Previously, the remaining 8 contestants had to hang pictures
in an art gallery based on memory. They hung 54 paintings correctly, originally
earning them 100 points, but because they needed to check 8 times, it was
reduced to 20/200 points, bringing the pot to 120/600 points. Herb was given
the option to check once for 1 correction and check thrice for 2 corrections.
He chose to check once. In the execution ceremony, Malcolm was executed, to his
ire. Who is next? Who is the Mole?
Mission 4-So Many Balls
Moxie: “Malcolm was executed…we discussed that the Mole was
Don beforehand. Did he choose Don all out, or most out? Were we in a tie and I,
faster? I hate to say this, but looks like I have to work with Don."
Eleanor: “You made Malcolm end it off on a bad note.”
Donovan: “I tried to tell you!”
Lisa: “To be honest, no you didn’t. You withheld
Moxie: “Ugh. Despicable. Are you the Mole?”
Donovan: “I promised Sara to play an honest game, but it’s
getting harder and harder. I shouldn’t have joined this. To survive in this
game, you have to lie and deceive. Suspicion will be thrown onto you, though I
never expected this much onto me.”
Eleanor: “You’re in charge of some dive bar?”
Moxie: “A stakeholder, yes. But I want to pull out.”
Eleanor: “Why? I would love to be in charge of my vampire
Moxie: “Why?”
Eleanor: “Don’t tell anyone, but I want to be a vampire.
Sucking blood is fascinating, but so are the enhanced senses.”

Donovan: “Great. Shouldn’t have kicked that. Now I have to
clear up.”
Shawn: “Oof! I stubbed my toe! I wish I could wear shoes.”
Herb: “Don looks so lonely. Just like me.”
Zachary: “Moxie, shall we play catch?”
Moxie: “I have nothing better to do anyway.”
These 2 read their journals.
Contestants are going to Septowers, which used to be a
pyramid. Contestants randomly pick one of the towers to start from. In the
centre are some bingo machines. They have to try and collect as many bingo
balls as possible and dump it in the chest in their tower. However, this earns
no points.
In every chest, there
is a rainbow ball. Those who chose the left towers will be offered a correction
should they have a rainbow ball in their chest by the end of the mission. The
more rainbow balls they get, the more corrections they get. Those on the right
will be offered exemptions if they get at least 3 balls in their chest. If the
rainbow ball is brought to the centre and remain there at the end, 10 points
are earned. This is worth 70 points.
Nobody knows about the exemption or correction deal however, so the contestants are unaware that they are after the same goal. If they are caught however, they must forfeit both the points and the correction/exemption.

Nobody knows about the exemption or correction deal however, so the contestants are unaware that they are after the same goal. If they are caught however, they must forfeit both the points and the correction/exemption.

From front to back, left to right:
Lisa – Zachary
Donovan – Shawn
Eleanor – Moxie
Lisa: “Oh, corrections, eh?”
Eleanor: “Alright, a bingo ball.”
Herb: “This isn’t even worth points. Should I tell the
Herb: “I think I should stay and protect my ball…hey, wait!”
The contestants start looking for rainbow balls.
Zachary: “Lisa, er, what are you doing?”
Lisa: “Shoot.”
Zachary: “You’re here for that exemption deal, aren’t you?”
Lisa: “Exemption deal? What exemption deal?”
Zachary: “To get the rainbow ball from the chest and bring
it to your own!”
Lisa: “What? So you’re going to sacrifice points? Good thing
I caught you then.”
Zachary: “Snap.”
Zachary has to give up any rainbow balls that he earns, be
it in hand or in his chest, and return to the centre and wait.


Herb: “I…I…huff…caught you.”
Lisa: “Hey! Wait! Stop!”
Donovan: “That was so exhilarating! The fear of getting
caught really gives you an adrenaline rush! Especially when Lisa was after me.
But she appeared to have disappeared. Maybe she found another way to get
around, or to get more balls. I hadn’t had this much fun in ages!”

Donovan: “Oh! Herb! What are you doing here?”
Herb: “Exploring these paths. You?”
Shawn: “Aha! Now, it’s just a matter of taking more for an
exemption or bringing it down for points.”

Shawn: “Not going to be the jinx, nope. Hopefully nobody
takes it though. Oh hi Zachary!”
Eleanor: “I hate how exposed I am. Why are there so many
windows? What if someone saw me and comes after me?”
Eleanor: “Hi Herb. You’ve been caught.”
Donovan: “What are they doing down there? Have they been
caught or are they pointlessly doing the mission? If only they knew…”
Donovan: “I’m going to end up dropping all 4 of them at this
rate. I need to dump them in my chest first.”

Lisa: “He didn’t see me. I think I shall wait outside his
tower first until he leaves, lest he catches me.”
Eleanor: “Hello Don. I’ve been waiting for you.”
Lisa: “Why is Don going there? Oh, looks like he’s been
Donovan: “Why are you staking out outside my tower, Lisa?”
Lisa: “Nothing.”
Eleanor: “Ha! I’ve got Don’s balls. Now to safeguard them in
my chest, hidden among all those other bingo balls.”
Lisa: “Ahem.”
Eleanor: “Yikes!”
Lisa: “Looks like I caught you in the act. Now hand them
Shawn: “Don was running around earlier.”
“Lisa and Shawn are the only two not to be caught. However,
Shawn has no balls. Lisa has 6 rainbow balls! The last ball was brought to the
centre and overlooked by all, so 10/70 points have been earned thanks to Shawn,
or 130/670 points.”
Shawn: “I always end up standing out when I want to blend
in. Unlucky me.”
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