The Mole is Found
“Welcome, everyone, to the finale of the Smole, Season 21!
Tonight we have our ex-contestants returning and reuniting. Let us introduce
“At this table we have Hope Champion and Bonnie
Hope: “I’m so glad to be back! Hopefully a happy event will
take my mind off things.”
“Over here we have Malcolm MacKenzie and Herb DeValentino!”
Herb: “Er…hi? I’m not used to such...”
Malcolm: “Grandeur?”
Herb: “Probably…whatever that means.”
Malcolm: “Why am I seated with you?”
“Over at this table we have Shawn Munk and Eleanor
Eleanor: “Well I guess it’s a pleasure to be back and see
who the Mole is. Shawn, say something.”
Shawn: “I don’t want to jinx anything!”
“And finally, over here, sitting alone, is Zachary Douffet!”
Zachary: “I refuse to believe that I’m out of the game. This
is the final mission, right? Something that involves the other ex-contestants?
I’m waiting for my briefing.”
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, Zachary, but you are out of
the game.”
Zachary: “Please, like real! Why am I seated alone then?”
“The runner-up will join you shortly. But first, let’s recap
all of our memorable events that happened on this eventful season.
“We go back to the first episode, where unlucky Shawn became
the luckiest as he claimed the first exemption of the season.
Shawn: “An exemption!”
And how Hope was supposedly duped by Lisa.
Hope: “The bomb! Lisa
Let’s not forget how Zachary forfeited his chance by going
in the wrong direction, in which he told nobody.
“Zachary, you are
going in the wrong direction. You have forfeited your chance.”
Zachary: “D’oh!”
Things were looking grim until Bonnie brought in some
points, followed by Eleanor and Donovan.
Bonnie: “Over my dead
body. I got us some points!”
Hope: “Woohoo! Good
job, Bonnie! You’re the first to do so!”
Moxie gave up the exemption and lied. So did Malcolm.
Moxie: “Nevermind.
I’ll continue on.”
Moving on to the second mission, we see how Malcolm tried to
steal an extra journal and leave a little message to fool others.
Malcolm: “Hmm…why not
I take another one? That would be a devilish plan. That unlucky chap will have
nothing to record and refer to!”
We also witness Malcolm’s valiant attempts to form
coalitions and future clientele.
Eleanor: “Why did you call
me here?”
Malcolm: “I’m thinking
that we could partner up. I think we’ll make great business partners.”
Eleanor: “Save your
breath. I’m not forming a coalition.”
Herb suggested letting Shawn take charge of the second
mission. Even he felt it was a bad idea.
Shawn: “I think it was
a bad idea to put me in charge. They have too much faith in me. I’m very
stressed. When I saw a bunch of TVs and phones, I knew we were toast. How was I
going to communicate with eight others? And partnering together will slow
everyone down in my opinion. This place is huge!”
Who could forget how Lisa nearly burnt the whole place down,
bringing everyone’s morale down too?
Lisa: “I destroyed
evidence, didn’t I? This mission must be over now.”
Bonnie: “Sigh…what
matters is that you’re safe.”
Zachary: “I refuse to
believe that it’s over! Let’s continue and do our best!”
Eleanor helped the Mole by moving a frisbee to a corner.
Unfortunately that misled Bonnie and wasted precious time.
Eleanor: “Alright I’ll
just dump it here. Hopefully nobody notices it missing.”
Zachary was so frustrated with the lack of response that he
personally went to look for Shawn.
Zachary: “Shawn Munk.
You were ignoring me!”
Shawn: “I was? Sorry.
I was just stressed.”
Donovan left his place to get Herb to take over. They didn’t
bond well.
Donovan: “You Mole!
Why couldn’t you have run? Or walked faster?”
Herb: “Oh, you’re
blaming me now.”
In Episode 3, we dug a little deeper into Herb’s past.
Herb: “Oh Tina, why
did you never come? We promised to meet by the tree once our chores were done.
You left me alone and heartbroken. I never dared married because my heart
belongs to you. It’s been so many years, Tina. I waited by you for that tree on
that day at that time every year. But you never came. I hope you’re still alive
and remember me. If you’re watching this show, know that I’ll be waiting.”
During the mission, so many walls were neglected, resulting
in constant in and outs.
Donovan: “Someone
forgot about the wall nearest to the door. We had eight Sims, but our
distribution was horrid. Everyone dispersed to the far ends. We have congregations
like Shawn and Herb. So I had to secretly sacrifice another 10 points to save
the entire wall.”
Donovan and Eleanor got into an argument about whose wall
was whose. Eleanor refused to believe things when Zachary went to check, so she
went to check herself. That saved the group as it was discovered that everyone
was at the wrong wall.
Eleanor: “I’m pretty
sure this isn’t your wall. The door is over there, so by right your wall should
be on that side and this is my wall!”
Zachary: “GUYS! ALL
Eleanor: “THE ENTIRE
A few paintings went missing as well. Stress was building
Malcolm: “Are you sure
it’s missing?”
Moxie: “Yes. I
visualized this as a vase holding apples!”
Lisa: “We’re missing
one of this! I remember there were two!”
Eleanor: “So do I.”
Lisa: “I’ll go find
Donovan and Moxie fought over the apples. It turned out that
they were both right. Unfortunately, Moxie failed to notice the difference in
frames. As such, the paintings were swapped.
Moxie: “I do have an
Moxie: “Wait. There’s
an apple here too! He’s not lying.”
In an attempt to sniff out the Mole, Lisa set a trap.
Lisa: “I figured that
the Mole would want to sabotage at the very last minute when there’s no time to
change anything. If that wasn’t possible, then the Mole would try to waste
points by leaving. So I gathered everyone to make sure I didn’t miss anyone who
tried to sneak out. Shawn and Eleanor took the bait.”
Eleanor and Malcolm fought over a misunderstanding caused by
Malcolm: “It’s all
your fault! We made such a loss because you went back thrice!”
Eleanor: “Thrice? I
only went there twice!”
Malcolm: “Save it. I
can count. I didn’t go through that door and neither did Don. You went through
more than once!”
In Mission 4, Zachary let his secret deal slip and was thus
caught by Lisa, even though she was just putting up a show.
Zachary: “Lisa, er,
what are you doing?”
Lisa: “Shoot.”
Zachary: “You’re here
for that exemption deal, aren’t you?”
Lisa: “Exemption deal?
What exemption deal?”
Zachary: “To get the
rainbow ball from the chest and bring it to your own!”
Lisa: “What? So you’re
going to sacrifice points? Good thing I caught you then.”
Zachary: “Snap.”
Moxie failed horribly here.
Herb: “I…I…huff…caught
Moxie: “How could this
be? I didn’t even get anything yet and I’m caught!”
Shawn was the only one to contribute to the pot, under the
impression that everyone else would too.
Shawn: “Not going to
be the jinx, nope. Hopefully nobody takes it though. Oh hi Zachary!”
Eleanor and Lisa were both out to get Donovan. Even though
Lisa failed to catch Donovan at first, he was still caught in the end.
Eleanor: “Hello Don.
I’ve been waiting for you.”
Donovan: “Shi…bummer.
Looks like I was too greedy.”
In the end, Lisa stood to benefit, gaining 6 corrections.
“Lisa and Shawn are
the only two not to be caught. However, Shawn has no balls. Lisa has 6 rainbow
balls! The last ball was brought to the centre and overlooked by all, so 10/70
points have been earned thanks to Shawn, or 130/670 points.”
In Episode 5, Donovan was desperate for corrections, even
willing to betray his coalition partner, although they were never on trusting
Donovan: “Lisa, sorry
to bother you, but I was thinking…you have 6 corrections. That’s enough to last
you for 2 seasons. I don’t think anyone would need that many, especially not a
detective like you.”
Lisa: “So you want me
to give you some of my corrections.”
Donovan: “Would that
be possible?”
Lisa: “We need a
trade, so that I don’t stand to lose. What do you have to offer?”
Donovan: “Er…my
Lisa: “I don’t need
your suspects. If you have nothing for me, leave.”
Donovan: “Oh, oh! I’m
in a coalition with Moxie, so I could tell you what we shared with each other.
Would that be valuable enough information?”
Lisa: “Two players’
discussion…okay. You sure are acting like the Mole, however.”
Donovan: “I’m not! Why
would I do that?”
Lisa: “Alright. I’ll
hand you 2 corrections later.”
We learned of Moxie’s shameful past here.
Zachary: “It’s okay.
Nobody will hurt you.”
Moxie: “I was drugged
at that stupid haunt by one of those bar-goers. When I work up, I found out
that he…he…”
During the mission, Shawn noticed the ex-contestants. He
misinterpreted it as a hint.
Shawn: “Is this some
kind of joke? Or is this a hint?”
Donovan let Eleanor take blame for something he did.
Donovan: “Wow, she
Zachary: “I am
terrified for my life right now.”
Donovan: “I’ve never
seen a woman so fierce.”
Eleanor: “It better
not have started because of you two, or I will kill you.”
Zachary: “Let’s agree
never to anger her.”
I’m sure everyone enjoyed it when Shawn was slapped again.
Cheyenne: “Why are you
looking at my boobs? I’ll slap you for that!”
Shawn: “I just said I
wasn’t—oof! That hurts! Why am I so unlucky? I got slapped twice already.”
Eleanor, Zachary and Donovan explored the mausoleum. What
were they thinking? That Moxie was dead? They came out looking burnt.
Donovan: “Great. I
don’t know how much time we wasted down there.”
Shawn was out in the first execution ceremony he was present
Shawn: “Uh-oh.”
“Shawn Munk, you are
the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Zachary started suspecting Lisa’s generosity.
Zachary: “That went
better than expected. Maybe Lisa isn’t as tough as her exterior seems to
suggest. But it is kind of peculiar that she would give out her corrections so
readily. I wouldn’t, no matter how much others would beg. The corrections will
pave my way to victory! Is she so generous because she knows she’ll make it to
the end?”
In Mission 6, Zachary was given an offer for an exemption if
everyone took an envelope. He was evidently displeased when that didn’t happen.
Zachary: “Why did you
two refuse to take an envelope?”
We felt for Donovan (or not) when he questioned his
Donovan: “Should I
have joined the Smole? It’s so drama-filled. I thought it would be better than
shows like Survivor and Big Brother but I guess I was wrong. With every reality
show comes melodrama. I joined this because I wanted to show Sara that you
don’t have to be an Eleanor to survive in this world. That you can still win
with compassion. Victor had similar reasons for joining, but now I’m beginning
to regret my decision…but I have to stick through it, for Sara.”
Despite being affected emotionally, Lisa put on a front,
trying to trick Donovan and Moxie.
Lisa: “Malcolm left
his journal here. I shall try to deceive the others by using it for a while.”
In Mission 7, Moxie had the chance to get a correction if
she failed the mission, or an exemption if she was the only one to succeed in
the mission. Her strategy flopped.
Moxie: “My plan was to
follow Don. He would take it that it’s because we’re in a coalition. I’m
confident Zachary would be hit. Lisa went too fast so I couldn’t find her. Thus
I chose to stick with Don and follow the walls to avoid being hit…that didn’t
go too well.”
Lisa’s foot was caught in the spotlight. Distracted by that,
Zachary was eliminated too.
“Lisa, you have been
Lisa: “Drats! My
stupid foot!”
Zachary: “I can’t
believe Lisa would be eliminated!”
“Zachary, you have
been eliminated!”
Zachary: “Great.
Shouldn’t have been distracted.”
We watched the most dramatic exit in Smole history as a grown
man sobbed home, refusing to accept his fate till now.
Zachary: “I…I just
expected to make it to the finale! I was so sure of myself! It must have been
that stupid mistake!”
Everyone found it suspicious that in Mission 8, Moxie took 3
minutes and got only 1 bag. She was looking for her own bag but got lost.
Moxie: “Darn. I think
I’m lost. I’ll just take one bag to at least show I did something.”
Lisa put herself at great risk by running everywhere looking
for the remaining bags. As a result, she was caught on camera, losing 220
Lisa: “As the last one
to go, I felt that it was my responsibility to collect all the remaining bags.
It was tedious and arduous because I had to be on the lookout for bags and
cameras. I don’t think I was caught, but I can’t say for sure, since the
flashes and clicks are everywhere. I was so frustrated when I couldn’t find
that last bag. I wasn’t going to give up on it. The weight of carrying 5 bags
on my shoulders made things worse. But at last I found it.”
“I bet this brings back memories. Now, who do you all seated
here think the Mole is?”
Shawn: “I’m sure it’s Don, considering he’s the only guy and
seems to be trying too hard.”
Elenanor: “I agree. I find it fishy that he keeps talking
about Sara. You’re not playing the game for her. You’re playing for yourself.
Who cares if she dies because of that?”
Shawn: “Wow. But don’t you think that if you can’t live for
yourself, you should at least live for others?”
Eleanor: “Deep.”
Hope: “I think it’s Moxie, because she seems so stuck up.
What do you think, Bonnie?”
Bonnie: “I don’t have much experience with all of them, but
I think it’s Lisa. Oh, excuse me.”
Malcolm: “Whose phone is that? How rude!”
Herb: “I think Moxie is the Mole.”
Malcolm: “I believe it’s Lisa. It’s the perfect cover,
Zachary: “I picked Lisa but I was executed…so it should be
Moxie then.”
“Without further ado, let’s invite the runner up! It’s none
other than…”
“Donovan Lee!”
Donovan: “Hi everyone! I really hope nobody thought I was
the Mole, because that would be hurtful. I just want to say that it’s been a
great journey. It was difficult living with a bunch of strangers I couldn’t
trust, but I feel that I got to know all of you better and it became harder as
each of you got executed. I may not have won, but at least I tried. That is
what matters. And heck, I’m in the finale, baby! And to Sara, do you remember
this? This is the tuxedo you chose for me when planning for our wedding. I know
you like it, so I wore it. I hope you regain confidence in yourself. You can
stand on your two feet in this world. Look at me! I love you, Sara.”
“Thank you Donovan for that heartwarming speech.”
Donovan: “Alas, the seat is not for me.”
“Hey, where did Bonnie go?”
Hope: “She went to answer a call and never came back. I
think she has a case to solve.”
“Oh. Then we shall continue without her. She missed the most
exciting moment. The moment you’ve all been waiting for…who is the Mole?”
“It is…”
“…Lisa Brown!”
Lisa: “Surprised, anyone?”
Hope: “I am! I least expected it to be you!”
Lisa: “Well, it’s been quite stressful but fun at the same
time, deceiving you all. I decided that the best strategy was to try and act as
myself. I know that it’s shocking to most, except the final few who could see
through my cover. All those little lies and sabotages in order to keep afloat…I
hope you don’t take it to heart. I hope you all had fun. Lisa Brown, signing
“Thank you Lisa for being such a wonderful Mole.
Lisa’s strategy this season was to be herself—independent.
She sabotaged whenever she could but made note to try and appear to help the
team to reduce suspicion and raise team morale, because it wasn’t fun when
everyone was demoralised. She tried to think like a normal player, which led her
to not trying to argue against any suspicion thrown onto her. Let us now see
her sabotages.
In Mission 1, Lisa was informed of what was at each table.
She didn’t want anyone to stand to gain, so she took 3 corrections and then
tried to trick Hope into not getting points.
Lisa: “Okay I’ll take
the risk. 3 corrections! I think this is the most they have to offer.”
Hope: “The bomb! Lisa
In Mission 2, Lisa tried to forfeit after being burnt. She
also moved away from the camera once Zachary was out of sight but lied about
Bonnie: “Let’s go.”
Lisa: “I don’t want to
anymore. Not in this state.”
Zachary: “Shawn, are
there any gnomes on white surfaces? Shawn? Shawn! Ugh. I’ll have to do it
myself then.”
Shawn: “Wait! Who was
at the dark thing and that other dark thing again?”
Zachary: “Can you be
more specific?”
Shawn: “Guys! Guys!
Listen to me! Some of you moved from your original positions! Your faces need
to be seen all at the same time in order for us to get points!”
In Mission 3, Lisa wanted to waste time by discussing first.
“Your thirty seconds
starts now!”
Lisa: “Okay, we should
discuss how to go about doing this—“
Zachary: “There’s no
time for that! We only have 30 seconds!”
Her most subtle sabotage was deliberately placing the
paintings a little bit too far from its original position without it being too
blatantly wrong. Zachary picked up on one but not the rest. She also chose to
‘help’ Eleanor by switching positions of two paintings.
Eleanor: “What the…who
did my wall?”
Lisa: “I took the
liberty to. You are the only one who hasn’t started.”
Eleanor: “I’m pretty
sure I can handle it myself. And isn’t the pink frame supposed to be below?”
Lisa: “Trust me. I’m a
detective. I remember details. I looked at your wall and this is what I saw.
You already went there once. Don’t sacrifice more points.”
Eleanor: “I guess I
have to trust you.”
She also went back to check once to remove points, claiming
that there was a missing painting. In reality she saw the painting in a pile
but pretended it wasn’t there. She would have gone back more times but that
would be too suspicious. So instead, she made someone else go for her,
successfully deflecting suspicion onto them.
“Your 10 seconds starts
“5 minutes left!”
Lisa: “Okay everyone.
We should just check one last time. Who will be the last one to go through that
In Mission 4, she was never intending to earn points, so she
kept the rainbow balls for herself.
“Lisa and Shawn are
the only two not to be caught. However, Shawn has no balls. Lisa has 6 rainbow
balls! The last ball was brought to the centre and overlooked by all, so 10/70
points have been earned thanks to Shawn, or 130/670 points.”
In Mission 5, while she didn’t sabotage, she wanted to pair
up with Shawn so that if anything went wrong, she could blame it on Shawn and
increase his suspicion. She eventually decided against sabotaging, however, as
she wanted to maintain her image as a reputable detective.
Lisa took a break from sabotaging and helped the team so as
to reduce suspicion for the next two missions, only to start again in Mission
7, where she tried to make it seem as though she was accidentally hit by the
“Lisa, you have been
Lisa: “Drats! My
stupid foot!”
In Mission 8, she deliberately let herself get caught by the
camera so as to sacrifice points. She wanted to go last so that the others
would be alright with leaving some bags behind, thinking that she would take it.
Her excuse was that she had to search everywhere for the bags despite knowing
where they were. She even attempted to pin the blame on Donovan and Moxie.
Lisa: “Yeah, right.
Because of you two I had to risk being caught to search high and low for all
those stupid bags! Because you didn’t help I had to tie all the loose ends and
as a result, I was caught!”
And these are her sabotages!”
Shawn: “I never realised all those sabotages!”
Eleanor: “Lisa, you are such a scumbag. You messed with my
paintings and made me trust you!”
Shawn: “Yes, it was just bad luck that you were the Mole.
You were so good!”
Zachary: “But I suspected her!”
Donovan: “I didn’t, actually. So fortunately I had that
exemption or I would have been a goner!”
Zachary: “Stupid exemption. Stupid mistake. That probably
cost me. Can I have a rewind?”
“Let us now welcome our winner of the Smole, Season 21!
Let’s put our hands together for Moxie Hills!”
Moxie: “I just knew I would win! It was gruelling, having to
wait and live with some of these morons, but I survived! And I won! Just like I
knew I would. Sabotage? All in the name of corrections. I don’t need that money
anyway. I just played to improve audience perception and increase my
already-soaring popularity. My agent insisted I join. I guess the money
compensates for all the time I endured in this house. Muacks! I love my fans! I
love you all!”
“Thank you Moxie, for that…er…stroke of confidence. You
scored a total of 81.08% overall, whereas Donovan had 32.68%. Good job on
identifying Lisa! Speaking of which, Lisa was put down as the Mole 6 times,
which is quite little already, so good job to Lisa and all those who suspected
her! 6 points will be removed from Lisa’s pot to Moxie’s, so Moxie, you have
now earned 486/1500 points, or 486,000 Simoleons! And Lisa, you have earned
1014/1500 points, or 1,014,000 Simoleons! Fantastic job to the two of you!”
“Now, let us see the clues that lead us to Lisa being the
- There are pink ponies in the house. Pink is what Lisa wears every day.
- Whenever there is something red, white will be nearby. Examples include the adjacent bedrooms and the light above the dining table. This is because red and white will give you pink, the colour representing Lisa.
- The banner this season holds a clue. Hidden in Hope’s leaf is an L, a B in Shawn’s leaf and a W in Eleanor’s leaf. LBW is Lisa’s initials (Lisa Brown/Winters).
- This season, the mission’s names were explicitly stated. Only Lisa fits all the titles.
- Introduction to Corrections-Lisa was introduced to corrections and was the first one to earn them. (along with Herb)
- Pose for the Camera-Lisa posed for the hidden camera when she found an object.
- Hang it on the Right Wall-This is 'telling' Lisa to 'hang [the paintings] on the right wall' because she hanged it on the wrong wall.
- So Many Balls-Lisa had the most rainbow balls at the end of the mission.
- Finding Moxie-Lisa was the one who found the disguised Moxie.
- Take an Envelope, Pass an Envelope, Take an Envelope-This describes Lisa's actions. She took an envelope, then passed an envelope, then took another envelope.
- In the Spotlight-Lisa was caught in the spotlight (along with Zacahry and Moxie)
- Just One Shot-Lisa was only caught by the camera once ie the camera took 'just one shot'.
- The Mole is Found (yes, this isn't a mission but whatever)-Lisa, the Mole, has been discovered.
- In Mission 2, there was a blurry photo of Lisa in the Black Cuboid.

“Oh, there was a photo
of the Mole in this room, but it was missed.”
- In Mission 3, at least 16 paintings were needed to earn points. 2x8=16. 2 and 8 are the digits to Lisa’s age.
- In Mission 4, there was an Egyptian theme to the set, referencing Lisa’s stay in Egypt.
Contestants are going
to Septowers, which used to be a pyramid…
- The call boxes for the corrections were brown. Lisa’s surname is Brown. The idea was to make it seem as though the Mole (Lisa) was offering them a correction if they sabotaged, like in the notes she gave to random contestants.
- During the execution she was the only one smiling, because she knew she was safe. Her guaranteed safety is also why she was so willing to hand out her corrections.
“The remaining four of
you must really be nervous and jittery. Except for the Mole. That’s a
- In Mission 7, there was a mummy teddy bear. This was a reference to the time Lisa spent in Egypt.
Lisa: “I’m back here again.”
- In Mission 8, another reference to Egypt was made with the camel.
- The names Rik, Marlijn and Margriet were mentioned. They are the finalists of Season 15 of the “Wie is De Mol”, the Dutch version of the Smole. Rik was the only male in the final three, hence he is likened to Donovan. Marlijn was the actress, so she is represented by Moxie, who is also an actress. Margriet was the strong-willed, independent Mole, very similar to Lisa. Hence Lisa is the Mole.
“Congratulations on
making it this far, my Rik, Marlijn and Margriet…”
- The contestants had 10 bags to find. 2+8=10. 2 and 8 are the digits to Lisa’s age.
“… There are10 bags in
the maze past that door…”
And that’s it! Congratulations once again and thank you all
for participating and watching.”
Malcolm: “Someone should have hired a pianist.”
Eleanor: “Hope, I have to tell you something. I think your
father is my uncle.”
Hope: “Really? So you’re the one I’ve been looking for this
whole time? This is great news! You have to come back and visit! He really
wants the whole family by his side.”
Herb: “Cheer up, Zachary. It’s not the end of the world.”
Donovan: “Shall we dance?”
Lisa: “Okay.”
Donovan: “Good game by the way.”
Lisa: “Thanks. You weren’t too bad yourself.”
Donovan: “Except I thought it was Moxie for the entire
season. When you were announced to be the Mole, I was seething with rage, both
at you for being the Mole and for myself for not realising it. I had to control
myself to not go up there and scold you and such.”
Thank you all for making Season 21 possible! Credits to “Wie
is de Mol?” Season 15 for many mission ideas and motivation for me to start the
21st season.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Moxie Hills
Lisa Brown
Donovan Lee
Zachary Douffet
Eleanor Darklight
Shawn Munk
Herb DeValentino
Malcolm MacKenzie
Bonnie DeValentino
Hope Champion
- Red means executed, black means not in game, green means exemption earned, grey means correction earned, orange means correction played. Scores reflected are scores after corrections have been used.
- Lisa earned 7 corrections, the highest this season, even though she didn’t need them. Herb earned 2 corrections. Eleanor earned 1 correction. Moxie earned 1 correction. Donovan and Zachary’s 2 corrections are from Lisa. Moxie had one correction from Donovan. Zachary played 2 corrections in Episode 7 like Moxie but because of a careless error in a quiz he was executed.
- Lisa earned a -2 penalty and lost a correction in Episode 6.
- Moxie was tied for the lowest twice in a row.
- Donovan had put Moxie down as his main suspect for all quizzes, with most quizzes having Moxie as the only suspect. He was lucky to make it to the finale.
I just rralised that for the table the episode numbers are incorrect. Just know that Epispde 1 on the table and the bullets below means Episode 2 here and Episode 2 means Episode 4 etc. Also Lisa played corrections too but it's not reflected here. Oops. :/