Previously on the Smole,
Cole: "My lucky stars are really shining on me."
Matilda: "My backup Mole is the Mole."
Toby: "I think I'm the only one who actually knows who the Mole is. Chyeah baby, the victory is mine."
Cole: "I found 6 points."
Cole: "Oh shit. Didn't realise he was in here."
Cole: "Which boxes have the points?"
Matilda: "The corner ones."
Cole: "Be more specific."
Toby: "Ack! It's playing music!"
Cole: "You're just going to have to make a break for it. You can't hide there forever."
The contestants spent the night in an abandoned castle searching for boxes containing points while avoiding music boxes and ballerinas with darts. Unfortunately, all 3 of them were eliminated before bringing all the points back but they still managed to earn 102/120 points. The pot is now at 546/1000 points. One of the final three will walk away with these points; that is the winner. Who will be the winner? Another contestant will walk away with the remainder unearned; that is the Mole. Who is the Mole? Find out now.
As the finale approaches, some play an ode...
...some recharge their batteries...
...and some tear up over the thought of everything being over.
It is time for the final quiz. 30 questions about the Mole's identity. The one who scores the highest will end up as the winner of the Smole, Season 55.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Is the Mole a veteran or newbie?
A: Veteran
B: Newbie
Q3: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: Red
B: Orange
C: White
Q4: What is the Mole's favourite music genre?
A: Classical
B: Beach party
C: Songwriter
Q5: If the Mole could only eat one type of food, what would it be?
A: Sushi
B: Hot dogs
C: Hamburger
Q6: What kind of tattoo does the Mole have?
A: Star tattoo
B: Eagle tattoo
C: The Mole does not have a tattoo
Q7: What is the Mole's eye colour?
A: Blue
B: Black
C: Lilac
Q8: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Fast food worker
B: Beverage consultant
C: Musician
Q9: How old was the Mole when the Mole first joined the Smole?
A: 21
B: 23
C: 26
Q10: How many times has the Mole paid tribute to an executed contestant this season?
A: 5
B: 6
Q11: Which of the following is a trait of the Mole?
A: Ambitious
B: Over emotional
C: Loves to swim
Q12: Where does the Mole reside?
A: Bridgeport
B: Soleunda
C: None of the above
Q13: Is the Mole single?
A: Yes
B: No
Q14: Which of the following is the Mole skilled in?
A: Drums
B: Guitar
C: Surfing
Q15: What mousepad does the Mole use in taking the final quiz?
A: Sky blue mousepad
B: Green mousepad
C: Checkered grey mousepad
Q16: Who was the Mole paired up with in Mission 1?
A: Ruth Ferfordium
B: Stuart Larger
C: Nobody
Q17: What did the Mole do in Mission 2?
A: Watch CinemaSins
B: Guess movies
C: Score goals
Q18: Which of the following describes the Mole's Mission 3?
A: Haunted corridor
B: Lying
Q19: How many photographs did the Mole take in Mission 4?
A: 2
B: 4
C: 5
Q20: In Mission 5, what is the average points per token the Mole collected?
A: 5.7
B: 6
C: 7.2
Q21: In Mission 6, how many seconds did the Mole contribute?
A: 40
B: 300
C: 900
Q22: In Mission 7, what did the Mole have to do to defuse bombs?
A: Cut wires
B: Unlock trucks
C: Change fountain colours
Q23: What did the Mole last find in Mission 8?
A: Soccer ball
B: Stroller
C: The Mole did not find items
Q24: In Mission 9, how many words did the Mole type correctly?
A: 166
B: 195
C: 287
Q25: In Mission 10, in which order did the Mole open boxes?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q26: In Mission 10, in which order was the Mole eliminated?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q27: In Mission 10, how many boxes containing points did the Mole find?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 12
Q28: In Mission 10, how many points did the Mole lose by being eliminated?
A: 0
B: 6
C: 12
Q29: Who left a message for the Mole in Mission 10?
A: The Mole's boss
B: The Mole's girlfriend
C: The Mole's friend
Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Cole Mirani
B: Matilda Smart
C: Toby Earlgrey
Toby: Cole and Matilda are both worthy foes and potential Moles. Cole hardly helped to gain time in Mission 7 or get any bonus points there when the rest of us did. My brah was also alone so for all we know he could have been sitting around drinking a pina colada! But he has been working hard in the recent few missions which confirms to me that my brah Cole is not the Mole. The Mole is Matilda, the woman who's been with me since Hidden Springs. It's no coincidence that whoever she's with in the mission or in a room gets executed shortly after. She also fails in positions of power, like when she got so many sins wrong in Mission 2, or when she got all the news wrong in Mission 8, or when she was caught lying with points in Mission 3, or when she earned nothing in Mission see my point brah? The list goes on because the Mole is Matilda Smart.
Matilda: I had many main suspects go home: April, Belinda, Bobo...but one of them persisted and that's Toby Earlgrey. He was even my first suspect. A woman's first instinct is never wrong. He pretends to be this chill dimwitted surfer dude who's everyone's friend but secretly he's sabotaging behind their backs. He had 3 easy sentences in the first mission and got none of them. He dug up the important stroller just one second too late. In the final mission, he was the one with the least number of boxes. Of course, maybe it could be Cole after all. I heard he did really badly in the first half of the season and is trying to throw us off his scent in the second half but ends up looking like he knows more than the rest of us mission-wise. But Toby's performance is always so average that he slipped by for far too long but not any more. Toby Earlgrey is the Mole.
Cole: Trust your gut. That's what got me to the finale. Granted, I probably got here more by luck than anything. My gut didn't tell me the Mole's Toby or Matilda but it's one of them. Matilda screws up way too much but her carefreeness makes everyone think that it's just how Matilda is. But if we look closer we see that she has done her fair share of sabotaging. Like that time she let Sylvester handle all the work and carry all potential blame with the bombs, or when she proceeded to have her back turned on a ballerina assassin at the archway after I warned her not to. Then there's Toby, who's never really stood out. He could always hide behind others. Like that time the bomb went off on his side. He was the one who misinterpreted my words and gave Bobo fatal instructions. But times like these are not as common for him than Matilda. Going with and against my gut both lead to wrong suspects, so I'm just gonna say fuck it and pick the Mole based on who I observed was more suspicious in the final mission, and that's Matilda Smart.
"Eight newbies and veterans started this season in Hidden Springs, unaware that they would end up facing each other. When the surprise was revealed in Lucky Palms, two vets and two newbies fell prey to the confirmed Mole, leaving just three contestants left. This lovely evening, we are gathered here to witness the crowning of the winner and indubitably the reveal of the Mole. Before that though, let's first welcome back our fallen contestants."
"Our first boots of the veterans and newbies respectively are Flora Flowerina and Colbert Carrara!"
Flora: "I think the Mole is Cole. There is something about him when we were just the vets that I ignored and that's why I'm here."
Colbert: "I don't really know. Maybe the Mole is Cole. It would make me feel better about myself going home first."
"Let us welcome Shawn Munk and Gavin Pinkerton!"
Shawn: "Hmm, who could be the Mole? It could be any of them. I'm just going to make a random guess and say Toby because I'll be wrong anyway. I don't want to overanalyse the wrong thing and sound like a fool."
Gavin: "The Mole is Matilda. I have underestimated her. She cared more about partying but she is smarter and much more deceptive than the vibe she gives off."
Flora: "Shawn! It's nice to see you again."
Colbert: "I never thought it would be you that would go home straight after me."
Gavin: "Me neither but this game is full of twists and surprises."
"From the veterans, we have Ella Marie Tremble! And from the newbies, we have Stuart Larger!"
Ella: "The Mole must be a newbie. And that newbie is Matilda Smart. I've seen plenty of women like her: pretending to be innocent but plotting to stab you behind your back. The bard Cole Mirani tried to do something similar but I saw through him so he would be a terrible Mole. As for the other guy, I don't even remember his name."
Stuart: "I want to believe it's Cole because he has the most experience and has seen a Mole in action before. He knows what to do and what not to do."
Stuart: "'Sup guys."
Shawn: "Her Majesty has arrived."
Ella: "I expected a red carpet, not whatever this is."
"Give it up for veteran Davian Lemming and newbie Ruth Ferfordium!"
Davian: "Cole's the Mole. Everyone will think that a first boot is given a chance to be the Mole to make up for it, but everyone forgets about the second boot."
Ruth: "Oh, I don't know who the Mole could be. I don't think it's Toby or Matilda given my interactions with them in Hidden Springs so I suppose the Mole is Cole."
Stuart: "Sucks to be us."
Ruth: "Certainly does."
Flora: "Hi Davian. You didn't get to be the Mole again?"
Davian: "Unfortunately not. That would be too obvious."
Flora: "I think there's no need to feel bad about ourselves for being in the bottom four. Everyone was chosen for a reason. The veterans are veterans for a reason. We competed against some of the best of the Smole."
Ella: "That is obvious. There can be no other reason why I am standing here with you fools instead of receiving my second victory."
Davian: "I'm most excited for Cole to win or be the Mole. He's the only vet left. He has to represent us and bring glory to the vets."
Shawn: "The newbies may have beginner's luck too."
Colbert: "Did any of you see the twist coming? I sure didn't."
Ruth: "Me neither. I thought it was just going to be the eight of us. But it's not like it matters. We didn't even get past the first four executions."
Stuart: "I enjoyed my time for what it was though. Hidden Springs was nice and I got to play in the Smole. I personally liked having to lie to you Ruth."
Gavin: "Indeed. There are so many ways of playing and strategising that even after 55 seasons there are new ways of playing. That's why I look forward to seeing what the final three have done."
Ruth: "Speaking of which, let's go out and welcome them, shall we?"
Flora: "There's the first one. It's April Grey."
April: "I know who the Mole is. It's Cole Mirani. I had all the info I needed on the newbies but I didn't have enough on the vets. I always knew it was him but I just didn't have enough time to gather all the info on him."
Belinda: "You know, maybe the Mole is Toby after all. He's done very well in flying under the radar which is what a good Mole should do. The newbies' pot was also tragically lower than ours which makes it more likely that the Mole is a newbie."
Shawn: "Hi Belinda. I suspected you."
Ella: "You suspected everyone, fool."
Shawn: "And I still lost."
Stuart: "Story of my life."
Quinn: "In this game it is dangerous to trust anyone. I even distrusted Bobo but I overlooked the one closest to me: Toby. I only saw him as my student and I let that get the better of me. He's the male Bobo. That's why I think he's actually the Mole."
Belinda: "I'm getting uncomfortable. We're outside and there are too many Sims."
Quinn: "I never saw such a big reception before. Nice to meet all of you."
Sylvester: "The Mole is definitely a newbie. I have a strong suspicion it's Matilda Smart and everyone else knew that too. She brought in next to nothing in the missions while letting Bobo take the fall for it."
Quinn: "Both the winners were executed. This Mole must be really good."
Shawn: "Or really lucky."
Sylvester: "Winners can't always keep up their winning streak. That's just not possible."
Ella: "Speak for yourself, guard."
Bobo: "Oh I couldn't possibly imagine any of the final three being the Mole. I followed April's idea of mainly suspecting Matilda and a bit of Toby and then even fewer on every veteran remaining. It would be really fun if the Mole ended up being Cole so I'll say he's the Mole just so I can say I suspected all three of them!"
Bobo: "It's so wonderful to meet all of you!"
Colbert: "You really impressed us Bobo. I don't think many of us were expecting you to make it so far."
Ruth: "Yes Bobo. It's definitely surprising."
Stuart: "Everyone's here. Shall we go take our seats?"
Bobo: "Yes!"
Ella: "This chair is squalid! Someone get me a new chair immediately!"
"Contestants, welcome to the finale of the Smole Season 55! You thought you were only eight; now you've seen the full cast of the season...or most of it. We are still short of three. Ladies and gentlemen, let us give a warm welcome to our finalists this season!"
Ella: "Did nobody hear me? I said get me a new chair! Fool, get me an actual chair!"
Shawn: "I don't think there are any better chairs Your Highness."
Ella: "Ingrates! A royal specially graces their event and this is how they treat me?"
"Matilda Smart, Toby Earlgrey and Cole Mirani. Two newbies and a veteran. It has been a few weeks for the hunt for a Mole, for some of you two Moles. Has your hunt been in vain? Has the Mole been caught or has the Mole evaded suspicion this whole time? Which of you could be the Mole? Let's review the potential sabotages by our potential Moles."
"Let us first start with our resident musician and sole veteran Cole Mirani."
Mission 1
Right from the start, Cole was someone the others had doubts about. He started off the first mission with very vague clues and spent more time disagreeing with Ella Marie Tremble instead of focusing on the mission. He also leaned into the lies fed to him to cause confusion in everyone's intentions."
Cole: "I'll go first. We don't gotta lot of time so I'll make this quick. My first item is something acoustic; my second item is a Shakespeare play and I think a board game. Your go Ella Marie."
Ella: "Insolence! You shall call me Your Highness."
Cole: "Maybe now's the time for me to say that Shawn has an exemption. If we block him we can prevent him from getting it. This must what it means to block him."
Belinda: "Are you sure?"
Cole: "Do you want to risk it?"
Mission 2
"Cole was reluctant to involve Davian in the discussion of answers and in his words, wanted Davian to just trust him. He also failed in getting some of the right answers despite the fact that he should have known some of them, especially the last question."
Davian: "Question!"
Cole: "Dude, just trust us. Block Ball A."
Mission 3
"Cole didn't regulate his heart rate and entered the haunted corridor with a heart rate that was too close to the maximum allowed. Unsurprisingly he lost a life and gave a clue to help the newbies fail in their corresponding mission."
Mission 4
"Who knows where Cole got the idea of a hidden exemption for not being caught but that was his excuse for hiding for majority of it and earning nothing for the pot. In fact, he also deliberately took incorrect photos."
Cole: "Shit! Shouldn't have turned around. I need to run!"
Mission 5
"Cole found the most tokens and points, but a Mole would always prefer to keep control and not let his own effort go to waste. After all, he had no idea how much worse the newbies did. Despite his best efforts he also couldn't find all the points."
Mission 6
"Cole did horribly in the next mission. Not only did he not earn any bonus points, but he also contributed a measly 40 seconds to the time. That was nowhere enough to help Belinda complete her journey in time."
Cole: "I don't know. I'm guessing yellow."
"Incorrect. The colour was green."
Mission 7
"Cole got lucky by cutting the green wire, or did he? It is entirely possible he knew what the correct wire to cut was and after deducing that Toby and Bobo had failed, he could defuse his bomb to pin the blame on the former two."
Mission 8
"Cole lost a rubber duck which was one of the required items. He also failed in arranging the soccer ball in the correct spot, the only correct item they had. He was the one to make the call to shift each item down one spot, turning 20 points into 0 points."
Mission 9
"While Cole copied the most words, he also made the most errors and cost a significant penalty."
Mission 10
"Cole tempted fate so many times in the last mission by running and not being stealthy or quiet. It is a miracle he lasted so long. The longer he stayed, the louder and more complacent he got. It is thus quite unsurprising that he got eliminated the way he did at the end."
"We now move on to our newbies, starting with the surfer Toby Earlgrey."
Mission 1
"Toby took charge in the first mission, leading Ruth to all the wrong places and having a plan that was useless without the required words. His pair failed to get a single sentence in."
Toby: "That was a good lunch."
April: "But I couldn't get anyone to say 'original' and you couldn't get anyone to say 'calm' or 'going'."
Ruth: "May I suggest we don't split the work up like that?"
Toby: "No. Dude, I got it all planned out. I think we should look for claw machines now and keep getting as many words as we can."
Mission 2
"Toby had an important role in guessing the movies to earn points. However his performance was far from ideal. He even agreed with April on a movie when he knew she was making stuff up. Only a Mole would do that."
April: "I'm damned sure it's Ratatouille. The one with a rat. There's a scene where he has to serve lasagna to two guests and he's hidden in the chef's hat."
Toby: "That actually makes sense. Let's go with that."
"Unfortunately, the answer is Lady and The Tramp."
Mission 3
"In the third mission, Toby managed to protect his 40 points but it was a close shave that was more up to Ruth than him. In addition, his poor lying skills in the first round contributed to the loss of 20 points."
Ruth: "Tell me your roommates names."
Bobo: "Tom and Jerry."
Toby: "Larry and Barry."
Matilda: "Alexy and Harry."
Mission 4
"Toby only had 2 correct photos of veterans despite using up all his shots. He spent the other three on the wrong Sims."
Mission 5
"Toby found many tokens but the average value of each of his tokens was rather low. He didn't manage to find all his points either."
Mission 6
"Toby seemed to do well here, but it still wasn't enough. He did fall after a while which could have been on purpose."
Toby: "I need to slide my left foot back...aah!"
Mission 7
"Toby had the communications and ignored the others for a good while. Later, he misinterpreted Cole's instructions and told Bobo to change the colour to yellow even though they were told that changing the colours to a primary colour other than blue would set off bombs."
Sylvester: "Bobo, Toby, are you there? Hello?"
Toby: "Cole said yellow."
Bobo: "Okay!"
Mission 8
"Toby collected some useless items and arranged useless items. He also wanted to insist that the soccer ball be replaced with the rugby ball and could not help in attaining any points in the mission."
Toby: "Dude and dudette, let's just put the useless stuff on the left and the stuff that we had to dig on the right. The tissue was the virus and the Simoleons was about the bank robbery."
Bobo: "The lawn flamingo is related to the flamingo at the zoo. I remember it now."
Toby: "Then we keep that. And there was a sports scam which is the football."
Cole: "I have a soccer ball right there. It could be that."
Toby: "Nah I'm pretty sure it said football."
Cole: "A soccer ball is also called a football."

Cole: "Bobo, it's up to you...that's not a sentence I ever hoped to say. Which one was it?"
Bobo: "I do remember a sports scam...let me try and recall...I think it was soccer."
Toby: "Nah you remember wrong. It's definitely football aka the rugby ball."
Cole: "Bobo gave her verdict so stop protesting and start arranging."
Mission 9
"Toby had time to check the work done but did not correct any of the errors made by himself or by others."
Mission 10
"Toby was the weakest link in the final mission. He only found 3 boxes with points. He let himself be eliminated in such a blatant fashion one can't help but wonder if he was trying to be eliminated."
"Last but not least, our party girl Matilda Smart has some sabotages of her own."
Mission 1
"Matilda wasn't interested in doing well in the first mission. She ran off to visit an art gallery and later convinced Stuart to waste time listening to music. Yet her pair was hailed as the heroes of the group because they were the only ones to earn points, but 6 points isn't that much if you think about it."
Stuart: "Come on, come on...hey, where are you going?"
Matilda: "There's an art gallery over there with my name on it."
Mission 2
"Matilda barely gave the actors any time to properly act out all their scenes. She got so many sins wrong and cost the group so much time. She appeared guilty over it but how much of those emotions were real?"
Mission 3
"It's not clear why Matilda was ever chosen to carry points. She lied so badly in the fourth mission and was seen through by Ruth. Of course, that could all be intentional to get rid of 50 points."
Ruth: "Matilda, which song do you like best from 1D?"
Matilda: "Ooh, it's hard to pick. I would choose...'Greatest Song Ever'."
Ruth: "That's not a song by them."
Mission 4
"Matilda did not get a single photo of a veteran. She let herself get fooled by decoys each time."
Matilda: "Hey, that's Sylvester! April tried to trick me! I should get a photo of him while he's not aware."
Mission 5
"Matilda collected very few tokens. Instead, she decided to hide some of the veterans' tokens, contributing to some of the missing 30 points from their pot. She was also unwilling to share information with the veterans or go along with Quinn's plan to let the veterans keep their pot as it was larger."
Bobo: "I have an idea. We can hide their tokens so that our team emerges out top."
Matilda: "That's a good idea. We don't know how many points they have. They could have less than us."
Bobo: "I don't remember how big our pot was though. I think around 150?"
Quinn: "Our pot has 225 points. We need to collect more vet tokens to ensure we continue with the higher pot."
Bobo: "We need to self-sabotage."
Matilda: "We're not doing that. She's trying to trick you into giving up the exemption!"
Quinn: "No I'm not. I'm thinking of the bigger picture. You can still collect lots of tokens, just make sure they're small amounts."
Mission 6
"Matilda was constantly putting Bobo down, not letting her use her own ways to remember better. Despite knowing Bobo has poor memory, Matilda also let Bobo start the chain. It shocked no one when the chain was quickly ended and as a result they barely helped Belinda with her time."
Bobo: "And he said, 'open the doors', and so she did."
Matilda: "Shh! I'm trying to concentrate here."
Mission 7
"Matilda did not help much in the next mission, letting Sylvester do all the work. It is not to her credit that they succeeded in defusing their bombs."
Sylvester: "Only the red wire appears all three times. Could that be the wire to cut...or the van we need to enter!"
Matilda: "You do the honours."
Mission 8
"Matilda failed to distinguish real news from fake news, even when Sylvester tried to correct her. Her belligerence could have been deliberate."
Sylvester: "World's oldest flamingo dies at the Florida National Zoo. I never thought about a flamingo."
Matilda: "Mine is about a terrorist attack conducted by garden gnomes. That's ridiculous."
Sylvester: "I wouldn't be so sure. Those pesky gnomes are quite shady."
Matilda: "You're a conspiracy theorist."
Mission 9
"Matilda made several errors in her copying of the text. Her net result ended up being the worst among the three."
Mission 10
"Matilda wanted to play it safe, sending her fellow finalists to their doom when they tried to re-enter the places she had explored to get the points she deliberately left behind. When she was the only one left, she then got herself eliminated in a way Cole warned to avoid."
Matilda: "It's too dangerous. I'm not going to try and get the last box."
"We have three highly suspicious finalists. Any of them could be the Mole. But two of them aren't. In fact, one of them is the winner. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the Smole, Season 55 is officially..."
"...Matilda Smart!"
Shawn: "Wow! Amazing!"
Stuart: "Woohoo! Good job Matilda!"
April: "Woo! I always knew she would win."
Bobo: "Weren't you the one to tell me that she was the Mole?"
Sylvester: "Hmm, guess I was wrong in the end."
Matilda: "I still can't believe it. This all feels like a dream. I won! It has been an amazing experience being on the Smole. I had a wonderful time and...oh my gosh, I'm going to tear up again..."
"Thank you for being a wonderful contestant Matilda."
"Matilda was highly suspected by most of you but she's not the Mole. Who is the Mole? If it's Toby, Matilda gets the 546/1000 points in the pot. However, if it's Cole, she gets nothing and he gets everything. Ladies and gentlemen, the runner-up of the Smole, Season 55, is..."
"...Cole Mirani!"
Cole: "I didn't win but I still made it to the finale after a horrible first run in Season 52! I got a chance to prove myself and I did. I didn't expect to win when my main Mole Sylvester was executed so I'm glad that Matilda wins because she deserves it. And well done to my man Toby too. I would never have guessed it was you."
"Thank you Cole. It was a pleasure having you rejoin us."
"This means that our Mole for Season 55 is Toby Earlgrey!"
Toby: "Chyeah! I had so much fun tricking all of you. I had this whole plan set up with the outcome of each mission and the points to earn all planned, but things kept going wrong. At least wrong to me. The pot shouldn't be so high so I'm annoyed but oh well. 'Grats to my brah Matilda and my other brah Cole and all my brahs down there. I had fun with all of you."
"Thank you for being a wonderful Mole Toby. Let us review some sabotages that haven't been covered."
"In Mission 5, Matilda and Bobo weren't the only ones hiding tokens. While Toby tried his best to find the newbie tokens to lock in his low pot, he also hid one of the veterans' tokens."
"In Mission 10, Toby was constantly opening music boxes to tempt fate. There was a period of time where he was silent too, leading Matilda and Cole to think he had been eliminated. There's an explanation for this. Matilda was shocked when a box she opened was a music box and not points. This was because Toby had gone around switching them."
"We now know who our official Mole is. However, the veterans had their own Mole to find for the first 3 executions. This Mole was later demoted to become a contestant who was then executed. May that Sim please reveal himself or herself."
Sylvester: "I was the other Mole."
Shawn: "Sylvester!"
Belinda: "I don't understand. As the Mole, don't you have additional information? How did you get executed?"
"Sylvester did a good job at being the Mole that virtually nobody detected and later a good job as a Mole turned contestant. Both Moles were only briefed up to the fifth mission beforehand, with the final Mole only being briefed about the remaining missions on a later date. This meant that Sylvester had no idea what was ahead of him although he did know that the Mole was a newbie. So how was the final Mole determined? It was based on the points the Mole kept out of the pot, with each time they avoided suspicion being equal to 1 additional point factored into calculations."
"There was also a hidden task the Moles could do in Mission 5. The first Mole to take a picture of the other Mole would have an extra 10 points factored into calculations. For this, Sylvester was given an extra shot. Unfortunately, he had no idea which of the four newbies at the time was the Mole and did not take a correct shot in time. However, we know that Toby did manage to take a picture of Sylvester, the vet Mole. Hence, Toby earned the bonus points and in totality he emerged as the Mole to continue to Lucky Palms."
"Congratulations once again to Toby for outsmarting a former vet and another Mole. You fully deserve the 454/1000 points in the pot, less the 7 times your name was put down in the quizzes. Toby, you get 447,000 Simoleons while Matilda, you get 553,000 Simoleons!"
Toby: "Chyeah!"
Matilda: "Woohoo!"
"All that's left is to find out how you could have known Toby or Sylvester was the Mole. Let's review the clues."
"In the first episode, the exemption could be found under a teapot. This points not to Sylvester but to Toby Earlgrey. His surname is a type of tea."
"The second clue is in the second episode and also pertains to Toby. He was introduced fourth. There are 4 letters in 'MOLE'."
In the next episode, the wrong answers in the mission were the correct answers for that quiz. There were 4 As, 3 Bs, 2 Cs and 1 D. If you could determine the correct order of these answers, you would find out that the D would be for the last question, in which Sylvester was that option."
"In Episode 5, the vets were greeted by a police car first in the haunted corridor. That in-your-face clue refers to Sylvester's occupation."
"In Episode 6, the lights emitted at the interrogation table were orange. This is the favourite colour of both Moles."
"The next clue is in Episode 11. Quinn had to play Wordle. All the words she had to solve were related to hamburgers, pointing to Toby's job and his favourite food."
"The last clue is in Episode 13. All three bomb locations were located near water bodies. Toby has made his love of water very clear."
"And that's it. The Moles are known, the winner is known, the clues are shown. We thank you once again for being a part of the Smole family and to all the viewers for being supporters of this show. Without you, this series would never have lasted as long as it has. So thank you, and goodnight."
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