Quiz time!

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Has the mole entered the diary room as of
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: In Mission 3, what van did the Mole ride
A: Black
B: Brown
Q4: In Mission 3, which seat was the Mole
seated in in the van? (Row)
A: Front row
B: Back row
Q5: In Mission 3, which seat was the Mole
seated in in the van? (Column)
A: Driver’s column
B: Passenger’s column
Q6: In Mission 3, what role did the Mole play?
A: Guesser
B: Hider
C: The Mole had no role
Q7: In Mission 3, which room was the Mole
hiding in?
A: Left room
B: Middle room
C: Right room
D: The Mole was the guesser
E: The Mole had no role
Q8: In Mission 3, was the Mole guessed
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was the guesser
D: The Mole was not supposed to be guessed
Q9: In Mission 3, which question asked was
relevant to the Mole?
A: Blonde hair
B: Short hair
C: Male or female
D: More than 1

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Audrey Adler
B: Diana Blanche
C: Matthew Hamming
D: Harry Johns
E: Alexander McWee
F: Scarlett Phine
G: Guy Forrest
H: Apollo Bloom

think the Mole is finally starting to sabotage. You guys only have 181/302
points. There are no exemptions this week, so have fun trembling in fear!
Firstly, Scarlett Phine.”

Scarlett: “Boy, this
is kind of scary.”

Scarlett: “Of course I
would be safe.”

“Audrey Adler.”
Audrey: “I don’t dare
to look…”
“You have to step
closer. The sensor doesn't go that far.”

Audrey: “Yay?”
“I’m sorry Audrey, you
have been eliminated. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Alexander: “I can’t
believe Audrey actually left!”
Apollo: “All the
Season 3 contestants are leaving one by one!”
Alexander: “I won’t be
next, don’t worry.”

Audrey: “I was
half-expecting it. I didn't do the quiz in the best state, so maybe I slipped
up here and there? Oh well, at least I no longer have to see that jerk
Now 7 remain. Will any
more new contestants arrive?
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