Last time on the
Smole, players went to hide while Kenneth, Emerald, Celeste and Brianna went
apple bobbing, hoping to win and find one of the hidden players. They brought
the pot up to 460/650 points. Then, at the execution, Samuel was executed, much
to his anger. The Mole is at work. Who is it?

Brianna: “I've never
cooked, but here goes nothing…”
Brad: “Don’t burn the
house down.”
Brianna: “I don’t see
you trying!”

Brad: “Hey lovely
Celeste. Wanna smooch my raspberry lips?”

Celeste: “Um, I’d go
grab my own cone.”

Celeste: “That Brad is
so annoying. He hardly does anything,
from missions to household chores, and he is terrible at flirting! But he’s
given me an idea. This house can’t do without romance.”

Brianna: “Yes! I did

Dickie: “Would you
like to form a coalition?”
Kenneth: “I can’t,
Mdm. Ingareese. I’ve already got one.”
Dickie: “Oh, that’s a
shame. Do inform me if you ever change your mind.”

Dickie: “I could
persuade Ezekiel to form a coalition with me privately, but not Kenneth. He’s
just too nice and friendly, and loyal. So suspicious.”

Luke: “What the…”

Luke: “Wow, you’re a
great smoocher! Kiss me again!”

Luke: “I haven’t felt
my heart beat ever since I started exercising or when I met my wife!”
Celeste: “You’re married?
Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m not a home-wrecker, I hope you understand!”
Luke: “It’s alright. I
just hope she doesn't think I’m cheating on her.”

This next mission
involves teamwork…pairwork. These 5 Sims have chosen a tile and you can see
their colours. The other 5 Sims must choose a spot to stand on the opposite
side. This will determine who they will help. Those that choose 2nd
will be navigating, while those 5 above will be purely following directions in
the maze.

They have chosen their

Blue: Brianna-Luke
Red: Ezekiel-Brad

“This is the maze 5 of
you will be entering. You guys will be given an earpiece each to communicate
with each other. There are 5 discs scattered throughout the maze. The
navigator’s job is to navigate your corresponding Sim to retrieve that disc,
then exit the maze. The first to do so will earn the pair an exemption. There
is also a hidden exemption offered to a pair, if you can find it. For every Sim
that retrieves the disc, 20 points are earned. Another 20 points will be for
those who make it out of the maze. Altogether, this is worth 400 points. Good
luck guys!”

These 5 are the ones
entering the maze, as shown above.
Celeste: “We can see
past these walls!”
“Yes, but even if you
spot those discs, you must be navigated there. You CANNOT move on your own
without directions. That will disqualify you and your navigator earns immediate

Ezekiel: “Brad, walk
straight and turn left.”
Brianna: “Luke, walk
to the end and go right.”
Dickie: “Sigh, why her
of all people…anyway, Emerald, head left.”
Emerald: “Why?”
Dickie: “Listen to me!
I am your superior and elder!”
Angelica: “Like
Kenneth, like, follow Luke and Emerald.”
Dickie: “Navigate the
maze yourself!”
Celeste: “What do I
do, Dillion?”

Dillion: “Run to the
Celeste: “Through the
Dillion: “Am I in
charge or are you? Do you want to be disqualified and give me the exemption?
Well, I don’t mind.”
Celeste: “No..”
Dillion: “Then ram through
the wall if I tell you to!”

Celeste: “Who does
that Dillion think he is? Just because he’s Matthew Hamming’s nephew and a
famous actor doesn’t mean he can get all cocky and overbearing. He’s a massive
saboteur, and he’s probably going to risk these points again. I can’t believe
I’m that unfortunate to be under him. It was like back in university when I had
this teacher…”

Ezekiel: “Walk down
the windy path.”
Dickie: “Walk
down..yeah. Walk down that path.”

Celeste: “Good thing I
didn’t walk right straight into the wall.”
Brianna: “Walk
straight and then turn left, then right, then left, then right…”

Dillion: “Just get all
the way to the corner of the maze.”
Celeste: “Where is
Dillion: “Just keep
moving forward.”

Angelica: “Like, enter
that dead end.”
Kenneth: “Okay, but
there’s nothing.”
Angelica: “Oh, like,
okay. Like, I can’t like see like anything with this like aerial view of this
like map.”

Celeste: “I found the
corner. Now what?”
Dillion: “Turn right,
Celeste: “Why can’t I
be in charge?”

Ezekiel: “Walk to the
Dickie: “Yes, stroll
right to the dead end.”

Ezekiel: “Was Chanelle
following me? I definitely think so. Even though we may be in a secret alliance
she doesn’t have to keep following me and making it that obvious to all. I
think she wants to sabotage. No way will the 2 discs be next to each other!”

Dickie: “Well, it may
seem so that I was tailing Ezekiel/Brad, but you ought not to fault me! The
miniscule smartphone hurt my poor ageing eyes. The twists and turns just gave
me a headache. I did not want to sacrifice the points or look as if I was
sabotaging, so I shadowed Brad.”

Brad: “I love doing
nothing on my part. I just have to follow directions from Ezekiel. He’s quite a
good leader, honestly speaking. You can trust him.”

Emerald: “Hey,
something white on the ground!”
Dickie: “Perfect! Go
enter that dead end.”

Emerald: “I am
Dickie: “Sure you

Emerald: “I have found
you, flying saucer!”
Dickie: “Now, time to
leave this maze.”

Ezekiel: “Brad,
Dillion: “Keep going,

Luke: “Nothing here.”

Kenneth: “Nope.
Nothing on the other side.”
Angelica: “Well, then,
like, go the other way.”

Brad: “Now what?”
Ezekiel: “Hang on…just
walk back and then turn right.”

Celeste: “Which way?”
Dillion: “Right! The
right way!”

Brad: “Still see
Ezekiel: “Be patient.
We’re getting closer.”

Brianna: “I wish I can
see clearly on this thing.”
“4 hours left!”
Brianna: “Gosh!
Luke…turn right.”

Emerald: “And then
Green Ranger found the evil disc, and picked it up…”
Dickie: “Stop doodling
in there and hurry up! Go back! We need to exit!”

Luke: “Ohai! Excuse
me, gotta run!”
Brad: “I think he
found the disc already. Now what?”
Ezekiel: “Keep walking

Celeste: “Nothing
Dillion: “Did I tell
you to stop?”
Celeste: “You didn’t give
me any direction next.”

Dickie: “Okay, let’s
Emerald: “Go left!”
Dickie: “Okay, fine.
But remember, I’m in charge.”

Luke: “Hey a green
disc! Can we take it?”
“It’s not against the
rules, but you will sacrifice points.”
Luke: “I think we
should do it.”
Brianna: “You can’t
act on your own, and I think it’s against morals to do that, so no. Leave it
there. I’ll tell Angelica to come here.”

Ezekiel: “Turn right,
Brianna: “Angelica,
tell Kenneth to turn left.”
Angelica: “Like, turn
Dillion: “Turn left.”

Brad: “Where am I
Ezekiel: “Relax. Just
keep going.”

Kenneth: “I’m at a
corner of the maze…I don’t think this is the exit.”
Brianna: “Tell him to
turn right.”
Angelica: “Like, thank
you Brianna. Kenneth, like, turn right.”
Kenneth: “Here?”
Angelica: “Like, duh.”

Kenneth: “There’s
nothing here.”
Angelica: “Like, yeah
there is! Look harder!”

Angelica: “There was
like, a smudge on the screen of like, the smartphone, so I like thought it was
like the disc we were like supposed to like, find.”

Brad: “Now what?”
Ezekiel: “I think it’s
pretty obvious you can only turn left.”

Luke: “Hey, there’s a
red disc here!”
Brianna: “No.”

“Keep walking…”
“Hey, is that a red disc?”
“No there isn’t!”
“Drop it!”
“How about no?”

Celeste: “Nothing
Dillion: “I don’t care
about that stupid disc anymore! Let’s just try to get out of here.”

Brianna: “You listen to
Luke: “Why should I
listen to a girl?”
Brianna: “How dare you
move without permission! You just disqualified yourself!”
Luke: “I bet you’re
happy about that.”

Dickie: “We lost
Ezekiel and Brad.”
Emerald: “Oh no! We
must go on a quest to find them!”
Dickie: “Priorities,

Celeste: “Woah! Don’t
bump into me!”
Luke: “Ugh. Whatever.”
“Luke, you have to go
home now.”

Brianna: “I don’t get
why Luke chose to defy orders! How chauvinistic of him to say that guys can’t
listen to girls! I may have won an exemption, but I’m not happy about losing
points like that.”

Luke: “She acts so
high and mighty, and noble! Please, what morals? Would it kill her to sabotage
a little? She’s pretending to be a goody-two-shoes. I’m on to her.”

Ezekiel: “Go forward
and get the disc.”
Brad: “There we go.
Now what?”
Ezekiel: “Run back and
follow Luke!”

Brad: “Damn I lost
Ezekiel: “Nevermind.
We’ll still make it out of here. We have less than 2 hours left. I’m sure we
can do it.”

Kenneth: “Okay, I’m here.”
Angelica: “Like, go
forward and turn right.”

Kenneth: “All right

Kenneth: “Hello Brad.
Have you seen a green disc?”
Brad: “I think you
just missed it.”
Angelica: “Like, don’t
believe him! He’s like trying to trick you! Listen to like, me! I like can see
like everything!”

Dillion: “Go forward.”
Celeste: “This is

Ezekiel: “Go to the

Kenneth: “Hey, I see
the disc!”
Angelica: “Oh, like,
okay. No wonder. My thumb was like blocking the view. Now, like, go forward and
turn left.”
Kenneth: “Why not
Angelica: “This is
like faster.”

Kenneth: “Hello
Celeste: “Hi.”
Dillion: “Less talking
more running! Turn left!”

Ezekiel: “Turn left.”
Brad: “It’s a dead
Ezekiel: “What? Oh,
great. Go back.”

Emerald: “A blue disc!
Another of those perpetrators!”
Dickie: “Hmm…pick it
up. Luke is disqualified anyway.”

Celeste: “A soccer
Dillion: “Like, leave
it! That’s not important.”
Celeste: “What if it’s
the hidden exemption?”
Dillion: “Unlikely!”

Kenneth: “Yes! I see

Angelica: “Good. Now,
like pick it up.”

Brad: “Yes! The exit!”

Ezekiel: “I’m free to
go too! We did it! We earned an exemption!”

Emerald: “I lost
Dickie: “Nevermind.
Keep walking forward.”

Angelica: “Like, turn left.”

Celeste: “Sigh. This
is getting nowhere. I feel like I’ve been going in circles.”

Dickie: “Turn right.”
Emerald: “I see the
Dickie: “Turn right
and then turn left.”

Emerald: “Yay! Out!”

Dickie: “Excellent. If
only we were quicker in our steps…”

Angelica: “I like want
to like give up.”
“20 minutes left!”

Kenneth: “I guess
we’re the only ones left, huh?”
Celeste: “Must be.”
Kenneth: “20 minutes
left. I think we’re done for.”

Dillion: “I will not
give up!”
Celeste: “But it’s hopeless!”

Kenneth: “If they
aren’t, neither shall we! Don’t quit, Angelica!”
Angelica: “Well, like alright. Turn right.”
Angelica: “Well, like alright. Turn right.”

Celeste: “Oh, this is

“Time’s up!”
Kenneth: “So close to the exit!”
Kenneth: “So close to the exit!”
Celeste: “So close to
getting that disc!”

Dillion: “At last!”
“Since 3 of you found
your discs and 2 of you made it out, 100/200 points are earned. Also, the
soccer ball was the hidden exemption, but to earn it Celeste needed to exit the
maze first, so no exemption. Now, take a break. It’s time for the quiz next.”
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