You thought it was over…
…So did we, actually. But we’re bringing it back!
Your favourite show is back on air! This season, 10 brand
new contestants will compete for a chance to win some big money. They do this
by earning points for the “pot” in missions. How much they earn depends on how
much points they put in the pot. However, only one can bring the money home.
Actually, two. One of them is the winner, while the other is
the Mole, out to deceive and sabotage, taking points away from the pot for him or herself. The other 9
contestants must find out who the Mole is via a quiz. The lowest scorer will be
eliminated, or “executed”. The Mole has to watch out, however. For every time the Mole is correctly put down
in the quiz, 1 point will be taken from the Mole and added to the pot. That’s
1000 Simoleons each time! Can this Mole be able to avoid suspicion until the
very end?
As with all seasons, this one has a twist. “Corrections” are
introduced. Corrections can be earned like exemptions. They serve to correct
one wrong answer in the quiz (the players will not know which question is
corrected though). They can be used any time the players want. However, most
come at a price…
Without further ado, let’s introduce our contestants!
First of all, we have Malcolm Mackenzie, 47, businessman.
Secondly, we have Eleanor Darklight, 30, bartender.
Thirdly, we have Hope Champion, 20, unemployed.
Fourthly, we have Bonnie DeValentino, 27, private
Fifth, we have Lisa Brown, 28, detective.
Sixth, we have Moxie Hills, 33, TV actress.
Seventh, we have Zachary Douffet, 48, unemployed.
Eighth, we have Donovan Lee, 35, real estate agent.
Ninth, we have Herb DeValentino, 60, self-employed gardener.
Last but not least, we have Shawn Munk, 28, unemployed.
Mission 1-Introduction to Corrections
Contestants get settled in…
Bonnie: “Your name is Herb DeValentino?”
Herb: “Yes, miss.”
Bonnie: “What do you work as?”
Herb: “I’m a self-registered gardener. I live alone and have
no one to depend on, so I have to work for a living myself.”

Herb: “Why do you ask?”
Bonnie: “How uncanny is it that there is another contestant
on the Smole with the same surname as me? How common is the name ‘DeValentino’?
It’s interesting…but it’s probably just a coincidence. I should be more focused
on finding the Mole. I doubt he would be one, though I wouldn’t rule out

Bonnie: “Lisa Brown…I heard about you.”
Lisa: “Likewise. Only one of us will stay till the end. That
will be me.”
Eleanor: “I’m quite the artist and the perfectionist. I get
all jumpy when I make a mistake. Was it a bad idea to join the Smole? I think
I’d get stressed very easily. But no worry. I shall persevere. The money is
what I need. With the goal in mind, I shall succeed…oh, pardon me for my
ramble. My name is Eleanor Darklight. Apparently Malcolm Mackenzie has a
daughter named Eleanor too according to him, but that’s beside the point. I’m a
bartender from Bridgeport. I’ve lived there all my life, so I’m not quite used
to a non-city lifestyle.”
Lisa: “Forgive me for my harshness the other day. The stress
must be getting to me already.”
Bonnie: “Maybe a game will help you relax. I accept your
Lisa: “We are both proficient in this mystery aspect. Why
not we form a coalition?”
Bonnie: “I work alone.”
Lisa: “I do too, most of the time. But I learnt that
sometimes to get further, you have to work together. Plus, your decision to
join the Smole put you in the spotlight already. You don’t want to go out and
be the PI who can’t find out about someone she’s supposed to, would you? That
will affect reputation. And your job will be so much tougher now that you’ll be
recognised. So why not guarantee your safety by working with me?”
Bonnie: “…Alright. But it shall be a professional
Lisa: “Of course. I would think of nothing more.”
Malcolm: “We’re both in the business sector. We’re both here
to make money. Why not we partner up?”
Donovan: “As in, a Smole coalition or business partners?”
Malcolm: “The coalition first. If you prove worthy, I shall
work with you business-wise and give you many opportunities you will never
Donovan: “Deal!”
Zachary: “Are you the Mole?”
Bonnie: “Excuse me? Do you have brains? The game hasn’t even
started yet and you’re accusing me?”
Bonnie: “I plead the fifth.”
Zachary: “That’s a consent!”
Shawn: “Look, I’m sorry for accidentally walking in on you
earlier and then breaking your glasses.”
Eleanor: “Let’s not talk about it anymore. Just…just stay
away from me.”
Moxie: “You know, you’re not too bad for an Asian, Donovan.”
Donovan: “I preferred to be called Don. And what’s that
supposed to mean?”
Moxie: “I’m complimenting you, brick-head.”
Donovan: “I’m not sure how ‘brick-head’ is a compliment.
Plus, I’m married.”
Moxie: “I don’t see your ring.”
Donovan: “…I’m going to get married. I hate superstars like
you. Your kind is so snobbish! I don’t even know why you joined. You don’t need
no money or fame!”

Donovan: “Okay, I need to stop flaring up so easily. I must
learn to control my temper if I want to win. It’s what Sara would want. She’s
my future wife. I’m wooing her. Being on TV hopefully will do good for us both.
It’s a really long story.”

Shawn: “Lisa Brown! You’re a detective, right? Could you
help me figure out why I have such bad luck?”
Lisa: “I’m not one to deal with such superstition. I deal
with concrete cases with real evidence.”
Malcolm: “Forget her. I could help you hire one that will
Shawn: “Now? But I don’t have the money. Maybe if I win.”
Malcolm: “Cute. I’ll win.”
Lisa: “Why do you need the money? You’re filthy rich.”
Malcolm: “One can never say no to too much money. And I can
scout for potential clients and partners as well.”
Herb: “You seem like a nice girl, Hope. Would you mind
telling me why you joined?”
Hope: “You’re being a creepy old man.”
Herb: “I’m sorry…it’s just…I’m not used to so many people.
And I feel lonely.”
Hope: “I hope you’re not a pervert.”
Hope: “That man Herb is creepy! I must be wary of him. But
for all those curious, hi, I’m Hope! I’m 20 this year and I joined because of
my father. You see, he’s very ill. I’m hoping to raise money for all the
medical fees for him to receive treatment. He thinks it’s futile, like trying
to strike the lottery, but I won’t give up! He wants to find some old relatives
too. I think there are some in this town.”


Bonnie: “And another of your family member drowned in a
pool? Are you for real?”
Shawn: “I’m serious! I’m super unlucky. All 12 of my
relatives died! I’m the sole survivor! I’m hoping to be a monk to save myself
in the future, but for now here’s hoping this show will protect me!”
Shawn: “Ahh…ahh…”
Eleanor: “Ow!”
Shawn: “Huh? Oh sorry—choo!”
Eleanor: “Yucks. It must be my bad luck to be with you.”
Shawn: “Naw, it’s mine.”
Herb: “It says here that our first mission is worth 200
points. We will take turns going up the stairs. Up there are 11 tables, each
with bowls. We start from any bowl and go in an anticlockwise direction. We can
choose to take from any table but once we do we must head back down. We must
head back down should we run into a table with the bomb, which cannot be
Herb goes first.
Herb: “Hmm..1 correction.
Should I take it or continue? I think I’ll take it. It never pays to be too

Shawn: “I hope I don’t run into the bomb, or that would be
supernatural! Hey Herb! What did you see?”
Herb: “I found a correction. I took from the table I started
from, so I don’t know about the rest.”
Shawn: “Nevermind. I’m going next.”
Shawn: “We discussed who would go when. Being the oldest, we
let Herb go first out of respect. They pushed me for second to be the guinea
pig. They wanted me to see what each table had and then tell them. I just hope
I don’t run into the bomb!”
Shawn: “50 points! Will it get bigger?”
Shawn: “What’s inside here…3 corrections!”
Shawn: “Another 50 points. Should I continue? I really
should have taken the corrections and left. That would be a big help to me in
staying afloat. Maybe there will be more corrections further on.”

Shawn: “Should I take it or carry on? I haven’t seen the
bomb yet. I’m not intending to really sacrifice myself. Alright, I’ll take it!”

Donovan: “So Shawn? What did you find up there?”
Shawn: “I didn’t run into the bomb, but there are a lot of
goodies, like corrections and exemptions and points. I took the exemption I
saw. The corrections are somewhere at the back. Oh, you can’t see what’s in the
bowls of the other tables until you actually get to them. It prevents cheating,
I guess.”

Lisa: “My turn next.”
Zachary: “Wasn’t it mine?”
Bonnie: “No, it was Lisa’s.”
Zachary: “I was sure it was mine!”
Herb: “It is Lisa’s. Yours is two turns later. Do any of you
want to sit?”
Hope: “Lisa! What did you find?”
Lisa: “No bomb, but let me share with you a secret…there’s
an exemption waiting for you somewhere to…your right. You may want to take it
before anyone else does.”
Hope: “Thanks for telling me!”
Moxie: “It’s only the first mission and suspicion and
distrust flood the house already! With that first mission, was Zachary trying
to create chaos by cutting queue? Why was Lisa being so secretive to Hope?
She’s clearly not trustworthy. And nearly nobody went for the pot; they all
went for themselves.”
Lisa: “Oh dear…what if there isn’t another exemption? I
shouldn’t have lied. I have no idea what’s on the right side. The bomb must be
there! Oh dear…”
Hope: “I’ll start with this table.”
Lisa: “Maybe it will be better for me if she suspects me.”
Zachary: “What are you doing, Lisa?”
Zachary: “What did you get?”
Hope: “…Nothing.”
Zachary: “So you ran into the bomb.”
Zachary: “Which table is it?”
Hope: “Should I tell you? If everyone gets something but
me…I’ll be at a disadvantage.”
Zachary: “Please Hope. I think nobody got any points yet.
You need to tell us so that we can earn points for the pot! If I find
corrections, I’ll promise to split it with you, okay?”

Hope: “Alright. We really need to help rake in as many
points as we can while we have the chance. It’s the first table to your right.”

Zachary: “Thanks Hope! Wish me good luck!”
Zachary: “if the bomb is the first on the right, then I’ll
start with the first on the left. An exemption…tempting. But I should aim

“Zachary, you are going in the wrong direction. You have
forfeited your chance.”
Donovan: “How’d it go? What did you get?”
Zachary: “Erm…I got…one correction. Sorry Hope, but if I got
two I would have shared one with you!”
Hope: “It’s alright. I understand.”
Zachary: “I had to lie. I didn’t want them to start
attacking me over my wrong direction. I couldn’t lie about the exemption
because what if I get called during execution? I couldn’t say I got points
either because they’re not mathematically-challenged. I could only talk about
corrections, and to prevent Hope from getting one I had to say I only had one.
Fortunately she’s so nice and understanding.”

Bonnie: “50 points…this is worth 200 points. Possibly 4
bowls with 50…but I should go on to be sure.”
Bonnie: “Empty.”
Bonnie: “Should I take it? It’s so little, so there are
probably bowls with 100 points. But what if there aren’t? This is just mere
speculation. What if the next bowl is only worth 10 points, or I keep hitting
empty bowls till I reach the bomb?”

Malcolm: “Why so glum?”
Zachary: “You hit the bomb?”
Bonnie: “Over my dead body. I got us some points!”
Hope: “Woohoo! Good job, Bonnie! You’re the first to do so!”
Eleanor: “Good. That lessens my burden.”
Bonnie: “What is that supposed to mean?”
Eleanor: “That will make me seem like a team player. They’ll
lower their guard.”
Eleanor: “I’ve got 25 points too.”
Moxie: “I think I’ll begin here. Ooh, 50 points. But that’s
so little compared to what we could earn! And I want to continue on!”

Moxie: “Empty again. I should have fought to go earlier.
Here I was thinking that they would all go for the points and leave the goodies
to moi.”

Donovan: “So?”
Moxie: “I was too greedy. Ran into the bomb. I suggest you
start somewhere at the right. There’s nothing of use at the tables near the
Donovan: “Thanks. I guess I misjudged you too quickly.”
Moxie: “Good that you know.”
Moxie: “It was a painful decision but I sacrificed the
exemption. My plan here is to trick Don. I don’t like that guy. How dare he
insult me! Since he’s after me, this will be the perfect chance! I’ll mislead
him. If he doesn’t follow, then he’s the Mole. A perfectly subtle plan!”

Donovan: “Right…as if I’ll listen to you. Your evil grin
gave it all away. You want to lead me to the bomb!”

Donovan: “I can’t give myself away…”
Malcolm: “So, did you earn us some money?”
Donovan: “I sure did!”
Malcolm: “Good chap! I knew you had a sense of money. That’s
looking good on you.”
Donovan: “Here are some tips. The right side is, er…nearly
emptied out. Just take whatever you can find. Probably only points and the bomb
are left.”
Malcolm: “What’s this? An exemption! I’m surprised nobody found
this! I could take it…but the pot will be really low then. I won’t take failure
for an answer. It’ll look bad on me. Off to find the money!”

Malcolm: “This is so humiliating. What will I tell them? I
won’t accept failure.”
Zachary: “How did it go Malcolm?”
Malcolm: “I found a correction, yes.”
Shawn: “Oh, there are so many to go around? Interesting.”
“With that, the mission ends! 100/200 points have been
earned. Shawn earned an exemption, so he’s safe from the first execution. Go
home and prepare for the quiz.”
Here is the layout of what lay in each table.
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