Wednesday, 4 October 2023

57.20-We're complete again


Twelve contestants joined this season in a fantastical land called Dragon Valley. They took part in various missions which led to the executions of 9 of them. It was not in vain, for they managed to gather 437/1000 points in the process. Three contestants stand: Finn Macroni, John Ronson, and Ximena Xavier. Finn will be in the finale. Who will join him? Will it be John, making this an all-male finale? Or will it be Ximena, the Warrior Girl who defied all odds?

The finale will take place at Drake School of Life and Learning. Here, the contestants will learn who the winner is, and perhaps more pertinently, who the Mole is.

The pot is at 437/1000 points but that won't go entirely to the winner and the Mole. The executed contestants have a chance to make their time here worth it monetarily in the final mission.

Tina: "I was eager to look for a new adventure and the Mole. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side. Nevertheless I still enjoyed my time however brief it was."

Theia: "Bad luck is what it is. It was not my time to win."

Aria: "I'm happy to be back and catch up with everyone. I want to know who that Mole is."

Lydia: "If I could turn back time, I wouldn't have taken the risk. But I can't turn back the clock now, can I? I played and I will have to live with the consequences."

Lawrence: "That pesky Mole better be a good one. I'm looking forward to what they've done."

Anthony: "I know who the Mole is this whole time and I want to be the first one to shout 'FOUND YOU!' when he is revealed."

Russell: "I went in with my instincts which got confused halfway and didn't lead me to the Mole. Oh well. I'm excited to reunite and watch the reveal."

Anita: "It feels so short yet so long. I may not have been able to unmask the Mole but I'm happy with my progress."

Aldrin: "I was this close but I had to make a mistake. I've come to peace with it. Regardless of the outcome, this has been a great season."

"Welcome back contestants. Now that we're all here, let's head inside. The final three are waiting for us."


Aldrin: "Hi guys."
Finn: "Buzzo! It's good to see you again! Tina! Aria!"

"We're complete again. Let us give a round of applause to all of you here, and especially to our three in front of you. They are titans, overcoming numerous adversity to be sitting there today."

"Finn is our first finalist. Whether he is the winner or the Mole, we shall find out soon enough."

"You may have noticed one empty table. That table is reserved for the last contestant to be executed. It's time to reveal who it is."


"The first finalist is confirmed. John Ronson, Ximena Xavier, who will join Finn in the finale?"

"John Ronson."

"Unfortunately, John Ronson, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

"Ximena Xavier, Finn Macroni, you are our finalists of Season 57."

Anthony: "What? John is not the Mole?"
Theia: "Someone never woke up from their dream."

John: "I could smell the finale. It was within reach. It's too bad. It was a memorable experience to be had and like it was said, it wasn't easy to make it to the final three. I suppose congratulations are in order to my adjacent companions Ximena and Finn."
"Thank you for joining, John. You were a wonderful contestant. Please take your seat beside Aldrin."

"Out of the 12 of you, only 2 of you made it to the end: Finn Macroni, and Ximena Xavier. Each of them knows if they're the winner or the Mole now, but the rest of you do not."

 Today's finale ceremony is a little special. None of you here have taken the final quiz yet. This season will be the first time all of you will take the final quiz."
Lydia: "What? We were gone for so long. There's so much we don't know."
"The highest scorer will get a chance to take some points away, either from the winner or the Mole."

"Finn and Ximena have one last mission to do. They have to convince you why they're the winner and not the Mole. Thereafter, all of you will take the quiz together. The score difference between the winner and the highest scorer among the ten of you will be the number of points one of you can take home. Perhaps more, depending on who the others believe."

"Finn, please take your place."

"You may begin."
Finn: "Alright, nice. Hi guys. Great to see all of you again. I am here to convince you why I'm the winner and not the Mole. First of all, I'm a really nice guy. There's no way someone like me can be the Mole. I worked hard and took charge of all the missions where money was made. For example, I was the one to decide not to answer every song interlude correctly at the play and that ended up being our most successful mission. I know I struggled to get here. Russell knows it especially. He's not the Mole. You can trust him so you can trust me. So please don't pick me in the quiz. The pot is already pretty low. I don't want to lose more money. ;("

"Thank you Finn. Please return to your seat."
Finn: "I'm the winner, not the Mole!"

"Ximena, please take your place."

"You may begin."
Ximena: "Good evening to all of you. I am Ximena Xavier and I am the winner. I won more money than Finn. I won money when others did not. I was in the group of archers that won 30 points in the first mission, and in the smallest group that successfully defended against zombies against all odds. When I could decide on points, I made the right call in giving the groups that failed fewer points to lose. At the play, I got a perfect score. I did not sacrifice points for exemptions. I never was in a place to cause the group to lose points. In addition, I made use of this season's twist by trying to be in the bottom each time so that I can eliminate suspects. This allowed me to hone in on the Mole: Finn Macroni. My results speak for itself, hence I hope you can see why I won."

"Thank you Ximena. Please return to your seat."


"In front of you is the final quiz. There are 30 questions. You may turn over the question paper and begin."

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 23
B: 34

Q3: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Diving instructor
B: Student

Q4: What is the Mole's skin colour?
A: Fair
B: Tan

Q5: Did the Mole have a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: Does the Mole sleep on the top or bottom bunk?
A: Top
B: Bottom

Q7: Does the Mole wear makeup?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: Is the Mole muscular?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: Which of the following skills does the Mole have now?
A: Diving
B: Singing

Q10: What does the Mole's formal wear consist of?
A: Bowtie
B: Neckerchief

Q11: What colour is the Mole's dragon?
A: Red
B: Green

Q12: Which of the following is a trait of the Mole?
A: Friendly
B: Loner

Q13: In Mission 1, what was the Mole dressed as?
A: Bagpipe player
B: Warrior

Q14: In Mission 2, what did the Mole do?
A: Blow out candles
B: Defend garden

Q15: In Mission 3, which word was present on the last floor the Mole was on?

Q16: In Mission 4, what did the Mole do?
A: Act as Snow White
B: Identify songs based on lyrics

Q17: In Mission 5, how many points would the Mole have won if the Mole was the successful negotiator?
A: 3
B: 20

Q18: In Mission 6, who sang the first song the Mole guessed correctly?
A: Madonna
B: Duffy

Q19: In Mission 7, did the Mole have a beard?
A: Yes
B: No

Q20: In Mission 8, what did the Mole hear?
A: Violin music
B: Monologues and dialogues

Q21: In Mission 9, did the Mole use a dragon?
A: Yes
B: No

Q22: In Mission 9, what was the Mole's nickname?
A: The Pied Piper
B: Warrior Girl

Q23: In Mission 10, what did the Mole see?
A: Sheet music
B: Photographs

Q24: In Mission 10, what did the Mole do?
A: Play flute
B: Climb rock wall

Q25: In Mission 11, did the Mole wear heels?
A: Yes
B: No

Q26: In Mission 11, in which order did the Mole make a pitch?
A: 1st
B: 2nd

Q27: In Mission 11, what was one of the Mole's reasons for why the Mole is the winner?
A: He's a really nice guy
B: She won more money

Q28: In Mission 11, which of the following was a line the Mole said?
A:  I worked hard and took charge of all the missions where money was made.
B: I made use of this season's twist by trying to be in the bottom each time so that I can eliminate suspects.

Q29: How many times have you previously suspected the Mole? 
A: 0
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4

Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Ximena Xavier
B: Finn Macroni


"The final quiz has been taken. There has been a tie among the executed contestants for the highest score, hence the contestant that can win points is..."

"...Lydia. However, the money you can receive may be multiplied. Finn and Ximena can each choose two contestants to reveal who they put as the Mole. Together with Lydia, if majority of the chosen picked the correct Mole, the money will be from the Mole's pot, with the multiple factor related to the number of those who suspected the right  Mole. The inverse is true if the majority picked the winner as the Mole."

"Finn, please choose your first contestant to reveal who he or she suspected in the final quiz."

Finn: "I pick John."
"John, who is the Mole?"
John: "Ximena Xavier."

"Ximena, please choose your first contestant."

"I choose Theia."
Theia: "I said you are the Mole, Ximena."

Finn: "I pick Russell."
Russell: "I got your back, Finn. You're the winner and Ximena is the Mole."

Ximena: "My last pick is Tina."
Tina: "Am I the only one who chose Finn as the Mole? Ximena's speech made more sense as the winner."

"3 for Ximena, 1 for Finn and 1 yet unknown from Lydia. It's now time to find out who the real winner is. The lights have been turned off. One flame will be reignited for the winner of the Smole."

"The official winner..."

"...of the Smole, Season 57, is..."

"...Finn Macroni!"
Russell: "Woo! Finn you sunavabish you did it!"
Aria: "Woohoo! Good job!"

Finn: "Nice! I won the Smole! Mom, Rach, I won the Smole! It hasn't been easy. I relied on my instincts and I got it wrong. I even suspected my own coalition partner at one point. So good job Ximena. She did an amazing job fooling me. I had an amazing time on the Smole and this win makes it so much better."

"Congratulations Finn. You have a well-deserved win as the underdog of the season. There are 437/1000 points in the pot. We know that the majority of the five have chosen the correct Mole, so your winnings are safe. In addition, only Anita, Anthony and Tina suspected you based on the quiz. Ximena was suspected 12 times this season, excluding the final quiz that was just taken, so you have won 449 points or 449,000 Simoleons!"

"Let us not forget the Mole who has been lurking in the shadows throughout. Let us give a hand for our Mole, Ximena Xavier!"
Ximena: "Thank you. I can finally say it: I am the Mole. I was so happy to be the Mole as it meant I was guaranteed to make it to the last episode. My strategy was to hide among the masses and I focused on avoiding detection more, but the pot has worked well in my favour. Towards the end there aren't that many Sims to hide behind so it's inevitable that I got caught, but I am proud of my achievements and proud of Finn for unmasking me despite his difficulties."

"Congratulations Ximena for being a great Mole. You have the larger share of the prize, but Lydia may get some of it. Lydia, did you suspect Ximena?"
Lydia: "Yes I did."
"That means there's a multiple factor of 2. Whatever you win will be doubled."

"You scored 28/30. Finn scored 28/30 as well. This actually means that you win nothing, so double of 0 is still 0. This means Ximena gets the remaining 551,000 Simoleons."
Lydia: "Are you taking me for a ride? What a waste of my time."

"As the lights turn on, let us review the season and concurrently find out what Ximena did to sabotage. Ximena's overall strategy was to always be in the larger group so that she can hide behind the crowd. This should have been the first flag: for a loner to go with the larger group."

"In the first mission, Ximena chose to be an archer. She fumbled and tried to struggle. She did this by secretly setting a faster speed for her range. She hit the apple the fewest number of apples. Unfortunately her teammates were too skilled and they ended up doing well here."

Ximena: "I couldn't believe how good Finn and Anthony were, especially Anthony. Finn was even teaching me how to shoot arrows."
Finn: "Oh yeah, I remember that. I saw you were struggling so I thought I should help you."

"Tina and Anthony made a pact to suspect Aldrin and John. When Tina was executed while Anthony wasn't, Anthony was convinced the reason was because he had gone all-in on John. That's what he did for every quiz thereafter, despite landing in the below-average group several times."
Anthony: "How did I get so far if it's not John?"

"In the second mission, Ximena once again hoped to hide in the crowd by choosing the green dragon as they either succeeded or failed with no in-between, and it was easier to argue it failed because of the two other Sims. There were two problems with that though: firstly, she did not expect anyone to switch away from the green dragon, so now she could only hide behind Lawrence if they failed, and secondly, Lawrence was so skilled that they succeeded even despite Ximena's attempts to distract him by playing the damsel in distress. She also let a few zombies attack the plants but it wasn't enough."

Ximena: "This group is a tough one. First Finn and Anthony do so well that we succeed at archery. Now Lawrence does so well that we earn points at the garden. The bright side of it is that I doubt anyone will suspect me."

Theia: "Ha! I foiled your plan again Ximena."
Aldrin: "I should have realised that the successes weren't due to Ximena."

"Things finally looked up for the Mole in the third mission. Ximena's plan was to break the chain early. Without a base word for reference, it would be hard to determine the correct words subsequently. Apart from that, once she was alone she changed one of the words they had correct from PHONE to PHONF."

Lydia: "I was wondering how I could have gotten the word wrong. I was sure I had written E instead of F."
"Aria could have earned an important exemption here but she sacrificed it and in the process herself."

Aria: "The biggest reason why I didn't go for it is actually because I didn't like the idea of John getting an exemption for doing nothing. He seems like my biggest competitor so the fewer advantages he has, the better. The points are a consideration too of course."

John: "I chose to stay first because the odds of me getting the exemption were 1 in 10 to my knowledge. It goes to show that selflessness can be rewarded."
Aria: "I would never have gotten Ximena back then. Even if I took the exemption, I probably would have been sent packing the quiz after. So thank me for earning some points, Finn."
"At this point, John began to look at Russell and Ximena, but chose to focus more on Russell."

"In Mission 4, Ximena had lots of help from the other group. However, she was determined to make some sabotages of her own. She failed her prompts which could have earned points and succeeded when they didn't matter anyway."

"Lydia took a fatal risk in this quiz. She had two suspects: John and Anita. She chose to answer everything in a way that excluded Anita. If Anita was the Mole, she would score lower than average. She did, but Anita was not the Mole and neither was John. She tied for the lowest with Anthony who was just 3 seconds faster."

"Her execution caused some confusion. She was a top suspect early on and during her execution, a top suspect for Aldrin, Finn and Russell. In fact, Russell answered his additional questions entirely on Lydia but survived the kamikaze attempt."
Russell: "I think it was in the next quiz when I had to do extra questions and began doubting if Finn was the Mole. I survived by answering Finn so that made me think it was him."

"Ximena got a chance to decide on the points in the next mission. She chose to give fewer points to Finn and Russell, the group she thought would do well. She also wanted to give more points to herself if she won and then let Anthony take the win, capitalising on his confusion."

"In the next mission, Ximena answered the fewest songs correctly."

"It was here when we see Ximena's name appear on the quiz for the first time: by Anita."
Anita: "I was debating between you and Finn but I thought maybe it's not Finn because I tried him in a previous quiz. I had ended up in the bottom half too many times and had eliminated so many suspects. I think I began to think it was Lawrence for the 5 questions only for him to be executed. I was never truly sure."

"In the mission following that, Ximena's plan was simple: help Anita. She tried to look suspicious to Finn and also deliberately left her dragon out in the open, then told Anita to find it, giving her the opportunity to steal her dragon and take 15 points out of the pot."

Anita: "I thought about that but I couldn't be certain after my bad initial run. I was so scared on locking in on a suspect in case I was wrong again."

"Russell's execution was a second shocker. Many of the others had him either as a top or second suspect."
Russell: "Me? What did I do to be suspicious?"
Finn: "This game does things to your mind, dude."

"Ximena was sidelined in the next mission. She tried her best to give a wrong answer with what she had seen but was unsuccessful."

John: "I was onto you by then and I believe Buzz was too. That's why we were so successful."
"John also tried to be in the group with his Mole where possible to confuse those who he thought suspected him: namely Anthony and Aldrin."

"At this point, everyone had begun to look at Ximena more seriously. Anita, the first to find Ximena, was executed because she had answered half her 10 questions on Finn. The only other Sim who was very uncertain was Finn, who had suspected everyone in the quiz but somehow not only managed to avoid execution but placed above average in that quiz."

"Ximena did perfectly as the Mole in the next mission by predicting who would lose each match and give them the points."

Ximena: "Nobody was going to give up the chance for an exemption willingly at this stage. My match was the easiest to control as I could simply lose. For John and Buzz, I was a little unsure but John had the dragon and was likely to use it there, so I predicted Buzz would lose and gave him the points. As for the last round, it was pretty easy to think Finn would win."

Aldrin: "I misread a question in this quiz in my haste. It was about who the Mole's partner was. I thought it was who the Mole was. That was my fatal mistake."
"Actually, that mistake didn't cost you. You still scored the lowest regardless of that question."

"In the next mission, Ximena was tasked with the important position of collecting photos. She hid some of the required photos and collected some wrong photos."

Ximena: "They're asking for it if they put the Mole in the best place to sabotage. I think John was trying to test me during breakfast and asked me to pick a role. I deliberately picked the one I didn't want and he fell for it. John helped a lot during the mission too. He barely came to me with names."

John: "Clever for discovering my test. But not so clever for thinking my actions were helping you. If I was unsure, I would rather we err on the side of caution and not incur penalties."
Finn: "We screwed up with the roles. I should have been in John's position. I knew many of those."

"Finally, in our final mission as we saw earlier: Ximena's plan was simple: convince all of you why she's not the Mole. She tried to present facts twisted to her favour but it didn't work as intended."

Ximena: "I didn't know who believed me so I went with the first two boots. I couldn't pick any of the more recent ones. I thought they suspected me."

Anita: "Your speech convinced me that I was wrong and it was Finn the whole time. How stupid of me."

"With that, it's time to see the clues that point to Ximena."

"The first clue is on the official wiki. There was one photo from Season 54 that had a clue to Season 57 - literally, as can be seen. The photo is of divers in Isla Paradiso, a place full of diving spots. Ximena is a diving instructor."

"In the second mission, there were 3 red dragons, 3 black dragons, 3 purple dragons but 4 green dragons. This extra green dragon is a clue to Ximena as she has a green dragon."

"In the third mission, a language mission, there were 24 words in total. The 24th letter of the alphabet is X: X for Ximena Xavier."

"Music and plays were a recurring theme this season. In the fourth mission, the songs to be identified were all songs that were covered in Glee, which is Ximena's favourite show. This clue continued into the 6th mission, where the songs in "Oh", "Yeah", "Baby", "Na" and "La" - the sounds which can be found on the name of the initial mission from Season 53 - were also songs that were covered in Glee."

"Another clue could be found in Episode 12. The last thing we saw in that episode was Anita. There is a link to a picture of  Xiamen. Rearrange the letters to get Ximena's name."

"In the next episode, Ximena was dressed as a gnome. This is a reference to Episode 1 where there was a whack-a-gnome machine, more commonly known as whack-a-mole. Hence, the gnome Ximena is the Mole."

"The final clue was in the previous episode, available only to who climbed to the top. There were photos of Smole contestants, past and present...except for Ximena's."

"This marks the end of the finale ceremony. Congratulations once again to our winner and our Mole, and for everyone involved in making the season yet another successful one."

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