Sunday, 12 June 2022

52.15-Retractable stairs!

 Previously on the Smole, the final four had to take care of 100 toddlers and find out who the common parent among the four of them was. They eventually figured out that Dotty was the donor, earning them 200/200 points for the mission and 618/830 points to date. Stress levels peaked as the last execution ceremony drew near and in a shocking turn of events, Seth decided to quit right before the finale. This means that the three women: Dotty McLottie, Deborah Rizona and Sabrina Regis, are the finalists of the Smole, Season 52. Yet none of them have caught the Mole. Who among them will win, and who among them is the Mole? There is one last mission for them to uncover the true Mole's identity. Will they succeed in unmasking the Mole?


Sabrina: "How is this possible? I made it into the finale without knowing who the Mole is. Seth isn't the biggest failure; I am. I've been trusting the wrong woman this whole time. Just who is the Mole?"

Dotty: "Seth's exit was a shock for sure but the even bigger shock is that we all thought Seth was the Mole. Maybe the Mole was under our noses the whole time sabotaging but we discounted her because there were more suspicious decoys. To be honest, I was thinking if I should quit too but I know Hottie would want me to experience everything. I just hope I get the right Mole before the finale."

Deborah: "Seth's exit gave me a lot to think about. One of us could have been executed if he didn't quit. He gave us the spot to this finale. He also provided us with something important: the Mole is definitely a woman, that's for sure."


Sabrina: "I can't believe it's not Seth."
Dotty: "Neither can I. I wonder if Deborah suspected Seth too. Speaking of her, where is she? She's usually the first to be up."
Sabrina: "Maybe she's using the servant's kitchen. I'll go check."

Sabrina: "Deborah isn't here. Is she still asleep?"

Sabrina: "Deborah, are you in there? No response."

Dotty: "Did you find Deborah?"
Sabrina: "No. Something is up."
Dotty: "Maybe she's outside."

Sabrina: "She's not here but we have mail."

Sabrina: "Finalists, Deborah has been taken away for pandering to Eunda. She has been locked in the Sun Temple and it's your job to free her in 3 hours to earn the last 170 points of the season, all or nothing."


The famed Sun Temple was where ancient Soleundan priests used to pray to Sole. It is situated on the highest point of Soleunda and was burned down centuries ago as a greedy priest tried to steal the very treasure they swore to protect, leaving behind ruins. It is an arduous journey to even get to the temple, so the time will only begin once they arrive.

Dotty: "How did the ancient Soleundans ever walk this distance on foot?"
Sabrina: "They're made of different stuff."

Dotty: "Ooh, what is that supposed to be?"
Sabrina: "Sole. Half-dragon, half-Sim."

Sabrina: "We finally arrived."

Dotty: "That means our clock starts ticking. We need to hurry."
Sabrina: "We must be careful. There was a priest who liked to set traps."

Dotty: "Flame fruit. Of course."

Sabrina: "Is there anything of use here? No, there isn't."

Dotty: "I combed through the whole perimeter and can't find anything."
Sabrina: "There must be something we missed. Let's start from the entrance again."

Sabrina: "There's a hole in the ground. Do you think..."
Dotty: "You do the honours."

Sabrina: "Yuck."

Sabrina: "I felt something gross."

Dotty: "Retractable stairs! Sabrina, you found a hidden switch!"

Dotty: "Quick, we have no time to lose."

Dotty: "AAAH!"

Dotty: "Ow!"

Sabrina: "I'm going back down."

Sabrina: "Good thing I wasn't hit."
Dotty: "They hurt."

Sabrina: "What are we missing?"
Dotty: "Maybe there's another hidden switch somewhere."

Dotty: "Ugh, I'm getting dizzy. Let me squat for a moment and I'll catch up with you."

Sabrina: "We should have been more methodical and combed the whole area again first."

Sabrina: "I stepped on loose soil...hmm, another switch? Wasn't Dotty here?"

Dotty: "You deactivated the trap!"

Dotty: "There are two doors. Which one do we enter first?"
Sabrina: "That one's locked."

Dotty: "But there's a plaque here."
Sabrina: "Only the Red Priests may enter."
Dotty: "Who are the red priests?"
Sabrina: "I don't know."

Sabrina: "Maybe it'll come in useful."
Dotty: "Be careful."
Sabrina: "I will."

Deborah is actually trapped in this room. She can also try to escape on her own, but if she leaves the temple without the others, the points will not be earned.

Deborah: "There, finally some light."

Deborah: "These are the diaries of the great priests. There must be something that tells me how to get out."

Dotty: "There's no space for both of us to fit through this door."
Sabrina: "What the..."

Dotty: "What's wrong? Is there another trap?"
Sabrina: "No, but there's a lot of rubble everywhere. It doesn't look like this place has been touched in ages."

Sabrina: "That's probably what my pick-axe is for."

Sabrina: "There's too much rubble to clear. Dotty, are you going to help me?"
Dotty: "It's too dusty in there. There's also only one pick-axe. I believe in you though!"


Dotty: "I'm pregnant. I have to be careful not to accidentally hurt myself or the baby. But I couldn't tell Sabrina that."


Sabrina: "There's a chest here."

Sabrina: "All that gold..."

Sabrina: "No. I'm not a looter like Archibald. Dotty, you can come in now."

Dotty: "These ancient scrolls contain a lot of lore and history of Soleunda. This is a lot to take in."

Sabrina: "Ick. I am taking a looong bath when I get back."

Dotty: "Do we really need to clear every single pile of rubble?"
Sabrina: "We'll never know what's beneath these piles."

Sabrina: "These are ancient texts! I better be careful."

Dotty: "What does this button do?"

Dotty: "Eek! It still works!"

Dotty: "There are words on this but it's so faded."
Sabrina: "Same with these texts. I can't make any of it out."

Sabrina: "This doesn't look important."

Dotty: "Looks like everything is cleared and there's nothing left."

Sabrina: "Then we climb up. I am so glad I learned super strength in that mission."

Sabrina: "There are a lot of statues here."

Sabrina: "Do they represent the Five Disciples?"

Sabrina: "Dotty, some of them can be moved!"

Sabrina: "These statues are deceptively light."

Dotty: "Be careful."

Dotty: "I'll help you push it."
Sabrina: "Push it to that plate."

Sabrina: "You're the paranoid one that lays traps, right? Maybe there's something special about you."

Dotty: "Nothing's happening."

Sabrina: "Maybe you deactivated a trap. We should be able to safely go through this door now."
Dotty: "Wait for me!"

Sabrina: "Oh. It's just the balcony."
Dotty: "What a beautiful view."
Sabrina: "There's nothing here."

Deborah: "The path to freedom begins with respecting your elders and peers. Wise words indeed. If only Becky understood it."

Dotty: "Hey, if I step on the plate, the door behind me unlocks."

Sabrina: "What? That means I wasted my effort."

Dotty: "The door locked again the moment I stepped off."

Sabrina: "It needs the weight of a Sim, not a statue. I have an idea. Dotty, stand on the plate."

Dotty: "Okay, and then?"

Sabrina: "I'm in now."

Dotty: "What about me? There must be another way in."
Sabrina: "AAH!"
Dotty: "Sabrina! What's wrong?"


Deborah: "What's this thing?"

Deborah: "Is there another light switch in here?"

Deborah: "Oh...aren't these oil lamps?"

Sabrina: "I'm running out of time and there's so much rubble to clear."

Sabrina: "Dotty! Dotty, can you hear me?"

Deborah: "I found this. I can't believe they're making me do this."

Deborah: "Ow. I hope I didn't sprain my back."

Sabrina: "This well is out of place in a sun temple. Don't they hate Eunda? Wait, how deep is this?"

Sabrina: "Where am I?"

Sabrina: "I'm out of breath. I'm the only one who's actually doing any work here."

Sabrina: "This is Sole's room for sure."

Sabrina: "There's a ladder here. I really need to hurry."

Sabrina: "This must be Lunis's room. Only Lunis can be placed above Sole."

Deborah: "Look at all this gold."

Deborah: "None of these chests are of any use."

Deborah: "I have to rely on the other two to rescue me. We can get points that way too..achoo!"

"Time is up."

Sabrina: "What? I don't think I'm even halfway done?"


Dotty: "Sabrina abandoned me at every moment she could. I couldn't observe her and find out if she was sabotaging. She wanted to waste so much time clearing every single pile when there wasn't a need to. We lost a lot of time that way."

Sabrina: "I was the one who was actually doing any work. Dotty disappeared for half of the mission. Sure, only one of us could continue on, but she didn't help at all in clearing the rubble."


Dotty: "Deborah, you made it out."
Deborah: "No thanks to either of you."

Sabrina: "We tried our best."
Dotty: "Did either of you see the life fruit in the temple?"

Sabrina: "Actually, no, and I went quite far. How did Archibald get his life fruit then? He couldn't possibly have scaled the walls."

Deborah: "That's not important right now. This mission was a lost cause. I spent so much time just trying to turn on the lights."

"Contestants, it was a fruitless journey to the sun temple. You failed to save Deborah and escape in time, so no points have been earned. The pot stands at 618/1000 points. Hopefully the trip has been enlightening, because it is time for you to take the final test and answer the question one more time: Who is the Mole?"

"Is it Sabrina Regis, the one who tries to take charge but never succeed?"

"Is it Dotty McLotie, the one who tries to hide behind a sweet smile?"

"Or is it Deborah Rizona, the old lady with wisdom and knowledge?"

Find out in the finale!

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