Welcome back! Last
time the contestants were paired up randomly and the finders had to trust the
navigators to locate their discs and get out of the maze in time. 100/200
points were earned, making the pot 560/850 points. Later on, a double execution
meant goodbye to both Emerald and Dillion. Who is next?

Celeste: “Oh no, I
burnt them.”
Dickie: “Failure is
the mother of success, dear.”

After breakfast, the 8
players break into 2 groups.

They will be playing a
mini version of battleship, with 4 1-tile ships. After each team places their
ships down, the other team must guess where they hid the battleships. For each
correct guess, 30 points are added. This will be worth 120 points.

Ezekiel: “Mdm.
Ingareese, shall we team up?”
Dickie: “Absolutely!”

Celeste: “Um…okay. Hey
girls, shall we form a team? I call it the Sorority!”
Angelica: “Like, sure.
Kenneth like, seems pretty lonely there though. Shall we like add him in?”

These are the teams.

On the left, Team
Brains, Brawn and Beauty. On the right, Team Sorority. Team BBB goes first.

Ezekiel: “I think we
should bomb that grid down there.”
Dickie: “Hmm…good

Celeste: “Haha! A
Kenneth: “That’s sad.”
Brianna: “Oh Kenneth,
stop being so cute! It’s all right if others lose!”
Angelica: “Our turn.
Like, I say we choose that one, like there.”

Dickie: “They bombed
Luke: “That’s okay!”
Ezekiel: “We have 4
more. How about you choose 1, Mdm. Ingareese?”
Dickie: “My pleasure.
At least someone here is gracious.”

Angelica: “I say we
like, go for like that one! Like, what do you like think, Kenneth?”
Kenneth: “I’m all
right with anything.”

Ezekiel: “Miss!”
Luke: “Lovely!”
Dickie: “If nobody
minds, I would like another turn.”

Celeste: “Ooh, you
missed again!”

Angelica: “Let’s like
see the situation now.”

Blue discs are for
Team BBB, pink are for Team Sorority. Green means correctly guessed, red means
wrongly guessed.
Brianna: “Let’s let
Kenneth have a go.”
Kenneth: “Well, I’m
fine, but if I must, I choose this one down there.”

Dickie: “I would go
for that one. What are your opinions on my decision?”
Ezekiel: “It’s fine.”

Celeste: “Luke, I want
to hear your opinion.”
Dickie: “You’re not
even on our team.”

Luke: “Well…okay, I
don’t like that one. I think that’s blank. I say we go for that one.”

Ezekiel: “Based on
what I observed, Celeste and Luke were making eyes at each other the whole
time. I think they are in a coalition. And Celeste is having the upper hand of
it, if she’s able to influence Luke to change his mind. And Luke was all manly
yesterday. He’s become a kitten now!”

Angelica: “I would
like choose that one.”

Dickie: “Brad, you
will not be a bum and skive! Select a square for us!”
Brad: “Okay…that one!”

Angelica: “Yes! We
like win!”

Ezekiel: “Oh dear, we

Team Sorority has
bombed all 4! 120 points are added, making the pot 680/970 points.

Here is where Team
Sorority placed their ships.

Ezekiel: “Kenneth,
come with me.”

Brianna: “I wonder
what’s going on?”
Celeste: “They’re
friends and coalition buddies. It’s pretty obvious.”
Brianna: “I hope
Kenneth won’t get eaten up by Ezekiel. I find him rather hypocritical and a

Kenneth: “What is it?”

Ezekiel: “I trust you
Kenneth. You trust me right?”
Kenneth: “Well, yes,
of course.”
Ezekiel: “Then shall
we share our notes? What we wrote in our journals?”

Kenneth: “Well…”
Ezekiel: “I thought
you said you trusted me.”
Kenneth: “I do, but…is
it allowed?”

Ezekiel: “Relax. It’s
not like I’m not sharing mine.”
Kenneth: “Okay then.”

Ezekiel: “Excellent.
Now I’m also wondering who you think the Mole is.”
Kenneth: “Me? I have
no suspects.”
Ezekiel: “No suspects?
That’s impossible. Come clean with me, Kenneth. Do you want to keep this
Kenneth: “Of course!
But, I have no idea who! My best guess is...Chanelle Ingareese?”
Ezekiel: “Okay. See?
That wasn't so hard. I think it’s…Shh, someone’s coming.”

Brad: “Oh, was I
interrupting you guys? Sorry.”

Dickie: “I find that
Brad a tad suspicious.”
Celeste: “I’m actually
gunning for Brianna.”
Dickie: “Brianna?
Well, I’m not particularly fond of her, but I don’t detest her either. What
makes you think she’s the Mole?”
Celeste: “She’s just
suspicious, that’s all. But she could be the Mole. She just seems like someone
who wouldn't win this, no offence. She
doesn't trust Ezekiel, strangely.”
Dickie: “Hmm…peculiar.
What a charming man. Perhaps she has high standards?”

Brad: “Don’t mind me.
I just want to use the computer.”

Celeste: “Chanelle
could be right. Perhaps Brad is the Mole. He does the least work around here.
He’s plain lazy. More suspicious than Brianna….I’ll split my answers in case.”

Angelica: “Like time
to record like the events in like my journal like now.”
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