The last time on the Smole, the final five had to choose a superpower each. Under the training of five Superpower Rangers, they had to each complete a test, to which all but Deborah passed. 120/150 points were earned for the pot, making it 418/630 points. Archibald found himself to be executed next, leaving only four contestants and one execution in the way of the finale. Who will be the last one to be executed? Who is the Mole?
Dotty: "It's a shame that I never got to find out the secret to Archibald's youth."
Sabrina: "It's life fruit."
Dotty: "How do you know?"
Sabrina: "It's basic Soleundan knowledge. The disciples guarded the life fruit hidden in the sun temple."
Dotty: "And you knew all this time?"
Sabrina: "It's not my fault. I only made the connection recently."
Dotty: "Well, do you think he left any in the castle?"
Sabrina: "Probably not. I don't even know how he had access to it in the first place."
Dotty; 'Didn't you just say it was because he was a disciple?"
Sabrina: "Disciples are supposed to guard it, not take it. Besides, the temple burned down long ago."
Dotty: "I guess we'll never know."
As part of the Fertility Protection Program, all Soleundan residents and visitors must donate their gametes to the hospital. Today, it will come in handy in earning 200 points.
Seth: "Aww."
Dotty: "So many children."
100 babies have been created using the donated gametes. All 100 of them have a common parent: the donor, which will be one of the four contestants. The contestants must identify who the donor is in 1 hour to earn 200 points, all or nothing.
If they fail, they will lose 200 points from the pot, but they can reduce this penalty by identifying the other parent of each baby correctly, 1 point for each correct identification.
Deborah: "I feel violated knowing that my genes were used without my consent."
Sabrina: "Two words: Complete chaos."
Dotty: "Let's get started."
Sabrina: "I think we need a plan."
Dotty: "We'll come up with one when we know what to do."
Dotty: "Hi there. What's your name?"
Colette: "Goo-ga!"
Seth: "Err...what do I do? I've never handled babies before and I'm very bad with faces."
Seth: "Hey, you look a lot like me."
Sephina: "Papa?"
Sabrina: "You look evil. You must be Archibald's son."
Deborah: "You poor thing! Who dyed your hair?"
Seth: "I'll head downstairs to try and do some ancestry matching."
Seth: "Hmm, I know this kid is mine, but who's the mother?"
Seth: "I'll just set it as you for now."
Dotty: "Stop crying please."
Sabrina: "Are you hungry or something?"
Mary: "Foo! Foo!"
Sabrina: "You look familiar. I can't quite put my thumb on it."
Deborah: "Stop being a petulant kid."
Seth: "Has anyone done this kid?"
Sabrina: "Babies are crying and everyone is confused. We need to take a step back and come up with a plan."
Deborah: "I agree. We should move all the children we are sure of to one corner of the room."
Dotty: "They'll crawl everywhere."
Dotty: "We need to identify the common features among all these children."
Seth: "I saw myself in one of the children. Which means our donor is a woman. The photos of the available residents are downstairs. I don't recognise many of them but some of them are our fellow contestants."
Seth: "Ew, someone pooped their nappy. Anyone know how to change a diaper?"
Sabrina: "Oh, Maurice! That lady on the high chair is Maurice's. I think you're onto something, Seth. We know that the donor can't be you. It's one of us."
Deborah: "We can put the ones we're certain of in a high chair."
Sabrina: "Sounds like a plan."
Dotty: "Hey there."
Dotty: "I feel a connection with you."
Dotty: "You're a mini-me, aren't you?"
Sam: "Waah!"
Seth: "Keep still. I can't figure out who you look like."
Seth: "Stop crying! Please!"
Sabrina: "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Asher: "Waaah!"
Sabrina: "Oh forget it. I'm of no use up here. I'll go downstairs."
Sabrina: "All the photos are down here. So we're wasting our time by staying upstairs when we can figure it out down here...the baby photos are a little small though."
Deborah: "Where did this baby go?"
Deborah: "We had to take care of all the toddlers in the room. If we let any toddler cry for one minute straight, they will be whisked away by the social workers permanently, giving us a lower chance of finding the donor. Similarly, whenever we locked in a set of parents for a toddler, the toddler will be taken away."
Seth: "There are too many features and babies for me to keep track of."
Deborah: "My, what an ugly baby."
Dotty: "Don't you think this one looks a lot like me? But the donor is a woman so it can't be me."
Deborah: "He definitely has Archibald's genes...and Seth's? That cannot be right."
Seth: "You look similar to that kid. I need to compare the two of you."
Deborah: "'re the spawn of that monster. You deserve to die. I'm going downstairs to see what Sabrina is up to."
Deborah: "Sabrina, what are you doing?"
Sabrina: "I'm trying to match the children."
Deborah: "That explains why the babies keep getting taken away by social workers."
Sabrina: "They what?"
Deborah: "Every toddler that has both parents filled in will be taken away."
Sabrina: "I didn't know that."
Sabrina: "We also have another issue. Some of the babies look like they have same-gendered parents."
Deborah: "I thought so too. But that doesn't make sense."
Sabrina: "I'll ask what the others think."
Seth: "The two of you are definitely twins. The father has strong genes. Dotty, come help me here. Who do you see in these two kids?"
Dotty: "I see you, Seth."
Seth: "Really?"
Dotty: "That's my opinion."
Dotty: "I wonder what you'll look like."
Sabrina: "Dotty, Seth, Deborah and I discovered that maybe the donor doesn't have to be a woman."
Dotty: "See, Seth? What if the first baby you found was our answer? Maybe you're the donor."
Sabrina: "Let's not be hasty. I actually thought of a new plan on the way up. Let us rearrange the chairs so that each of us has a few, then we identify which children are ours."
Dotty: "Do you think it's better to focus on identifying as many half-parents as possible? At least we'll get something. It's difficult to identify the parents when their features aren't fully formed."
Sabrina: "You can seek Deborah's opinion. I just came up so I'm not going down again."
Dotty: "I rather not."
Sabrina: "Why not?"
Dotty: "Deborah tried to push me off the castle yesterday."
Seth: "What?"
Sabrina: "Are you sure? That's a serious accusation."
Dotty: "I'm sure. She became unhinged."
Sabrina: "Then I'll go with you. I think we need to clear the air about this."
Sabrina: "Deborah, what are you doing? You're going to damage the photos!"
Sabrina: "Stop!"
Dotty: "See what I mean? It's like when she thinks about her ex-husband she becomes another Sim."
Sabrina: "If we stop you are you going to kill us both? Like how you tried to kill Dotty?"
Deborah: "Kill her? What are you talking about?"
Dotty: "You tried to push me off the castle yesterday."
Deborah: "It was an accident."
Dotty: "No it wasn't."
Deborah: "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I promise it won't happen again."
Dotty: "How will you ensure that?"
Sabrina: "The next time she tries to attack you, tell the head producer immediately and get her kicked out of the show."
Deborah: "Please don't. I'm really sorry. Dotty, will you forgive me?"
Dotty: "Okay."
Deborah: "Thank you."
Sabrina: "Wait a minute, didn't Seth follow us down?"
Dotty: "He didn't."
Sabrina: "It's not a good idea to leave him alone."
Deborah: "I'll go with you. He probably needs help taking care of all those children."
Deborah: "Seth, what happened to all the children?"
Seth: "The social workers came and took a lot of them. I'm sorry. I can't even take care of kids right. But I didn't expect so many of them to be taken away."
Deborah: "That kid looks like me."
Clifford: "She's been crying for too long. Social services will be taking her away."
Seth: "No, don't take another one away!"
Seth: "I hope we can identify the donor quickly. Deborah, I found another two babies that look similar. Do you think you can see which of us in in them?"
Deborah: "I recognise the Berrunis in them. They are my next-door neighbours. Their children are a bunch of rascals."
Sabrina: "Who else?"
Deborah: "It looks like Dotty. The Berrunis aren't that fair."
Sabrina: "Are we sure?"
Deborah: "Let me take a look at the other children to see if they are Dotty's."
Deborah: "These two look like Archibald's. One has black hair while the other has red hair."
Sabrina: "Maybe I do see a bit of Dotty's nose in them. Like this guy. His hair is also black like Dotty's and his skin is the fairest."
Seth: "It could be confirmation bias."
Dotty: "Do you guys need any help?"
Seth: "We think you could be the donor. Do these kids look like you?"
Dotty: "No. His forehead's too big."
Dotty: "Her eyes and mouth are too big."
Sabrina: "Come have a look over here."
Deborah: "I am a mother of three. I have the most experience. I think we can finalise the answer."
Seth: "Are we sure? Do we not want to check again?"
Sabrina: "We can double-check downstairs."
Dotty: "I matched a few photos that I was certain of. I hope you don't mind."
Sabrina: "Let's fix Dotty and try to confirm the other parent."
Dotty: "We can start with this baby and lady."
Seth: "This feels like confirmation bias."
Dotty: "I agree, but if Deborah is certain perhaps we should trust her expertise."
Dotty: "I don't see it."
Deborah: "I do. This baby has your lips. And this next one has your eyes and nose."
Sabrina: "Are we all in agreement that Dotty is the donor?"
Dotty: "If you're that certain, then okay."
Seth: "Should we try and match more children and parents?"
Deborah: "We don't know how much time we have left."
Seth: "It did feel like an eternity. Okay then."
Deborah: "We think the donor is Dotty."
"That is correct. Congratulations. You have earned 200 points."
Dotty: "What will happen to the babies now?"
Seth: "Put up for adoption, probably."
Deborah: "Or destroyed."
Dotty: "Oh how horrible."
After a stressful hour, the contestants successfully identified Dotty as the donor. The pot now has 618/830 points. A hidden exemption could be obtained if a contestant managed to identify all their children, to which none of them did. Who will be the last one to be executed before the finale? And who is the Mole?
- Cole x Dotty - Colette
- Cole x Dotty - Colleen
- Hottie x Dotty - Homer
- Arthur x Dotty - Arnold
- Elfendi x Dotty - Alfie
- Thomas x Dotty - Tom
- Thomas x Dotty - Tomas
- Thomas x Dotty - Tobias
- Ken x Dotty - Kenneth
- Ken x Dotty - Kenna
- Ken x Dotty - Kenrick
- Ken x Dotty - Kanto
- Ken x Dotty - Kenji
- Archibald x Dotty - Archie
- Archibald x Dotty - Angie
- Archibald x Dotty - Chibar
- Seth x Dotty - Sephina
- Seth x Dotty - Sally
- Seth x Dotty - Seamus
- Maurice x Dotty - Mary
- Maurice x Dotty - Mauritius
- Maurice x Dotty - Maxi
- Maurice x Dotty - Manfred
- Maurice x Dotty - Marissa
- Monica x Dotty - Monika
- Amy x Dotty - Am
- Deborah x Dotty - Debson
- Deborah x Dotty - Debbie
- Deborah x Dotty - Dinah
- Deborah x Dotty - Dante
- Ashley x Dotty - Asher
- Sabrina x Dotty - Sam
- Sabrina x Dotty - Sabine
- Sabrina x Dotty - Ringo
- Elise x Dotty - Elina
- Elise x Dotty - Lisa
- Elise x Dotty - Eric
- Elise x Dotty - Isaiah
- Miles x Dotty - Milana
- Miles x Dotty - Milo
- Miles x Dotty - Engles
- Miles x Dotty - Silas
- Miles x Dotty - Milana
- Miles x Dotty - Isla
- Justin x Dotty - Justina
- Justin x Dotty - Justine
- Justin x Dotty - Jax
- Pietro x Dotty - Peter
- Pietro x Dotty - Penny
- Sandro x Dotty - Sandra
- Sandro x Dotty - Andrew
- Galienna x Dotty - Gary
- Galienna x Dotty - Gale
- Sienna x Dotty - Sandy
- Sienna x Dotty - Ienna
- Sienna x Dotty - Anna
- Sienna x Dotty - Simon
- Ruth x Dotty - Ruma
- Leanna x Dotty - Leanne
- Leanna x Dotty - Leona
- Leanna x Dotty - Leon
- Leanna x Dotty - Leo
- Leanna x Dotty - Luca
- Leanna x Dotty - Lesango
- Terio x Dotty - Terry
- Terio x Dotty - Rio
- Terio x Dotty - Otto
- Terio x Dotty - Ria
- Rouge x Dotty - Moulin
- Albert x Dotty - Al
- Albert x Dotty - Bertie
- Albert x Dotty - Bart
- Albert x Dotty - Bert
- Albert x Dotty - Ben
- Lucy x Dotty - Lucas
- Lucy x Dotty - Darcy
- Lucy x Dotty - Macy
- Adolf x Dotty - Alonso
- Adolf x Dotty - Alfonso
- Adolf x Dotty - Rudolph
- Adolf x Dotty - Andi
- Adolf x Dotty - Alf
- Adolf x Dotty - Dolly
- Scott x Dotty - Scotty
- Scott x Dotty - Scarlet
- Chastity x Dotty - Charity
- Chastity x Dotty - Chase
- Chastity x Dotty - Charmaine
- Javier x Dotty - Xavier
- Javier x Dotty - Javin
- Javier x Dotty - Javina
- Javier x Dotty - Jade
- Mario x Dotty - Maria
- Maria x Dotty - Mario
- Maria x Dotty - Marie
- Maria x Dotty - Marianna
- Solomon x Dotty - Sophie
- Solomon x Dotty - Ramon
- Nicola x Dotty - Nicoletta
- Mike x Dotty - Mika
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