Tuesday, 20 November 2018

41.12-The game is played

Last time on the Smole, the contestants had to beg on the streets for Simoleons, not realising that some of those Simoleons were actually points. In terms of Simoleons, Kelly earned the most: 3122 Simoleons. However, Kelly earned only 2 points. The only one to do worse than her was Claves with no points despite all her effort. Hans came in with 5 points while Zane brought 21 points to the table. Chase managed to get 38 points and Pamela clinched the exemption with her 58 points. 337/800 points have been earned as a result. The big boost in the pot boosted the morale in the house but deep down they know that one of them will be executed next. Which one?

DAY 12

Zane: "Lucky you. You get another exemption."
Pamela: "I'm surprised myself. I didn't get a lot of money unlike Kelly."
Zane: "At least we get to keep the actual Simoleons."

Pamela: "I can give you my exemption."
Zane: "I couldn't possibly..."
Pamela: "Just don't nominate me."

Zane: "You should keep it. There's no difference if you take it or I take it if we're both going to be safe, right? Unless you're planning on thowing me under the bus."
Pamela: "Never! I promise that you'll be safe."


"Contestants, it's time to put on something fancy because tonight, we'll be visiting the Lucky Simoleons Casino. Alternatively, you could stay at home. However, if you choose to go to the casino, you may gamble some or all of the 124 points you earned on letters. You can choose either to go for letters from home or letters from the Mole. Interested contestants are to meet by the road at 8pm sharp."

Hans: "I knew the handwriting would come into use! As long as it's not type-written I will be able to get an advantage. I'm definitely going. I just have to decide what to wear."


Pamela: "Think of the scandal if I went."

Zane: "I don't think both of us should go."
Pamela: "If that's the case, then maybe we should go for the letters from the Mole, whichever one of us goes. But who?"


Claves: "Judging by the outfits I can deduce who is going and who is staying home."
Chase: "I'm definitely not going. I promised to stay off drugs and alcohol. I don't want to add another addiction to stay off of."
Hans: "It's about time. Whoever is going, we better head out now."

Zane: "Kelly, you're staying?"
Kelly: "I don't approve of gambling."

Pamela: "Wait for me!"

Hans: "I'm surprised. I didn't think you would be going."
Pamela: "I know my reputation as a teacher is on the line, and I don't endorse gambling, but I want a night out to explore the town and meet new people. I can't let my career stifle who I am or what I want to do."


Claves: "I must know what happened back at home. I have to win the letter no matter what."

Hans: "I'm going for the letters from the Mole. I don't have anyone who will write a letter to me."

Pamela: "I really want to know how things are like back home but I promised Zane to do somethi that will benefit us both. Hence I will aim for the Mole's letter."

Dealer: "You will be playing blackjack. Each round's prize differs but the grand prize are the letters you have chosen. To obtain them, you must win 3 rounds. After you have obtained the letter, you will be able to play for up to five more rounds to try and earn bonus points. You may quit at any time."

Dealer: "The first round will offer nothing additional. Place your bets."

Pamela: "How much should I gamble? I'm new to the scene."

Hans: "Hmm..."

Pamela: "I'm going conservative. I'll bet 10 Simoleons."

Claves: "I think 20 is a good number to start with."

Hans: "There's nothing to win, so I'm betting nothing."

Dealer: "Claves wins."

Claves: "Yes!"

Dealer: "Second round. You may earn the chance to record a clip to be delivered to any Sim of your choice."
Claves: "Sounds lovely."

Pamela: "I want that too."

Dealer: "Place your bets."

Pamela: "5 points for me."
Hans: "25 points."

Claves: "I'll go for 15 points."

The game is played for several rounds...

Hans: "I lost my earnings."

Pamela: "I haven't won a single game since I started!"

Pamela: "This is so stressful."

Claves: "I'm just one round away from the grand prize."

Pamela: "How many more points can I afford to bet?"

Pamela: "I'm just here to win the letter, so I'll play it really safely. I'll only bet 1 point."


Claves: "I miscalculated."
Pamela: "This is too hard to win."
Hans: "Are you sure? I just won my third round."

Hans: "I'm pulling out. I got what I wanted."

Hans: "In the end I didn't win any bonus points but I lost nothing overall too."

Hans: "Best of luck to you ladies."

Dealer: "You will now be playing for a correction. It can be played in any quiz but the final quiz and will randomly correct one of your wrong answers."


Pamela: "At last!"

Pamela: "Let's count how much I have left...oh no, I lost 16 points."

Pamela: "I'm quitting. I got my letter."

Pamela: "Claves, you are left with a few more rounds you can play right? I'll wait for you."

Dealer: "You will be playing for another correction."


Dealer: "That is the maximum number of rounds you can play."
Claves: "I did a good job."

Claves: "I won 50 Simoleons."

Claves: "I think I'm a big winner."

Claves: "Oh, it appears that I have lost 15 points nett. It's fine. I earned way more than that."

The pot now stands at 306/800 points after a trip to the casino. Was the gamble worth it for Hans, Pamela and Claves?

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