Previously on the Smole, the contestants were scattered all over town with only one piece of information: Avoid Youdina Sunplaak. Youdina managed to find Adelyn, Fourier and Viru, however, fetching 80/280 points for the group while robbing 20 each from those caught.
Rupert: "You scare me."
Viru: "No I don't."
Rupert: "Yes you do."
Adelyn: "I'm in the minority. I hope this doesn't evoke my inferiority."
Eunice: "Man, I'm beat from doing nothing."
Quentin: "Hello. I'm Quentin."
Eunice: "I'm Eunice."
Tony: "Let's play pool, Stephen. Why is your shirt so small anyway? Stop acting like you've no money to buy new clothes. No one will buy your sympathy card."
Eunice: " it went quack!"
Quentin: "Quack?"
Quentin: "HAHAHAHAHA!"
Eunice: "I know right! I can't help but laugh myself!"
Quentin: "Tell me another one!"
Tony: "It's hard to concentrate with all that ruckus."
Fourier: "This is so awesome!"
Jose: "So, Fourier, eh? What do you say about the coalition? Fourier? Ah nevermind."
Jose: "My name is Jose Phine. The name may ring a bell. Remember Season 1? With Bloom and Scarlett Phine? Yeah, they're my daughters. I raised them pretty well, I must say. They're so voracious and know how to get what they want. I'm so proud. They've been pestering me to sign up, so I decided why not. Let this man show those girls how it's done."
Nicole: "Where are you from, Eugenia?"
Youdina: "I was born in Egypt, but my family migrated when I was really young."
Nicole: "Fortunately. You won't be caught in all that Arab Spring nonsense."
Jordan: "I imagine that I'll be the first to die in political turmoil."
Youdina: "Have some backbone, Jordan! You're a basketballer for crying out loud!"
Jordan: "But my career is waning. And I have to retire soon. I'm not a very good player. Quite frankly I suck on the court."
Adelyn: "So refreshing, this water. Stops me from feeling hotter."
Quiz time.
Q1: Is the Non-Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Non-Mole have a job?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: Does the Non-Mole have a cartoonish self-portrait?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 1, where did the Non-Mole hide?
A: Park
B: Library
C: Bistro
D: Science Facility
E: Fishing Spot
F: Gym
G: Swimming Pool
H: Art Gallery
I: Graveyard
J: Beach
K: Stadium
L: The Non-Mole did not hide
Q5: In Mission 1, in what order was the Non-Mole found?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Non-Mole was not found
F: The Non-Mole was the finder
There is no 4th, it's just a decoy ;)
Q6: In Mission 1, did the Non-Mole end up in the same place as the finder?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Non-Mole was the finder
Q7: In Mission 1, was the Non-Mole seated in front or behind in the white van?
A: Front
B: Back
C: The Non-Mole was not in the white van
Q8: In what order was the Non-Mole's cartoon introduced?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th
N: 14th
O: The Mole did not have a cartoon self-portrait
Q9: How many points does the Non-Mole have in the personal pot?
A: 0
B: 20
Youdina: "This is difficult!"
Q10: Who is the Non-Mole?
A: Fourier Gennery
B: Jose Phine
C: Youdina Sunplaak
D: Nicole Ferrier
E: Jordan Buchester
F: Angela Duschwitz
G: Viru Alvira
H: Tony Fagan
I: Quentin Caballero
J: Adelyn Kokop
K: Martin Abernathy
L: Stephen Queen
M: Eunice Trope
N: Madeleine Lewis
O: Rupert Horrowitz
"Welcome to your first execution ceremony."
Eunice: "Why are you dressed as a chef?"
"Don't ask why. Anyway, I bet you weren't expecting this, but this season all the Moles have to see their screens. Only the Non-Mole is safe till the end. So, who shall we start with first?"
"Fourier Gennery?"
Fourier: "Okay."
"Jordan Buchester."
Nicole: "This is so nerve-wracking!"
"Jose Phine."
"Youdina Sunplaak."
"Quentin Caballero."
"Tony Fagan."
Tony: "Surely I can't be that unlucky."
Tony: "Phew."
"Viru Alvira."
"Rupert Horrowitz."
Rupert: "I can't look."
"Adelyn Kokop."
Martin: "It's narrowing down."
"Angela Duschwitz."
"Nicole Ferrier."
Nicole: "Oh man. The more names are announced the higher my probability of leaving!"
"Martin Abernathy."
Martin: "My turn at last. Bring it on."
"Eunice Trope."
Eunice: "Hey, at least I won't be the first Mole to leave if I'm out, right?"
Madeleine: "How can you make light of such a situation?"
"Madeleine Lewis."
Madeleine: "Gulp."
Stephen: "There must be a twist of some sort, right? Like last season, where nobody goes home?"
"Would you like to see?"
Stephen: "No harm no foul."
Nicole; "Wait, what?"
"That's right. You're all safe, as Stephen predicted. However, the lowest scorer will get a -1 penalty in the next quiz. Now in an hours' time, get ready, because you will be embarking on your next mission!"
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