Friday, 28 August 2015

21.04-Stop acting like my father

Bonnie: “I think we should take the time to analyse what went wrong exactly. This way we can prevent future incidents from happening.”

Malcolm: “I like the way you think.”
Eleanor: “I think we were doomed from the outset. I don’t know why Herb trusted Shawn to be in charge, or why any of us agreed.”

Moxie: “All I can say is that things got really chaotic and messy towards the end.”
Zachary: “You can say that again. I was screaming for Shawn to listen to me but he just refused to. I got so fed up I ran straight to the control room.”
Lisa: “Some also left their posts.”
Bonnie: “Can all those who stayed at their positions when they found the objects raise their hands?”

*Bonnie, Zachary, Lisa and Malcolm raise their hands*

Donovan: “I left because Herb was too slow.”
Moxie: “I left because I got bored.”

Zachary: “Seriously?”
Bonnie: “Wait, it was said that only three were seen at the end. But four of us raised our hands. One of us is a skunking liar.”
Donovan: “We’re going nowhere with this.”

Zachary: “Stop right there. Young man, I think you have a guilty conscience.”
Donovan: “For what? I didn’t raise my hand and lie.”
Zachary: “For being the Mole!”
Donovan: “Woah, watch what you say, mister. Stop acting like my father.”
Zachary: “I can’t help it that I’m a father!”


Herb: “Oh dear.”
Zachary: “Here, Herb. Let me fix that.”
Herb: “Thank you. You’re so much more polite than Don is.”

Bonnie: “Hey girls. What are you doing?”
Moxie: “Gossiping. Lisa has all the juiciest details of celebrities.”
Bonnie: “Lisa! You’re not supposed to share that!”
Lisa: “I gave a more in-depth, accurate analysis of what the tabloids reported. Is that wrong?”

Malcolm: “Hey there. What are you three doing round the TV?”
Bonnie: “Nothing.”
Malcolm: “Come on. Share.”
Bonnie: “I have no obligation to. Goodbye.”


Donovan: “Herb, I’m sorry for acting the way I did yesterday. I didn’t sleep well last night because of that. So, I’m sorry.”
Herb: “I accept it.”

Donovan: “I must set a good example for Sara.”

Moxie: “Oh! This show is quite nice actually! But I still hate the reception and tininess of the TV.”

Malcolm: “Moxie, I heard you own a lounge?”
Moxie: “I’m a stakeholder in Dark Raven’s Haunt, yes.”
Malcolm: “Nice. You must have a business mind then. I think we’ll work great if we team up. Now and in the future.”
Moxie: “Aren’t you with Don?”
Malcolm: “We can combine. I don’t think he’ll mind.”
Moxie: “I have to speak with my agent about future endeavours, but for now, I accept your coalition. I think you’re quite smart.”


Bonnie: “Yesterday’s mission was an utter failure. I thought we were stronger than that. That devious Mole must have been at it.”
Lisa: “Not really. I think the Mole had it easy. Everyone was sabotaging for the Mole.”
Bonnie: “So you’re suggesting that the Mole was one of those who actually worked towards the pot?”
Lisa: “Yes. This is most probable. The Mole is smart, and he can’t keep sabotaging all the way. He’d know when to work for the pot and when not to.”
Bonnie: “He? Who do you think it is?”
Lisa: “I have a few suspects. Malcolm is one of them. So is Zachary. He was close to flouting rules so many times. And he lied in the first mission.”
Bonnie: “I have a few too, and Zachary is one of them. Since we think alike, let’s focus more of our answers on Zachary.”

Quiz time. Eleanor earns a correction for “moving furniture”, which she uses.


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: In Mission 2, did the Mole ride in the red or yellow van?
A: Red
B: Yellow

Q3: In Mission 2, did the Mole drive or ride the van?
A: Drive
B: Ride

Q4: In Mission 2, was the Mole the one to read out instructions?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 2, was the Mole considered to be the one in the control room?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 2, was the Mole’s role to be in the control room?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: In Mission 2, who did the Mole pair up with?
A: Donovan Lee
B: Bonnie DeValentino
C: Eleanor Darklight
D: Lisa Brown
E: Malcolm MacKenzie
F: Moxie Hills
G: Zachary Douffet
H: Herb DeValentino
I: The Mole was in the control room

Q8: In Mission 2, in the Mole’s pair, was the Mole the first one to pose for the camera?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not have a partner

Q9: In Mission 2, was the Mole at one of the objects to be found at the end?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was in the control room

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Donovan Lee
B: Bonnie DeValentino
C: Eleanor Darklight
D: Lisa Brown
E: Malcolm MacKenzie
F: Shawn Munk
G: Moxie Hills
H: Zachary Douffet
I: Herb DeValentino


“Welcome to another execution ceremony. You six are the lucky six to sit through it today. For some it is the second time and for some, the first. Without further ado, let’s commence the ceremony.”

“Donovan Lee…you wanted to take things into your own hands, choosing not to trust Herb. Did you distrust the correct contestant?”

“Donovan Lee, you are…safe!”
Donovan: “Yes! I’m still in!”

“Moxie Hills…your boredom caused Shawn a lot of chaos and confusion as you left your post. Would your reputation be jeopardised because of that?”
Moxie: “Of course it won’t!”
“We’ll see. Moxie Hills, you are...”


Moxie: “Don’t do that!”

“Only four remain. First things first. It was a tie, so hopefully this is of some comfort to the second victim.”

“Bonnie DeValentino…you went with Moxie in the previous mission to ensure she did her part, but you failed. You were also fooled by the Frisbee. While you tried to ensure it wouldn’t happen a second time by finding the root cause, will you survive for a second time?”
Lisa: “Good luck.”
“Unfortunately, Bonnie DeValentino, you are…

executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Bonnie: “Lisa Brown! You liar! You tricked me!”
Lisa: “Me? I think you should speak for yourself, Bertha.”
Bonnie: “How did you know my real name?”
Lisa: “I’m a detective. I handle many more types of cases than you do. I have more experience.”
Bonnie: “So you never wanted to work with me in the first place.”

Lisa: “I can’t believe she would say such hurtful things. But I won’t let her get to me. It’s about surviving on your own in this game.”

Bonnie: “I was fooled. I trusted the wrong contestant even though I should’ve known better. I guess I can only blame myself.”
“Thank you for joining, Bonnie.”


Shawn: “Why don’t I have a journal? The table is empty.”

Malcolm: “This is fun. I used to play this with my kids all the time…oh, poor Eleanor. I must seek revenge for you, my dear. I must find those murderers! I bet you’re watching over me, right now. Perhaps you’ve manifested yourself in Eleanor Darklight, though your personalities are starkly different.”

Donovan: “I can’t stand your melodrama.”
Moxie: “Me? Melodramatic? I...I…fine! None of you ever believe me! All of you think I’m just a drama queen, an attention-seeking whore!”
Donovan: “Where are you running off to? What’s wrong with her?”

Zachary: “This is so nice and warm on an early autumn afternoon.”

Shawn: “Do you have a journal, Malcolm?”
Malcolm: “Er…yeah. Doesn’t everyone?”
Shawn: “Well, I don’t. I should have asked for Bonnie’s one. Then I could see her notes too.”
Malcolm: “I think I found a journal lying around by the tree.”
Shawn: “Oh? Thanks!”


Malcolm: “You’re a father and you’re jobless? Pathetic. I can’t believe you’re depending on your wife to bring home the bacon. You’re just a worthless piece of trash.”
Zachary: “You’re the worthless piece of trash! She doesn’t have a job either! We were both fired!”
Malcolm: “For incompetence, I bet.”
Lisa: “What’s going on here? I heard shouting.”
Malcolm: “Just teaching Zachary here how to earn some money.”

Shawn: “Who decided to take my journal and dump it here?”


Shawn: “Hey, it’s empty except for the first line! It says ‘The Mole is rich.’ I wonder whose handwriting this is.”
Donovan: “It’s not mine, that’s for sure. But you sure struck a pot of gold! You got a hint from your journal!”

Shawn: “Coming here is the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I’m still alive and my luck is improving! I found my journal, and it has a clue written! I bet the Mole took it and wrote it! I just need to know who wrote it. The Mole is rich, eh? That sure narrows down suspects. I’m not the Mole, definitely. Moxie and Malcolm must be rich. But who else? Maybe I can enlist Lisa’s help.”

Malcolm: “Lisa, I would like to offer you something for assistance. I hope you can help me find out who killed my daughter.”
Lisa: “Now?”
Malcolm: “Well, I’ll provide you with all the details. You can think about it when you’re free.”

Malcolm: “It’s a win-win situation! I find out who and where those killers are, and Lisa gets distracted! If you’re watching this, know that I’m after you.”

Lisa: “He’s clearly trying to mess with my head.”

Moxie: “Ah. Hopefully I can get a tan. I should revise while I’m at it.”


Malcolm: “So? Will you help me? I’ll pay you a handsome fee.”
Lisa: “I will take up your offer.”
Malcolm: “Excellent. I hope we have an excellent partnership.”

The second victim has been claimed! Anything is possible now that the proficient snooper Bonnie DeValentino has left the scene!

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