On the Smole, the final 5 had to try and capture each
other’s cameras and bring it back to their side. Casey succeeded so both she
and Norma earned the exemption. 30/60 or 340/760 points were earned. Casey
nominated Hossan and Uma for execution. Uma was executed, much to her ire. Who
will be next? Who is the Mole? Who will make it to the finale?
Casey: “I’m not sure if Hossan’s telling the truth. I want
to know what happened to Reynard! Stupid production won’t tell me what’s going
on outside! I hope he’s okay.”
Hossan: “I say that if either of us win the exemption later,
we nominate the girls.”
Victor: “What if one of them is the Mole?”
Hossan: “Too bad for them then. We’re Tribe Siaokee, the
winning tribe. We will not let them survive that long!”
Casey: “Why are you eating frozen brains? Are you insane?”
Norma: “Insane? Who said I’m insane? I’m perfectly normal.
Hossan: “Someone didn’t bring their meds.”
Hossan: “You’re such a coward, Victor. And you can’t even
stand a little cold. Pathetic.”
Victor: “Is there anything wrong?”
Norma: “Forget about him, Victor. Let’s just ostracise him.”
Hossan: “You will not discriminate against the dead!
The next mission is to play Ludo. Whoever makes it to the
centre first wins the exemption. For every Sim that is captured and sent back
to the start at least once, 10 points are earned. This is worth 40 points. A
dice will be rolled.

She rolled a 6.
Casey: “Yay! 6!”
Casey: “A second roll for me!”
Norma rolled 5.
Hossan: “At last.”
Hossan: “I want to stay here and block the way.”
Victor: “At last! I’m right behind you Norma. You better
watch out.”
Victor: “Darn! A 2!”
Casey: “So close to getting you, Norma!”
Norma: “You all want to get me? Not a chance!”
Hossan: “I’m almost there, s******!”
Casey: “Come on, please…no!”
Norma’s in! Will she beat Hossan?
Can Hossan get in first?
Hossan: “A 2! F*** yeah, baby!”
“The mission is over! Hossan earns the last exemption of the
season and the chance to nominate two to go! Only Casey was sent back to the
start, so 10/40 points, or 350/800 points, have been earned.”
Casey: “Hossan won. That’s not good. I don’t want to have to
plead with him. I just hope he doesn’t pick me. I don’t want to be fourth

Casey: “Hossan, I really hope you nominate Norma and Victor.
Victor is good. If you don’t get rid of him now, you will never get the chance
to! He will take all the money home! And as for Norma, she’s crazy!”
Hossan: “Okay, but as the Mole I don’t really care. I will
promise you that I will not nominate you. But I have to do one thing first…”

Hossan: “Kneel down and beg like a dog!”
Casey: “What?”
Hossan: “Pathetic b****.”
Casey: “Well you better keep your promise.”
Hossan: “Sure, sure.”
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