Monday, 31 August 2015

21.06-I want my limo

Donovan: “Sara will be so disappointed in me for not telling the truth. I hope the last part is cut out. If she finds out I’m not a perfect role model who knows what she’ll do? Well, it’s time to take the quiz.”


For going back to check, Herb earned a correction.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: Red Room
B: White Room
C: Brown Room

Q3: In which order did the Mole take the journal?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th

Q4: In Mission 3, which car did the Mole take?
A: Red
B: Yellow

Q5: In Mission 3, was the Mole a driver or passenger?
A: Driver
B: Passenger

Q6: Before Mission 3, what did the Mole eat?
A: Waffles
B: Mac and Cheese
C: Pancakes

Q7: In Mission 3, how many walls did the Mole hang paintings?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4 or more

Q8: In Mission 3, did the Mole go and check?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 3, how many times did the Mole go back and check?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3 or more
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Donovan Lee
B: Eleanor Darklight
C: Lisa Brown
D: Malcolm MacKenzie
E: Shawn Munk
F: Moxie Hills
G: Zachary Douffet
H: Herb DeValentino

Eleanor: “I went out on a limb and put only one suspect down. I wanted to be sure of myself. Otherwise there was no point in playing on. I hope it was the right decision.”


“It’s another execution ceremony. All of you have been here before, so I shall skip the formalities.”

“Eleanor Darklight. You refused to trust Donovan and Zachary, which in the end proved to save the team apparently. But does going back and forth to earn points while ironically deducting points warrant you safety?”

“Eleanor Darklight, you are…safe!”

Eleanor: “Oh that’s a relief! That means I know for sure who the Mole is now!”

“Who shall go next? Herb?”
Herb: “Okay. Get it over and done with.”
“Herb, you were unusually eager to go and sacrifice points, but that’s because you wanted to earn yourself a correction.”
Donovan: “What? You sacrificed points for a correction?”
Herb: “I was in a dilemma. I don’t believe you wouldn’t do the same.”
Donovan: “Of course I won’t! I have to play an upright game. For Sara.”
“Unfortunately Herb DeValentino…

"you are safe!”
Herb: “Don’t give me a heart attack.”

“Donovan Lee. Everyone thought you didn’t go through that door once, but in reality you did when nobody was watching. You allowed Malcolm and Eleanor to fight and sour the relationship. Your intentions were noble and for the team however, but can you live to speak of them?”


“Donovan Lee, you are…unfortunately…the next…”
Donovan: “Oh dear.”
“…to be safe!”
Donovan: “Oh thank goodness!”

“Lisa Brown. You are a reputable detective who tried to have a plan. You always have a plan. But will the plan succeed?”

“Lisa Brown, you are…the next to be executed…”
Lisa: “What? Are you kidding me?”
“…from the block.”
Lisa: “What? Oh. Oh. Gee, thanks for trying to scare me.”

“That just leaves the two of you.”
Moxie: “Oh…”

“Malcolm MacKenzie. You’re in a coalition of members you distrust. In the mission you were ordering others around once you were done with your part. Will you continue to be above the rest?”


“Malcolm MacKenzie, you are…executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Malcolm: “There has got to be a mistake! Malcolm MacKenzie never fails!”

Moxie: “Better you than me I guess.”
Malcolm: “How heartless of you. I bet you’re the Mole. I changed my suspects a little and I’m executed! It must be your fault! I’m not working with you ever again!”


“Thanks for joining, Malcolm.”
Malcolm: “Shut up. I want my limo.”


Shawn: “I always wondered what this is for. I thought it would be to attach a face to the name, but now I realise there’s so much more in here.”

Shawn: “I checked out the personal info by the computer. It’s wrong, but I’m not a full-fledged monk yet, so who cares! I just want to survive. Anyway, I found some interesting information that could be useful. Did you know Eleanor is atheist, while Hope is Christian? I think they wouldn’t have bonded well. Lisa has a set of biological and foster parents! Her biological surname is apparently Winters. She is also well-acquainted with Egyptian life. Zachary was fired from his job and lost his daughter in a car accident. I think he could relate to Malcolm. So many goodies!”

If Mr. MacKenzie has failed, who will succeed?

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