever wonder what went wrong? I kept dreaming that I was still on the Smole after my execution. I don't know what happened. I split my answers so I should have been safe, unless my Mole was completely wrong, which would be sad."
Flora: "I did but there were too many variables involved. We can only guess what happened but we won't know for sure."
Sabrina: "Maybe when we know who the Mole is."
Sabrina: "You were an amazing player though. You totally killed it at all the missions. I couldn't even do it myself."
Flora: "Thanks, but you were amazing too. Everyone could see your passion. It was clear you loved the Smole more than you loved yourself, and you were playing the game really hard. Sometimes, that meant not earning points on purpose."
Flora: "By the way, you look beautiful. I think long hair looks nice on you."
Sabrina: "Why thank you. I deliberately grew it out for the finale. I wanted to show a more feminine side of me."
"Last but not least, let us give a round of applause to our fourth-in-place, Reynard Connors!"
Reynard: "This thing is fun!"
Reynard: "Both Casey and I ended up fourth. It must be a sign. We're on slightly better terms now but I know it will take work. I'm willing to work to salvage our marriage and family."
"The final three had taken their last quiz of the season. Let us watch who the winner of the Smole, Season 39 is."
"If the pod goes dark, you are not the winner of the Smole, Season 39. However, if your pod lights up and turns white, don't doubt it; you are the winner this season. Are you ready?"
Clifford: "What? Is's me? I won!"
"Congratulations. Clifford Sanchez, you are officially the winner of the Smole, Season 39!"
Clifford: "I can't believe my eyes and ears. I really won!"
Jerome: "Oh, it's not me? I can't really say I'm surprised."
Brittany: "Oh. It turned dark in here. That means I'm not the winner."
Brittany: "Congratulations to Cliff."
Marc: "Woo! Great job Cliff! You deserve it."
Olesya: "WOOO!"
Lexi: "It should have been me."
Trent: "Yo Christina, it must have been that question that saved his ass."
Christina: "I had a question too but that didn't help me."
Sabrina: "That pedo doesn't deserve to win. He should be the last one to win."
Flora: "But he still won, which means he was the best at playing the game than any of us. He's disgusting but we can't really deny that he's there and we're here."
Reynard: "Why can't he burn in hell and die?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner this season, Clifford Sanchez!"
Clifford: "This is so cool."
Anne: "I heard about his case. He's a bad example and he shouldn't win because of that."
Carol: "Congratulations to Cliff. He succeeded where I couldn't. I'm really happy for him."
Sheldon: "I would like to find out why he won."
Clifford: "Hi guys. It's so weird to meet you all in such a circumstance, where we're all separated by windows. I'm still reeling in shock. Like, I won? Really? No surprises or twists or buts? I should have expected it but wow, this feeling is awesome."
Clifford: "I owe my victory to the question. That's why I guarded it with my life, and especially the answer. It helped me narrow down the suspects greatly to only five, and then slowly there was only one clear Mole."
Clifford: "I would like to thank all of you here, for attending the finale and enjoying this with me. And for all my supporters and viewers at home. And I'd like to thank my magnificent Mole. Without the advantage in the first mission, I may not have caught on to you in the first place. I know not all of you my approve of me winning and I respect that. But I hope you respect the game, its processes and its fairness. And to some extent, I'd like to thank all the critics too. My secret has been exposed to the whole world. Weirdly, it gives me a sense of relief, like there's one less burden I have to face. I now feel more willing to seek help, to try and rectify this. Thank you."
"Thank you, Clifford. There has been one contestant this season who has fooled nearly all of you. It's time to reveal. Who is the Mole?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Mole this season is Brittany Power!"
Sabrina: "Brittany! I was right!"
Flora: "I wasn't."
Brittany: "It was a refreshing change of pace to be on the Smole, and as the Mole at that. It was a challenge, but it was one I was willing to take on. The advantage of such a large group this season is the opportunities to hide. Furthermore, with the good job of everyone at keeping points away from the pot, there were times where I found that I didn't even need to interfere."
Brittany: "All of you are Moles to some degree because you made my job easier. Regardless, I am proud to have served you as your Mole this season."
Duncan: "Brittany...I didn't quite expect that."
Eileen: "I think it is the job of the Mole to keep hidden, so she did an excellent job in that regard. Looking at the pot, she also was quite the successful saboteur."
Lexi: "I can't believe it's Brittany. How dare she fool me."
Olesya: "Chill. It's just a game. It's her job to fool all of us."
Lexi: "Maybe for you shallow imbeciles but not me. I should have found out her identity earlier."
"Without further ado, let's invite our glorious runner-up."
"Ladies and gentlemen, Jerome Losanji!"
Jerome: "I can't contain my excitement. One word: AMAZING. I really felt like I learned and grew a lot here. I've become more independent. Never in my life did I expect to travel so far alone and develop such intimacy with a bunch of strangers. And never did I thought that I would be doing crazy missions like trying to break out of prison. And never in a million years would I even have dreamed of stepping on this stage as part of the final three. Somebody just pinch me."
Jerome: "Congrats to Brittany for being an awesome Mole. I was stuck in a tunnel for too long before I finally realised it was you. And congrats to you, Cliff. You must have been on to her for the longest time, so you really deserve to win. I'm still not sure about you, but I trust Brittany's wise judgement. If she says you aren't as bad as everyone makes you out to be, then you aren't that bad. Maybe it's just one vice but everyone has them. That doesn't mean that you're without virtue."
Clifford: "Aw, thanks Jerome. That's the nicest thing I've heard in a long while."
Jerome: "Woo! Mama, I placed third! Third!"
"We now know who the Mole is. Brittany, how did you do it?"
Brittany: "I was given dossiers regarding the other 19 contestants. I knew who each of them were, but I couldn't show it right from the start. Hence, I decided to just score an average score, getting only the more obvious ones right. And of course, I needed to sacrifice all my points for the question even though I didn't need them."
Brittany: "It came to me as such a surprise that I was only worth 4 points in the second mission. I was one of the more highly suspected candidates. My priority would have to be trying to lay low. Because I was worth so little, I had to fight my way to the end to bring in as few points as possible. I couldn't make it to the end but I was content because the final four that made it weren't worth that much either. I was just more surprised at the fact that contestants I expected to make it to the end point, such as Cliff and Marc, were eliminated so early. I had given them lesser points for a reason. And I underestimated Flora Flowerina."
"Congratulations. Regina, Flora, Olesya and Duncan, the four of you will receive an exemption. Shall we reveal how much each of you is worth?"
Duncan: "I'm worth 10 points."
Olesya: "I'm worth 9 points."
Flora: "I'm worth 25 points."
Regina: "I'm worth 20 points."
Brittany: "I decided to try and waste ingredients as much as possible in the third mission. I prepared the wrong type of salad initially and made several large portions of autumn salad."
Brittany: "I knew the roles of everyone in the mission that ensued. As a henchman, I didn't have as much control as I hoped for, but it helped me in staying low. I needed to try and last long enough for the other henchmen to be arrested, leaving me as one of the only henchmen left, only for me to be arrested in the end. I kept trying to create opportunities for arrest. Unfortunately, trying to last long meant calling out Flora. I don't know why Regina didn't act on it. Maybe she thought I was the police. I did try and make her distrust me in that mission by appearing after some of the arrests were made. That's probably why she sent me alone to a room with Elvin, so I publicly called out her plan to keep up the ruse."
Regina: "What? Where is she? Damn it. She's no longer on any of my feed."
"Sheldon has been arrested."
Regina: "How am I missing all of this?"
Brittany: "All these rooms look the same."
Brittany: "Regina, she led us here for a reason."
Brittany: "We're being played by her, Elvin."
Elvin: "That actually makes sense. She's leading us by the nose. Why am I listening to her instructions? She asked me to come here, and she asked you to come here."
Brittany: "She's sounding us out. She's trying to weed the police."
Carol: "Brittany, are you a policewoman?"
Carol: "Silence means consent."
Brittany: "If I am the police, I would have arrested you."
Carol: "That is only because we are being watched closely. And because Venice is here too, by the computer."
Carol: "It was as though Brittany fell into my lap. Venice and I were in the same room as Brittany, but both of us were part of the police. Either one of us could arrest Brittany but Regina can't say for sure who it is, thereby protecting our identities."
Brittany: "In Mission 5, my job was simple. I had to give a plausible wrong answer to what I heard."
Text-to-speech: "Thermo zit large"
Brittany: "Thermo ziplock."
Brittany: "As the warden in Mission 6, I did not want attention to be focused on me, since most of the action was between the visitors and prisoners. My making sure the conversation was focused there, I could ensure that everyone will be discussing 'why did he make that proposal' or 'why did she not give me the key' or 'why did they trust that guy' instead of 'why did the warden not try to take the keys to try and earn bonus points'. My cover-up for trying to make sure everyone stayed in their cells was the exemption, but when the first one escaped I needed to keep talking about partial credit to justify keeping the other innocent prisoners locked up."
Brittany: "I should make more frequent rounds. That way, nobody else can escape. I should at least get 5 corrections for only letting one slip away."
Brittany: "Eight is still a large group, so I should stay hidden among the masses. After that, I just need to eliminate myself by being caught moving on camera."
Brittany: "For Mission 8, my goal was to not be stuck in the elevator throughout because I could not do anything there. I got out fourth and 'randomly' took the wrong answer back to the elevator. I also wanted to get to the bonus mission but unfortunately Flora was selected, not me."
Brittany: "I could have let Reynard take the running. After all, I knew what each task was and there was a certain order to be followed in order to maximise the points. However, I could not stand the way Reynard was talking to Cliff so I interceded. If the order was followed, I would end up with the decryption task, which was difficult to solve if you did not realise it was a Vignere cipher. Hence I wanted to take the movie task so that I could sabotage it, but Jerome was insistent and the more I fought the stranger it would be to him. Hence I just conveniently failed at the last task."
Brittany: "For the last mission, I tried to fail at certain tasks so that we would have less time with the dictionaries. I would also take my time with the dictionaries and take the wrong language occasionally and be generally useless in the mission. It was just pure luck Jerome ended up with the right radio station."
Clifford: "'Wiadomość'!"
Brittany: "Jerome, look out for the word 'mani'. It's 'where' in Malay. It should be a fairly common word."
Brittany: "I missed."
Brittany: "Missed."
Anne: "I knew I couldn't have trusted her. She was such a recluse."
"We have seen how Brittany sabotaged, but her sabotages didn't always go unnoticed."
"Sabrina was the first one to put Brittany down as the Mole in Episode 6. However, she really began to suspect Brittany from Episode 9."
Sabrina: "I first thought Brittany was the most likely to be the Mole in the Mondegreen mission. Her phrase was 'Thermo zit large'. It's clearly 'The Mole's at large'. What even is 'Thermo ziplock'? From then on, she kept doing suspicious things and I began to close in on her."
Clifford: "I asked in the first mission whether the Mole liked blue. The answer was yes. There were five suspects left for me to consider: Brittany, Duncan, Elvin, Lexi and Olesya. Very quickly I was left with only Brittany and Elvin, and it was clear that Brittany was more likely to be the Mole. Then Elvin was executed. That's when I knew for sure who the Mole was, 100%."
Reynard: "I opened my eyes the mission after my main suspect went home. That was the elevator mission, Mission 8. What was fishy was Brittany suddenly speaking up so much. She never takes initiative. And she and Jerome were fighting for the elevator until she suddenly gave it to Jerome and decided to be the fourth to leave the elevator, even giving in to me. I then took a gamble that paid off."
Jerome: "When Sabrina was executed, I looked back at all my notes. Brittany stood out. When she let me have the elevator in Mission 8, and wanted to take the movie task in Mission 9, I thought it was very weird. Come to think of it, I need to thank Brittany. She indirectly handed me the most important exemption of my life."
"Clifford, the Mole's name was put down a total of 15 times, which means an additional 15 points added to your pot of 716/1500 points. But that isn't the end. Remember the 'tunnel vision' mission Flora went through? She could have earned 100 bonus points. How many bonus points did she manage to bring in?"
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: White room
B: Red room
Q3: Does the Mole sleep on a single bed or double bed?
A: Single bed
(+10 points)
Q4: Which vehicle did the Mole take in Mission 8?
B: Green vehicle
(+10 points)
Q5: Did the Mole drive in Mission 8?
B: No
(+10 points)
Q6: At which floor did the Mole get out of the elevator in Mission 8?
B: Level 30
D: Level 60
Q7: In Mission 8, what was the Mole's question?
B: Who composed Für Elise?
D: What is the last name of the first Smole Mole?
Q8: In Mission 8, what was the Mole's answer to the question posed?
D: Milliard
(+10 points)
Q9: In what order did the Mole reach Level 90 in Mission 8?
C: 3rd
F: 6th
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Brittany Power
B: Clifford Sanchez
(Total: 40 points)
Flora: "Sorry Cliff. I thought you were the Mole."
Sabrina: "On the bright side, you managed to bring in 40 bonus points."
Flora: "I didn't even know I entered one wrong tunnel for the eighth question but I guess it worked out for Cliff."
"Clifford, that means that in total, you have 771/1500 points, or 77,100 Simoleons! That leaves Brittany with 72,900 Simoleons! Congratulations to the both of you."
"We know who the winner is. We've revealed the Mole. We saw what the Mole did. We announced the winnings. Now all that's left are the clues."
"Our first clue has been present in every single episode. Contestants are arranged by age, then split in half and interwoven. This is the order they appear on the banner, except for Brittany. She is 51 years old but is arranged as if she was 39, because she is the 39th Mole on the 39th season."
Eileen – 21 (1st youngest)
Anne - 60 (1st oldest)
Jerome – 26 (2nd youngest)
Lexi - 55 (2nd oldest)
Carol – 26 (3rd youngest)
Reynard – 46 (3rd oldest)
Christina – 27 (4th youngest)
Elvin- 44 (4th oldest etc.)
Regina – 28
Marc - 40
Ray – 29
Brittany – 51 (Season 39 Mole) (should be 6th)
Olesya – 30
Sheldon – 38
Trent – 31
Clifford – 37
Duncan – 32
Sabrina - 35
Flora – 33
Venice - 34
"Unintentionally a clue, there has also been a very prominent use of the colour blue, which happens to be the Mole's favourite colour."
"The number 5 is also featured prominently throughout the season. Take the product of the digits of the Mole's age (5 and 1) to get 5. Examples include Episode 3, when bonus points would be earned for every 5 additional plates, or penalties incurred for every 5 wasted ingredients. In Episode 11, there were 5 dog paintings in the visiting room. The visits were also every 5 minutes."
"In Episode 15 (a multiple of 5), Brittany's earrings were blue to mourn the executed contestant Elvin, who liked blue."
"Episode 2 was broadcast at 12pm. On the Smole banner, Brittany is the 12th contestant."
![]() |
Edited for contrast. The 'W' is also drawn out to make it more obvious. |
"In Episode 7, there was a meeting room. In lighter blue on the floor was the letter 'W'. W is the symbol for Watt, the unit of power. Brittany's surname is Power."
"In Episode 14, Brittany changed her earrings from yellow to green because she knew that Regina, who liked green, would be the next to be executed."
Brittany: "It's a jumble of letters. nmk jlrx twa uirv..."
![]() |
The key is VIGNERE. Follow the numbers to decipher the clue. |
"In Episode 17, the (Vignere) cipher was 'See what you hear'. This clue is telling viewers to look at contestants' ears to spot the aforementioned earrings clues."
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(The Mole has run in a mission) |
Radio: "Mooli on käynyt lähetystyössä."
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(She is the one you are lookng for) |
Radio: "Lei è quella che stai cercando."
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(The Mole is older than 30) |
Radio: "有关当局表明,内鬼年龄大于三十岁。请听众多留意。"
"The last clues are in Episode 19. There are various clues to Brittany being the Mole as heard on the radio."
"With that, the finale of the Smole, Season 39 has come to an end. Thank you for viewing. Until next time."
- Red means executed
- Black means not in game
- Green means exempted
- Italics means player scored the lowest.
- Flora earned the most exemptions this season.
- Clifford has never scored lower than a 3. He has scored 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
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