Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to try and behind the final door Stanley picked to get an exemption. That did not happen and the door Stanley chose had 3/170 points in it, adding to the pot to make it 93/500 points. Jennifer felt the pain of execution for leaving halfway during the quiz for a toilet break. Will the group make up for the lost points in the next mission or will the Mole prevail once more?
Chase: "I shouldn't have borrowed this toilet. Now it's a mess."
Chase: "What the fuck is wrong with me?"
Chase: "Grr!"
Chase: "My mind is so fucking messy."
Contestants will be running on this particularly windy day for the next mission. Contestants must outrun a gatekeeper's predictions to earn an exemption. Whoever clocks more mileage than the gatekeeper will also earn points. This is worth 70 points.
Claves: "I was told that I had been randomly selected to be the gatekeeper. I had to predict how far each contestant will run. I wasn't informed of what it was for so I gave an honest prediction for each contestant."
"On your marks, get set, go!"
Chase: "Get outta my way."
Pamela: "I have to try my best."
Kelly: "Excuse me."
Hans: "Shh. Don't distract me. One, two, one, two..."
Chase: "It felt weirdly good to run in the desert. I could clear my head. I used all my pent up energy to run as fast as I could and set targets for myself to catch up to whoever was in front of me. The only downside was the sand that I kept breathing in. The wind was strong that day."
Chase: " up..."
Zane: "They don't seem to understand that it's about endurance, not speed."
Pamela: "Hoo!"
Jane: "Don't stop so suddenly!"
Pamela: "I'm pooped..."
Pamela: "Hff..."
Pamela: "I'm a mangled dog..."
Pamela: " best..."
Zane: "It looks like Pamela is out."
Claves: "Predictable."
Stanley: "I' lead..."
Hans: "I need to speed up."
Stanley: "Can't...go...on..."
Stanley: "Sigh..."
Jane: "Excuse me..."
Jane: "Are you okay?"
Jane: "I can't just leave him like that..."
Stanley: "It's so hot."
Jane: "Are you hyperventilating?"
Jane: "Deep breaths. Take it easy."
Hans: "Excuse me."
Hans: "Finally"
Zane: "You're wasting your energy..."
Claves: "Ow! Sand got into my eye."
Kelly: "Keep up the pacing..."
Zane: "Come on, don't stop!"
Hans: "How is he still going?"
Hans: "I'm not as I used to be..."
Hans: "Ow I'm getting stitches."
Hans: "Why did I stop?"
Kelly: "Keep focus..."
Zane: "Woah..."
Zane: "This is beautiful..."
Zane: "The final stretch."
Zane: "I made it!"
Zane: "I can't even see clearly any more."
Zane: "My sweat got mixed with the sand and entered my eyes."
Zane: "I'm sweating like mad."
Zane: "But the view is worth it."
Kelly: "Don't stop now..."
Kelly: "I'm hardly moving..."
Kelly: "A waterfall...keep going..."
Kelly: "That's the furthest I can push myself..."
Kelly: "My run was slowly becoming a walk anyway..."
Pamela: "Woo! Great job guys!"
"Welcome back. I hope that was an invigorating morning workout."
"Claves was the gatekeeper. Claves, please do the honours."
Claves: "Pamela, I predicted you would hit 1km max. You surprised me and went 1.4km."
Pamela: "Woo!"
Claves: "Stanley, I predicted you would run 7km. But you only made it to 6.1km."
Stanley: "You overestimated me."
Claves: "Chase, I thought you would make all 10 kilometres, but you only made it to 5.9km."
Chase: "That's ridiculous."
Claves: "Jane, I thought you would reach 6km, but you only ran 5.9km too."
Jane: "It was worth it."
Claves: "Hans, I thought you would run 7.5km. And you did. You reached 7.6km."
Hans: "Exemption for me then."
Claves: "Kelly, I thought you would reach 4.9km. Instead you made it to 8.3km."
Kelly: "You underestimated me."
Claves: "Last but not least, our hero Zane, who hit 10km on the dot. I knew you had it in you to reach 10km."
Zane: "Glad I didn't disappoint."
"That means that Pamela, Hans and Kelly all earn an exemption. Kelly, you get to nominate two contestants for clocking the most distance. Hans, Pamela, you each nominate one for execution. Claves ran 4.8km, so that means 6/7 of you surpassed her and thus 60/70 points have been earned."
Things are looking better now that the pot has 153/570 points. Who will be up for execution? And who will be executed?
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