In the previous episode, Zane and Pamela had to identify movies based on pictures that the other contestants provided them. They got 3/5 movies, hence earning 60/100 points. Nobody earned the hidden exemption but the pair did get a coalition out of it. However, can they really trust each other? Could one of them be the Mole?
DAY 10
Zane: "Hmm...should I shave?"
Zane: "From this distance it doesn't look so bad. Maybe there isn't a need to."
Pamela: "Zane? Are you in here?"
Zane: "Ouch!"
Pamela: "Sorry! I didn't realise you were standing behind the door!"
Zane: "That hurt..."
Zane: "But it's okay. I'm fine."
Zane: "You were looking for me?"
Pamela: "I'm so excited to be working together. Given that we're in the same room it makes things so much easier too."
Pamela: "I want to know who you think the Mole could be. I could tell you didn't fully trust me in the mission but I can assure you that I'm not the Mole."
Zane: "It's nothing personal. To be honest, my main suspect has been Hans all the way."
Pamela: "Just Hans? Isn't that risky?"
Zane: "But it's speed that gets us eliminated in the game."
Pamela: "True, but we don't know how fast we are against the rest."
Pamela: "I personally feel that Stan could be the one. I never did quite like him."
Zane: "That's dangerous. You shouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgement. You'll end up getting hurt if you get too emotionally invested."
Pamela: "Is it wrong to be attached though? Just because this game is all about deceit doesn't mean we have to distrust everyone. On the other hand, I think times like these are the best for figuring out who your true friends are. Ultimately, this is just a game and I hate to not have formed a solid relationship because I was afraid the other party could be the Mole."
Zane: "That's fair I guess. Just don't expect me to be super on-the-ball."
Pamela: "Since we're a team now, I think we should get into some team-bonding activities to get to know each other better."
Hans: "Are you worried about tonight?"
Stanley: "What do I have to be worried about? I think you should worry. You just lost your partner and are no longer exempted."
Stanley: "If you know what's good for you you'd quit to save yourself the embarrassment or the trouble."
Hans: "If it was me before I would have gotten into a fight with you for that which could then have really gotten me expelled."
Hans: "But I've grown wiser."
Stanley: "We'll find out how wise you are once we take the quiz."
Claves: "What are you doing?"
Kelly: "Researching for uni."
Claves: "You're going to uni?"
Kelly: "Yes. I've even decided on the course for me: Business Administration. It's the most relevant to my career right now. I'm going to prove Chase and everyone else wrong. I just need to get past the interviews."
Claves: "You should read up on current affairs. They really want someone with a global sense and a nose for worldly affairs."
Kelly: "That's silly. I'm there to study about business. Why would I need to know that?"
Claves: "Tertiary education is different from what it was thirty years ago. Interviewers now want to know more about you as an individual, so you have to sell your strengths. You can definitely expect a 'tell me about yourself' question. They also seek talents with creativity and critical-thinking skills."
Kelly: "Really? I'm really out of touch with society. Since you say so, I'll trust you and start reading some news."
Kelly: "Oh, this was just posted. 'Polish Resistive Forces Thwarted Again; Government Still In Full Control'."
Kelly: "They won't ask about Poland. It's too far away."
Claves: "Read it. What does it say?"
Kelly: "Basically talking about how the resistance group had a supposedly foolproof plan that somehow didn't work out. Anonymous sources talk about a possible mole that leaked the plan. Also, it has a wanted list...what..."
Kelly: "Claves, one of them looks like you. Are you related to any of them?"
Claves: "I am related to my mother by birth, yes. I find it offensive that you think otherwise."
Kelly: "Huh? I wasn't talking about your mother, unless you are saying that that woman--"
Hans: "Hey ladies. Sorry to interrupt. Any laundry for us?"
Kelly: "I will wash it myself."
Claves: "I have a skirt that needs washing in the bathroom. But I can wash it myself."
Hans: "It's fine. I'll help you bring them to the washing machine."
Zane: "I'm not entering a women's bathroom."
Hans: "They're just clothes."
Kelly: "It is rare to meet a man who is so considerate and bothers to help do the laundry."
Claves: "Please do not bring up this matter any more, especially when we are not in private."
Claves: "My brother...he has been discovered. I am sorry I failed to help you. Bądź bezpieczny. Będę za tobą tęsknić."
It is time for the quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
Q2: What is the Mole's occupation?
Q3: Is the Mole currently in a coalition?
Q4: Name one of the Mole's favourite songs.
Q5: In Mission 5, which car was the Mole in?
Q6: What was the Mole's role in Mission 5?
Q7: What movie did the Mole try and depict in Mission 5?
Q8: In Mission 5, what was the movie Zane and Pamela guessed during the Mole's turn?
Q9: In Mission 5, in what order did the Mole go to Pamela and Zane?
Q10: Who is the Mole?
Pamela: I've teamed up with Zane now and I trust him. Hans is therefore another candidate of suspicion for me to take note of.
Zane: Hans failed again in the previous mission. He chose a stamp which looked nothing like a postal stamp and a golem that wasn't immediately clear to us. I tested Pamela and I doubt it's her.
Kelly: I'm still at five suspects. Zane has been a recent addition. I observed how he tried to mislead Pamela and I wonder how Stan caught this and I didn't before.
Stanley: Given that it's not Jane, the Mole must be Zane. He answered my movie with record speed, as if he had foreknowledge of what my movie was.
Hans: Pamela has been sliding under my radar for the longest time. Today I finally got a close look at her.
Chase: Pamela didn't do anything weird but I still have a bad feeling about her. Kelly failed in this mission. I saw which paintings she chose when we were upstairs. There was no way I would guess Nightmare on Elm's Street, and that's one of the few movies on the list that I did watch.
Claves: I couldn't eliminate anyone this time, but I do have more fodder to consider. If Pamela didn't make it so explicit what the answer was, I feel that Zane would have tried to wriggle out of the correct answer.
"It is a lovely evening for six of you, not so much for the last one of you. Who will survive tonight and who will not?"
"Hans Dixon."
Hans: "I made a change and I hope it pulled off."
Hans: "I guess it did."
"Chase Bennington."
Chase: "I never get a good feeling when my name is called."
Chase: "I don't know how I'm still in this."
"Zane Aason Averridge."
Zane: "Heh."
"Kelly Hoggart."
Kelly: "I made it a point to be much quicker in the quizzes. Surely that is enough."
Kelly: "Good."
"Stanley Mann."
Stanley: "I did my quizzes quite fast. I should be fine."
"Stanley Mann, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Stanley: "What?"
Stanley: "There's got to be some sort of mistake. I did the quiz as fast as I could. How could I be last?"
Pamela: "This result is quite the shock to me."
Pamela: "I know we didn't get quite along, but you were very serious about this and that is respectable. All I can say is that I can empathise."
Stanley: "Fuck this. It's rigged. Piper must have pulled some strings to get me out."
Stanley: "Nobody here is the Mole. The Mole is Piper who tried to sabotage me to get me out!"
"Thank you for joining, Stanley."
Hans: "It's called justice. His obnoxious personality bit him in the ass. He was so certain I would be leaving."
Kelly: "It's such a pity Stan left. I expected him to last longer than that. Stan had been so certain about who the Mole was and to think I was led by him too. The one good thing he taught me was to be quicker, which may have been what saved me."
Stanley is back to going behind the scenes! Was he right about there being no Mole? Or is the Mole just too elusive for him to notice?
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