Sunday, 8 December 2013

5.13-Image is important

Previously the team only earned 320/780 points as nobody could guess the picture correctly after undergoing many transformations and drawings. 50 points was lost due to Diana sacrificing it for the hidden exemption. She was safe for that execution, but the same could not be said for Kirby Wise, the first returning player to join halfway in.

Katrina: “Whose singing is that? It’s horrid!”
Matthew: “I think it’s quite melodious actually.”

Egret: “It’s a start, at least. It’s not some lousy love song anyway.”
Diana: “You have terrible taste. Oh. And why did your parents give you a monster name? Were they aliens? Are you an alien?”
Egret: “I like this name. It’s unique, and sets me apart from the rest.”
Diana: “And your fashion sense is dirt!”
Egret: “Now would be the perfect time to comment about your outfit, but I’m nice, so I won’t do that. Besides, this is comfortable. I don’t care that much about image.”
Katrina: “Image is important, girl.”

Diana: “That Egret is a happy-go-lucky kind of girl. She’s very optimistic, which irks me. Yet she seems least likely to be the mole because she is so open, so genuine. Yet that could mean that she is the Mole, for being the least likely suspect. Ow, my head hurts.”

Reginald: “Yoohoo! I’m back guys!”

Jonathan: “This is going to be a bad day.”

Reginald: “I’m ready to let Jonathan eat my dust!”

Egret: “Who is this I see before me? Oh, it’s Matthew Hamming!”
Matthew: “Heh. You’re an interesting character.”


Now, time for mission to start. This mission is modified from Season 2. One of these lights are connected to a bomb in the house. The contestants must choose any one that is not connected to the bomb. For every Sim that chooses the non-bomb light, 20 points are added, so this is worth 160 points. However, an exemption is offered for choosing the bomb light. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do.”

Reginald: “Good game. So, which light do you think the bomb is?”
Matthew: “I think it’s the first one nearer to our house. It needs to be close to be able to reach any part of our house. So I choose the3rd one.”
Apollo: “I think so too. It’s different from the rest. I’m going the same with Matthew.”
Reginald: “Will they really bomb it?”
Egret: “It happened in Season 2. Anyway, I’m going for the 3rd one.”
Reginald: “Okay then. I’ll pick the 3rd one too.”


Reginald: “Hey there Kate.”
Katrina: “It’s Katrina.”
Reginald: “Come on, can’t I call you Kate?”
Katrina: “No.”
Reginald: “All right then. Which light will you pick?”
Katrina: “I’ll go for the one in the middle.”
Reginald: “So will I! We are so alike!”

(I can't find the picture)
Katrina: “There are so many flirts in this house! First it was Matthew and Alexander. When he left, Jonathan came in. And now Reginald?”

Scarlett: “So, join our coalition?”
Jonathan: “Anything for a fine lady like you.”
Reginald: “Jonathan, don’t you dare lay a finger on her!”
Jonathan: “She’s not your girl.”
Reginald: “Scram!”
Jonathan: “Fine.  I believe you’ll make the right choice.”

Scarlett: “Will you join our coalition?”
Reginald: “Give me a kiss and I’ll do your bidding.”
Scarlett: “Perfect then. I’m choosing the light furthest out. How about you?”
Reginald: “Me too!”

Diana: “Apollo, I heard that the others are mainly gearing for the light in the middle.”
Apollo: “I know. I’m doing so too.”
Diana: “I won’t. I’m going to purposely select the bomb light. The one nearest to the house then!”

Katrina: “I’m choosing the 2nd one from the house.”
Matthew: “But why? That could be the bomb! Even Egret is choosing the 3rd light!”
Katrina: “I've made up my mind.”

Matthew: “Katrina’s out to sabotage. I’m beginning to think it could be Katrina that’s the Mole. If not, why did Kirby leave when Katrina joined?”


“Here are the results:
1st light-Diana
2nd light-Katrina, Jonathan
3rd light-Egret, Matthew, Apollo
4th light-Reginald, Scarlett.
It looks like all lights have been picked, meaning one of you guys have the bomb. Let’s see which is the bomb one.”

“And the majority light is actually connected to the bomb. This means that 100/160 points, or 420/940 points, have been earned. Apollo, Matthew and Egret will also earn an exemption, at the expense of something.”


Jonathan: “WOAH! What was that?”

“We decided to blow up some junk instead in case somebody sued us. Have fun cleaning it up.”

Diana: “Go eat dirt or something.”
Egret: “Okay!”

Apollo: “You disgusting, stupid woman! I’m gonna puke now thanks to you!”

Scarlett: “Shall we do it?”
Matthew: “I’m not sure…I’m not loose…”
Scarlett: “You don’t like me? I thought….*cries*”
Matthew: “Don’t cry! All right, I’ll do it.”

Scarlett: “I did say I was going to do something dirty. If I can win, I don’t mind.”


“Before you guys go and take your quiz, I decided to be generous and offer another exemption so that half of you will be safe. This is assuming that you guys can reach a consensus by the end of dinner. Who do you want to see receive it?”
Katrina: “Definitely not one of those 3 who already got it.”
Egret: “How about Scarlett?”
Matthew: “I’m actually thinking…”
Scarlett: “Come on Matthew. You already did it with me…”
Diana: “Say what?”
Matthew: “Nothing…okay, I think Scarlett’s a good idea.”

Diana: “I can’t believe Scarlett and Matthew actually woohooed! Why are all my coalitions breaking up and going against me? I need to do something quick. I’m definitely not going to let Scarlett get it.”

Diana: “No way! She’s not deserving of it!”
Katrina: “Then who do you feel is?”

“Dinner’s up. Have you guys reached a decision?”
Reginald: “Since we can’t decide who, why not we just give it to someone who already has it?”
Apollo: “Like me!”

Jonathan: “No can do! It’s like sharing love! Impossible! We don’t have a decision, I guess.”

“Well, your loss. Time to take the quiz.”

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