Saturday, 24 November 2018

41.13-Over and over and over again

In the previous episode, contestants were given a chance to bet 124 points at the Lucky Simoleons Casino in exchange for various prizes, most notably letters from home or the Mole. Pamela and Hans chose to go for the Mole's letters while Claves wanted a letter from home. The rest chose not to stay in for the night. All three got what they wanted and more at the expense of 31 points. The pot now has 306/800 points but will it follow a downward trend? Who will Pamela nominate?

DAY 13

Hans: "Last night wasn't too shabby. I managed to recoup any losses. I also obtained a letter from the Mole, a chance to record a clip to my loved ones and activated a twist too. They will be coming in the mail today or so. Anyway, for the audio clip, this is what I want to say.

Dear Samantha, long time no see. I'm on the Smole now. How are you? It's been great fun in Lucky Palms and I was lucky enough to win the chance to leave a message. I thought long and hard about who I wanted to talk to and I ended up back at you. You were my last love and my lasting love. You taught me so much. You showed me how to be a better man. I'm sorry again for making you put up with all the shit back when we were together. It was only when I was on the brink of losing you that I snapped to my senses. I changed for the better and you saw it too. Yet it was too late. The damage had been too deep. I understand why you left me. Some things cannot be undone. If I had a second chance at life, I would want to meet you and fall in love with you over and over and over again. I don't expect you to want me back but know that your teachings will always follow me wherever I go. Samantha, you are my savior, my guardian angel. I hope you haven't moved, or else this recording will never be delivered to you. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Love, Hans."

Claves: "Yesterday was a big win for me. Not only did I get the letter, I also earned various things like 3 corrections and a clue."

Pamela: "I finally learned how to play blackjack. Hans and Claves have such good poker faces and are good at faking emotions to convey the opposite of what they feel, especially Claves. I eventually got my letter at the cost of 16 points. That's not too bad. I earned some spa vouchers that I can use in Lucky Palms too when I have the time. I'm just more curious about the twist I activated with Hans..."

Zane: "Morning. How was last night?"
Hans: "Good."

Zane: "Do you think you'll be getting the same letter Pam got?"
Hans: "Maybe. I don't think the Mole will write two different letters."


Kelly: "Pamela still has the exemption. I know that she won't put Zane up for nomination so there's no point talking to her. I just have to study harder."

Claves: "Pamela, I want to talk to you about who you're nominating."
Pamela: "My mind has already been made up. I'm sorry."

Claves: "Still, you'd want to hear this. I have an offer for you in exchange for granting me safety this time."

Pamela: "Please don't put me in a spot. There's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise."

Claves: "I'll share my clue with you. Interested now?"

Pamela: "Don't make me betray Zane. Please."
Claves: "I'll throw in one of my corrections too."

Pamela: "One isn't enough. At minimum you must give me two. I know this will leave you with just one correction."

Pamela: "However, I must consider Zane. If you want to make me nominate him, I have to at least give him something to make it up to him."

Claves: "Deal. You get two corrections in exchange for nominating Zane instead of me."

Pamela: "Hold on. I haven't agreed yet. Can I give you an answer later? I would like to discuss things with Zane first."
Claves: "If Zane gets wind of this, this deal is off."

Claves: "Pamela, you're smart enough to weigh the options. Is a better shot at winning really worth less than a relationship that isn't even fully built on trust? You don't have to answer me now because I'll know what the answer is by the time the execution ceremony rolls around."

Hans: "What's that wheezing sound?"

Hans: "Oh. Still struggling?"

Hans: "Why don't you consider using music as a coping mechanism instead? Since you're a musician."
Chase: "I already do."
Hans: "I mean that whenever you feel the urge or the withdrawal, play your guitar or sing a song. Not just when you feel down."

Chase: "That's actually a genius idea. I don't know why I didn't think about it before."

Chase: "In fact, I'll do it right now."


Hans: "I've got mail."

Pamela: "I'm excited and curious...hmm, something's not quite right. I'm missing something."

Claves: "This dossier writes 'All the Moles to date'. This has to be the clue. But where is my letter?"

Claves: "I hope it is from my brother.

Dearest Renata,

We must thank you once again for your intel. You have proven to us time and time again that you are a formidable woman. I trust your dear brother knows nothing of our agreement, or his photo would never have ended up on the news as part of the wanted list. Trust is a funny thing, wouldn't you agree? We always seem to misplace this fragile thing. Your brother has fled but we have managed to capture some other members of the PRF. They will fall like their past comrades have. There is nothing a little torture will not be able to reveal. 

The PRF is a selfish orgainisation blinded my baser motives. Have you ever seen any of them go back for their captured allies? Once they have been taken down, they become foes, not comrades. You made a wise decision in switching to the stronger side, the winning side. 

We look forward to working with you once again. Together, we can quash those who even think of disrupting the balance of society. I trust you have figured out where you truly stand, and that your loyalty will never waver. Because you can run, but you can't hide. Polska jest silna z przywództwem Witosa.

Glory to Witos"

Claves: "This is not the letter I wanted. Where is my real letter? It must have been intercepted."

Pamela: "Hans! There's something urgent I must ask you."

Hans: "What is it? You sound flustered."

Pamela: "What did you receive in the mail?"

Pamela: "Specifically, did you receive the Mole's letter?"
Hans: "Actually, no I didn't."

Pamela: "Oh no. What if somebody stole them?"
Hans: "Calm down. Maybe it just hadn't arrived yet or the Mole is still penning them."
Pamela: "I'll ask Claves."

Pamela: "Claves! Are you still out here?"

Claves: "Over here."

Pamela: "Claves, did you receive a letter in the mail?"

Claves: "A letter? No I did not. I only had my corrections."

Pamela: "This isn't good. Neither Hans nor I received ours either."
Claves: "I knew it. The letter had to have been intercepted."
Pamela: "Right? But Hans isn't worried. He thinks they just haven't arrived yet."
Claves: "That's probably the most probable explanation. They're releasing the prizes to us slowly."

Pamela: "If both you and Hans think that way, then I suppose I shouldn't worry too much."
Claves: "Give it a few days."


It is time for the quiz. Hans and Pamela have effected a new twist that was inspired by Season 19's twist. There will now be 5 additional questions pertaining to the last executed contestant before the quiz. As such, executions will now be determined 50% by speed and 50% by accuracy of answer. The overall lowest will be executed.

Q1: What is the Mole's gender?
Q2: Does the Mole wear makeup?
Q3: What is the Mole's horoscope?
Q4: In Mission 6, name one resident that the Mole spoke to at the park.
Q5: In Mission 6, how many Simoleons did the Mole get at the park?
Q6: In Mission 6, how many points did the Mole get at the park?
Q7: Did the Mole choose to visit Lucky Simoleons Casino in Mission 6?
Q8: How many rounds of blackjack did the Mole play in Mission 6?
Q9: List all the prizes the Mole won at the casino in Mission 6.
Q10: Who is the Mole?
Q11: Who did Stanley Mann form a coalition with?
Q12: On which day did Stanley Mann form a coalition?
Q13: What are the three pictures Stanley Mann chose in Mission 5?
Q14: Who did Stanley Mann sit beside in his last execution ceremony?
Q15: Who did Stanley Mann put as the Mole in his last quiz?

Claves: Kelly earned so many Simoleons begging. At one point in time she successfully extorted 2000 at one go. I find it fishy that she then did not get the most points.

Chase: Why is there a stupid new twist halfway into the season? It must be by the Mole to confuse us. I keep flopping between Pamela and Kelly, but the past two days made me suspect Pamela more.

Hans: Chase hasn't done too much to be suspicious. On the other hand, Pamela chose to go to the casino which surprised me. She also conveniently lost the most out of the three despite betting the least each time.

Pamela: I am now looking at Claves and Hans. Hans because of Zane and the fact that he didn't seem worried at all about the missing letter; Claves because of her antics in trying to make me nominate Zane, and because she earned no points begging and yet still bet fluctuating amounts at the casino.

Zane: It's got to be Hans. He went to the casino to get the Mole's letter to lessen his suspicion. Because of that he didn't have time to write the letter, causing it to be delayed. He also only earned 5 points while begging.

Kelly: I suppose I must thank Stan for being executed because I will be able to get all 5 bonus questions. I'm still unsure of who it is but I feel it's not Zane any more.


"It's a rainy day today. It sets the perfect ambiance for this execution ceremony."

"Pamela, you currently hold the exemption. Will you be giving it away?"
Pamela: "I thought long and hard about this but in the end I decided it was best if I kept it."
"Who are your nominees?"

Pamela: "Kelly,"
Kelly: "I expected it."

Pamela: "Chase,"
Chase: "At this point I don't care any more. All you guys keep calling my name like it's the best fucking thing you've heard in the world."

Pamela: "Hans,"
Hans: "Darn it. I was low-key hoping you'd keep me safe."

Pamela: "And Claves."
Claves: "I see you've made your choice."

Pamela: "I'm keeping my coalition partner Zane safe once again."
Zane: "Thank you."

"It is time to begin. Kelly Hoggart."
Kelly: "I don't think I was very fast today."

Kelly: "Fortunately the 5 extra questions were there."

"Hans Dixon."

Hans: "I'm safe! I thought I was a goner when I got stuck at one question."

"Clavés Vann, Chase Bennington, one of you will be the last of the final five while the other leaves the house as sixth."

"Clavés Vann."
Claves: "I didn't use my corrections. I hope it was worth it."

Claves: "I made it."
Chase: "Good for you."

Chase: "Fuck, this means I'm out."
"Chase Bennington."
Claves: "Fret not. There may be another twist in store."

"Chase Bennington, unfortunately you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Chase: "I knew it. I don't know how I even made it to the final six."
Claves: "I felt a special kind of connection with you. It is a shame that you didn't make it further."
Hans: "I really hope that you will get better after this. Your mental health is in a wreck right now."

Chase: "I've been struggling for the past two weeks. It's been torture to cycle through each day. I was just floundering around not having a fucking clue what I was doing. I'm glad it's finally over."

Kelly: "Good riddance. He was so bogan. He didn't even bother washing his clothes. It's such a pity that a celebrity like him has become like this."
Claves: "He's going through a lot."

Kelly: "A lot of arseshit. That surly man just doesn't have his life together. He's not even a child star. Maybe the fame got to him. He even got so drunk he tried to kill himself."
Pamela: "Hey, he's already gone. Stop kicking a dead horse."

Claves: "You don't know his life. He grew up in a rough neighbourhood and had no proper role models to guide him. He got addicted to drinking and drugs but for his family he quit. That's why he always has that paper bag. He's surrounded by negative influences all over. He told me he's suffering from depression and all the demons are trying to drown him. His role models turned out to be horrible mentors and his closest friends have all taken their own lives.He's trying the hardest out of all of us to live a proper life for his family."

Kelly: "Really? I didn't know that."

Kelly: "Now I feel bad. I didn't realise what he was going through. Sorry."
Pamela: "I don't think it's any of us you should be apologising to."


Pamela: "Hearing Chase's story has made me appreciate him even more. He's so admirable, like you."
Hans: "Me?"
Pamela: "Don't be modest. I think it's sexy that you changed for someone you love."

Hans: "Samantha holds a special place in my heart no one can replace."
Pamela: "Don't you think it's time to move on?"
Hans: "I'm sorry. You're a great woman but I'm too old for you."

Pamela: "Age doesn't matter."
Hans: "We're just not compatible."

Pamela: "We won't know until we try to get to know each other better. Time isn't on our side. Besides, I'm not asking to go steady or anything. I'm just asking to give us a chance. At least get to know each other more and see if things work out."

Hans: "I'm just not looking for a relationship right now. I've got to go."

The last celebrity walks out the front door alone on a rainy day. He may not have known who the Mole was but do you?

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