Brianna: “Oh hello Kenneth. Here for a swim too?”
Kenneth: “Yep. Say, why not we have a little contest?”
Brianna: “Sounds good to me!”
Brianna: “My breath isn't that good.”
Kenneth: “Ha, I win! Beat that!”
Brianna: “You've changed, Kenneth.”
Kenneth: “So does everyone. This game changes people. You've
changed to. Say, why not we form a coalition together?”
Brianna: “That’s pretty bold of you. You've never taken such
initiatives before.”
Kenneth: “The old Kenneth is gone.”
Brianna: “I heard you got into a fight with Ezekiel….”
Kenneth: “Don’t mention his name in front of my face,
Brianna: “Alright, chill. But next time don’t talk to me
using that tone, understand!”
Kenneth: “I guess it’s a done deal.”
Angelica: “Mm, delicious.”
“Angelica! That’s not allowed! You can’t leave the lot
premises without permission!”
Angelica: “Ahh! You like scared me! Great, now I like
dropped my ice cream.”
“We were going to punish you, but I guess that’s enough
permission. Now get back inside!”
Kenneth: “Much of my journal has been corrupted by Ezekiel
and his smooth talking. His lies. I think it’s time I gave him tit for tat.”
Kenneth: “Hey Ezekiel.”
Ezekiel: “I’m surprised you’d still talk to me. Finally
realized that I had nothing to do with it?”
Kenneth: “No. But that doesn’t mean we still can’t talk and
share our views on the Mole.”
Ezekiel: “Good to hear that! It’ just a game and this is
just strategy. I hope that outside, we still can be friends.”
Kenneth: “We’ll never be friends. After seeing you in action
here, I’m afraid to think what you’ll do outside.”
Ezekiel: “Kenneth thinks he’s smart, but I’m smarter. He
tried to trick me into choosing another Mole. Well, it was my plan, so I’m not
that stupid to fall for it. Nice try Kenneth, but try harder next time.”
Angelica: “Before we like take the quiz, I think we should
like all sit down and like voice out our opinions and like clear the air.”
Angelica: “Like, nice to see everyone here. Like, just speak
your mind.”
Angelica: “Why not we like start with like Ezekiel?”
Ezekiel: “I have nothing to share.”
Brad: “Well, I do. I heard about the hullabaloo about how
Ezekiel backstabbed his friends. I can’t believe it. I thought you were a cool
guy and respected you. To think you would dupe us like that! I've lost my
respect for you. You tried to indoctrinate us!”
Ezekiel: “Well you’re no good either! You just slack around
and do nothing, taking points away from us whenever possible! You slacker! You
floater! Maybe you’re the Mole and that’s why you’re still around!”
Angelica: “Guys, like, chill. I don’t want like this to turn
into like, a fight.”
Brianna: “Shut up, Angelica! You have the exemption and are
safe, so of course you don’t need to worry about anything! Don’t try to be all
goody. It will never work! Your excessive “like” is getting on my nerves! It’s unfair that you keep winning everything!”
Angelica: “It’s like not my fault!”
Brianna: “You think you’re so cool and hip! Please!”
Brianna: “I don’t care about you or this meeting. I just
want to win and get out of here.”
Kenneth: “Brianna?”
Kenneth: “Well, face it Angelica, you’re not well-liked
here. I can’t trust you or anyone else either. So now what?”
Angelica: “I guess meeting is adjourned. Time to take the
Angelica: “I tried to like, medi…meditate? No, wait, it’s
like…mediate. Yeah, that’s it. I wanted others to like clear the air because it
was like tense. I like, least expected Brad to like blow up because he’s like
always so chill. I should have like formed a coalition with him. I like failed
in my attempt.”
Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Has the Mole
cooked before?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: in Mission 8,
where was the Mole standing when the contestants reached the studios?
A: Nearest to the
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 2nd
E: Furthest from the
Q4: In Mission 8,
where was the Mole seated in Round 1?
A: Left nearest table
B: Right nearest
C: Left furthest
D: Right furthest
E: The Mole did not
play at first
Q5: In Mission 8, did
the Mole win Round 1 at all?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: In Mission 8,
what was the Mole’s bid for the umbrella?
A: 40
B: 90
C: 100
D: 270
E: The Mole did not
Q7: In Mission 8,
what was the Mole’s bid for the camera?
A: 1
B: 300
C: 519
D: 900
E: The Mole did not
Q8: In Mission 8, how
many points did the Mole earn for Round 2?
A: 24
B: 30
C: The Mole did not
reach Round 2
Q9: In Mission 8,
what was the Mole’s bid for Round 3?
A: 1340
B: 1300
C: The Mole did not
reach Round 3
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Brad Littler
C: Brianna McWinner
D: Ezekiel Zedee
E: Kenneth Crunch
“Brad Littler, please enter the room on the right.”
“Kenneth Crunch, please follow Brad.”
“Brianna McWinner, please enter the room on the left.”
Brianna: “I can win this. Believe in yourself, Brianna!”
“Ezekiel Zedee, please follow Brianna.”
Left-Green, right-blue.
Kenneth: “This isn't good.”
Brad: “Relax. Or can you, because you know you’ll be out?”
Kenneth: “Shut the **** up.”
“Kenneth Crunch, please enter the other room.”
Left-green, right-red.
“Sorry Brad, but you are the next to be executed. Please
pack your bags and leave.”
Brad: “It was a fun ride! I never took things seriously, so
I don’t feel hurt or loss, and I’m glad to have made others suspect that I was
the Mole! I had fun! And Top 5 is amazing! Good luck to the rest, and my advice
is to take a chill pill and let nature take its course.”
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