As the finale draws closer, contestants either…
…have fun…
…destroy fun…
…or eat.
Victor: “Did you just destroy my snow angel?”
Hossan: “So what if I did?”
Hossan: “What the f***?”
Victor: “I don’t know what came over me. All of a sudden I
had the uncancellable urge to fight you three times in a row. Must be Heaven’s
Hossan: “F*** heaven! Though if it really was that’s
probably why I lost.”
Norma: “Good show! Though I would’ve kicked him where it
hurt most.”
Victor: “I’m actually not sure where it hurts most. He’s
Contestants take the final quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which tribe was the
Mole originally from?
A: Tribe Siaokee
B: Tribe Vol
Q3: Which season was
the Mole originally from?
A: Season 1
B: Season 8
C: Season 9
Q4: Does the Mole
wear something on his/her head?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: Does the Mole
wear glasses?
A: Yes
B: No
Hossan: “F*** this s***. This is annoying. But whatever. I
believe the Mole is Norma Mellow, the black b*****. Why? I know nuts about her
because she was on the other tribe. Victor and I have made it to this spot
before but she hasn’t. So she’s the most suspicious. And that f******** last
mission, she screwed it up completely! There was a chance to earn but she gave
it up!
Let’s say it’s Victor Pluck, that nerdy coward. His
geekiness is a perfect disguise for him to make it to the end unnoticed since
people will think he earned it. How many times has he been nominated and how
many times has he come out unscathed? There’s always more to him that you’ll
discover. Plus he sabotaged a lot this season. He’s not a good Mole, unlike
Q6: Has the Mole ever
been seen wearing a dress?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: Has the Mole ever
been seen with his/her journal?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: Has the Mole ever
been nominated for execution?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Has the Mole ever
earned an exemption for the tribe?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Has the Mole
ever been exempt?
A: Yes
B: No
Norma: “Both the guys have perfect cover-ups. Victor Pluck
is smart but he sabotaged I heard, so he isn’t all that smart. It makes him so
suspicious for him to be able to earn points but forgo every opportunity. And I
know little about him since he was from the other tribe.
Same with Hossan Ghoti. He’s from the other tribe and has
always been this mean. He was Mole before and likes to sabotage. He doesn’t
seem to mind the lack of points in the pot, perhaps either because he knows
he’s going to lose and wants the winner to earn little, or because he’s the
Mole. I think he’s the Mole, to be honest.”
Q11: Was the Mole
ever in a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No
Q12: Has the Mole won
A: Yes
B: No
Q13: Has the Mole
been a Mole before?
A: Yes
B: No
Q14: Has the Mole
made it to the finale before?
A: Yes
B: No
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Norma Mellow
B: Hossan Ghoti
C: Victor Pluck
Victor: “The quiz was surprisingly easy. Anyway, I’m back to
be back here, but now it is time to decide who the Mole is and secure those
points. First up, Hossan Ghoti. That scum. I don’t even know how he survives.
He’s mean to everyone and really couldn’t care less about the money or
anything. It could be because he’s the Mole and knows he will win. He also
tries to sabotage, but is that normal?
On the other hand, there is Norma Mellow. She has never been
on the Mole that far before. Perhaps she brushed up, or she’s the Mole. She has
also sabotaged, especially that last mission. That was major sabotage. She’s
also a little crazy, but is it an act? I have my answer.”
It’s time for the finale! Time to invite our contestants
back one last time!
“In 16th place, Jacintha Neo!”
Jacintha: “This is a disappointing drop.”
“Next are Christopher Steel and Poppy La Tootie! And with
them is the last of the triple execution victim Helen Kimchabor!”
Christopher: “Hey!”
Poppy: “Hi!”
Helen: “Good day to all of you.”
“After them is Kiki Springer!”
Kiki: “I hope to see more man candy this time.”
“Following her is the first from Tribe Siaokee: Eugene
Eugene: “I’m sassy and I know it!”
Kiki: “Ooh, my wish granted! Hello, sexy!”
Eugene: “I said sassy.”
Kiki: “And I said sexy.”
“Next is Rory Sim!”
Rory: “I really needed that money.”
“And the last of the pre-merge is yet again from Tribe
Siaokee. Let’s welcome Ernest Lee!”
Ernest: “I really tried my best.”
“Next are the two that were always together and were even
executed together. Say hello to Nancy Harvard and Romeo Rake!”
Nancy: “Taylor Bleu is horrible! Boo!”
“In sixth is Luke Sands!”
Luke: “Where did I go wrong again?”
“In fifth is Uma Phile!”
Uma: “I shouldn’t be seated here. I wanted to win! I needed
the money to fuel my passion!”
“Last but not least, again in fourth is Casey Eughberton!”
Casey: “What a painful spot to be in.”
“The final three are eagerly waiting. First, let’s do our
usual routine: the sabotages!
Victor Pluck:
- He allowed himself to be distracted by Hossan. However, he earned points.
- He quit halfway.
- Victor was the only one to get all the statements wrong.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- Victor was ordering people around, though he did manage to snag another correct spot by displacing Luke.
- He was the first to be tagged.
- Victor quit after building one snowman.
- Victor failed to stop Uma from taking the camera back to her base.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
Norma Mellow:
- She failed to win and earn points.
- She gave up halfway but returned later on, only to be too late to help earn points.
- Her statement was vague and could easily be guessed wrongly as it was not as straightforward.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- She chose her spot without discussion but earned points.
- She was tagged.
- Norma only built one snowman.
- Norma allowed Victor to be distracted, thus Uma could steal the camera.
- No sabotage.
- She spent the entire duration reading two books too thoroughly, thus losing a great deal of points.
Hossan Ghoti:
- He distracted Victor, allowing himself to win but did earn points. However, when against Ernest, he lost, which was predicted by the Mole.
- No sabotage though he complained.
- Hossan made his statement misleading, which did mislead Victor. He also threatened Victor to get all wrong, which he did.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- He tagged everyone, earning an exemption but sacrificing points.
- Hossan gave up building snowmen halfway.
- Hossan did not listen to Victor and left his post, thus allowing Uma to reach her base unhindered.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.”
Ernest: “Well, I would have never expected Victor and Norma
to sabotage so much, or Hossan to sabotage so little.”
Nancy: “By the looks of it, Hossan isn’t the Mole.”
Casey: “Ugh. He tricked me then.”
Luke: “This is surprising.”
“It is now time to answer the most important question
plaguing you all. Who..”
“…the Mole?”
“It’s Norma Mellow!”
Norma: “Yes, it is me. I am normal. Normal Moles sabotage.
That is why I sabotaged. I tried to be discreet about it however. I do regret
going a little…savage, but I suppose it is the way nature made us. Is it not
normal to react to the situation?”
“Congratulations on being such a wonderful Mole this season,
Norma! Tentatively, you win 650/1000 points, or 650,000 Simoleons!”
Milton: “Any single ladies want to put a ring on me?”
Christopher: “Oh how bold!”
Helen: “Oh how rude! Do you not see we are filming?”
“Yes. Now is the time of revelation. However, the last twist
needs to take place first. Those seated in the front are part of the jury. They
must vote for who they want to win, which will account for 40% of their total
score, the other 60% being on their final quiz.”
Kiki: “I think Victor should win. He’s got a much more
charming personality. Hossan is too ghostly to be hot.”
Eugene: “I think for someone so dislikable to make it to the
end is amazing! I vote for Hossan.”
Rory: “No, he shouldn’t win. Victor should.”
Ernest: “I think it’s only fair to vote for Hossan, since I
think Victor will do better.”
Romeo: “Victor deserves it, through and through. He made it
to the finale thrice! In all seasons he was in!”
Nancy: “I agree with Romeo.”
Luke: “Yes, I think Victor is so much better than that
manipulative Hossan. He should just go and die. Again.”
Uma: “I’m rooting for Victor! Go win it! Not that evil
Hossan! I can’t believe he said he wanted to use me!”
Casey: “Personally, while I do not approve of his actions, I
think Hossan should win. Victor sabotaged so much. He gave money to Norma more
than Hossan did. Victor doesn’t deserve the money when Hossan contributed
“With a 6-3 vote, Victor wins over the jury! 6/9 of 40% is
26.66%. That will be a great boost.”
“After tallying, we are proud to announce that the winner of
the Smole, Season 20 is…”
*drum roll*
“Not Hossan Ghoti!”
Hossan: “F*** you.”
“He is the runner-up of this season, which is not bad!”
Hossan: “Yeah, you try sitting at third, knowing you
could’ve won but didn’t, and tell me that it’s not bad. Why do I always not
“Let us invite the real winner, Victor Pluck!”
Victor: “I feel so honoured and happy to be here! This just
confirms my ability. I am probably the best Mole hunter, based on statistics.
So I may have started off on the wrong foot, but I really must thank Casey for
setting me back on the right track. My off attitude earlier should explain my
earlier sabotages. And to dear Michelle, this just shows that you will get back
to your normal life. You can stand strong and head down the correct path again.
I will be there for you.”
“Congratulations on this victory, Victor! You win 350,000
Simoleons! Now, for every time Norma was chosen as the Mole, 1000 Simoleons
will be given to Victor. She was chosen as Mole suspect 5 times, so 5000
Simoleons are deducted from Norma and given to Victor. That means, Victor, you
win 355,000 Simoelons, and Norma, you win 645,000 Simoleons! Congratulations!”
Norma: “Curse all of you who chose me!”
“Now, time for the clues.
- Tribe Siaokee’s name is symbolic. “Kee Siao” is a Mandarin dialect for “crazy”, which describes Norma.
- Tribe Vol’s name also carries meaning. “Vol” is “chill” in one language, which refers to Norma’s last name “Mellow”.
- The merge was at 8 sims because Norma is from Season 8.
- In Episode 5, Hossan and Victor had to find a blue and purple teddy. These colours are found on Norma.
- In Episode 9, there is a plus sign around the bonfire. This is actually a familiar medical symbol, which alludes to someone needing medical help. The clear one needing help is Norma.

- In Episode 11, Norma found a Dr. Seuss book (Green Eggs and Ham). The “Dr.” means medical doctor in this context, and refers to Norma once more.
Norma: “Okay I’m done
with my first book…I must choose wisely…hmm…ah, this book seems like it’s
possible! ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ is the only children’s book around here.”
And that’s it!”
“Thank you all for participating in the Smole, Season 20 and
making the Smole such a huge success these past 20 seasons! Goodnight to all!”
La Tootie
- Red means executed
- yellow means nominated for execution
- green means exemption earned
- darker green means player was exempt.
- The tribes each player was originally from is indicated with colour.
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