Previously on the Smole, the final four had to work together to arrange items. Their trust was tested, especially Myrtle's when she had to choose between 150 points or a clue. Allegedly, she chose to sacrifice the clue to make the pot 560/910 points. Unfortunately, her sacrifice cost her spot in the finale as she became the last contestant to be executed this season. The Mole is clearly a man, but which man is the Mole?
Three stallions, three finalists. One will sparkle and shine, for he is the winner; one will try but slip at the last moment, for he is the runner-up; one tries to blend in but blemishes ultimately show, for he is the Mole.
Jim: "It's so surreal. I'm here in the finale. I've been certain of my Mole from forever but it feels so strange that I'm here, and it's all ending soon."
Jim: "I'm confident that I will win."
Eric: "I did it. I always knew I would make it, but confirmation feels awesome. It took me a while to see the Mole's true colours."
Eric: "But now that I see it, there's only one path for me to take, and that's the path to victory."
Eddy: "I tested the Mole time and time again. I'm certain of who it is by now or I wouldn't even be here tonight."
Eddy: "The rest never stood a chance with me around. I'll win. I'll make sure of it."
The finalists are currently being informed of the last mission. Each of them has been told the location of where 30 points will be stashed, and when.
They will then individually tell the rest where they stashed the points and when to find it...but they can lie.
If they tell the Mole the location of the stash and the Mole finds it, the points will go to the Mole. If they tell the other finalist and he finds it, the points goes to the pot. This is worth 90 points in total.
"30 points will be stashed in Clyde's hideout..."
"At 10.30pm, 30 points will be stashed at..."
"30 points will be stashed..."
Jim: "I should make a call to Eddy first, then Eric."
Eddy: "I'm receiving a call from Jim."
Jim: "Eddy? It's me. 15 points will be stashed in Clyde's hideout at 9pm."
Jim: "Eric, 15 points will be stashed at Clyde's hideout."
Jim: "The time is 10pm."
Eric: "Understood. For my side, 15 points will be stashed near Secluded Fishing Hole at 10.30pm."
Eddy: "Jim this is Eddy. I have 15 points for you."
Eddy: "You can find them at Ocean's Edge Military Base at 11pm."
Eric: "At 10.30pm, 15 points will be stashed at Oceanview Park, Eddy."
Eddy: "Eric, this is Eddy. You'll find 15 points at Resting Meadows at 10pm."
Jim: "I have half an hour to get to two places. The question is whether any of them are lying to me."
Eddy: "I'll head straight to Clyde's Hideout."
Eric: "Where are these places anyway?"
Eddy: "It should be somewhere around here..."
Eric: "Of course. This must be Resting Meadows."
Eric: "If Eddy's telling the truth, I know where to find the money. If he's lying then I shouldn't bother. The only question is who the liar is. I clearly can't be at two places at the same time."
Eddy: "I'm here. What time is it?"
Eddy: "It's about 9."
Eddy: "I bet the points are somewhere down at the docks."
Eddy: "It could even be in here."
Eddy: "Are you the one, babe?"
Jim: "He said it's must be there."
Jim: "How do I get in?"
Eddy: "The doors are barred and it's almost time. How do I get in?"
Eric: "I don't see any ships coming. The crates there are also barred."
Eric: "Don't tell me I have to do this."
Eric: "Ugh. The points better be here."
Eric: "I think I see something!"
Jim: "There's no way in and I'm running out of time."
Jim: "I have to head to the next location pronto."
Eddy: "This looks like a residence more than a park."
Eddy: "Oceanview Park...maybe I should stop by that building. It could contain a directory."
Eddy: "So this is Oceanview Park. I should head to the top."
Eddy: "I didn't see any points at the bottom floors."
Eddy: "It's past 10.30pm. I hope I'm not too late."
Jim: "Ocean's Edge...aha! I'm here."
Jim: "Damn. I need an access card."
Jim: "Which means it has to be outside."
Jim: "Hey, these aren't locked."
Jim: "Alright, let's see where the damn stash is."
Jim: "I don't have a lotta time to find the stash."
"Gentlemen, your final mission has ended. You had to guide your fellow finalist to the right location at the right points to find time. Did you succeed?"
"Eddy, did you find any points?"
Eddy: "None at all."
Eric: "What the hell, Eddy."
Jim: "I found 30 points at the military base."
Eric: "I found 30 points."
"If neither Eric nor Jim is the Mole, you have earned 60/90 points, to make the pot 620/1000 points. Otherwise, you would have earned 30/90 points to make the pot 590/1000 points. We'll find out what the true pot is at the end, but for now, it's time for a rest before your biggest quiz of the season."
The finale is coming soon! Who is the Mole?
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