Last time on the Smole, the final 4 contestants went to
swing for as long as they wanted. Tay gave his exemption to Dolly, securing her
a place in the finale. They earned 100 points, thus bringing the pot to 270/500
points. However, Aloysius could not secure his place and was last to be
executed. Who will win? Who is the Mole?
Nancy: “Have I told you how annoying you are? It’s so dirty!
Aah! Well, suck it up. We’re trapped here until the finale.”
Aya: “Which is today. I can’t wait to get out and be the
fine woman I am.”
Susie: “You guys are really loud.”
Taylor: “Oh, a romance film! How romantic!”
Tay: “This show reminds me of our love, so refreshing, like
the pool.”

Dolly: “Attention all!”
“No, attention to me! Your last mission is to go to the art
gallery and find 8 photos of the current and previous contestants. You will
find that they have aged and look colourful. Your job is to find out who each
Sim is. For every 2 Sims guessed correctly, 125 points are added, making this
worth 500 points. This is the most high-stake mission yet. Good luck.”
Dolly: “I will win!”
Tay: “We’ll see.”
Taylor: “We have 3 hours. I’m thinking we should split up.”
Tay: “Rather not. Don’t let the Mole have any opportunity to
strike. We need to see for ourselves.”
Taylor: “My, she’s as red as fire!”
Taylor: “Hey, there are TVs outside!”
Dolly: “We should watch all of them.”
Tay: “They are awfully green.”
Taylor: “Hmm…who is she?”
Dolly: “You would think they would get a promotion, but boy,
she’s old!”
Taylor: “Hmm…”

Taylor: “I’m going to the toilet for a while. Don’t wait for
Tay: “I have a feeling Taylor is trying to sabotage. Of
course, being my girlfriend, I should trust her, but perhaps she’s just trying
to earn more money. Not that it matters if I win and she’s the Mole, or vice
versa. Not saying that I’m the Mole. But boy did she take a long time in the
Tay: “Dolly! Take a look at this!”

Tay: “Dolly?”
Dolly: “Hmm…I still don’t see anything.”

Tay: “This TV doesn't even work!”
Dolly: “Aah! A ghost!”

Tay: “There are many TVs Dolly. You have to pick the right
Dolly: “Oh, it’s just you.”
Tay: “Blame yourself for running away. Don’t sabotage!”
Taylor: “Hey, I never noticed a TV here. My, what a myriad
of Berry Sims! I know who she is!”
Tay: “History of weddings?”
Dolly: “Yuck!”
Dolly: “There you are. I’m going to the toilet now.”
Tay: “Oh! On the TV! I see it now!”

Taylor: “Oh Tay..”
Tay: “Oh Taylor…”
“Less than an hour left!”
Tay: “Oh, we better hurry. There’s still some pictures left.”
Taylor: “There we go!”
Dolly: “I can’t see anything.”
Tay: “Don’t stand behind me then.”
Dolly: “But I love this spot!”
Tay: “Alright, I’ll move.”

Dolly: “Now I see it! A pale, old man!”
Tay: “Okay, I need to pee too. Wait for me.”
Dolly: “Ooh, you have a lot in your journal.”
Taylor: “Hey! No peeping!”

Tay: “Okay I’m back. Let’s get started now.”

Tay: “The first Sim we saw.”
Dolly: “The really red one!”
Taylor: “Yes. You know, I think she bears resemblance to

Tay: “Yes, you are right. It does look like her!”
Dolly: “Really?”
Taylor: “Yup! Now, I saw a yellow one downstairs that looks
like me.”

Tay: “There’s no time to look at it now. We have to trust
you on this.”

Taylor: “Of course! How about the blue one?”
Tay: “Her? I think it could be Nancy.”
Dolly: “Really? Well, okay then.”
Tay: “I really suspect the purple one is Susie.”
Dolly: “She doesn't look that bad! It may be Nancy!”
Taylor: “Didn't we just establish Nancy? If it’s not her, it
must be Susie!”
Tay: “Now what about the green one?”
Dolly: “Which green one?”
Tay: “Oh the lighter one. I suspect that that is Aya.”

Taylor: “The grey one is really hunky. Perhaps it’s you?”
Tay: “Nonsense! I would never sport an afro.”
Dolly: “I’m not red either.”
Tay: “Okay, but I don’t think that’s me. I think the old
green one looks like me more. The head shape.”

Dolly: “So does that white one, doesn't it, Taylor?”
Taylor: “True, but upon closer inspection I think Tay’s head
is rounder. Phillip’s head is quite long too, so I think the white one is him.”
Tay: “We’re running out of time. The black one….we haven’t
mentioned Aloysius yet, so it’s probably him.”
“And let’s reveal the answers!”

Dolly Skella

Taylor Bleu

Tay Swift

Nancy Harvard

Susie Sun

Phillip Morgan

Aya Ulu

Aloysius Seetoh
That’s 6/8 correct, so that’s 375/500 points earned! The pot
now stands at 645/1000 points! Now go home, relax and get ready for the quiz.”
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