Because my computer ran into a problem halfway through this season, the first half of the pictures are lost this season. I will leave placeholder images there.
are back with another season of the Smole! This season, 15 more players will
have a go at earning money. These 15 players will participate in various
challenges , or missions, in which they can earn points for “the pot”, which
will determine the money they earn. The winner will get whatever’s in the pot.
one of these players is the Mole, out to deceive and sabotage, preventing
points from being added to the pot while keeping a low cover. Why? Because
whatever that doesn’t go in the pot will go to them! After each mission, the
players must take a quiz, consisting of 10 questions about the Mole. The one
who scores the lowest will be executed and leave. This continues until only 3
players are left, including the Mole. The player who scores the highest on the
final quiz wins the game.
let’s see the players!

we have Celeste Bumpo, 23, university graduate.

we have Kenneth Crunch, 28, scout.

we have Dillion Hamming, 32, actor.

we have Emerald Harvest, 27, “power ranger”.

that we have Frederic Hinton, 35, businessman.

up, we have Belinda Hunny, 38, part-time teacher.

we have Dickie “Chanelle” Ingareese, 71, Simlish teacher.

we have Mack L’Allelle, 35, unemployed.

ninth player is Zoe Lin, 34, model.

there! Next is Brad Littler, 23, unemployed.

that, we have Samuel Lyde, 29, lawyer.

McWinner, 32, part-time bookstore clerk.

we have Angelica Gerria, 26, unemployed.

also have Luke Sands, 42, professional athlete.

but not least, we have Ezekiel Zedee, 29, nurse.

Zoe: “Pfft. What kind of a house is this?
It looks so slipshod! Are the producers that short for money?”
(Well, we’re not, but it’s cheaper and
easier to buy a plot of land and build on it than rent a pre-existing house and
evict any members. Plus, we are now under Enigma Alert, a big company, so we’re
being pushed by them to hurry this out.)
Dickie: “Stop your whining. When I was your
age, living in this kind of house was considered a luxury!”
Zoe: “Times have changed, missus.”
Luke: “Hey, aren’t you Zoe Lin, that
Zoe: “At least someone knows me.”

Belinda: “I can’t wait for this to be over.
This house still smells of wood!”

Angelica: “Ugh, this TV is like, too small!
I like have to like, squint to be able to see like, anything!”

Dickie: “These other contestants, they
don’t count their blessings! They’re too pampered if you ask me. Back in my
era, there were absolutely zilch televisions like that. Whoever was iving under
a humungous roof like this was considered fortunate; it didn’t matter if the
whole mansion reeked of wood or manure! Right, where was I? Oh, right. I came
here to introduce myself, not berate their ignorance. My name is Dickie
Inagreese. I do not like my name, but I respect my parents (unlike many
youngsters these days), so I added a nickname, Chanelle. I prefer being
referred to as that. So much more sophisticated and dignified. I’m 71, and a
Simlish teacher. You might wonder why I haven’t retired yet. Well, because
society requires my assistance. Nowadays, nobody speaks proper Simlish! Take
that Angelica Gerria for instance. I understand that she’s not a native
speaker, but that is no excuse to include excessive “likes” in one sentence! That’s
semantic satiation! It carries no meaning! Hey, where are you going? I’m not
done! You are one rude cameraman!”

Angelica: “My name is like, Angelica
Gerria. I’m like 26, and I like come from like, the best country ever, Brazil.
My friends like, like to call me like, “The Like Girl”, for like obvious
reasons. I like prefer calling myself something like “The Lavender Lady”,
because like, I like love lavender.”

Angelica: “Like, pat yourself on the back,
Angelica. That was like, the best speech ever.”

Emerald: “I’m a power ranger. Don’t believe
me? Look at my suit. I’m Green Ranger! I save the world from evil monsters like
the Mole! I will find him or her out and defeat him/her!”

Our mascot comes along. It’s a she by the
way, and she seems to have bionic eyes and a crush on Ezekiel.

Zoe: “I love art. At least they provided an
easel for me to work with.”

Mack: “What is this? So ugly!”

Frederic: “I have no obligation to
introduce myself. Viewers will know who I am as this progresses. All I want to
say is that that Mack guy is such a sissy! She…he thinks he’s a girl! Please,
send him to a mental asylum, along with that strange Emerald Harvest. I
wouldn’t want to participate in a game with them.”

Belinda: “Oh, I didn’t see you there.”
Dickie: “Where are your manners? Don’t you
know how to apologise?”
Belinda: “Well…I’m sorry, miss.”
Dickie: “Firstly, it’s Mdm. Chanelle
Ingareese. Secondly, that was so insincere! Thirdly, stop scratching your

Luke: “Grr! I will conquer thee, evil
chin-up bar! I will defeat my worst enemy and my rivals!”

Kenneth: “This pool is so oddly coloured,
and it smells like wood the deeper I go.”

Dickie: “I wonder what the hype about
computers is. It spoils your eyes.”

Brianna: “Cool! Pool!”
It’s now 6pm, and after socialising with
one another (or not), it’s time to embark on the first mission: to streak.
Nothing much, just flailing your arms wildly in the house with everyone else.
Oh, and it’s worth 150 points. 10 for every Sim who streaks.

Angelica: “This is like, so easy!”

Mack: “Aah! I hope nobody sees my womanly
parts! This is so embarrassing!”

Luke: “It’s just going naked. Happens in
the locker rooms all the time.”

Belinda: “I seriously can’t believe how I
managed to convince myself to do this! What will the students think?”

Celeste: “Come on Kenneth! This is fun!
It’s a great way to de-stress in University!”
Kenneth: “…No thanks.”

Kenneth: “I just think it’s awkward for
everyone to be running around naked. It’s so primitive. And embarrassing. I
wouldn’t want to be looking in the wrong direction, which is everywhere, or
have others looking at me. I prefer wearing something.”

Samuel: “If they ever use this against me,
I will sue them to the very end!”
Mack: “Me too! Ack! You saw me! I feel so embarrassed
Samuel: “Stop being a girl!”
Mack: “I am!”
Samuel: “No you’re not! You have that down
Mack: “Aah! You pervert!”

Brianna: “Oh no! I was planning on
streaking until I ran past this wall! Now I’m floating! I hope I don’t die! Why
is this house so flimsily built?”

Dickie: “It’s nice to see that you’re not
flashing your birthday suit like the other imbeciles. I rather sacrifice these
small points than sacrifice my modesty.”
Kenneth: “So would I.”
Dickie: “But you’re such a hypocrite. I
mean, even though you didn’t strip down fully, you’re still walking around
half-naked. That’s grotesque! Even if you do have a nice build.”

Brianna: “Good thing I didn’t fall and
injure myself…badly. I just hope the others don’t blame me for losing the
“Since 3 of them did not do it, 120/150
points are added to the pot. It’s quiz time now. Put your clothes back on.”

“Hey, it’s time for the quiz. What are you still doing here?”
“Grabbing a snack, like you’re planning on doing.”
“Why are you half-naked?”
“I couldn’t find my shirt. Not a big deal. It’ll be the one still lying on the
“This is extremely horrifying! Who left their clothes on the floor?”
“Found it.”
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