Shawn: “Why are there so many horses here?”
Lisa: “Come on. We’ve got good news to bring.”
Horse: “That bald guy in orange is bad news, I tell you.”
Shawn: “Guys! We did it! Wow, what happened to you guys?”
Quiz time. Donovan uses one correction.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Before Mission 5,
what was the Mole wearing?
A: Everyday wear
B: Sleepwear

Q3: In Mission 5,
what role did the Mole play?
A: Disguised
B: Finder
Q4: In Mission 5, was
the Mole alone, in pairs or in a group of three?
A: Alone
A: Alone
B: Pair
C: Group

Q5: Did the Mole drive
in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 5,
where did the Mole go first?
A: Beach
B: Park
C: The Mole was
Q7: In Mission 5,
where was the Mole at the end?
A: Cemetery
B: Library

Q8: In Mission 5, was
the Mole the one to discover Moxie Hills?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Does the Mole
have any unused corrections as of now?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Donovan Lee
B: Eleanor Darklight
C: Lisa Brown
D: Shawn Munk
E: Moxie Hills
F: Zachary Douffet
Shawn: “Oh dear. It’s time for the execution ceremony. I
have a bad feeling about this.”
Eleanor: “I hope I’m not executed just because my main
suspect left the game.”
“Welcome to another execution ceremony. For most, this is
the umpteenth one, but for one, it is his first. Nevertheless, you still are
unable to get used to it. However, there is a little twist this time round.”
“Over there by the tree is a bag of 500,000 Simoleons, up
for grabs. Any of you can choose to take it or not. You would have to leave the
game immediately, but the execution will be cancelled tonight. Anyone?”
Donovan: “Quitters never prosper. I must play a moral game.”
Moxie: “Reputation is at stake.”
Zachary: “It’s so tempting. It’s more than what we have now,
but it’s not over yet. I think things are changing and we can earn more than
that soon.”
“Nobody? Well, then let the execution ceremony continue as
per normal then.”
“Shawn, you look extremely jittery.”
Shawn: “It’s my first time here.”
“Well, let’s relieve some of that stress, shall we? You saw
what could possibly be a very big hint in finding Moxie, but you refused to
follow up on it. You chose to endure abuse by locals, but is that just an
excuse to stall and not find Moxie? You failed, but will you fail again?”
Shawn: “This is scary.”
Shawn: “Uh-oh.”
“Shawn Munk, you are the next to be executed. Please pack
your bags and leave.”
Shawn: “I had a bad feeling. I’m always that unlucky chap.
But I’m used to it. So I’ll hold my head up high and leave with whatever shreds
of dignity I have left!”
Zachary: “Lisa, I was wondering…could you give me some of
your corrections?”
Lisa: “In exchange for what?”
Zachary: “I don’t have anything to offer you, but please? I
need it more than you do. I mean, I’m the breadwinner of the house. If we want
to continue living our life I need the money. I need to survive.”
Lisa: “I don’t know how much it’ll help, because I want to
survive too, but…okay. I’ll give you 2 corrections. Is that enough?”
Zachary: “Oh thank you so much! I just knew you were kind at
Zachary: “That went better than expected. Maybe Lisa isn’t
as tough as her exterior seems to suggest. But it is kind of peculiar that she
would give out her corrections so readily. I wouldn’t, no matter how much
others would beg. The corrections will pave my way to victory! Is she so
generous because she knows she’ll make it to the end?”
Donovan: “You thought the Mole was Shawn. Look how that
turned out.”
Moxie: “At least we’re still alive. If neither of us is the
Mole, then it leaves one of the other three. Do you think Lisa could be the
Mole? She’s a detective, so it would seem as though she got here through
credit, but that’s why we don’t suspect her, and that’s why she’s most probably
the Mole!”
Donovan: “What warped logic. It is possible but I think the
Mole could be Zachary. He kept accusing everyone early on. Perhaps to deflect
Moxie: “Everyone’s a suspect. This is giving me a headache.”
Donovan: “I couldn’t be honest and tell Moxie I was onto
her. She should have been out a long time ago! Well so should Shawn and Herb,
but she should be gone already. I want to play an honest game, but it’s so
difficult! Unfortunately a deal’s a deal, but how am I going to share with Lisa
that we suspect her?”
It was the first and last time Shawn was at the execution
ceremony. Will luck change now that he’s out of the way?
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